diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/de.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/de.json index 6f5a1a7b33..dd4f20a2c0 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/de.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/de.json @@ -646,13 +646,29 @@ "successAddAll": "{numberOfProposals, select, one {Vorschlag} other {Vorschläge}} erfolgreich zu allen Konten hinzugefügt", "successRemove": "Abstimmung erfolgreich entfernt", "emptyTitle": "Keine Vorschläge", - "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." + "emptyDescription": "Sie können einen Vorschlag auf einem Knoten mit seiner URL und der optionalen Ereignis-ID abonnieren." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "Ankündigung", - "commencing": "Abstimmen verfügbar", - "holding": "Zählung beginnt", - "ended": "Zählung endet" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "Node aktualisieren", "loadingNodeInfo": "Lade Node-Informationen", "nodeAddress": "Node-Adresse", - "optionalUsername": "Benutzername (optional)", - "optionalPassword": "Passwort (optional)", - "optionalJwt": "JSON-Web-Token (optional)", "removeConfirmation": "Willst du diesen Node wirklich löschen?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "Allgemein", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "Dezimalstellen", "useMetricPrefix": "Metrisches Präfix verwenden" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "Fehlerprotokoll", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "Signierte Nachricht" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Anmelden mit Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "Transaktion signieren", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "Ungültiger MimeTyp, überprüfen Sie, ob der Dateityp unterstützt wird", "quantityTooSmall": "Menge muss größer als Null sein", - "quantityTooLarge": "Menge muss kleiner als 64 sein", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Name ist ein Pflichtfeld", "invalidURI": "Ungültige URL, bitte gib eine gültige URL ein", "notReachable": "URI nicht erreichbar, NFT Typ kann nicht überprüft werden", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "Vorschlag hinzufügen", "body": "Bitte gib die unten aufgeführten Informationen an, um einen Vorschlag hinzuzufügen.", - "addToAllAccounts": "Vorschlag zu allen Konten hinzufügen" + "addToAllAccounts": "Vorschlag zu allen Konten hinzufügen", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Vorschlag bearbeiten", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "Vorschlag hinzufügen", "removeProposal": "Abstimmung entfernen", "changeNode": "Node wechseln", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "Abstimmen beenden", "revote": "Wiederabstimmen", "skipAndKeep": "Überspringen und altes Passwort behalten", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Konto wechseln", "syncAccounts": "Konten synchronisieren", "importToken": "{type} Token importiert", - "syncTokens": "Token-Synchronisation erzwingen" + "syncTokens": "Token-Synchronisation erzwingen", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "Empfänger", + "username": "Username", "password": "Passwort", "confirmPassword": "Passwort bestätigen", "currentPassword": "Aktuelles Passwort", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Tombola", "governance": "Governance", "baseCoin": "Basis-Token", - "unverifiedContract": "Unverifizierter Vertrag" + "unverifiedContract": "Unverifizierter Vertrag", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "Filter", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "Kontaktadressen erfolgreich aktualisiert" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Token erfolgreich synchronisiert" } @@ -1779,7 +1808,7 @@ "length": "Dein Profilname darf nicht länger als {length, plural, one {1 Zeichen} other {# Zeichen}} sein.", "duplicate": "Ein Profil mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.", "type": "Profiltyp konnte nicht ermittelt werden", - "authenticationInterrupted": "Authentication was interrupted" + "authenticationInterrupted": "Authentifizierung unterbrochen" }, "password": { "doNotMatch": "Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.", @@ -1986,7 +2015,7 @@ "invalidProtocol": "Ungültiges Protokoll, muss mit 'wc' beginnen.", "deprecatedVersion": "dApp verwendet eine veraltete WalletConnect-Version.", "invalidV2UriFormat": "Der Link entspricht nicht der WalletConnect V2 Spezifikation.", - "signTypedData": "Bloom doesn't support eth_signedTypedData V1 due to security reasons" + "signTypedData": "Bloom unterstützt eth_signedTypedData V1 aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht" }, "web3": { "unableToGetProvider": "Web3-Anbieter konnte nicht geladen werden.", @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "Optionaler Parameter: Eine Beschreibung des NFT", "attributes": "Optionaler Parameter: Eine Reihe von Merkmalen und Werten, die Attribute der NFT definieren", "uri": "Um eine URI mittels benutzerdefinierter Medien zu erstellen, laden Sie zuerst Ihre Datei über einen Speicherdienst auf IPFS hoch (z.B. https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "Optionaler Parameter: Die Anzahl der mit diesen Metadaten gemintete Kopien." + "quantity": "Optionaler Parameter: Die Anzahl der mit diesen Metadaten gemintete Kopien.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "Du musst das Abstimmen für diesen Vorschlag stoppen, bevor du sie entfernen kannst.", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "Sammlerstücke", "governance": "Governance", "campaigns": "Kampagnen", - "buySell": "Kaufen & Verkaufen", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "Entwickler", "tokens": "Token", "settings": "Einstellungen" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Nicht verbunden", "locked": "Gerät gesperrt", "appNotOpen": "App nicht geöffnet" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": { diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/es-ES.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/es-ES.json index 0f55ddbfee..4b28084b20 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/es-ES.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/es-ES.json @@ -649,10 +649,26 @@ "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "Anuncio", - "commencing": "Votación abierta", - "holding": "Comienza el recuento", - "ended": "Fin del recuento" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "Actualizar nodo", "loadingNodeInfo": "Cargando información del nodo", "nodeAddress": "Dirección del nodo", - "optionalUsername": "Nombre de usuario (opcional)", - "optionalPassword": "Contraseña (opcional)", - "optionalJwt": "Token web JSON (opcional)", "removeConfirmation": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este nodo?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "General", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "Decimales", "useMetricPrefix": "Usar prefijo métrico" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "Registro de errores", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "Signed message" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "Sign transaction", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "Invalid MimeType, check if the file type is supported", "quantityTooSmall": "Quantity needs to be greater than 0", - "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 64", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Name is a required field", "invalidURI": "Invalid URI, please provide a valid URI", "notReachable": "URI not reachable, unable to check NFT type", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "Añadir propuesta", "body": "Por favor, proporciona la siguiente información para añadir una propuesta.", - "addToAllAccounts": "Añadir la propuesta a todas las cuentas" + "addToAllAccounts": "Añadir la propuesta a todas las cuentas", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Editar propuesta", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "Añadir propuesta", "removeProposal": "Eliminar propuesta", "changeNode": "Change node", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "Dejar de votar", "revote": "Volver a votar", "skipAndKeep": "Skip and keep old password", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Switch account", "syncAccounts": "Sync accounts", "importToken": "Import {type} token", - "syncTokens": "Force sync tokens" + "syncTokens": "Force sync tokens", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "Destinatario", + "username": "Username", "password": "Contraseña", "confirmPassword": "Confirmar contraseña", "currentPassword": "Contraseña actual", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Raffle", "governance": "Governance", "baseCoin": "Base Coin", - "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract" + "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "Filtros", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "Contact addresses successfully updated" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Tokens successfully synced" } @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "Parámetro opcional: Una descripción del NFT", "attributes": "Parámetro opcional: un array de rasgos y valores que definen los atributos del NFT", "uri": "Para crear una URI usando medios personalizados, primero sube tu archivo a IPFS a través de un servicio de almacenamiento (por ejemplo, https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "Optional parameter: The quantity of copies minted with this metadata." + "quantity": "Optional parameter: The quantity of copies minted with this metadata.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "Debes dejar de votar en esta propuesta antes de eliminarla.", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "Coleccionables", "governance": "Gobernanza", "campaigns": "Campaigns", - "buySell": "Buy & Sell", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "Desarrollador", "tokens": "Tokens", "settings": "Settings" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Not connected", "locked": "Device locked", "appNotOpen": "App not open" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": { diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/fr.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/fr.json index 723d622b9e..ffab834bd8 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/fr.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/fr.json @@ -649,10 +649,26 @@ "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "Announcement", - "commencing": "Voting open", - "holding": "Counting starts", - "ended": "Counting stops" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "Mise à jour du noeud", "loadingNodeInfo": "Chargement des informations du noeud", "nodeAddress": "Adresse du noeud", - "optionalUsername": "Nom d'utilisateur (facultatif)", - "optionalPassword": "Mot de passe (facultatif)", - "optionalJwt": "Jeton web JSON (facultatif)", "removeConfirmation": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce noeud ?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "Général", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "Décimales", "useMetricPrefix": "Utiliser le préfixe de la métrique" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "Journal d'erreur", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "Signed message" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "Sign transaction", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "MimeType invalide, vérifiez si le type de fichier est pris en charge", "quantityTooSmall": "La quantité doit être supérieure à 0", - "quantityTooLarge": "La quantité doit être inférieure à 64", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Le nom est un champ obligatoire", "invalidURI": "URI invalide, veuillez fournir une URI valide", "notReachable": "URI non joignable, impossible de vérifier le type NFT", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "Ajouter une proposition", "body": "Veuillez fournir les informations énumérées ci-dessous pour ajouter une proposition.", - "addToAllAccounts": "Ajouter la proposition à tous les comptes" + "addToAllAccounts": "Ajouter la proposition à tous les comptes", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Modifier la proposition", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "Ajouter une proposition", "removeProposal": "Remove proposal", "changeNode": "Changer le noeud", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "Stop voting", "revote": "Voter à nouveau", "skipAndKeep": "Ignorer et conserver l'ancien mot de passe", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Switch account", "syncAccounts": "Sync accounts", "importToken": "Import {type} token", - "syncTokens": "Force sync tokens" + "syncTokens": "Force sync tokens", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "Destinataire", + "username": "Username", "password": "Mot de passe", "confirmPassword": "Confirmez le mot de passe", "currentPassword": "Mot de passe actuel", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Raffle", "governance": "Governance", "baseCoin": "Base Coin", - "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract" + "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "Filters", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "Contact addresses successfully updated" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Tokens successfully synced" } @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "Optional parameter: A description of the NFT", "attributes": "Optional parameter: An array of traits and values that define attributes of the NFT", "uri": "To create a URI using custom media, first upload your file to IPFS via a storage service (e.g. https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "Paramètre optionnel : La quantité de copies minées avec cette métadonnée." + "quantity": "Paramètre optionnel : La quantité de copies minées avec cette métadonnée.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "Vous devez arrêter de voter pour cette proposition avant de la supprimer.", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "Collectibles", "governance": "Gouvernance", "campaigns": "Campaigns", - "buySell": "Buy & Sell", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "Developer", "tokens": "Jetons", "settings": "Settings" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Not connected", "locked": "Device locked", "appNotOpen": "App not open" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": { diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/it.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/it.json index 5683cf9a83..d70a96145f 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/it.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/it.json @@ -649,10 +649,26 @@ "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "Annuncio", - "commencing": "Votazione aperta", - "holding": "Inizio conteggio", - "ended": "Conteggio terminato" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "Aggiorna nodo", "loadingNodeInfo": "Caricamento informazioni nodo", "nodeAddress": "Indirizzo del nodo", - "optionalUsername": "Nome utente (Facoltativo)", - "optionalPassword": "Password (facoltativa)", - "optionalJwt": "Token web JSON (opzionale)", "removeConfirmation": "Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere questo nodo?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "Generali", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "Decimali", "useMetricPrefix": "Usa prefisso metrico" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "Log degli errori", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "Signed message" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "Sign transaction", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "MimeType non valido, controlla se il tipo di file è supportato", "quantityTooSmall": "La quantità deve essere maggiore di 0", - "quantityTooLarge": "La quantità deve essere inferiore a 64", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Nome è un campo obbligatorio", "invalidURI": "URI non valido, fornire un URI valido", "notReachable": "URI not reachable, unable to check NFT type", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "Aggiungi proposta", "body": "Si prega di fornire le informazioni elencate di seguito per aggiungere una proposta.", - "addToAllAccounts": "Aggiungi la proposta a tutti gli account" + "addToAllAccounts": "Aggiungi la proposta a tutti gli account", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Modifica proposta", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "Aggiungi proposta", "removeProposal": "Rimuovi la proposta", "changeNode": "Change node", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "Interrompi la votazione", "revote": "Revote", "skipAndKeep": "Skip and keep old password", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Switch account", "syncAccounts": "Sync accounts", "importToken": "Import {type} token", - "syncTokens": "Force sync tokens" + "syncTokens": "Force sync tokens", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "Destinatario", + "username": "Username", "password": "Password", "confirmPassword": "Conferma la password", "currentPassword": "Password attuale", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Raffle", "governance": "Governance", "baseCoin": "Base Coin", - "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract" + "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "Filtri", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "Contact addresses successfully updated" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Tokens successfully synced" } @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "Parametro facoltativo: Una descrizione del NFT", "attributes": "Parametro facoltativo: Un insieme di tratti e valori che definisce gli attributi del NFT", "uri": "Per creare un URI utilizzando multimedia personalizzati, prima, carica il tuo file a IPFS tramite un servizio d'archiviazione (es. https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "Parametro opzionale: la quantità di copie coniate con questi metadati." + "quantity": "Parametro opzionale: la quantità di copie coniate con questi metadati.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "Devi interrompere la votazione a favore di questa proposta prima di rimuoverla.", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "Collezionabili", "governance": "Governance", "campaigns": "Campaigns", - "buySell": "Buy & Sell", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "Sviluppatore", "tokens": "Token", "settings": "Settings" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Not connected", "locked": "Device locked", "appNotOpen": "App not open" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": { diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/nl.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/nl.json index 91c8c05f50..0eed1a7c98 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/nl.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/nl.json @@ -646,13 +646,29 @@ "successAddAll": "{numberOfProposals, select, one {Voorstel} other {Voorstellen}} succesvol toegevoegd aan alle accounts", "successRemove": "Voorstel succesvol verwijderd", "emptyTitle": "Geen voorstellen", - "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." + "emptyDescription": "Je kunt je abonneren op een voorstel op een node met de URL ervan en een optioneel event-ID." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "Aankondiging", - "commencing": "Stemmen geopend", - "holding": "Tellen begint", - "ended": "Tellen stopt" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "Knooppunt bijwerken", "loadingNodeInfo": "Laden van knooppunt info", "nodeAddress": "Knooppunt adres", - "optionalUsername": "Gebruikersnaam (optioneel)", - "optionalPassword": "Wachtwoord (optioneel)", - "optionalJwt": "JSON webtoken (optioneel)", "removeConfirmation": "Weet u zeker dat u dit knooppunt wilt verwijderen?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "Algemeen", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "Decimalen", "useMetricPrefix": "Metrische voorvoegsel gebruiken" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "Foutenlogboek", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "Ondertekend bericht" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Inloggen met Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "Transactie ondertekenen", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "Ongeldige MimeType, controleer of het bestandstype wordt ondersteund", "quantityTooSmall": "Hoeveelheid moet groter zijn dan 0", - "quantityTooLarge": "Hoeveelheid moet kleiner zijn dan 64", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Naam is een verplicht veld", "invalidURI": "Ongeldige URI, geef een geldige URI op", "notReachable": "URI niet bereikbaar, niet mogelijk het NFT type te controleren", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "Voorstel toevoegen", "body": "Lever onderstaande informatie aan om een voorstel toe te voegen.", - "addToAllAccounts": "Voeg het voorstel toe aan alle accounts" + "addToAllAccounts": "Voeg het voorstel toe aan alle accounts", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Voorstel bewerken", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "Voorstel toevoegen", "removeProposal": "Voorstel verwijderen", "changeNode": "Wijzig knooppunt", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "Stoppen met stemmen", "revote": "Stem opnieuw", "skipAndKeep": "Overslaan en behoud oude wachtwoord", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Account wisselen", "syncAccounts": "Synchroniseer accounts", "importToken": "Importeer {type} token", - "syncTokens": "Forceer synchronisatie tokens" + "syncTokens": "Forceer synchronisatie tokens", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "Ontvanger", + "username": "Username", "password": "Wachtwoord", "confirmPassword": "Bevestig wachtwoord", "currentPassword": "Huidig wachtwoord", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Verloting", "governance": "Governance", "baseCoin": "Basis token", - "unverifiedContract": "Ongeverifieerd contract" + "unverifiedContract": "Ongeverifieerd contract", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "Filters", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "Contactadressen succesvol bijgewerkt" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Tokens succesvol gesynchroniseerd" } @@ -1779,7 +1808,7 @@ "length": "Je profielnaam kan niet langer zijn dan {length, plural, one {# karakter} other {# karakters}}.", "duplicate": "Een account met deze naam bestaat al.", "type": "Niet in staat om het profiel type te bepalen", - "authenticationInterrupted": "Authentication was interrupted" + "authenticationInterrupted": "Authenticatie werd onderbroken" }, "password": { "doNotMatch": "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen.", @@ -1986,7 +2015,7 @@ "invalidProtocol": "Ongeldig protocol, moet beginnen met 'wc'.", "deprecatedVersion": "dApp maakt gebruik van een verouderde wallet connectie versie.", "invalidV2UriFormat": "De link voldoet niet aan de WalletConnect V2-specificatie.", - "signTypedData": "Bloom doesn't support eth_signedTypedData V1 due to security reasons" + "signTypedData": "Bloom ondersteunt eth_signedTypedData V1 niet vanwege veiligheidsredenen" }, "web3": { "unableToGetProvider": "Kan web3-provider niet ophalen.", @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "Optionele parameter: Een beschrijving van de NFT", "attributes": "Optionele parameter: Een reeks van eigenschappen en waarden die kenmerken van de NFT definiëren", "uri": "Om een URI met eigen media te maken, upload eerst je bestand naar IPFS via een opslagservice (bijv. https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "Optionele parameter: Het aantal geminte kopieën met deze metadata." + "quantity": "Optionele parameter: Het aantal geminte kopieën met deze metadata.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "Je moet eerst stoppen met stemmen voor dit voorstel voordat je het verwijdert.", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "Verzamelingen", "governance": "Governance", "campaigns": "Campagnes", - "buySell": "Kopen & verkopen", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "Ontwikkelaar", "tokens": "Tokens", "settings": "Instellingen" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Niet verbonden", "locked": "Apparaat vergrendeld", "appNotOpen": "App niet geopend" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": { diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/pl.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/pl.json index 216155e915..8a9b69a36b 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/pl.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/pl.json @@ -646,13 +646,29 @@ "successAddAll": "{numberOfProposals, select, one {Propozycja została pomyślnie dodana} other {Propozycje zostały pomyślnie dodane}} do wszystkich kont", "successRemove": "Propozycja została usunięta", "emptyTitle": "Brak propozycji", - "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." + "emptyDescription": "Możesz subskrybować propozycję przy uzyciu jej adresu URL i opcjonalnego identyfikatora zdarzenia." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "Ogłoszenie propozycji", - "commencing": "Otwarcie głosowania", - "holding": "Rozpoczęcie zliczania", - "ended": "Zakończenie zliczania" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "Aktualizacja serwera", "loadingNodeInfo": "Wczytywanie informacji o serwerze", "nodeAddress": "Adres serwera", - "optionalUsername": "Nazwa użytkownika (opcjonalnie)", - "optionalPassword": "Hasło (opcjonalnie)", - "optionalJwt": "JSON web token (opcjonalnie)", "removeConfirmation": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten serwer?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "Ogólne", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "Miejsca po przecinku", "useMetricPrefix": "Użyj prefiksu metrycznego" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "Dziennik błędów", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "Podpisana wiadomość" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Zaloguj się z Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "Podpisz transakcję", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "Nieprawidłowy MimeType, sprawdź czy typ pliku jest obsługiwany", "quantityTooSmall": "Ilość musi być większa niż 0", - "quantityTooLarge": "Ilość musi być mniejsza niż 64", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Nazwa jest wymaganym polem", "invalidURI": "Nieprawidłowy URI, proszę podać poprawny URI", "notReachable": "URI nieosiągalny, nie można sprawdzić typu NFT", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "Dodaj propozycję", "body": "Wypełnij poniższe pola, aby dodać propozycję.", - "addToAllAccounts": "Dodaj propozycję do wszystkich kont" + "addToAllAccounts": "Dodaj propozycję do wszystkich kont", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Edytuj propozycję", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "Dodaj propozycję", "removeProposal": "Usuń propozycję", "changeNode": "Zmień serwer", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "Zatrzymaj głosowanie", "revote": "Odnów głosy", "skipAndKeep": "Pomiń i zachowaj stare hasło", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Przełącz konto", "syncAccounts": "Synchronizuj konta", "importToken": "Importowanie tokena {type}", - "syncTokens": "Wymuś synchronizację tokenów" + "syncTokens": "Wymuś synchronizację tokenów", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "Odbiorca", + "username": "Username", "password": "Hasło", "confirmPassword": "Potwierdź hasło", "currentPassword": "Aktualne hasło", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Loteria", "governance": "Zarządzanie", "baseCoin": "Token podstawowy", - "unverifiedContract": "Niezweryfikowany kontrakt" + "unverifiedContract": "Niezweryfikowany kontrakt", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "Filtry", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "Adresy kontaktu zostały pomyślnie zaktualizowane" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Tokeny pomyślnie zsynchronizowane" } @@ -1779,7 +1808,7 @@ "length": "Twoja nazwa profilu nie może być dłuższa niż {length, plural, one {# znak} few {# znaki} many {# znaków} other {# znaków}}.", "duplicate": "Profil o takiej nazwie już istnieje.", "type": "Nie można określić typu profilu", - "authenticationInterrupted": "Authentication was interrupted" + "authenticationInterrupted": "Autoryzacja została przerwana" }, "password": { "doNotMatch": "Hasła nie są zgodne.", @@ -1986,7 +2015,7 @@ "invalidProtocol": "Nieprawidłowy protokół, musi zaczynać się od \"wc\".", "deprecatedVersion": "dApp używa przestarzałej wersji wallet connect.", "invalidV2UriFormat": "Link nie jest zgodny ze specyfikacją WalletConnect V2.", - "signTypedData": "Bloom doesn't support eth_signedTypedData V1 due to security reasons" + "signTypedData": "Bloom nie obsługuje eth_signedTypedData V1 ze względów bezpieczeństwa" }, "web3": { "unableToGetProvider": "Nie można pozyskać dostawcy web3.", @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "Opcjonalny parametr: Opis NFT", "attributes": "Opcjonalny parametr: tablica cech i wartości, które definiują atrybuty NFT", "uri": "Aby utworzyć URI za pomocą niestandardowych mediów, najpierw prześlij plik do IPFS za pośrednictwem usługi przechowywania danych (np. https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "Opcjonalny parametr: Ilość kopii mintowanych za pomocą tych metadanych." + "quantity": "Opcjonalny parametr: Ilość kopii mintowanych za pomocą tych metadanych.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "Musisz przestać głosować na tę propozycję, zanim ją usuniesz.", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "Kolekcje", "governance": "Zarządzanie", "campaigns": "Kampanie", - "buySell": "Kup i sprzedaj", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "Deweloper", "tokens": "Tokeny", "settings": "Ustawienia" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Nie połączono", "locked": "Urządzenie zablokowane", "appNotOpen": "Aplikacja nie jest otwarta" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": { diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/pt-BR.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/pt-BR.json index 83c7901a86..11047a1b20 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/pt-BR.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/pt-BR.json @@ -649,10 +649,26 @@ "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "Anúncio", - "commencing": "Votação aberta", - "holding": "Contagem iniciada", - "ended": "Contagem parada" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "Atualizar nó", "loadingNodeInfo": "Carregando informações do nó", "nodeAddress": "Endereço de nó de rede", - "optionalUsername": "Nome de usuário (opcional)", - "optionalPassword": "Senha (opcional)", - "optionalJwt": "Token web JSON (opcional)", "removeConfirmation": "Você tem certeza que deseja remover este nó de rede?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "Geral", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "Decimais", "useMetricPrefix": "Use metric prefix" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "Relatório de Erros", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "Signed message" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "Assinar transação", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "MimeType inválido, verifique se o tipo de arquivo é suportado", "quantityTooSmall": "Quantidade deve ser maior que 0", - "quantityTooLarge": "Quantidade deve ser menor que 64", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Name is a required field", "invalidURI": "URL inválida, por favor forneça uma URI válida", "notReachable": "URI inacessível, incapaz de verificar o tipo de NFT", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "Adicionar proposta", "body": "Forneça as informações listadas abaixo para adicionar uma proposta.", - "addToAllAccounts": "Add the proposal to all accounts" + "addToAllAccounts": "Add the proposal to all accounts", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Editar proposta", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "Adicionar proposta", "removeProposal": "Remover proposta", "changeNode": "Alterar nó de rede", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "Parar votação", "revote": "Revotar", "skipAndKeep": "Ignorar e manter senha antiga", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Switch account", "syncAccounts": "Sync accounts", "importToken": "Import {type} token", - "syncTokens": "Forçar sincronização de tokens" + "syncTokens": "Forçar sincronização de tokens", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "Recipient", + "username": "Username", "password": "Senha", "confirmPassword": "Confirmar senha", "currentPassword": "Senha atual", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Raffle", "governance": "Governance", "baseCoin": "Base Coin", - "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract" + "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "Filters", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "Contact addresses successfully updated" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Tokens sincronizados com sucesso" } @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "Optional parameter: A description of the NFT", "attributes": "Parâmetro opcional: um array de características e valores que definem os atributos do NFT", "uri": "Para criar uma URI usando mídia personalizada, primeiro carregue seu arquivo para IPFS através de um serviço de armazenamento (por exemplo, https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "Parâmetro opcional: A quantidade de cópias cunhadas com este metadado." + "quantity": "Parâmetro opcional: A quantidade de cópias cunhadas com este metadado.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "Você deve parar de votar nesta proposta antes de removê-la.", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "Colecionáveis", "governance": "Governança", "campaigns": "Campaigns", - "buySell": "Buy & Sell", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "Desenvolvedor", "tokens": "Tokens", "settings": "Configurações" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Não conectado", "locked": "Dispositivo bloqueado", "appNotOpen": "App não aberto" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": { diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/tr.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/tr.json index df112e8fba..8b82e1878b 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/tr.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/tr.json @@ -649,10 +649,26 @@ "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "Duyuru", - "commencing": "Oylama açık", - "holding": "Sayım başlıyor", - "ended": "Sayım duruyor" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "Düğümü güncelle", "loadingNodeInfo": "Düğüm bilgisi yükleniyor", "nodeAddress": "Node adresi", - "optionalUsername": "Kullanıcı adı (opsiyonel)", - "optionalPassword": "Şifre (opsiyonel)", - "optionalJwt": "JSON web tokenı (isteğe bağlı)", "removeConfirmation": "Bu klasörü kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "Genel", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "Ondalıklı sayılar", "useMetricPrefix": "Metrik öneki kullan" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "Hata Geçmişi", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "İmzalı mesaj" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "İşlemi imzala", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "Geçersiz MimeType, dosya türünün desteklenip desteklenmediğini kontrol edin", "quantityTooSmall": "Miktar 0'dan büyük olması gerekiyor", - "quantityTooLarge": "Miktar 64'den küçük olması gerekiyor", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Ad zorunlu bir alandır", "invalidURI": "Geçersiz URI, lütfen geçerli bir URI sağlayın", "notReachable": "URI'ye ulaşılamıyor, NFT türü kontrol edilemiyor", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "Teklif ekle", "body": "Teklif eklemek için lütfen aşağıda listelenen bilgileri sağlayın.", - "addToAllAccounts": "Teklifi tüm hesaplara ekleyin" + "addToAllAccounts": "Teklifi tüm hesaplara ekleyin", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Teklifi düzenle", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "Teklif ekle", "removeProposal": "Teklifi kaldır", "changeNode": "Düğümü değiştir", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "Oy vermeyi durdur", "revote": "Yeniden oyla", "skipAndKeep": "Atla ve eski şifreyi koru", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Hesap değiştir", "syncAccounts": "Hesabları senkronize et", "importToken": "{type} tokeni içe aktar", - "syncTokens": "Tokenları zorla senkronizasyon yap" + "syncTokens": "Tokenları zorla senkronizasyon yap", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "Alıcı", + "username": "Username", "password": "Parola", "confirmPassword": "Parolayı doğrula", "currentPassword": "Geçerli parola", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Çekiliş", "governance": "Yönetim", "baseCoin": "Temel coin", - "unverifiedContract": "Doğrulanmamış Sözleşme" + "unverifiedContract": "Doğrulanmamış Sözleşme", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "Filtreler", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "İletişim adresleri başarıyla güncellendi" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Token'lar başarıyla senkronize edildi" } @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "İsteğe bağlı parametre: NFT'nin açıklaması", "attributes": "İsteğe bağlı parametre: NFT'nin niteliklerini tanımlayan bir dizi özellik ve değer", "uri": "Özel medya kullanarak bir URI oluşturmak için öncelikle dosyanızı bir depolama hizmeti aracılığıyla IPFS'ye yükleyin (ör. https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "İsteğe bağlı parametre: Bu meta verilerle basılan kopyaların miktarı." + "quantity": "İsteğe bağlı parametre: Bu meta verilerle basılan kopyaların miktarı.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "Bu öneriyi kaldırmadan önce oy vermeyi bırakmalısınız.", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "Koleksiyonlar", "governance": "Yönetim", "campaigns": "Kampanyalar", - "buySell": "Al & Sat", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "Geliştirici", "tokens": "Tokenler", "settings": "Ayarlar" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Bağlı değil", "locked": "Cihaz kilitlendi", "appNotOpen": "Uygulama açık değil" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": { diff --git a/packages/shared/src/locales/zh-CN.json b/packages/shared/src/locales/zh-CN.json index 59a99b5075..2a46c9e23f 100644 --- a/packages/shared/src/locales/zh-CN.json +++ b/packages/shared/src/locales/zh-CN.json @@ -649,10 +649,26 @@ "emptyDescription": "You can subscribe to a proposal on a node with its URL and an optional event ID." }, "statusTimeline": { - "upcoming": "通知", - "commencing": "投票开放", - "holding": "计数开始", - "ended": "计数停止" + "upcoming": { + "past": "Announced", + "present": "Announcement", + "future": "Announcement" + }, + "commencing": { + "past": "Voting opened", + "present": "Voting open", + "future": "Voting opens" + }, + "holding": { + "past": "Counting started", + "present": "Counting started", + "future": "Counting starts" + }, + "ended": { + "past": "Counting stopped", + "present": "Counting stopped", + "future": "Counting stops" + } }, "details": { "yourVote": { @@ -846,10 +862,8 @@ "updatingNode": "更新节点", "loadingNodeInfo": "加载节点信息", "nodeAddress": "节点地址", - "optionalUsername": "用户名(选填)", - "optionalPassword": "密码 (选填)", - "optionalJwt": "JSON web token (可选)", "removeConfirmation": "您确定要删除此节点吗?", + "requiresAuthentication": "Node requires authentication", "info": { "general": { "tab": "常规", @@ -884,7 +898,9 @@ "decimals": "小数位数", "useMetricPrefix": "使用指标前缀" } - } + }, + "jwt": "JSON web token", + "credentials": "Sign-in credentials" }, "errorLog": { "title": "错误日志", @@ -956,7 +972,11 @@ "success": "Signed message" }, "siwe": { - "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum" + "title": "Sign-In with Ethereum", + "domain": "Domain", + "statement": "Statement", + "resources": "Resources", + "action": "Sign in" }, "signTransaction": { "title": "Sign transaction", @@ -1137,7 +1157,7 @@ "errors": { "invalidMimetype": "Invalid MimeType, check if the file type is supported", "quantityTooSmall": "Quantity needs to be greater than 0", - "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 64", + "quantityTooLarge": "Quantity needs to be smaller than 127", "emptyName": "Name is a required field", "invalidURI": "Invalid URI, please provide a valid URI", "notReachable": "URI not reachable, unable to check NFT type", @@ -1165,7 +1185,8 @@ "addProposal": { "title": "增加提案", "body": "请提供以下信息以添加提案。", - "addToAllAccounts": "将提案添加到所有账户" + "addToAllAccounts": "将提案添加到所有账户", + "addAllProposalsOnNode": "Add all proposals on this node" }, "editProposal": { "title": "Edit proposal", @@ -1334,6 +1355,7 @@ "addProposal": "增加提案", "removeProposal": "移除提案", "changeNode": "Change node", + "changeNodeUrl": "Change node URL", "stopVoting": "停止投票", "revote": "重新投票", "skipAndKeep": "Skip and keep old password", @@ -1342,10 +1364,12 @@ "switchAccount": "Switch account", "syncAccounts": "Sync accounts", "importToken": "Import {type} token", - "syncTokens": "Force sync tokens" + "syncTokens": "Force sync tokens", + "mintNftCollection": "Mint NFT collection" }, "general": { "recipient": "接收人", + "username": "Username", "password": "密码", "confirmPassword": "确认密码", "currentPassword": "当前使用的密码", @@ -1562,7 +1586,9 @@ "raffle": "Raffle", "governance": "Governance", "baseCoin": "Base Coin", - "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract" + "unverifiedContract": "Unverified Contract", + "startIndex": "Start index", + "mintNftCollectionDescription": "Mint collection NFT in Alias Output" }, "filters": { "title": "过滤", @@ -1770,6 +1796,9 @@ "updateNetworkAddresses": { "success": "Contact addresses successfully updated" }, + "siwe": { + "rejected": "Invalid SIWE request" + }, "syncTokens": { "success": "Tokens successfully synced" } @@ -2043,7 +2072,8 @@ "description": "可选参数:NFT 的描述", "attributes": "可选参数:定义NFT属性的特性和值数组", "uri": "要使用自定义媒体创建一个 URI,请先通过存储服务上传您的文件到IPFS (例如,https://nft.storage/)", - "quantity": "Optional parameter: The quantity of copies minted with this metadata." + "quantity": "Optional parameter: The quantity of copies minted with this metadata.", + "startIndex": "Optional parameter: The start index of the NFTs to mint." }, "governance": { "removeProposalWarning": "你必须在删除该提案之前停止对它进行表决。", @@ -2069,7 +2099,7 @@ "collectibles": "合集", "governance": "治理", "campaigns": "Campaigns", - "buySell": "Buy & Sell", + "buySell": "Buy IOTA", "developer": "开发者", "tokens": "代币", "settings": "Settings" @@ -2102,6 +2132,12 @@ "notConnected": "Not connected", "locked": "Device locked", "appNotOpen": "App not open" + }, + "dappVerification": { + "valid": "Verified", + "invalid": "Domain Mismatch", + "unknown": "Cannot verify", + "scam": "Security Risk" } }, "menus": {