All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added support for smaller screens
- Added modal (popup) window for networks reset confirmation
- Added preloaders for all pages, visual bugs fixed
- Added loader to topbar start/pasue buttons
- Prepared frontend to handle CCTL
- Exchanged NCTL container to in-house created CCTL container
- Discarded Lean API. Now the API uses rust rocket framework.
- Merged API and CCTL containers.
- Run endpoint that is compatible with all CCTL commands.
- Deploy, Event and Logs mapped elements are separated
- Navbar menu is working correctly
- Fixed access to all other subpages when network is not initialized
- Fixed Start/Pause buttons
- Fixed pagination on all subpages
- Accounts page. Displays users private and public keys.
- Logs, Event and Deploy pages presenting with JSON info on each coressponding topic.
- Blocks page, displays basic information about block generated on the network.
- Ability to change observed node.
- Reset button for the network.
- Lean API that acts as a proxy for the original nctl container.
- Documentation for the Lean API.
- Flask API deployed on the nctl container to ease up interaction between Lean API and nctl.