In 2018, I graduated from Xidian University with a bachelor's degree
+in communication engineering. In the same year, I was admitted to the
+University of Science and Technology of China as the first place in
+software engineering where I recievied a master's degree in 2021.
From July 2019 to June 2021, I was an intern at Intel Beijing engaged
+in the decision-making and planning of autonomous vehicles. From July
+2021 to August 2022, I worked on lane change planning for self-driving
+cars in Didi's autonomous driving department (Voyager).
I recieved the following awards:
First class award. Sep. 2014
Freshman Entrance Scholarship. Sep. 2018
Bosch scholarship. Sep. 2019
The second prize of the National Postgraduate Mathematical Contest
+in Modeling. Nov. 2019
During my internship at HPCC Systems in 2023, I had the incredible
+opportunity to work on a dynamic project that pushed the boundaries of
+my technical skills and knowledge. In this post, I will summarize the
+key aspects and achievements of my internship project, highlighting the
+challenges I faced, the solutions I implemented, and the valuable
+lessons I learned along the way.
In HPCC Systems, pictures need to be uploaded to HPCC Systems before
+they can be accessed. This blog post documents how to upload an image to
+HPCC Systems
ECL is not a procedural language, that is, the order in which
+operations are performed is not necessarily the order given by the code,
+which can cause trouble in calculating the execution time of operations.
+This blog describes how to calculate the execution time of certain
+operations for users to evaluate performance.
According to the configuration instructions provided by TensorFlow
+and CUDA, I installed and configured the environment, but HPCC Systems
+couldn't detect the GPU. This blog post documents the process of how I
+resolved this issue.
When upgrading the HPCC GNN bundle from TensorFlow1.x to
+TensorFlow2.x, I encountered an error of
+numpy() is only available when eager execution is enabled.
+This blog records the cause and solution of the problem.
In the ECL language, operations such as OUTPUT cannot be performed in
+the definition, complicating our view of intermediate variables. This
+blog introduces debugging tips for several ECL programming language.
The Node.js, Hexo and Next themes used in previous blogs are
+outdated, causing a lot of compatibility issues. So I reconfigured my
+blog and this post records my configuration and development process.
According to the configuration instructions provided by TensorFlow
+and CUDA, I installed and configured the environment, but HPCC Systems
+couldn't detect the GPU. This blog post documents the process of how I
+resolved this issue.
I run the test code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
STRING GPUtest() := EMBED(Python) import tensorflow as tf if tf.test.is_gpu_available(): return 'available' else: return 'unavailable' ENDEMBED;
res := GPUtest(); OUTPUT(res, NAMED('res'))
Reason : In my previous environment setup, I installed TensorFlow and
+CUDA in root mode, but I only configured the environment information in
+the .bashrc file of the current user.
+However, HPCC Systems creates a new user named "hpcc" and uses the
+environment variables from that user. As a result, in the "hpcc" user,
+the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and other environment variables were
+not present, causing CUDA and GPU recognition to fail.
I first modify the password of hpcc:
sudo passwd hpcc
In Ubuntu, there are two methods to switch to another user:
su user: The su command requires you to enter the password of the
+target user. You must know the password of the target user and have root
+user privileges. When switching to the target user using the su command,
+the target user's complete environment variables are not loaded. It only
+switches to the target user's identity and inherits the current user's
+environment variables.
sudo -i -u user: When using the sudo -i -u user command to switch to
+the target user, the target user's complete environment variables are
+loaded. It switches you to the target user's identity and loads the
+target user's environment settings.
According to the environment variable setting rules in Linux, I have
+added the previously set environment variables into
Using sudo -i -u hpcc to enter the hpcc user and typing
+env, I found that the previous settings have taken effect.
+Please note that at this point, you should not use su hpcc
+to enter the user, as it would load incorrect environment variables.
However, even after making these settings, it appears that HPCC still
+cannot properly recognize the GPU.
So I tried running the code in HPCC, retrieving the environment
+variables, and restarting HPCC Systems. After that, I ran:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
STRING GPUtest() := EMBED(Python) import tensorflow as tf import subprocess
I found that the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+was not loaded correctly. Could it be because the
+CUDNN_PATH is using a Python statement that was not
+executed correctly? To test this, I changed CUDNN_PATH
In the ECL language, operations such as OUTPUT cannot be performed in
+the definition, complicating our view of intermediate variables. This
+blog introduces debugging tips for several ECL programming language.
Use WHEN to output
+intermediate variables
Unlike programming languages such as C++ and Python, in ECL, the
+OUTPUT operation cannot be performed in the function
+definition. It will prompt
WHEN must be used to associate an action with a definition
We can use WHEN to output intermediate variables. For
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
//a FUNCTION with side-effect Action namesTable := FUNCTION namesRecord := RECORD STRING20 surname; STRING10 forename; INTEGER2 age := 25; END; o := OUTPUT('namesTable used by user <x>'); ds := DATASET([{'x','y',22}],namesRecord); RETURN WHEN(ds,O); END;
z := namesTable(); OUTPUT(z);
For multiple outputs, SEQUENTIAL can be used. For
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
//a FUNCTION with side-effect Action namesTable := FUNCTION namesRecord := RECORD STRING20 surname; STRING10 forename; INTEGER2 age := 25; END; ds := DATASET([{'x','y',22}],namesRecord); RETURN WHEN(ds,SEQUENTIAL(OUTPUT('namesTable used by user <x>'), OUTPUT('test2'))); END;
z := namesTable(); OUTPUT(z);
Logging with Std.System.Log
By using Std.System.Log, some logs can be recorded. For
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
IMPORT Std.System.Log AS Syslog;
//a FUNCTION with side-effect Action namesTable := FUNCTION namesRecord := RECORD STRING20 surname; STRING10 forename; INTEGER2 age := 25; END; ds := DATASET([{'x','y',22}],namesRecord); RETURN WHEN(ds, Syslog.addWorkunitInformation('test1234')); END;
z := namesTable(); OUTPUT(z);
In Helpers of ECL Watch, in EclAgentLog, you can find
+the corresponding log.
+embedded languages, use assert to check intermediate variables
When we need to debug some embedded Python codes, we cannot use the
+print function to print intermediate variables and can only
+output them externally by means of an
+assert False, 'message'. For example, if I want to view the
+summary of the model I defined, I can use the following:
When upgrading the HPCC GNN bundle from TensorFlow1.x to
+TensorFlow2.x, I encountered an error of
+numpy() is only available when eager execution is enabled.
+This blog records the cause and solution of the problem.
Problem Description
When writing the test code, I encountered a strange bug.
I defined a TensorFlow model:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras import models,layers
numpy() is only available when eager execution is enabled.
Cause and solution
After many investigations, it is found that the result of
+tf.executing_eagerly() is False. This is strange. I am
+using TensorFlow2.12, and the eager mode is enabled by
+default. Why does this error still occur?
The reason is that I upgraded from the compatibility mode of
+TensorFlow2. That is, the original TensorFlow mode is:
1 2
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf # V2.x tf.disable_v2_behavior()
Before the HPCC System Platform is restarted,
+tf.disable_v2_behavior() will always take effect, so the
+value of tf.executing_eagerly() is False.
Learn the basics of ECL, the powerful programming language built for
+big data analytics.
File type
There are two kinds of operations in ECL, definition (Definitions)
+and execution (Actions). After using EXPORT to execute the definition
+operation, it will no longer be able to perform operations in this
Similarly, ECL has two kinds of files. Their suffixes are
+.ecl. Definitions file and build execution (BWR, Builder
+Window Runnable) file. The difference is
The definition file always contains EXPORT and SHARED definitions
+and contains no execution operations. Therefore, the file cannot be
+executed through Submit.
The BWR file contains at least one execution operation and no EXPORT
+and SHARED definition operations.
Define variables
Variable names cannot have spaces and end with a semicolon. Format
+for defining variables:
Among them, n indicates that this integer occupies number of
+bytes, which can be 1~8. The default is 8.
IntType describes whether the high bit of the number is at
+the low address or the low bit is at the low address. Can take either
UNSIGNED, used to describe whether it is signed or not, the default
+is signed.
REAL[** n **] represents a floating point
+number, n can be 4 (7 significant figures) or 8 (15 significant
All elements must be of the same type.
1 2 3
SetInts := [1,2,3,4,5]; // an INTEGER set with 5 elements SetExp := [1,2+3,45,SomeIntegerDefinition,7*3]; SetSomeField := SET(SomeFile, SomeField);
SET can be accessed by subscript, subscript starts from
1 2 3
MySet := [5,4,3,2,1]; ReverseNum := MySet[2]; //indexing to MySet's element number 2, //so ReverseNum contains the value 4
Strings are treated as SET with multiple 1-character elements, so
+they can also be accessed by subscript
1 2
MyString := 'ABCDE'; MySubString := MyString[2]; // MySubString is 'B'
Strings support range access:
1 2 3 4
MyString := 'ABCDE'; MySubString1 := MyString[2..4]; // MySubString1 is 'BCD' MySubString2 := MyString[ ..4]; // MySubString2 is 'ABCD' MySubString3 := MyString[2.. ]; // MySubString3 is 'BCDE'
The data type in the Set can be specified:
1 2 3 4 5 6
SET OF INTEGER1 SetValues := [5,10,15,20];
IsInSetFunction(SET OF INTEGER1 x=SetValues,y) := y IN x;
How to use: EXPORT[ VIRTUAL ]
+definition, only one EXPORT Module is allowed
+in each file, and the name of this Module must be the
+same as the file name.
VIRTUAL is optional. If specified, the definition is only valid
+within the Module. Allows usage as Module.Definition from other
EXPORT allows nesting. If you want to access a value in Module from
+another file, this value must also be modified by EXPORT.
Enums can be useful when you want to represent a limited set of
+possible values for a variable or a parameter. For example:
1 2 3 4
Color := ENUM(RED=1, GREEN=2, BLUE=3); myColor := Color.RED;
OUTPUT(myColor); # 1
A RECORD in ECL represents the structure or format of a
+dataset. It is similar to the concept of a "table" in a SQL database,
+where each field in the record is similar to a column in the table. It
+defines the data types and names of fields.
For example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ChildRec := RECORD UNSIGNED4 person_id; STRING20 per_surname; STRING20 per_forename; END;
rec := RECORD STRING20 name; INTEGER4 age; BOOLEAN isEmployed; END;
usually used with DATASET.
It represents a set of data. A dataset is a group of records with the
+same record layout. A record layout is defined using the
+RECORD structure, which contains a set of fields, each with
+a name and a type.
For example, to output 111 to the test panel, you can write:
OUTPUT(1111, NAMED('test'));
Used to create a new dataset (Dataset). The TABLE
+function takes a set of records (each defined by a RECORD
+structure) and an optional filter condition, and returns a new
In PROJECT, the TRANSFORM operation is performed on each piece of
+data, and then a new data set is obtained, which is one-to-one in
+quantity. And NORMALIZE is to expand a single piece of data into
+multiple pieces of data. In some cases, you may have a field that
+contains repeated data, and you may wish to split each repetition into a
+separate record. In this case, you can use the NORMALIZE
+function. The NORMALIZE function is used by receiving a
+dataset and a TRANSFORM function and returning a new dataset. In the
+conversion function, you need to define how to split the original
+records into new records.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Layout := RECORD STRING10 name; INTEGER4 times; END;
ds.times indicates the number of times to repeat, and
+the TRANSFORM function defines how to convert the original
+record into a new record. In the output dataset, John and
+Jane will appear 3 and 2 times, respectively. Note that in
+the NORMALIZE function, for the current data, use LEFT
INTEGER4 MySquare(INTEGER4 val) := EMBED(Python) return val * val ENDEMBED;
OUTPUT(MySquare(5)); // 25
The LOCAL keyword is mainly used to limit the scope of
+data or functions, or to control how data is distributed in the
If a definition (for example, a dataset or function) is declared
+LOCAL, then this definition is only visible in the ECL
+statement in which it is declared. This is similar to local variables in
+other programming languages. For example:
1 2 3 4
ECLCopy codemyFunction := FUNCTION LOCAL myLocalValue := 5; // Only available in this function RETURN myLocalValue * 2; END;
Additionally, when the LOCAL keyword is used on a
+dataset, it indicates that the dataset should be computed locally on
+each node, rather than across the entire cluster. This can be useful for
+reducing network communication and speeding up calculations. For
+example, the following ECL statement creates a dataset that is computed
+locally on each node:
In this example, myRecordDef is a record definition that
+describes the structure of each record in the dataset. Each node will
+process a portion of this dataset, not the entire dataset.
It is often used to judge whether a function has obtained the
+expected result.
In HPCC Systems, pictures need to be uploaded to HPCC Systems before
+they can be accessed. This blog post documents how to upload an image to
+HPCC Systems
First upload the image to Landing Zones in ECL Watch:
After uploading, select this picture, and in Import, select BLOB:
Set up as follows:
Then use the following code to get the Hex content of this image:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
imageRecord := RECORD STRING filename; DATA image; //first 4 bytes contain the length of the image data UNSIGNED8 RecPos{virtual(fileposition)}; END;
If you want to convert this Hex content into np array for subsequent
+processing, you can use the following code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
STRING hexToNparry(DATA byte_array):= EMBED(Python) from PIL import Image import numpy as np import io bytes_data = bytes(byte_array) image = I_array = np.array(image) # this is all you need return ''.join(str(i) for i in I_array.shape) # check the shape of this image, height * width* channel ENDEMBED; OUTPUT(hexToNparry(imageData[1].image), NAMED('npShape'));
The Node.js, Hexo and Next themes used in previous blogs are
+outdated, causing a lot of compatibility issues. So I reconfigured my
+blog and this post records my configuration and development process.
Install Hexo
Install Node.js, use the command node --version to
+view the installed version, the version I installed is 16.17.0.
Install Hexo using npm install -g hexo-cli.
Use the following commands to initialize and complete the most
+basic website building.
1 2 3
$ hexo init <BlogDir> $ cd <folder> $ npm install
My Hexo version is 6.3.0. For more detailed commands, please refer to
+This Doc.
Using Next theme
There are currently three versions of the hexo next theme: the earliest
+version, the second
+version, these two versions have been stopped maintenance, and the
+version is still being maintained. Please refer to this
+doc for the relationship between the three versions.
All subsequent configurations are based on the latest
Download and install the Next theme:
1 2
$ cd hexo-site $ git clone themes/next
Set theme: next in
+Hexo site __config.yml to enable the Next theme.
Set scheme: Pisces in
+Next Theme __config.yml(You can use other scheme).
Use abbrlink
Hexo uses the Markdown file name as the link by default. If the file
+name has Chinese, Hexo need to escape the it. In addition, it may lead
+to a very long link . Modifying the article title causes the article
+title to not match the file name. Modifying the file name will cause the
+article link to be modified. None of these above is helpful for search
+engines to search your blog.
So I hash the filename and use the hash as the link to the article.
+In this way, the article link will never change, which is convenient for
+search engines to search.
Install hexo-abbrlink:
$ npm install hexo-abbrlink --save
In Hexo site __config.yml set:
1 2 3 4 5 6
# abbrlink config abbrlink: alg:crc32# crc16(default) and crc32 rep:hex# dec(default) and hex
When using hexo-abbrlink, the address in
+the default Markdown syntax for adding images
+![image description](address/image.jpg) is not converted,
+resulting in the image not being displayed. Referring to the previous
+hexo-asset-image plugin, I wrote a new plugin to solve this
In this way, your blog's post structure will look like this:
1 2 3
YourBlogDoc ├── image.jpg
Insert image image.jpg by
+![image description](YourBlogDoc/image.jpg) or
+![image description](D:/<Absolute_Addr>/YourBlogDoc/image.jpg).
+Then use hexo clean, hexo g,
+hexo server to preview.
Blog appearance modification
Modify hyperlink color
There are two plugins that support Algolia search:
+hexo-algolia and hexo-algoliasearch, the
+former can only search article titles, while the latter can search
+article content. I use the latter for the English site.
Record Application ID,
+Search-Only API Key, Admin Key
+npm install hexo-algoliasearch --save
In Hexo site __config.yml, set:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
algolia: appId:"Your App ID" apiKey:"Your Search Only API Key" adminApiKey:"40321c7c207e7f73b63a19aa24c4761b" chunkSize:5000 indexName:"Your Index Name" fields: -content:strip:truncate,0,500 -excerpt:strip -gallery -permalink -photos -slug -tags -title
In Next Theme __config.yml, set:
1 2 3 4
algolia_search: enable:true hits: per_page:10
I think this way will be better: If it is found, it will display the
+found results, instead of showing that XXX is found within XXX
+milliseconds, like Google, Baidu does. If it is not found, it will
+display "not found".
The comment system that comes with the Next theme is valine, which
+is a comment system without a backend, and it is said that there are
+some information security issues. So I use waline. First we need to follow
+waline's configuration document to set the required components, and also
+install the plugin Hexo NexT
# Word limit, no limit when setting to 0 wordLimit: 0
# Whether enable login, can choose from 'enable', 'disable' and 'force' login: enable
# comment per page pageSize: 10
If you don't want to enable comments on a page, please set the
+follows in the header of the article:
comments: false
The default comment description is Waline, which is very
+strange. In <BlodDir>\themes\next\languages\en.yml,
+add it under post:
1 2 3
post: comments: waline:Comments
then you modify Waline to Comments.
Set up FTP synchronization
Currently I use a virtual host to host my blog and need to use FTP to
+upload files. According to ChaosTong/hexo-deployer-ftpsync,
+I simply modified it to accommodate the latest node.js.
Use FTP to upload a file named .htaccess to the root
+directory of the site, the content is
1 2 3
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:KERSSL} !on RewriteRule .*$1 [R=301,L]
Since the contents of the public folder will change
+after hexo d, it has to be copied, pasted and uploaded
+again each time. I use the alias command (function in Windows
+PowerShell) to execute multiple commands at a time, as follows:
function blogd {cd D:\Blog ; hexo clean ; hexo g ; hexo algolia; Copy-Item -Path .\.htaccess -Destination .\public\; hexo d}
Please note that the setting method may be different under different
+virtual hosts
The results of the above tests in my local are 0 Error, 0 Warning
diff --git a/post/96495af0/image-20230526213027939-1685786902862-1.png b/post/96495af0/image-20230526213027939-1685786902862-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a2ab5
Binary files /dev/null and b/post/96495af0/image-20230526213027939-1685786902862-1.png differ
diff --git a/post/96495af0/image-20230526213027939.png b/post/96495af0/image-20230526213027939.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a2ab5
Binary files /dev/null and b/post/96495af0/image-20230526213027939.png differ
diff --git a/post/96495af0/image-20230526222727457-1685786902862-3.png b/post/96495af0/image-20230526222727457-1685786902862-3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b0346
Binary files /dev/null and b/post/96495af0/image-20230526222727457-1685786902862-3.png differ
diff --git a/post/96495af0/image-20230526222727457.png b/post/96495af0/image-20230526222727457.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b0346
Binary files /dev/null and b/post/96495af0/image-20230526222727457.png differ
diff --git a/post/96495af0/image-20230526222802693-1685786902862-2.png b/post/96495af0/image-20230526222802693-1685786902862-2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1731c
Binary files /dev/null and b/post/96495af0/image-20230526222802693-1685786902862-2.png differ
diff --git a/post/96495af0/image-20230526222802693.png b/post/96495af0/image-20230526222802693.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1731c
Binary files /dev/null and b/post/96495af0/image-20230526222802693.png differ
diff --git a/post/96495af0/index.html b/post/96495af0/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49f09d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/post/96495af0/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+Install HPCC Platforms and Setup ECL IDE | Boqiang's Blog
HPCC Systems is a platform
+purpose-built for high-speed data engineering. This article shows how to
+build HPCC Platform and set up ECL IDE.
Install HPCC Platforms
Download the installation package of HPCC Platforms corresponding
+to the operating system here.
+For example, if my system is Ubuntu-22.04 LTS, then download this
+dpkg -i hpccsystems-platform-community_9.0.8-1jammy_amd64_withsymbols.deb.
+There may be some errors at this time. Ignore it, please.
Run sudo apt-get update
Run sudo apt-get install -f
Verify that the program installed successfully: Run
+cd /opt/HPCCSystems. The installation is successful if no
+errors have occurred and the directory is entered successfully.
Check plugins: Run cd /opt/HPCCSystems/plugins,
+ls -lart
Check current service status: Run
+sudo /etc/init.d/hpcc-init status
Start HPCC service: Run
+sudo /etc/init.d/hpcc-init start
Check the IP address: Run ip addr show. You can
+access IP addr: 8010 to login ECL Watch
Install ECL IDE
ECL IDE is an IDE specially designed for ECL programming language,
+related documents can be found here.
First, download ECL IDE according to the platform, and find ECL IDE
+and Client Tools here.
When you log in for the first time, the preference interface will pop
+up, enter the IP obtained in Install HPCC Platforms in the IP
+address, click Advanced, and leave Attribute Server blank. Other options
+can be set according to your preferences.
In the ECL Folder of the Compiler tab, add your own code
In the lower right Repository window, in My Files, right click and
+Insert Folder, then in the newly created folder, right click and Insert
In the newly created file, enter:
OUTPUT('Hello World!');
Click Submit in the upper right corner, and you can see the result in
+the result tab.
Install the HPCC Systems
+GNN bundle
The HPCC Systems machine learning library can be found here.
+Among them, ML_Core is the
+dependency of all other HPCC Systems machine learning packages.
Before installing the GNN bundle, you need to install TensorFlow
My HPCC Platform is on WSL2-Ubuntu22.04, and my ECL IDE is on
+Windows, so I need to install GNN Bundle in Windows.
During my internship at HPCC Systems in 2023, I had the incredible
+opportunity to work on a dynamic project that pushed the boundaries of
+my technical skills and knowledge. In this post, I will summarize the
+key aspects and achievements of my internship project, highlighting the
+challenges I faced, the solutions I implemented, and the valuable
+lessons I learned along the way.
Background and Motivation
HPCC Systems: The HPCC
+Systems platform is a remarkably powerful system for solving big data
The GNN bundle was originally developed against the TensorFlow1.5
+interface. We currently support TensorFlow2.0 using a TensorFlow
+compatibility mode. We want to achieve the following goals in this
Adapt GNN to directly use the TensorFlow 2.0
+interface: Our primary objective is to migrate the GNN bundle
+to directly integrate with the TensorFlow 2.0 interface, leveraging its
+improved features and capabilities for enhanced performance and
Provide effective support for GPUs: We intend to
+ensure effective support for GPUs, allowing users to harness the power
+of graphical processing units for accelerated neural network
+computations and faster training times.
Full support for pre-trained models: The upgraded
+GNN bundle will be designed to fully support and accommodate the latest
+and most advanced neural network models available. This will enable
+users to leverage state-of-the-art architectures and achieve better
+results for their specific tasks.
Save/Load trained model for later reuse: 1.We want
+users to be able to save/load their trained models for later use.
Technical details
Upgrade functions to
We upgraded some functions to native TensorFlow2.x without
+changing the API:
DefineModel: Define a Keras / Tensorflow model
+using Keras sytax.
DefineFuncModel: Construct a Keras Functional
These functions play a crucial role in defining the neural network
+architecture. In the upgraded GNN bundle, both functions have been
+enhanced to utilize the TensorFlow 2.x API. DefineModel
+follows a sequential approach, where the layers are stacked in a strict
+order. On the other hand, DefineFuncModel offers a more
+flexible definition, allowing users to specify not only the shape of
+each layer but also the connections between different layers. These
+upgraded functions now support loading state-of-the-art models, which
+provide users with more advanced and powerful neural network
+architectures for their tasks.
Fit: Train the model using training data.
The Fit function is used for training the neural
+network. It allows users to set parameters such as batch size and epoch
+number, providing greater control over the training process. With the
+upgrade to TensorFlow 2.x, the training process becomes more efficient
+and streamlined.
EvaluateMod: Evaluate the trained model using
+some test metrics.
Predict: Predict the results using the trained
After training the model using the Fit function, the
+EvaluateMod function helps users assess the model's
+performance by providing metrics on how well it has been trained. The
+Predict function allows users to apply the trained neural
+network for tasks like recognition and classification.
GetWeights: Get the weights currently associated
+with the model.
SetWeights: Set the weights of the model from
+the results of GetWeights.
These functions are essential for saving and loading models. Users
+can use GetWeights to obtain the model's weights, and
+SetWeights to set the model's weights, enabling easy model
+persistence. This way, trained models can be saved and loaded,
+facilitating model continuation for further training or deployment to
Create new functions
To enhance user experience and provide greater convenience, we have
+introduced several new functions in the GNN bundle.
GetModel: Get the structure and weights of the
+model. This function allows users to access comprehensive details of the
+model, including its structure and weights. By using
+GetModel, users can gain a thorough understanding of the
+neural network architecture.
SetModel: Create a Keras model from previously
+saved DATASET.
Additionally, we have incorporated some developer-oriented functions
+tailored for debugging purposes:
GetSummary: Get the summary of the Keras model. The
+GetSummary function offers developers access to the
+underlying TensorFlow information. This allows developers to obtain
+essential insights into the inner workings of the GNN bundle, aiding
+them in identifying and resolving any issues that may arise.
IsGPUAvailable: Tests whether the GPU is available.
+The IsGPUAvailable function serves as a practical tool for
+developers to determine whether a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is
+available for use. This information is crucial when optimizing the GNN
+bundle's performance and ensuring efficient hardware utilization.
By providing these user-friendly and developer-oriented functions, we
+strive to make the GNN bundle more accessible, efficient, and robust,
+catering to the needs of both users and developers alike.
Support Pre-trained Model
The recently upgraded GNN bundle introduces support for numerous
+state-of-the-art models, which have been defined and trained to serve
+specific tasks. With over 70 pre-trained
+models available, users can readily utilize them for their projects.
+Additionally, these pre-trained models can act as the foundation for
+user-specific models, allowing customization by modifying the input and
+output and expanding the neural network, a technique commonly known as
+transfer learning.
One notable example among the supported pre-trained models is
+ResNet50. ResNet50 is a deep convolutional neural network comprising 50
+layers. By loading the pre-trained version of this network, which was
+trained on an extensive dataset of more than a million images from the
+ImageNet database, users gain access to a powerful image classifier. The
+pre-trained neural network is capable of categorizing images into 1000
+object categories, including items such as keyboards, mice, pencils, as
+well as various animals. As a result of its extensive training, this
+neural network has acquired a vast knowledge of feature representations
+for a diverse range of images.
Transfer Learning
The enhanced GNN bundle offers the ability to load numerous
+pre-trained models, opening up possibilities for various impressive
+applications. For instance, consider ResNet-50, a model commonly used to
+classify 1000 different objects. However, if you wish to employ it
+specifically for classifying vegetables or woolen cloth, you can achieve
+this by leveraging the pre-trained ResNet-50 as a starting point for
+training. This involves modifying the input and output components of the
+model while preserving the existing ResNet-50 weights, rather than
+initializing the weights randomly. Such an approach allows you to tailor
+the model to your specific classification tasks effectively.
Also, you can use the pre-trained model as a part of your neural
+network architecture, you can add layers to it.
Performance Testing
When using the same GPU, the upgraded GNN outperforms the previous
+version with TensorFlow 1.x, achieving a remarkable 1.25 times
+performance improvement.
The upgraded GNN takes advantage of GPU acceleration, resulting in a
+substantial performance boost. When compared to using only CPU, the
+performance improvement is an impressive 3.71 times.
Q: Does it support video processing?
A: Yes!
Q: Did it change the existing API.
A: No. This means that the previous program can still be used without
A high point during my internship was successfully contributing to a
+complex coding task, receiving recognition from the team for my
+innovative approach. This achievement bolstered my confidence and
+affirmed my passion for software development.
While on this journey, I encountered a low point when I faced an
+unforeseen roadblock that temporarily hindered project progress. For
+instance, when I come across unfamiliar grammar challenges within the
+realm of the ECL programming language, I often find myself facing
+significant obstacles. I am truly grateful for the assistance provided
+by Lili and Roger, as their guidance proved instrumental in successfully
+navigating through these complexities. This setback taught me resilience
+and the importance of seeking guidance when confronted with unfamiliar
The main takeaways from this internship include a heightened
+appreciation for collaborative teamwork. These lessons will undoubtedly
+shape my future endeavors in the field of technology.
The following article records the problems and solutions I
+encountered in this project.
ECL is not a procedural language, that is, the order in which
+operations are performed is not necessarily the order given by the code,
+which can cause trouble in calculating the execution time of operations.
+This blog describes how to calculate the execution time of certain
+operations for users to evaluate performance.
In ECL, you can use the following code to get the current system
1 2
IMPORT STD; STD.Date.CurrentTime(TRUE);
Use ORDERED or SEQUENCIAL to force certain
+operations to be executed in order:
1 2 3 4
ORDERED([OUTPUT(STD.Date.CurrentTime(TRUE), NAMED('startTime')), operations....., OUTPUT(STD.Date.CurrentTime(TRUE), NAMED('endTime')), Some operations]);
Install directly in the system without using Anaconda.
Install CUDA
First, find the corresponding CUDA version according to the
+TensorFlow you want to install, and install the corresponding CUDA. For
+example, I want to install TensorFlow version 2.12, which uses CUDA
+11.8, so I download CUDA from here.
+I use Linux-X86-64-WSL-Ubuntu-2.0, and I choose the installation package
+of runfile(local). This is the most convenient and recommended!
In the prompt box that pops up, select Install:
After installation, you need to manually add environment variables in
+~/.bashrc, add:
Tensorflow should be installed using su so that all users can see it,
+and must be installed using the same version of Python3 as is embedded
+in the HPCC Systems platform.
Install TensorFlow using pip:
+pip install tensorflow==2.12.*
Check whether the installation is successful: exit root mode and
+python3 -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))"
Or you can use this to show the name of GPU(s):
1 2 3 4
import tensorflow as tf gpu_device_name = tf.test.gpu_device_name() print(gpu_device_name)
Adjust the number of Nodes in HPCC Systems under WSL2.
I am using WSL2 - Ubuntu 22.04, and WSL2 uses all the CPUs in the
+current Windows by default, so in this case, to modify the number of
+nodes in HPCC Systems, you only need to set
+slavesPerNode="The number of nodes you want to set" in