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Admixed Genotype Simulation

A Snakemake pipeline for simulating genotypes for admixed population. The aim is to have fully automatic pipeline for simulating genotypes for admixed populations.

Note for updated software

Please see for a more intuitive and easy-to-use interface.


  1. Reference phased genotype panels: download from
  2. admix-simu software: download from
  3. HAPGEN2: download from


  1. Snakemake rule extract_raw: extract ancestry reference population and perform basic quality control. We extract the ancestral population according to 1KG sample files. And filter for bi-allelic SNPs that have minor allele frequency larger than the specificied one in all of the ancestral populations.
  2. Snakemake rule extend_hapgen: extend the ancestral population using HAPGEN2.
  3. Snakemake rule simulate_admixture: Simulate admixture population from the extended ancestral population.


First set up the configuration, specified in config.yaml properly. Then submit the script


Helper scripts

  1. Extract the list of SNPs from 1kg that's overlap with UKB
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
chr_i = 2
kg_legend = pd.read_csv(f'/u/project/pasaniuc/pasaniucdata/admixture/1000G_haplotype/1000GP_Phase3/1000GP_Phase3_chr{chr_i}.legend.gz', delim_whitespace=True)
ukb_bim = pd.read_csv(f"/u/project/sgss/UKBB/data/cal/{chr_i}.bim", delim_whitespace=True, header=None)
ukb_index = kg_legend['position'].isin(ukb_bim[3].values)
duplicated = kg_legend['position'].duplicated()
biallelic = kg_legend['TYPE'] == "Biallelic_SNP"
np.savetxt(f"data/ukb_array.snp_list", kg_legend.loc[ukb_index & (~duplicated) & biallelic, 'id'].values, fmt='%s')
  1. Extract a subsample of SNPs from 1kg
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
chr_i = 2
n_snp = 1_000
kg_legend = pd.read_csv(f'/u/project/pasaniuc/pasaniucdata/admixture/1000G_haplotype/1000GP_Phase3/1000GP_Phase3_chr{chr_i}.legend.gz', delim_whitespace=True)
maf_threshold = 0.01

maf_mode = "AND"
pops = ["AFR", "EUR"]
# filter biallelic SNPs and SNPs with the given MAF threshold in ALL / ANY population
maf_filter_index = ((maf_threshold < kg_legend[pops]) &
                    (kg_legend[pops] < 1 - maf_threshold))
if maf_mode == 'AND':
    maf_filter_index = maf_filter_index.all(axis=1)
elif maf_mode == 'OR':
    maf_filter_index = maf_filter_index.any(axis=1)

biallelic = kg_legend['TYPE'] == "Biallelic_SNP"
filter_index = np.where(maf_filter_index & biallelic)[0]
filter_index = filter_index[np.linspace(0, len(filter_index) - 1, num=n_snp + 2)[1:-1].astype(int)]

np.savetxt(f"data/kg_1k.snp_list", kg_legend.loc[filter_index, 'id'].values, fmt='%s')
  1. Extract five regions of dense SNPs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
chr_i = 22
kg_legend = pd.read_csv(f'/u/project/pasaniuc/pasaniucdata/admixture/1000G_haplotype/1000GP_Phase3/1000GP_Phase3_chr{chr_i}.legend.gz', delim_whitespace=True)
ukb_bim = pd.read_csv(f"/u/project/pasaniuc/pasaniucdata/UKBB_IMPUTED_LD_SUMSTATS/genotype/raw/chr{chr_i}.bim", delim_whitespace=True, header=None)
ukb_index = kg_legend['position'].isin(ukb_bim[3].values)
partition = pd.read_csv(f"/u/project/pasaniuc/pasaniucdata/UKBB_IMPUTED_LD_SUMSTATS/partition/fourier_ls-chr{chr_i}.bed", delim_whitespace=True)
block_start, block_stop = partition.loc[10, "start"], partition.loc[15, "stop"]
duplicated = kg_legend['position'].duplicated()
biallelic = kg_legend['TYPE'] == "Biallelic_SNP"
snp_list = kg_legend.loc[ukb_index & (~duplicated) & 
              biallelic & 
              (block_start <= kg_legend['position']) &
              (kg_legend['position'] < block_stop), 'id'].values
np.savetxt(f"data/ukb_imputed_blocks.txt", snp_list, fmt='%s')