Summary of what I ended up doing. Repo for the actual library is: Everything is fairly well-tested, except exporting EAD is Python3-only for now.
- Lower the complexity of working with the ArchivesSpace API
- Write commonly used code once, making it faster and easier to write scripts in the future
- Be consistent and transparent about what the library is doing
- Maintain the full functionality of the API in as much as possible
- Used easydict library
- Can edit JSON with dot syntax
- Can use BOTH of these
- resource["extents"][0]["number"]
- resource.extents[0].number
- I think this simplifies it a lot, but conflicts with how Python uses objects ¯\(ツ)/¯
- Where to put local_settings.cfg?
- originally put it in the library folder itself
- moved to
os.path.join(os.getenv("APPDATA"), ".aspaceLibrary")
- Seems to work well on Windows and Ubuntu
- Ubuntu:
- Windows:
- What to build-in and whats out of scope
- e.g. I put in functions to convert DACS-style dates with ISO and posix
- built-in functions to set creds from within library for on-ramping
- Option to use local_settings.cfg or to override it with a tuple
- e.g. ("http://localhost:8089", "admin", "admin")
- I did this with an optional param in EVERY function
- This is useful for development
- Say I make a script for another archivist with a set robot user, but I don't want to deal with setting up local_settings on their machine
- Both Python 2 and 3 support
- only barrier I found was in handling Unicode in EAD exporting, and using print()
- Reusable request functions keeps it DRY
- "single" requests
- /repositories/:repo_id/resources/:id
- "multiple" requests that return list of things with a type and a param
- /repositories/:repo_id/resources
- here the "type" would be "resource" and params "all", a range or a set
- /repositories/:repo_id/resources
- this way you only have to actually use
- "single" requests
- Navigating or exploring functions
- pretty print to console
- pretty print to file
- list all keys in console (for when you can't remember how extents work)
- Functions to make boilerplate objects
- resources
- archival_objects
- Rely on local settings for repository number
- Now it requires, say, "2" in most functions
- Standard machine-actionable response object!
- I started returning HTTP response as string, e.g. "200"
- changed inconsistently
- like for exporting EAD you need it to return the path of the file
- or when you make a new object it should return its URI
functions users never see in italics
- AS.pp()
- pretty print to console
- AS.serializeOutput()
- exports to .json
- AS.fields
- list fields
- AS.readConfig()
- AS.writeConfig()
- AS.getLogin()
- AS.setURL()
- AS.setUser()
- AS.setPassword()
- AS.getSession()
- AS.makeObject()
- turns JSON to easydict object
- AS.checkError()
- This need to be changed
- now just checks if HTTP is 200, if not writes to aspace.log file
- AS.singleRequest()
- Used by many basic functions
- AS.multipleRequest()
- Used by many basic functions
- functions called by AS.multipleRequest() (really arn't neccessary)
- AS.getResourceList()
- AS.getAccessionList()
- AS.getSubjectList()
- AS.getContainerList()
- AS.getLocationList()
- AS.getDAOList()
- AS.getResources()
- returns list
- AS.getResource()
- AS.getResourceID()
- AS.getResourcesSince()
- returns a list of resources updated since ISO param
- AS.makeResource()
- Makes boilerplate resource object
- AS.postResource()
- not sure if this is nesseddary or a general postObject() would work by parsing
- not sure if this is nesseddary or a general postObject() would work by parsing
- AS.getTree()
- just used by getChildren() for resources
- AS.getChildren()
- list of all children of either resource or archival_objects
- uses recursive findChild()
- AS.getArchObj()
- AS.getArchObjID()
- AS.makeArchObj()
- AS.postArchObj()
- may not be necessary
- AS.getAccessions()
- returns list
- AS.getAccession()
- AS.makeAccession()
- AS.findAccessions()
- find accessions by title, returns list of uris
- AS.postAccession()
- AS.makeExtent()
- AS.makeDate()
- AS.makeSingleNote()
- AS.makeMultiNote()
- These take a type param, like
, same as the raw JSON - Downside is you have to know which not is which
- These take a type param, like
- AS.getSubjects()
- returns list
- AS.getSubject()
- AS.addSubject()
- takes a URI
- AS.withSubject()
- returns list of items with a subject
- probably could use a makeSubject() but I've never needed one
- AS.getContainer()
- AS.getContainers()
- returns a list
- AS.addToContainer()
- takes a archival object and adds reference to an existing top container via a uri string
- AS.makeEmptyContainer()
- just used by makeContainer()
- AS.postContainer()
- post a container object back to Aspace
- AS.makeContainer()
- AS.getLocations()
- AS.getLocation()
- AS.addToLocation()
- add a location to a container object
- AS.findLocation()
- Search by title for location and return location URI
- AS.postLocation()
- AS.getDAO()
- AS.getDAOs()
- returns list
- AS.makeDAO()
- makes boilerplate DAO
- AS.addDAO()
- adds a digital object instance to an archival object
- AS.postDAO()
- AS.exportResource()
- takes resource JSON object and a path and exports EAD-XML
- Python3 only right now
- AS.exportPDF()
- takes resource JSON object and a path and exports PDF file