composer require boehsermoe/luya-module-scheduler:"~1.0.0"
In order to add the modules to your project go into the modules section of your config:
return [
'modules' => [
// ...
'scheduleradmin' => [
'class' => 'luya\scheduler\admin\Module',
'scheduler' => [
'class' => 'luya\scheduler\frontend\Module',
'accessToken' => '{token for web access}' // optional for webcron
// ...
./vendor/bin/luya migrate
./vendor/bin/luya import
Don`t forget to assign permission to user group for the scheduler module.
Start all expired jobs manual:
./luya scheduler/run
Execute specified job:
./luya scheduler/run/now {id/name of the job}
Start all expired jobs every minute via cron:
* * * * * ./luya scheduler/run
Call the route https://{Host}/scheduler/run?token={Access token from config} to start expired jobs. You can use this url for webcrons like or Or any other webcron service.
'on afterRequest' => function() {
if (!$this->isCli()) {
For example you can flush the cache every hour by add a new CommandJob (Scheduler -> CommandJobs -> Add) and insert "cache/flush-all" as command. The command is the route of the console command.
You can also write your own jobs classes in the path "{appBasePath}/schedulers" or "{moduleBasePath}/schedulers". Every job have to inherite from BaseJob.
class ExampleJob extends \luya\scheduler\models\BaseJob
public function run()
// Do your job.
A job with a text field as option could look like this:
class ExampleTextJob extends \luya\scheduler\models\BaseJob
public $text;
public function rules()
return array_merge(parent::rules(), [
[['text'], 'required']
public function extraFields()
return [
public function ngrestExtraAttributeTypes()
return [
'text' => 'text',
public function run()
// Do your job
// echo $this->text;
For file backups:
For database backups: