Orange is a component-based data mining software. It includes a range of data visualization, exploration, preprocessing and modeling techniques. It can be used through a nice and intuitive user interface or, for more advanced users, as a module for the Python programming language.
This is the latest version of Orange (for Python 3). The deprecated version of Orange 2.7 (for Python 2.7) is still available (binaries and sources).
Orange requires Python 3.6 or newer.
First, install Miniconda for your OS. Create virtual environment for Orange:
conda create python=3 --name orange3
In your Anaconda Prompt add conda-forge to your channels:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
This will enable access to the latest Orange release. Then install Orange3:
conda install orange3
To install the add-ons, follow a similar recipe:
conda install orange3-<addon name>
See specific add-on repositories for details.
To install Orange with pip, run the following.
# Install some build requirements via your system's package manager
sudo apt install virtualenv build-essential python3-dev
# Create a separate Python environment for Orange and its dependencies ...
virtualenv --python=python3 --system-site-packages orange3venv
# ... and make it the active one
source orange3venv/bin/activate
# Install Orange
pip install orange3
To install Orange with winget, run:
winget install --id UniversityofLjubljana.Orange
To start Orange GUI from the command line, run:
# or
python3 -m Orange.canvas
Append --help
for a list of program options.