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169 lines (115 loc) · 5.74 KB

File metadata and controls

169 lines (115 loc) · 5.74 KB

Release process: Core package

  1. Change version numbers:
    • Update SnpEff pom.xml
    • Update SnpSift pom.xml
    • Update scripts_build/, line export VERSION=5.1
    • Check Config.DATABASE_COMPATIBLE_VERSIONS for new version compatibilities added
  2. Build JAR files: ./make.bds
  3. Run tests: ./make.bds -test
  4. Run SnpEff/git/reelease and SnpSift/git/reelease
  5. Create distro ZIP files: ./make.bds -distroCore
  6. Upload core files to Azure: ./make.bds -uploadCore
  7. Update web page and documentation: ./make.bds -createDocs, see Documentation section

Release process: Databases

  1. Download databases: ./make.bds -download, (see Download Database sources
  2. Build databases: ./make.bds -db, see section "Databases sources updates details" for details
  3. Upload files to Azure: ./make.bds -uploadDbs

AWS instance notes: Downloading database sources: Can be done in a small instance (4 cores)

  • Disk: 2 TB
  • Memory: 32 GB (building dbNSFP loads large files in memory to sort by chr:pos)

Building databases: 64 cores recommended


  • NOTES:
    • GitHub pages are published from /docs directory (main project's directory). This is configured in GitHub's project settings.
    • Markdown source for mkdocs is under src/docs

Building docs

./make.bds -createDocs

This will create site directory (ref: and copy the html pages to docs directory, so when you push to github it will be "published"

Testing: Local

Localhost web-server starting: This will create local web-site on (ref:

# Go to snpEff's install dir, activate virtual environment containing mkdocs
cd ~/snpEff; source ./bin/activate
./bin/mkdocs serve

Publishing docs

Just commit to GitHub, the updated pages in docs directory will be shown after a few minutes

./git/commit 'Documentation updated'


SnpEff uses mkdocs. To build docs you need mkdocs-material theme installed. mkdocs dependencies is included in mkdocs-material now (ref:

# Go to snpEff's install dir, activate virtual environment containing mkdocs
cd ~/snpEff; source ./bin/activate

pip install mkdocs-material

Download Database sources

Database compatible versions

Update make.bds, variable dbCompatibleVersions. Add list of all database versions that are compatible with this release

ENSEMBL vertebrates release number

  1. Go to ENSEMBL's site and check the latest release number:
  2. Update make.bds variable ensemblRelease
  3. Create an empty config file config/snpEff.ENSEMBL_{RELEASE_NUMBER}.config
  4. Run ./make.bds -download will create the appropriate line for the config file config/snpEff.ENSEMBL_{RELEASE_NUMBER}.config

UCSC genomes list updates

  1. Download list of UCSC genomes from API
curl > ucscGenomes.json
  1. Check UCSC genomes (API call + jq):
jq -r '.ucscGenomes | keys[] ucscGenomes.json'
  1. Use the list of genomes to update make.bds, variable ucscGenomes
  2. WARNING: You need to filter out repeated genomes and use the latest versions for each (maybe except hg and mm)

ENSEMBL vertebrates release number

  1. Check latest release number from
  2. Update release number on make.bds, variable ensemblBfmppRelease
  3. Create an empty config file config/snpEff.ENSEMBL_BFMPP_{RELEASE_NUMBER}.config
  4. Run ./make.bds -download will create the appropriate line for the config file config/snpEff.ENSEMBL_BFMPP_{RELEASE_NUMBER}.config


Note: It looks like FlyBase is not providing any GTF files for other than 'dmel', this is really weird, they used to have them in the past (maybe the project is dead/dying?)

  1. Check latest release from
  2. Update make.bds, variable flybaseRelease
  3. Update the list of genomes, variable flybaseGenomes
  4. Check which genomes have GTF files (right click on each link and look for gtf subdir)
  5. Create / Update the config file config/snpEff.FLYBASE_{FLYBASE_RELEASE}.config

MANE Genome

  1. Check latest version from
  2. Update make.bds, variable maneRelease
  3. Update file config/snpEff.dbs.config, look for GRCh38.mane.* entries


Usually nothing to update, there is a stable link to the latest version


Usually nothing to update

  1. Check release vresion from
  2. Update src/bds/download/downloadHumanDb.bds
    1. GRCh37: Variable urlDbSnpGrch37
    2. GRCh38: Variable urlDbSnpGrch38


  1. Check latest version from
  2. Update make.bds, variable dbNsfpVersion (use the version ending in "a")


Usually nothing to update

  1. Check the page
  2. WARNING: If there are changes in the format, Java code might need to change


  1. Check the download page
  2. Download link from
  3. Update src/bds/download/downloadHumanDb.bds, variable urlJaspar


Usually nothing to update

  1. Check release from
  2. Update link in src/bds/download/downloadHumanDb.bds, variable urlNextProt


  1. Check download page for change
  2. Check rsyn script
