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Security and Privacy Questionnaire

This contains brief answers to a bunch of standard security and privacy questions as it relates to IPA. However, this is a case where the answers to these standard questions are largely unsatisfactory. IPA is specifically designed to provide cross-site information in more or less direct contravention of accepted practice.

It is best to summarize IPA from the relevant perspective first. This summary brings out important details from the explainer, as well as acting as a short primer.

IPA Summary

The proposed IPA API (palindrome, whoa!) provides sites with the ability to request an encrypted match key.

A match key is an identifier that is intended to uniquely identify a person, though it could - depending on implementation choices in user agents - only identify a user agent.

IPA allows any site to set a match key: the idea is that a site can provide a match key using knowledge they have that can connect a user to multiple user agents. For example, websites on which people log in using multiple user agents could use login credentials. Sites can request that the user agent use the match key provided by any other site. The user agent provides a fallback value if no value has been set, which will enable attribution for things that a user does on that device.

An encrypted match key is a secret-shared version of a match key that is encrypted toward each of the three entities that form a helper party network.

Provided that two of the three parties that form the helper party network do not reveal the values they receive to each other and they faithfully execute the defined MPC protocol, the value of the match key is never revealed to any entity.

IPA defines an MPC protocol that provides sites with an aggregated report that can be used for attribution. The MPC system chosen guarantees malicious security in the two out of three honest majority setting. In this setting, both privacy for inputs and security against tampering are guaranteed as long as two of the three helper parties faithfully executes the protocol. It takes two corrupted or malicious helpers that actively work together to access the input data provided about users or to spoil the output of the computation. Any attack by a single helper party can only cause the protocol to abort.

User agent implementers, on behalf of their users, need to select helper parties that can be trusted to correctly execute the protocol and to only reveal the output of any processing they perform. In addition to the cryptographic protections built into the MPC protocol design, the specification recommends that helper parties be bound by contractual terms with user agent implementations to execute the protocol correctly.

Each top-level browsing context receives a unique encryption and secret-sharing of the chosen match key, which ensures that the information visible to the site or individual helper parties does not reveal any cross-site correlation between users. A top-level context can make its value available to nested contexts; nested contexts do not receive a different value. This value is retained by the user agent in site-specific storage; subsequent requests result in the same value being returned.

Key Challenges

There two major components to this work that require special attention from a privacy perspective:

  1. This proposal uses information - match keys - that could be used to perform cross-site tracking if the protections in the proposal were to fail. The API allows any web site to request and receive this information from user agents. The proposal includes multiple measures that are designed to protect this information.

  2. The aggregated information that is provided to sites is based on the the use of match keys. The use of differential privacy ensures that there is some protection for the contribution of individual users. With no limit to the time over which queries can be made, the privacy loss experienced by participating users is similarly unbounded. The design only limits the rate at which sites gain this information.

Any conclusions about the privacy properties of the API will depend on an assessment of the adequacy of the design for both types of protection.

Standard Questions

What information might this feature expose to Web sites or other parties, and for what purposes is that exposure necessary?

The IPA API provides top-level browsing contexts with an encrypted, secret-shared match key. Fundamentally, this contains information that can link activity by the same user across different sites. The design of the MPC protocol where that value is used ensures that - provided that the MPC is executed correctly by 2 of 3 parties - this value is never revealed to anyone.

The IPA MPC protocol produces an aggregate report about the cross-site activity of people. Aggregates are protected with differential privacy. The information is provided so that sites can measure the performance of their use of advertising, which - in most cases - involves activity that crosses between sites.

A lot can be said about the relative virtues of advertising. That this feature is "necessary" is not something everyone will agree with, often based on their perception of advertising and advertising practices. Advertising has a bit of a bad rap. However, it is basically not possible to operate any sort of advertising without being able to measure it.

Alternatives to this style of approach either involve tracking or surveys and panels. Tracking is widely used in the industry today, which has not been good for privacy. Surveys and panels are used to understand advertising, but they are expensive and slow are too inefficient for general use.

Do features in your specification expose the minimum amount of information necessary to enable their intended uses?

That's a difficult question to answer simply. There are a great many trade-offs to make in this space.

We believe that this particular point in the design space offers a very good return in terms of utility for advertising use cases.

If the system operates correctly, or if only one helper party is dishonest, no information is directly revealed through the use of the API. However, there is a risk of much greater exposure if the system fails. We consider this to be an acceptable risk given the safeguards in the design.

In use, the attribution algorithms executed by the MPC system provide aggregated information. The results are intended to contain contributions from multiple users, but sites are able to limit their queries to a single user if they are willing to exhaust their privacy budget. This is not rational behaviour on the part of a site as queries are limited and cost more money than the information attained is likely worth, but we have to consider that possibility.

To protect individual users, differential privacy is used as that provides us both a rigorous analytic framework and techniques that can provide strong protections for the contributions of individual users toward an aggregate.

The differential privacy protections will ultimately depend on finding an acceptable mechanism. Differential privacy mechanisms also require choosing $\epsilon$ and maybe $\delta$ values. These values determine the amount of noise that is added and the rate at which sites are able to accumulate information. No firm conclusions have been reached on this point, though we have a tentative design that would allow different user agents to set different values for these parameters.

Even with differential privacy, sites might gain more information about users over longer periods. We believe this to be a tolerable privacy loss as it is only sites that have long term relationships with users that are able to obtain additional information in this way. A strict cap on information release would render the system completely useless for attribution purposes. The only recourse we are aware of is to choose parameters that are more conservative to reduce the overall rate at which sites can obtain this information. This needs to be balanced against the potential adverse effect that added noise has on how useful the information is for performing attribution.

We are seeking to gather more information before making decisions regarding differential privacy mechanisms and parameters.

How do the features in your specification deal with personal information, personally-identifiable information (PII), or information derived from them?

The IPA API provides pseudo-identifiers for individuals and makes those identifiers available for use in an MPC system. These identifiers are protected by secret sharing, encryption, and a system of contracts that prevent even the MPC operators from accessing values.

How do the features in your specification deal with sensitive information?

See previous answers.

Do the features in your specification introduce new state for an origin that persists across browsing sessions?

Yes. Though the explainer does not deal with this in great detail, our intent is to ensure that state clearing events, such as clearing cookies, will result in the corresponding state being cleared.

Two factors complicate this. The API provides information that is inherently cross-site and the epoch design relies on values that are stable for an entire epoch (a week). This makes state-clearing events, particularly those that are narrowly targeted, somewhat challenging to reason about. We haven't worked through all of the requirements and constraints in this area, such that we might infer the correct design.

Do the features in your specification expose information about the underlying platform to origins?

No. However, if a compatible system is developed in the underlying platform for the management of match keys, user agent implementations might move to unify the two sources of match keys. This would enable attribution that crosses from the web into applications. No such mechanism currently exists.

Does this specification allow an origin to send data to the underlying platform?


Do features in this specification enable access to device sensors?


Do features in this specification enable new script execution/loading mechanisms?


Do features in this specification allow an origin to access other devices?


Do features in this specification allow an origin some measure of control over a user agent’s native UI?


What temporary identifiers do the features in this specification create or expose to the web?

The match key itself is not exposed to the web, so this question does not apply.

The ciphertext of the encrypted match key provided to sites is stable over a set period. This might be used as an identifier. However, the lifetime of this value is bound to the storage lifetime for the site that receives it. A fresh, unlinkable encryption is generated if site storage is cleared (and the underlying value might also need to be randomized too, though this question still hasn't been completely resolved; see above).

How does this specification distinguish between behavior in first-party and third-party contexts?

Information provided by the API is only provided to the top-level browsing context (a.k.a., the "first-party context"). Other sites that contribute to the content of a web page only receive a copy of the value provided to the top-level site, but only if the top-level site permits it.

How do the features in this specification work in the context of a browser’s Private Browsing or Incognito mode?

This question is not entirely resolved. User agents that want maximum privacy protection - which seems likely in this particular case - can randomize the match key that is provided to sites. This ensures that attribution is not possible based on the information that is provided. This behaviour is indistinguishable to a site from use of a real match key and so does not offer sites a reason to discriminate against users.

The same strategy can be employed for users who opt out of use of the API.

Does this specification have both "Security Considerations" and "Privacy Considerations" sections?

It's a primarily functional explainer right now, with a strong emphasis on these aspects throughout. We expect that security and privacy will similarly feature heavily in any final specification also.

PATCG are actively working on a threat model document. That document will be the basis for further analysis of this proposal (if the group chooses this specific design to continue with).

Do features in your specification enable origins to downgrade default security protections?


How does your feature handle non-"fully active" documents?

This question is not applicable to this proposal.

What should this questionnaire have asked?

Yes, likely many.

Q: If a user opts to disable this feature, is their choice visible to sites?

A: No. As noted, disabling this feature for any reason is not detectable to a site. This prevents sites from discriminating against users who opt out.

Q: If your design includes cryptographic technology, have you provided for ways to introduce stronger alternatives to crytographic components in the case that advances in cryptanalytic techniques reveal those components to be weak?

A: No, we haven't currently, but it's a good question. Our prototype design does not offer cryptographic agility in any way, but a final design might need to consider it.

Much of the design provides information theoretic protection for information, which is inherently not vulnerable to the sort of cryptanalysis that makes it necessary to replace other primitives. For these parts, we only need to consider the size of fields (or rings) we use as that affects the probability of a successful attack.

Some analysis will be necessary to inform our choices. Based on that analysis, we might be able to offer a choice of parameters or decide on a fixed value that represents an acceptable balance of our security and performance goals.

We do rely on some primitives for which we do need to consider the possibility of replacement. Some of these are in TLS, which manages transitions pretty well already. We also use HPKE, which offers configurability. Our prototype uses a specific PRF design that might need further security analysis.

Q: What recourse does a user have if they make a choice to enable a feature and they later have second thoughts?

Another excellent question, in a very non-facetious way. Like with many APIs, the release of information in IPA is hard to retract.

This is probably a better question when it comes to APIs that grant capabilities rather than information.

This question does relate in some way to sites being accountable - to users - for how they use the information and capabilities that they are granted. In a way, we might think about this as a question of accountability.

We have thought long and carefully about what sort of accountability might be built into a system like IPA. For instance, requiring a public record of queries made by sites might offer some insight into the sorts of things sites are requesting. Given the nature of the API, the opaque nature of the values that a site might associate with queries, and the often commercially-sensitive nature of that information, it is not clear that a transparency regime is compatible with the IPA design.