Releases: blues/notehub-js
Releases · blues/notehub-js
New Features
- bump project version number for future npm release (c6c6138 by @paigen11)
- adjust template scripts to include github repo and src dir in auto-generated package.json (a2ec9cc by @paigen11)
Documentation Changes
- Update documentation to use this repo - readme, contributing, the works (7e8f6d1 by @paigen11)
- update api generator template to stringify example code data responses (7d425df by @paigen11)
- adjust api generator template and update readme via pr comments (d1e1431 by @paigen11)
- updating readme with more info (f91f7ab by @paigen11)
- Update (1636670 by @paigen11)
- updating readme with more info (f91f7ab709653c40fby @paigen11)
- remove changelog as extra cruft for now (a7327de by @paigen11)
- continuing to add more examples and details to use this library (7d1837b by @paigen11)
- add more sections to readme (34cc08a by @paigen11)
- adding more to contribution file (d789909 by @paigen11)
- add changelog file to keep track of project changes over time (f07e818 by @paigen11)
- adding to contributing and readme documentation (3f06ed1 by @paigen11)
- fleshing out the readme for the overall project (855e24a by @paigen11)
Code Style Changes
- run prettier against existing files (fe21e0c by @paigen11)
- add prettier files to project to enforce code styles (f5f0de4 by @paigen11)
Other Changes
- blues/notehub-js into pn-update-docs (fc53a1a06778ac by @paigen11)
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2
What's Changed
- ci: update pr templates and steps for GitHub Actions workflows by @github-actions in #5
- ci: Refine GH Action workflow create PR to only run on new branches, not main by @github-actions in #8
Full Changelog: v2023.01-05...v2023.01-06
Documentation Changes
Other Changes
- bump notehub-js config version to test changelog generation (853ab43ec by @paigen11)
- bump version to test npm release (4bf8b04 by @paigen11)
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
v1.0.0 - Switching to semver release versioning
What's Changed
- chore: Update notes around making conventional commits in GH Actions by @github-actions in #7
Full Changelog: v2023.01-06...v1.0.0
Test publish to blues org on npm
Merge pull request #4 from blues/feat-pn-notehub-js feat: add changelog generator action, move npm repo to blues-inc org, update npm module name
Test npm publish 4
v2023.01-04 please work
Test npm publish 3
v2023.01-03 please work
Test publish npm 2
v2023.01-02 please work
Test publish to npm
v2023.01-01 trying out npm releases with gh actions