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Milestone 3 Report
Getflix is an e-commerce platform that connects vendors and customers in one single platform with a great user experience. Our platform lets vendors signup to our system and add their products. They are able to later edit or delete their products through their vendor page. When a product of theirs is bought, they can display the order in the orders section on profile page. Then, they can change the current status of any order.
Getflix is also a nice and friendly place for buyers. Customers can signup and login into the system and immediately start shopping. The homepage displays our best products in certain categories. As customers make orders, Getflix recommends more personalized products. Customers can add products to their shopping cart and decide to continue their shopping later. Customers may decide to add products to their wishlist and get notified of any price changes. This system also notifies buyers as their orders’ status changes.
Getflix cares about customer satisfaction. Thus, offers much functionality to make customers sure about their buying choice. Getflix uses a rating and reviewing system for products, however, only the people who have bought the item can make reviews and rates. This way, we make sure products are rated fairly. Also, customers can contact the vendors about their questions and any problems. Getflix has a nice messaging functionality and supports sending media files.
For the first milestone, we have focused on building our foundation firm and clean. Our main prioritization was to keep our backend endpoints documentation up-to-date, to fix our meeting notes format, pull request templates and pull request review-approve-merge cycle, and to complete the CI-CD process to make things easier for further milestones. Team members followed our best practices and the management became much easier.
In terms of functionalities, we have completed the sign-up page, login page, auto-login using tokens, search page, product page, profile page, shopping cart page. We created a trending products section in our landing page, created a product card to display products in packed form, designed the header to show current user’s information.
For the second milestone, we were much confident about our performance and productivity since milestone 1 was showing that our team was working hard and communicating efficiently. Our work started working on the components that received feedback. We focused on fixing our bugs,
We have delivered our major components timely in accordance with our plan. We have completed purchasing a product including adding and editing credit cards and addresses, search page functionality in the backend, product reviewing system and displaying in the product page, managing customer orders for vendors, profile page with addresses, credit cards, messages sections, product page with detailed information, email verification system and displaying a warning to unverified accounts, wishlist functionality with mock data.
Although we have created many pages and components, all teams focused greatly on User Experience when designing the subcomponents. We have changed our homepage to display products in categorical format because of feedbacks in milestone 1. We have improved our init process by showing a user-friendly loading page, started to increase using status update messages at the right-top corner of the page, enhanced token management system by injecting tokens in HTTP headers, created a mock proxy server in frontend for faster development experience
For the final milestone, our team knew that we were going to be busy at this time of the semester, so we have greatly advantaged our decisions in previous milestones like implementing continuous integration pipeline in milestone 1, or focusing on user experience and not overlooking small details and hoping our customer would not notice.
Teams were confident in their acquired skills obtained through milestones 1 and 2, so we did not experience technical slowness. After milestone 2, we all have gathered in the lab session and discussed the deliverables for the final milestone. As we concretized the tasks, we made sure that our customers and we were on the same page. Then, teams started arranging their own meetings.
Previous milestones were focusing on components from the customer’s point of view. However, for the final milestone, we focus more on vendor-related pages and components.
The functionalities we have implemented are as follows:
- We have started using personalized product recommendation system, this is the first time we have included data science into our system. We have displayed these recommended products on our homepage.
- We have created a notifications section on the profile page to let customers know about the change in their order status and any price change of products that are added to the wishlist.
- We have created a vendor page to display fundamental vendor information like title, description, image, and rating. Also, the page displays the main products of the vendor in a grid-based view. The page is designed for both customers and vendors so it normally shows vendor’s info but it enables the vendor owner of the page to edit it. The owner can add new products, edit existing products, edit its basic information in place, etc.
- To edit and add products, we have prioritized the user experience. A pop-up modal is shown and fills the information automatically from the clicked product.
- Messaging system that enables customers and vendors to connect and share information. Messaging functionality modal made accessible via Orders section and Vendor’s page. Previous messages can be accessed on the Profile page.
- Created an Orders page for Vendors that shows the current status of orders and it comes with functionality to change the status of orders.
Overall, we spent such a productive and amazing semester since we have practiced teamwork, realized the importance of communication, gained knowledge about software best practices, and obtained hands-on experience in many latest technologies.
- Web Interface: The frontend application of our project was flawless in the presentation. We have showcased multiple components without any bugs and problems. Planning and implementation are designed by taking user experience into account as discussed in the lectures and lab hours. The functionalities that are presented were in line with our customer's needs.
- Android Interface: Android application of our project was ready and fully functional in the presentation. Components in the Android application were in sync with the Web Interface in terms of design and functionality.
- Database and endpoints: Database and endpoints worked as intended during the presentation. We have created data, such as some orders and reviews, to be used in the presentation specifically for our scenario.
- Requirements: Requirements were already cleared and updated in Milestone 1 so there was no need for any other change. A link to requirements can be found in our Wiki page
- API Documentation: API documentation is up to date with all the endpoints. Thus, Android and Frontend teams had been working without the constant need for the Backend team.
- Project Plan: Our project plan is ready and can be found on our Wiki page. The project plan has been a directive in planning our work, distributing tasks, and completing the aforementioned deliverables.
- User Scenarios: User scenarios that we used in the presentation can be found in the report. The scenarios for Frontend and Android teams are arranged by the team leaders and got approved by all team members. Scenarios are arranged to be in line with each other and to complement the flow of the presentation and present the most important features we have implemented.
gpg (GPG_PASSWORD is stored in Github Secrets)
Create an EC2 instance
Make sure that the EC2 instance has for name "instance"
Make sure that it has the ports 80 (frontend), 8000 (backend) and 5432 (postgres) open in its Security Policy
SSH into the instance and install Docker
CD into the repo
Execute the following:
./copy_backend_secrets.sh && ./encrypt_secrets.sh
- Merge master to deploy and push
- The .github/workflows will execute when pushed to deploy
- Docker
- Linux
- git
To build the images from scratch please follow the commands below: IMPORTANT: For the purposes of testing, you can download the docker images from the drive link and continue from Step 4.
- Clone the repo to your local and switch into it
git clone https://github.com/bounswe/bounswe2020group2 && cd bounswe2020group2
- Download and copy .env.production and .env.development to ecommerce/backend
cp .env.development ecommerce/backend
cp .env.production ecommerce/backend
- Build the backend and frontend images
docker build ecommerce/frontend -t frontend --build-arg REACT_APP_API_URL="http://localhost:8000"
docker build ecommerce/backend -t backend
- Load docker images (skip if you are not in testing)
docker pull postgres
docker load -i frontend.tar.gz
docker load -i backend.tar.gz
- Run and setup/restore database
docker run --name database --net=host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin postgres
docker cp dump.sql database:/
docker exec database psql -U postgres -f /dump.sql
- Run backend
docker run --name backend --net=host -e DEBUG=False -e DB_HOST=localhost backend
- Run frontend
docker run --name frontend --net=host frontend
- Open the browser and go to http://localhost
Team Member | Contributions |
A. Furkan Varol | At the start of Milestone 3, I created the Recommendations component. This is a component that shows a list of recommended products for the specific user. Here, I used the same structure that I implemented previously for Best Sellers components on the Home Page. Then, I refactored and glanced over the whole project. Removed the necessary imports from every .js file. Altered the design of the Best Sellers components on the Home Page, so that they did not overflow vertically. Changed some error messages and notification text with more appropriate ones. At last, I tried to get the updating profile information functionality up and running before the milestone and implemented the frontend part but we could not stay in sync, thus I was not able to merge this into master. |
Aleyna Kara | |
Aslı Aykan | After Milestone 2, I firstly dealt with the filter, sort, and search functionalities which were missing in Milestone 2. I added an edit text to the toolbar on the homepage, and added the search functionality by refactoring the related endpoint function and handling necessary navigations. I added a rating bar to FilterOptionsFragment, and made the options for the filter on this page work correctly by also adding necessary fragment arguments for it. I also edited the vertical product layout, by adding a rating bar and removing unused amount section for the user to see the ratings of the products. I connected all the sort options of the related endpoint to the layout. I removed the toolbar on ProductFragment and added a small back button for the user to see the full image of the product. For the message functionality, I firstly made a research about chat libraries in Android. After also discussing with my subteam, I decided to use the ChatKit library. I needed to examine the sample Java code of this library on its GitHub page, and find out what functions&data models are necessary and how to adapt them to our app. After that, I created CustMessagesFragment(by also adding its navigation to the ProfileFragment), CustChatFragment and VendorChatFragment from scratch, and redesigned the VendorMessagesFragment. To use the library functions correctly, I added the necessary data classes which are Message, MessageModel, MessageListModel, DialogModel and AuthorModel. For the classes that I created, adapted and converted to Kotlin language for this library, I gave their related GitHub links as references in comment sections of my code (I also informed stfalcon-studio that we are using its library for our school project via email). I added the necessary endpoints functions for GET /messages and POST /messages, by also adding their necessary request and response classes. Terms&conditions texts for register and completing order were also missing in Milestone 2, so I took these texts from frontend and added them to our app. I also added the necessary checkbox for it on the complete order page and made them clickable so that pop-ups open with these texts on it. For the list selection on product fragment, I created two dialogs: one with the radio buttons(with MaterialDialog builder) and the other one with an edit text(custom dialog). For a more realistic app design, instead of showing empty pages and only a floating action button when the user has no credit cards, addresses or product lists, I created three empty page designs for ListsFragment, AddressFragment and BankAccountFragment with an image view, text view and add button by also adding related navigations to these buttons. I disabled navigating to the complete order page if the shopping cart is empty, with a dialog that warns the user. I also handled the bugs that occur when the guest option is enabled. I made navigating to the complete order page, adding products to the shopping cart and navigating to the bank accounts page disabled for the user with related dialogs that warn the user. I added the necessary endpoint functions for GET /lists, POST /lists, DELETE /lists/{id}, DELETE /lists/{id}/product/{product_id}, POST /lists/{id}/product/{product_id}, GET /recommendation, GET /notification, POST /notification/seen and POST /notification/seen/{notification_id} by also adding necessary request and response classes. I connected all these endpoints with the related layouts. For delete endpoints, I created necessary SwipeToDelete classes. After the notification endpoint connection, I made the necessary design updates for NotificationFragment (with product images, seen&unseen buttons and same text formats with frontend). I also made design improvements on OrderInfoFragment and OrderProductsFragment, after realizing our misunderstanding for the json format of order. I connected the add to cart button on list products page to the related endpoint function. I refactored all the product images according to the update in the backend. After the presentation, I also added POST /vendor/product and DELETE /vendor/product endpoints, refactored the vendor product navigation, connected these endpoints to related layouts, and created AddProductFragment from scratch. I also handled some small bugs during the last refactoring. I merged all the commits for Android while also resolving all the conflicts. I also reviewed all of the pull requests for Android. |
Burak Çetin | |
Furkan Nane | |
Hande Şirikçi | |
Mehdi Saffar (Communicator) | refactor the CI/CD pipeline workflow files to work with only one single instance, implement the frontend interface of the messaging system, implement the vendor user interface focusing on the profile page and the vendor orders, report a few bugs in backend (image url confusion, vendor_id vs user_id confusion), co-author vendor orders page with Özdeniz Dolu, co-author add/edit product modal with Özdeniz Dolu, continue implementing missing functionalities of Product List with Özdeniz Dolu, hide customer-related actions from Vendor user interface (such as add to shopping cart, add to product list, checkout...), co-author the vendor homepage with Özdeniz Dolu and Abdullah Yıldız, due to our EC2 instance being hacked the day before the demo, refactor backend and github actions to hide django SECRET_KEY from github and pass it as an environment variable to the CI/CD pipeline, collect a list of bugs in the frontend (> 15) and fix them before the demo, build Docker images of backend and frontend for the Submission Delivery Package, write the System Manual with Ömer Faruk Deniz for deploying locally and to AWS |
Mehmet Umut Öksüz | Implemented price change notifications and order status change notifications at backend, implemented endpoints to make a specific notification or all notifications seen. Fixed minor bugs (image adding problem at vendor edit product, changed something in delete product). After frontend team requested, added username to user serializer. Attended meetings and distributed tasks at backend team. Also join some frontend meetings to listen their requirements from backend and fix problems. Helped my teammates wherever they had a problem. |
Ömer Faruk Deniz | Implemented the password change endpoint, send message and get conversations endpoints both of which compose the direct-messaging system of the platform, implemented the semantic search functionality, fixed the user_id and vendor_id in the system. Fixed the system before the Milestone 3 due to an attack to the server and wrote the System Manual with Mehdi Saffar. Attended all of the meetings of backend, arranged meetings for the specific needs of other teams. Reviewed and refactored nearly all of the pull requests opened for the Milestone 3. |
Özdeniz Dolu | |
Abdullah Yıldız | Created a notification system where customers are getting a message about a price change in their wishlist and any order status change. Designed a page to display notifications in vertical list format. Designed notification’s layout to show image, link, title, date and description message. I kept in coordination with Android team to keep in harmony. I created a common message description template for both price change and order status changes and shared with Android team. I created buttons to mark notifications and mark specific notification seen. Created Vendor’s page to display fundamental information of vendors. Designed the page editable according to current signed in user. Changed product cards editable to work with vendor’s page. Designed the Vendor Splash page, arranged the layout, selected a background color. I created Vendor’s Main products page in grid based view by getting help from our previous components. I created Vendor Reviews page from our previous User Reviews component in case we can display different information. I have integrated Adding product and Editing product modals with my Vendor page. |
Murat Can Bayraktar | |
Bekir Yıldırım |
🏠 Home
- A. Furkan Varol
- Aleyna Kara
- Aslı Aykan
- Burak Çetin
- Furkan Nane
- Hande Şirikçi
- Hüseyin Seyyid Kaplan
- Mehdi Saffar (Communicator)
- Mehmet Umut Öksüz
- Ömer Faruk Deniz
- Özdeniz Dolu
- Abdullah Yıldız
- Murat Can Bayraktar
- Bekir Yıldırım
- Meeting Notes #1 (13.02.2020)
- Meeting Notes #2 (20.02.2020)
- Meeting Notes #3 (26.02.2020)
- Meeting Notes #4 (04.03.2020)
- Meeting Notes #5 (11.03.2020)
- Meeting Notes #6 (16.04.2020)
- Meeting Notes #7 (23.04.2020)
- Meeting Notes #8 (30.04.2020)
- Meeting Notes #9 (07.05.2020)
- Meeting Notes #10 (14.05.2020)
- Meeting Notes #11 (22.10.2020)
- Meeting Notes #12 (27.10.2020)
- Meeting Notes #13 (03.11.2020)
- Meeting Notes #14 (10.11.2020)
- Meeting Notes #15 (17.11.2020)
- Meeting Notes #16 (01.12.2020)
- Meeting Notes #17 (08.12.2020)
- Meeting Notes #18 (15.12.2020)
- Meeting Notes #19 (22.12.2020)
- Meeting Notes #20 (05.01.2021)
- Meeting Notes #21 (12.01.2021)
- (Frontend) Meeting Notes #1 (11.11.2020)
- (Frontend) Meeting Notes #2 (17.11.2020)
- (Frontend) Meeting Notes #3 (21.11.2020)
- (Frontend) Meeting Notes #4 (05.01.2021)
- (Frontend) Meeting Notes #5 (14.01.2021)
- (Android) Meeting Notes #1 (11.12.2020)
- (Android) Meeting Notes #2 (17.12.2020)
- (Backend) Meeting Notes #3 (20.12.2020)
- (Backend) Meeting Notes #4 (07.01.2021)
- (Backend) Meeting Notes #5 (19.01.2021)
- (Backend) Meeting Notes #6 (21.01.2021)
- (Backend) Meeting Notes #7 (21.01.2021)
- (Backend) Meeting Notes #8 (23.01.2021)
- (Backend) Meeting Notes #9 (25.01.2021)