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The project is Spring Batch + GemFire example.

Demo Instructions

Example running standalone Postgres

docker network create gemfire-cache --driver bridge
mkdir -p /Users/devtools/repositories/RDBMS/PostgreSQL/pg-docker
docker  run --name postgresql  --network gemfire-cache --rm -it -p 5432:5432 -e ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes -v /Users/devtools/repositories/RDBMS/PostgreSQL/pg-docker:/bitnami/postgresql bitnami/postgresql:latest   

In a new shell -> Run GemFire Locator

docker run -it -e 'ACCEPT_TERMS=y' --rm --name gf-locator --network=gemfire-cache -p 10334:10334 -p 7070:7070 gemfire/gemfire:10.0.3 gfsh start locator --name=locator1

In a new shell -> Setup GemFire Pdx

docker run -it -e 'ACCEPT_TERMS=y' --network=gemfire-cache gemfire/gemfire:10.0.3 gfsh -e "connect --jmx-manager=gf-locator[1099]" -e "configure pdx --read-serialized=true --disk-store"

Run GemFire Cache Server

docker run -it -e 'ACCEPT_TERMS=y' --rm --name gf-server1 --network=gemfire-cache -p 40404:40404 gemfire/gemfire:10.0.3 gfsh start server --name=server1 --locators=gf-locator\[10334\]

In a new shell -> Setup GemFire Regions

docker run -it -e 'ACCEPT_TERMS=y' --network=gemfire-cache gemfire/gemfire:10.0.3 gfsh -e "connect --jmx-manager=gf-locator[1099]" -e "create region --name=Account --type=PARTITION"

Run initial to test and create database

docker run --name account-batch   --rm -it  --network=gemfire-cache -e "" -e "db.schema=cache_accounts" -e "[10334]" -e "batch.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql:5432/postgres"  -e "batch.jdbc.username=postgres" -e "spring.sql.init.platform=postgres" -e "batch.job.repository.create=true" -e "spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql:5432/postgres" -e "spring.datasource.username=postgres" -e "batch.load.accounts=true" -e ""  -e "" cloudnativedata/account-batch:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

GemFire Management Console (Gideon Console)

  1. Login
docker login
  1. Pull Image
docker pull
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm -it --name gideon-console   --network=gemfire-cache

Open Management Console

open http://localhost:8080/

1 - Click -> Connect

2 - Enter Connection Setting

  • Enter cluster nickname: gemfire
  • Host: gf-locator
  • Port: 7070

Then connect to cluster

3 - Use the Data Explore to view the loaded customer data

Spring Cloud DataFlow

The following is an example DSL to run the batch in Spring Cloud DataFlow

account-batch --db.schema=cache_accounts"localhost[10334]" --batch.jdbc.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres"  --batch.jdbc.username=postgres --spring.sql.init.platform=postgres --spring.liquibase.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres" --spring.liquibase.user=postgres  --batch.load.accounts=true


Docker building image

The following are the steps to build a docker image

mvn install
cd applications/account-batch
mvn spring-boot:build-image

Example for tagging and pushing to docker hub

docker tag account-batch:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT cloudnativedata/account-batch:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
docker push cloudnativedata/account-batch:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT