XO transaction processor demo for sawtooth
Install node modules:
yarn install
yarn run develop
Deploy sawtooth using docker-compose:
cd sawtooth-core/docker/compose
git checkout btp-releases/1.0.5
docker-compose -f sawtooth-default-go.yaml up
Activate the xo tp:
docker exec -it sawtooth-validator-default sawset proposal create \
--url http://rest-api:8008 \
--key /root/.sawtooth/keys/my_key.priv \
sawtooth.validator.transaction_families='[{"family": "intkey", "version": "1.0"}, {"family":"sawtooth_settings", "version":"1.0"}, {"family":"xo", "version":"1.0"}]'
docker exec -it sawtooth-validator-default sawtooth settings list --url http://rest-api:8008
The app will communicate to the rest api via localhost:8008
You can view it in the browser at http://localhost:8080