Read MPD configuration from the mpd.conf file.
Continuously monitor changes to the INGEST playlist.
When a change is detected in the INGEST playlist: * Copy the new tracks from the INGEST playlist to the MPDIGNORE_FILE. - Clear the INGEST playlist. - Process the tracks in the MPDIGNORE_FILE: - Add each track to its respective .mpdignore file in the appropriate album folder. - Empty the MPDIGNORE_FILE once all tracks are processed.
- Repeat the monitoring process indefinitely.
Accept user input to determine the action (ignore or skip).
If the action is "ignore": * Add the current track to the INGEST playlist. * Proceed to the next track in the queue. * Write the current track to the INGEST playlist. * Copy the current queue to a temporary playlist to preserve the playback order. * Load the INGEST playlist to add the ignored track without disrupting the current playback. * Add the ignored track to the INGEST playlist for queue management. * Reload the temporary playlist to restore the original queue. * Remove the ignored track from the queue to prevent it from affecting subsequent playback. * Proceed to the next track to continue playback seamlessly.
If the action is "skip": * Proceed to the next track in the queue. * Log the skipped track.
Repeat the process based on user input.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
See LICENSE for more information.