This is a collection of different incubed-examples.
Since incubed works with on a JSON-RPC-Level it can easily be used as Provider for Web3:
// import in3-Module
import In3Client from 'in3'
import * as web3 from 'web3'
// use the In3Client as Http-Provider
const web3 = new Web3(new In3Client({
proof : 'standard',
signatureCount: 1,
requestCount : 2,
chainId : 'mainnet'
// use the web3
const block = await web.eth.getBlockByNumber('latest')
Incubed includes a light API, allowinng not only to use all RPC-Methods in a typesafe way, but also to sign transactions and call funnctions of a contract without the web3-library.
For more details see the API-Doc
// import in3-Module
import In3Client from 'in3'
// use the In3Client
const in3 = new In3Client({
proof : 'standard',
signatureCount: 1,
requestCount : 2,
chainId : 'mainnet'
// use the api to call a funnction..
const myBalance = await in3.eth.callFn(myTokenContract, 'balanceOf(address):uint', myAccount)
// ot to send a transaction..
const receipt = await in3.eth.sendTransaction({
to : myTokenContract,
method : 'transfer(address,uint256)',
args : [target,amount],
confirmations: 2,
pk : myKey
// import in3-Module
import In3Client from 'in3'
// use the In3Client
const in3 = new In3Client({
proof : 'standard',
signatureCount: 1,
requestCount : 2,
chainId : 'mainnet'
// use the ABI-String of the smart contract
abi = [{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"name":"name","type":"string"},{"indexed":true,"name":"label","type":"bytes32"},{"indexed":true,"name":"owner","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"name":"cost","type":"uint256"},{"indexed":false,"name":"expires","type":"uint256"}],"name":"NameRegistered","type":"event"}]
// create a contract-object for a given address
const contract = in3.eth.contractAt(abi, '0xF0AD5cAd05e10572EfcEB849f6Ff0c68f9700455') // ENS contract.
// read all events starting from a specified block until the latest
const logs = await{fromBlock:8022948}))
// print out the properties of the event.
for (const ev of logs)
console.log(`${ev.owner} registered ${} for ${ev.cost} wei until ${new Date(ev.expires.toNumber()*1000).toString()}`)