- __TEXT.__text: 0x79a8
- __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x2b0
- __TEXT.__const: 0xf12
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0x1e2
- __TEXT.__swift5_typeref: 0x37d
- __TEXT.__swift5_reflstr: 0x42e
- __TEXT.__swift5_assocty: 0x78
- __TEXT.__constg_swiftt: 0x3e0
- __TEXT.__swift5_fieldmd: 0x810
- __TEXT.__swift5_builtin: 0x64
- __TEXT.__swift5_mpenum: 0x5c
- __TEXT.__swift5_protos: 0x4
- __TEXT.__swift5_proto: 0xbc
- __TEXT.__swift5_types: 0x74
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x3a8
- __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x260
- __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x68
- __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x70
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x9fb3c
+ __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x1630
+ __TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x12c
+ __TEXT.__const: 0x2d40
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0x236a
+ __TEXT.__constg_swiftt: 0x1d8c
+ __TEXT.__swift5_typeref: 0x1094
+ __TEXT.__swift5_proto: 0x1e0
+ __TEXT.__swift5_types: 0x128
+ __TEXT.__swift5_capture: 0x3308
+ __TEXT.__swift5_reflstr: 0x20e7
+ __TEXT.__swift5_fieldmd: 0x1bd8
+ __TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x6221
+ __TEXT.__swift5_assocty: 0x2b0
+ __TEXT.__swift5_protos: 0x1c
+ __TEXT.__swift5_builtin: 0x104
+ __TEXT.__swift5_mpenum: 0xd0
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x1700
+ __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x1bf4
+ __TEXT.__objc_classname: 0x63
+ __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0xd02
+ __TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x3f3
+ __DATA_CONST.__got: 0x4d0
+ __DATA_CONST.__const: 0x190
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x50
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_protolist: 0x50
__DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
- __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0x158
- __AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x148
- __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x1330
- __DATA.__data: 0x150
- __DATA.__bss: 0x1830
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x390
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_protorefs: 0x28
+ __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0xb18
+ __AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x670
+ __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0xc4c8
+ __AUTH_CONST.__objc_const: 0x2aa8
+ __AUTH.__objc_data: 0xee8
+ __AUTH.__data: 0x1530
+ __DATA.__data: 0xf50
+ __DATA.__bss: 0x3a00
+ __DATA.__common: 0x31
- /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFAudio.framework/AVFAudio
- /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation
+ - /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Accelerate
+ - /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioToolbox
+ - /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreBluetooth.framework/CoreBluetooth
+ - /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
- /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation
- /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
+ - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AudioAccessoryServices.framework/AudioAccessoryServices
+ - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HID.framework/HID
+ - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HearingModeService.framework/HearingModeService
- /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaExperience.framework/MediaExperience
+ - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIKitCore.framework/UIKitCore
- /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
- /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftAccelerate.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreAudio.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreFoundation.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreImage.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreLocation.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreMIDI.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreMedia.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftDarwin.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftDataDetection.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftDispatch.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftFileProvider.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftMetal.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftOSLog.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftObjectiveC.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftQuartzCore.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftUniformTypeIdentifiers.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftXPC.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswift_Builtin_float.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswift_Concurrency.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswift_errno.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswift_math.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswift_signal.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswift_stdio.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswift_time.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftos.dylib
+ - /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsimd.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsys_time.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftunistd.dylib
- Functions: 481
- Symbols: 51
- CStrings: 21
+ Functions: 3134
+ Symbols: 364
+ CStrings: 888
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCoreAudio
+ _swift_unknownObjectWeakLoadStrong
+ ___stack_chk_guard
+ __swift_stdlib_bridgeErrorToNSError
+ _swift_weakDestroy
+ _vvsinh
+ _swift_getForeignTypeMetadata
+ _vDSP_vsubD
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAudioDeviceTest
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSBundle
+ _exp2
+ _objc_release_x25
+ _vDSP_vgenpD
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_CBPeripheral
+ _objc_release_x24
+ _objc_retain_x2
+ _swift_allocError
+ _swift_dynamicCastClass
+ _swift_unknownObjectWeakTakeInit
+ _vvexp
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_CBService
+ _swift_unknownObjectWeakCopyInit
+ _AVAudioSessionModeMeasurement
+ _log10
+ _AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReasonKey
+ __swift_isClassOrObjCExistentialType
+ _objc_retain_x24
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftAccelerate
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftUniformTypeIdentifiers
+ _os_variant_has_internal_content
+ __NSConcreteStackBlock
+ __swiftEmptyDictionarySingleton
+ _swift_unknownObjectRetain
+ _vDSP_vclipD
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCoreMIDI
+ _objc_allocWithZone
+ _objc_release_x1
+ _objc_retain_x23
+ _AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_AAAudioRoutingControl
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSUserDefaults
+ _objc_release_x21
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCoreImage
+ _swift_arrayInitWithCopy
+ _OBJC_METACLASS_$__TtC11HearingTest13Interpolators
+ _swift_updateClassMetadata2
+ _swift_unknownObjectWeakAssign
+ _swift_unknownObjectWeakInit
+ _CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_OS_dispatch_source
+ __objc_empty_cache
+ _swift_once
+ _swift_task_alloc
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVSystemController
+ _malloc
+ _swift_arrayInitWithTakeBackToFront
+ _swift_getGenericMetadata
+ _vDSP_maxviD
+ _swift_unexpectedError
+ _AVAudioSessionRouteChangeNotification
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_OS_os_log
+ _malloc_size
+ _swift_deallocObject
+ __swiftEmptySetSingleton
+ _objc_retain_x25
+ _swift_dynamicCast
+ _swift_isaMask
+ _swift_makeBoxUnique
+ _vvasinh
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSNotificationCenter
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftMetal
+ _lroundf
+ _objc_retain_x22
+ _vvsqrt
+ _bzero
+ _AVSystemController_CurrentlyActiveCategoryAttribute
+ _kAudioServicesPlaySystemSoundOptionVolumeKey
+ _swift_unknownObjectWeakTakeAssign
+ _objc_release_x22
+ _objc_retain_x26
+ _vDSP_minvD
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAudioDeviceTestResult
+ _objc_release_x23
+ _powf
+ _swift_deletedMethodError
+ _vDSP_mtransD
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC11HearingTest13Interpolators
+ _log2
+ _swift_allocateGenericValueMetadata
+ _swift_initStackObject
+ _AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInSpeaker
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSProcessInfo
+ __Block_release
+ _swift_lookUpClassMethod
+ _objc_retain_x21
+ _objc_retain_x28
+ _swift_beginAccess
+ _swift_unknownObjectWeakCopyAssign
+ _swift_unknownObjectWeakDestroy
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC11HearingTest12HTAudiometry
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftUIKit
+ _swift_retain_n
+ _swift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native
+ _vDSP_vsaddD
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAudioDeviceTestSequenceTone
+ _objc_release_x19
+ _os_log_type_enabled
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftos
+ _objc_release_x8
+ _swift_weakAssign
+ _vDSP_vnegD
+ __Block_copy
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftQuartzCore
+ _objc_msgSendSuper2
+ _objc_release_x9
+ _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
+ _AVAudioSessionPortBluetoothA2DP
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_CBCentralManager
+ _swift_willThrow
+ _AVAudioSessionPortBluetoothHFP
+ __swift_stdlib_reportUnimplementedInitializer
+ _swift_arrayDestroy
+ _swift_release_n
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSNumber
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_OS_dispatch_queue
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftsimd
+ _swift_getAssociatedConformanceWitness
+ _vvpow
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_CBCharacteristic
+ _swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness
+ _swift_getObjCClassMetadata
+ _vDSP_vaddD
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_HIDManager
+ _swift_arrayInitWithTakeFrontToBack
+ _swift_task_dealloc
+ _swift_weakInit
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftOSLog
+ _swift_stdlib_random
+ _vDSP_vmulD
+ _swift_getSingletonMetadata
+ _vDSP_vabsD
+ _AudioServicesPlaySystemSoundWithOptions
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCoreMedia
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftDataDetection
+ _objc_msgSend
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAudioSessionPortDescription
+ _swift_slowAlloc
+ _swift_weakLoadStrong
+ _vDSP_maxvD
+ _objc_retain
+ _swift_endAccess
+ _swift_getObjectType
+ _AVSystemController_CallIsActive
+ _CBUUIDAppleHeadsetPropertyServiceString
+ _UISceneDidEnterBackgroundNotification
+ _objc_release_x26
+ _objc_release_x28
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_HMServiceClient
+ _objc_retain_x8
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftCoreLocation
+ _cblas_dcopy$NEWLAPACK
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_CBDiscovery
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSObject
+ _UISceneWillDeactivateNotification
+ _exp
+ _vDSP_svdivD
+ __os_log_impl
+ _objc_release
+ _swift_unknownObjectRetain_n
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAudioSession
+ _swift_setDeallocating
+ _swift_task_switch
+ _vDSP_meanvD
+ _free
+ _objc_release_x20
+ _swift_deallocClassInstance
+ _AVAudioSessionPortHeadphones
+ _dgetrf$NEWLAPACK
+ _dgetri$NEWLAPACK
+ _objc_retain_x20
+ _objc_opt_self
+ _objc_release_x27
+ _objc_retain_x19
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_CBDevice
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$_OS_dispatch_queue_serial
+ _cblas_dgemm$NEWLAPACK
+ _vDSP_sveD
+ _vDSP_vsdivD
+ _OBJC_METACLASS_$__TtC11HearingTest12HTAudiometry
+ __swiftEmptyArrayStorage
+ _objc_retain_x27
+ _swift_bridgeObjectRelease_n
+ _OBJC_CLASS_$__TtCs12_SwiftObject
+ _kAudioServicesPlaySystemSoundOptionIgnoreRingerSwitchKey
+ _CFNotificationCenterPostNotification
+ _memmove
+ _swift_unknownObjectRelease_n
+ __swift_stdlib_strtod_clocale
+ _swift_task_create
+ _OBJC_METACLASS_$__TtCs12_SwiftObject
+ __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftFileProvider
+ _swift_slowDealloc
+ _UISceneWillEnterForegroundNotification
+ ___stack_chk_fail
+ _swift_bridgeObjectRetain_n
+ _swift_unknownObjectRelease
+ _vDSP_vsmulD
+ "lastNoiseCheckStatusDescription"
+ "testMode"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration unknown version, calibration fault"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] reset noise counter"
+ "dealloc"
+ "discoverCharacteristics:forService:"
+ "B24@0:8:16"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Ignoring characteristic, we don't have a peripheral yet"
+ "_TtC11HearingTest30MockHTRequirementStatusManager"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged waitingForFaultCheckResult waiting 10 seconds)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost keeping device until test ends"
+ "initialLevel"
+ "HT tone playback"
+ "HTNoiseLoggingEnable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged new device ignored: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Deinit HT_HEARTBEAT not setup (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] NoiseSynth timer resumed"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged headphones: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "lastProgress"
+ "peripheral:didDiscoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic:error:"
+ "Insufficient space allocated to copy string contents"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] ToneInterferenceFlag %!l(MISSING)d, dBA_Instant_SNR_flags %!s(MISSING). InstSPL tone_level_corr in dBHL %!f(MISSING), weighted_tone_level_corr %!f(MISSING), dBA_Instant_SNR %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged %!s(MISSING) is audio owner %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] %!s(MISSING) deviceIdentifier exists"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] fetch occlusion return passWithGainTableUpdateBothSides"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] getCurrentCalibrationResult for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Detected interruption of phone call type. (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged waitingForFaultCheckResult failsafe fired for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] accessory manager not available for fetch occlusion"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] didDiscoverCharacteristics For %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HT_HEARTBEAT timer already resumed, no-op (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged device not support hearing test: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "deactivateArbitrationBlocking"
+ "NTdBAInstSNRThreHeardNo"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Fault check missing , no calibration data read"
+ "No"
+ "no measurement data available + >1 year out-of-factory"
+ "v48@0:8@\"CBCentralManager\"16@\"CBPeripheral\"24@\"NSDictionary\"32@\"NSNumber\"40"
+ "_TtC11HearingTest22HTAccessoryAHPSManager"
+ "peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error:"
+ ".cxx_destruct"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged p %!d(MISSING), pp %!d(MISSING), s %!d(MISSING), ps %!d(MISSING) device %!@(MISSING)"
+ "objectForKey:"
+ "Reference mic status failed"
+ "Swift/Integers.swift"
+ "handleDeviceChanged new device"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] framework timestamp already in use by %!s(MISSING), this process should not continue"
+ "No measurement data available and more than 1 year out of factory"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] NoiseSynth timer suspended"
+ "rampDuration"
+ "setVolume:"
+ "NTdBAInstNoiseHighPctTh1"
+ "Swift/Dictionary.swift"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] posted notification %!s(MISSING) (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] val %!f(MISSING) mean %!f(MISSING), count %!f(MISSING)"
+ "handleDeviceChanged deviceLost"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleRouteChange"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] observers before remove are %!s(MISSING)"
+ "setPriority:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Current Tone freq %!f(MISSING) lv %!f(MISSING) dur %!f(MISSING) ch %!l(MISSING)d Response %!{(MISSING)bool}d; Current Tone interferenceFlag %!{(MISSING)bool}d, When tone interference flag is true, repeat previous tone %!l(MISSING)d times."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Discovery cannot activate. Error %!@(MISSING)"
+ "Marking current session timestamp"
+ "NoiseTuningEnable"
+ "audioRoutingControl"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] missing observer!"
+ "am"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Failed to get peripheral for writeCharacteristic"
+ "initWithOptions:"
+ "T@\"NSString\",?,R,C"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Fault Check result is not available"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Route change reason %!l(MISSING)u "
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] remembering as ineligible device: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Version %!h(MISSING)hu, Days since last cal left %!h(MISSING)u, right %!h(MISSING)u, last calibration result left %!u(MISSING), right %!u(MISSING), days since last harmonic measurement left %!h(MISSING)u, right %!h(MISSING)u, vce mic occlusion left %!h(MISSING)hu, right %!h(MISSING)hu, ref mic left %!h(MISSING)hu, right %!h(MISSING)hu, front vent occlusion left %!h(MISSING)hu, right %!h(MISSING)hu, rear vent occlusion left %!h(MISSING)hu, right %!h(MISSING)hu"
+ "centralMgrQueue"
+ "com.apple.private.HearingTestFramework"
+ "currentCheck2A"
+ "v12@?0B8"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Noise Status %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged deviceIdentifier switched, but NOT locked %!s(MISSING) for %!s(MISSING) outside test session"
+ "envNoiseInterruptionDisabled"
+ "value"
+ "Failed to start audio session. { error=%!@(MISSING) }"
+ "calibrationTable"
+ "canSwitchAirpods"
+ "_TtC11HearingTest13Interpolators"
+ "conformsToProtocol:"
+ "init()"
+ "peripheral:didUpdateNotificationStateForCharacteristic:error:"
+ "UnsafeMutablePointer.initialize with negative count"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] WARNING: Attempting fault check before value could be read"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode requested from %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Central state poweredOn."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged cancelling previous waitingForFaultCheckResult failsafe for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "count_coreAnalyticsMetricsInst"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Invalid Buffer, return without anaylsis"
+ "faultCheckWaitTask"
+ "preStimulusResponse"
+ "User tapped 'Start Hearing Test'"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged CBCentralManager not powered on yet, no-op"
+ "lostPeripheral"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Noise classification timer of %!f(MISSING) seconds completed"
+ "com.apple.HearingTest.HTRequirementStatusManager.default-observer-queue"
+ "faultCheckReadCount"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] NoiseUpdated %!l(MISSING)d, %!s(MISSING), timerdone %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral didUpdateValueFor Fault Check for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "ineligableLock"
+ "Unknown"
+ "Less than 1 year out-of-factory (might not have measurement data available)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Removed observer %!s(MISSING); number of observers remaining in queue is %!l(MISSING)d."
+ "com.appleinternal.acoustics.hearingtestapp"
+ "invalid Collection: less than 'count' elements in collection"
+ "playbackTone:completion:"
+ "revFs"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] before reset count %!f(MISSING), mean inst %!f(MISSING), stat %!f(MISSING)"
+ "centralManager:didDisconnectPeripheral:error:"
+ "deviceLost"
+ "B16@0:8"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost no handler to notify!"
+ "name"
+ "Q16@0:8"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Fault check version %!h(MISSING)hu not supported"
+ "front vent status"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] disableANCHearingTestMode HT_HEARTBEAT timer already suspended, no-op (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral didDiscoverServices for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Successful harmonic measurement"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Cannot remove observer %!s(MISSING) because it was not in queue."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] InterferenceFlag from response is %!l(MISSING)d, repeat the previous tone for up to %!l(MISSING)d times"
+ "zone"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] ready, now pushing postponed handleDeviceChanged π"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] stop noise sim"
+ "xSample"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] parseCurrentCalibrationResultWithReasons"
+ "no UTP connection (only for secondary bud)"
+ "sharedAVSystemController"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Discovery started. Device count is %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] readCharacteristic"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] readHearingTestStatus from %!s(MISSING) retry count %!l(MISSING)d, max %!l(MISSING)d "
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HID Report %!l(MISSING)lu, %!l(MISSING)d, %!l(MISSING)d, %!s(MISSING)"
+ "v16@?0@\"NSError\"8"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] discovery waiting on fault check data"
+ "initWithDelegate:queue:"
+ "superclass"
+ "Cleared previous session timestamp (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Reading mode after HT_HEARTBEAT (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "identifier"
+ "Detected active category change interruption that does not require checks. { activeCategory=%!s(MISSING) } (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "HTTonePlayerHBTimer"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] write test tone freq %!f(MISSING), level %!f(MISSING), side %!u(MISSING)"
+ "discoveredDevices"
+ "earlyTaps"
+ "hearingTestFaultCheckStatusWithReasonFetchOnDemand()"
+ "setValue:forKey:"
+ "UnsafeMutablePointer.initialize overlapping range"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged not audio device: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged notify incompatible %!s(MISSING)"
+ "copy"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Data unknown"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Device Lost, cannot write characteristic."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral discoverCharacteristics for %!s(MISSING), %!s(MISSING) and %!s(MISSING)."
+ "isCurrentPortCheckPassed"
+ "OS_dispatch_source_timer"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager notifyLostWaitTask waiting 3 seconds"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged Fault Check arrived, we're ready with %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Interrupted by device placement"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] FaultCheck: UserDefaults sim mode disabled."
+ "v32@0:8@\"CBPeripheral\"16@\"NSArray\"24"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode HTMode return status from %!s(MISSING) %!h(MISSING)hu"
+ "Audio session interruption ended. { error=%!@(MISSING) }"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Lost connection due to new device available"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged device placement outEar %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Route change reason unavailable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] getCurrentCalibrationResultWithReasons for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "setSoundLevel:"
+ "Audio Session is in an interrupted state."
+ "metrics"
+ "timerStarted"
+ "v16@?0@\"CBDevice\"8"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Characteristic UUID doesn't match"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Current Tone freq %!f(MISSING) lv %!f(MISSING) dur %!f(MISSING) ch %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager cancelling previous didDisconnectPeripheral"
+ "centralManagerDidUpdateState"
+ "peripheral:didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService:error:"
+ "Frequency accuracy fault status failed"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Evaluation paused, rolling back 2 samples"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] V2 left result more than one year old."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged ignoring %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] highStatNoise %!{(MISSING)bool}d, highInstNoise %!{(MISSING)bool}d, modHighStatNoise %!{(MISSING)bool}d, modHighInstNoise %!{(MISSING)bool}d "
+ "connectedDeviceLock"
+ "propertyForKey:"
+ "THD status failed"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] discovery started"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] fetch occlusion return unknown"
+ "testEnded"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: fail"
+ "activate"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Invalid Buffer for noise analysis"
+ "setDeviceLostHandler:"
+ "skipRollbackOnPause"
+ "currentEnviNoiseStatus"
+ "NTdBAStnryNoiseHighPctTh1"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] %!s(MISSING) retrievePeripherals with identifier %!s(MISSING), peripherals %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] readHearingTestStatus unable to read from %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] ignore known bad AirPods, search for next candidate"
+ "freq accuracy fault status"
+ "mainBundle"
+ "v32@0:8@\"CBCentralManager\"16@\"CBPeripheral\"24"
+ "Swift/Array.swift"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault: nofault"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] cannot parse occlusion result"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration unknown version, expected version 2 or 3, read version %!h(MISSING)hu"
+ "Fatal error"
+ "fetchOcclusionResultForDeviceIdentifier:featureID:completion:"
+ "Speaker status failed"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Central state unhandled."
+ "_TtC11HearingTest20HTHearingTestSession"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost no observers to notify device lostConnection"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode checking return status after write from %!s(MISSING)"
+ "B24@0:8@16"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Central state unknown."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged Device found: %!s(MISSING) βοΈ"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] error %!@(MISSING) fetch occlusion result"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost notify lostHandler."
+ "general system fault status"
+ "v40@0:8@\"CBPeripheral\"16@\"CBCharacteristic\"24@\"NSError\"32"
+ "Duplicate values for key: '"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManagerDidUpdateState."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] disableANCHearingTestMode Accessory manager not setup (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: pass"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager didDisconnectPeripheral ignoring peripheral before hearing test start %!s(MISSING) π»"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral %!s(MISSING) didUpdateValueFor %!@(MISSING)."
+ "peripheralIsReadyToSendWriteWithoutResponse:"
+ "processName"
+ "HTAudiometryQueue"
+ "NTtoneRepeatThreshold"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration %!s(MISSING) L %!s(MISSING) %!u(MISSING), R %!s(MISSING) %!u(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral %!s(MISSING) doesn't exist"
+ "pulseDuration"
+ "rear vent status"
+ "environment"
+ "timer"
+ "NTdBAInstSNRThHeard"
+ "UUIDWithString:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Buffer is empty #2"
+ "btAddressData"
+ "currentCheck1B"
+ "isEqual:"
+ "masking"
+ "NTdBAStnryNoiseHighPctTh2"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] enableANCHearingTestModeWithReason enable arbitration blocking mode (%!l(MISSING)d)."
+ "clientCount"
+ "noiseInterruption"
+ "setPulseDuration:"
+ "B24@0:8#16"
+ "lastLoggedPortName"
+ "deviceLostHandler"
+ "minLevel"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] discovery events for %!s(MISSING) will no longer be logged π"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral %!s(MISSING) exists"
+ "v20@?0@\"HIDDevice\"8B16"
+ "Interrupted by noise"
+ "hidLock"
+ "setPauseDuration:"
+ "peripheral:didDiscoverServices:"
+ "testFs"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] %!s(MISSING) centralMgr nil"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Added observer %!s(MISSING), type %!l(MISSING)d, number of observers in queue is %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "currentCheck2B"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] compatibleAudioDeviceStatus requested"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost no AHPS queue"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost no central manager queue"
+ "currentEnvNoiseStatus"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Timeout discovery activation."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Tone playback requested. { frequency=%!f(MISSING), level=%!f(MISSING), duration=%!f(MISSING), ch=%!l(MISSING)d }"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: pass with left gain updated"
+ "A4120003-95C5-4D6F-9098-0F0B41457E0A"
+ "setAppBundleID:"
+ "stopAudioSession:"
+ "setDispatchQueue:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] fetch occlusion return passWithGainTableUpdateRight"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] metadata count %!f(MISSING), mean inst %!f(MISSING), stat %!f(MISSING), hist inst %!s(MISSING), stat %!s(MISSING)"
+ "proximityPairingSecondaryPlacement"
+ "v40@0:8@\"CBPeripheral\"16@\"CBL2CAPChannel\"24@\"NSError\"32"
+ "Audio session interruption began. { error=%!@(MISSING) }"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING) %!u(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Continue test, next on demand tone freq %!f(MISSING), level %!f(MISSING), duration %!f(MISSING), ch %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] disableANCHearingTestMode Sending disable hearing test mode message (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] hearingTestFaultCheckState"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost candidate: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "T#,R"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] InterferenceFlag is disabled by UserDefaults"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] NoiseAnalysis tmp1 %!s(MISSING), tmp2 %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged %!s(MISSING) no valid current route output ports found in %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost device lostConnection: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "initialSamples"
+ "NTAuditoryBandSNRThToneHeardNo"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Ignoring characteristic, uknown peripheral %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] fetch occlusion return insufficientMeasurements"
+ "OS_dispatch_source"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Notifying 'discovery' observer of previously found invalid device"
+ "setMicBufferNumbers:"
+ "v24@0:8@\"CBPeripheral\"16"
+ "B24@0:8@\"Protocol\"16"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: pass with right gain updated"
+ "boolForKey:"
+ "CaliResWithReason"
+ "NoiseCheck status: moderate, acceptable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged %!s(MISSING) current output port %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode FAILED from %!s(MISSING)"
+ "init"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Current Tone freq %!f(MISSING) lv %!f(MISSING) dur %!f(MISSING) ch %!l(MISSING)d; Current Tone interferenceFlag %!{(MISSING)bool}d, When tone interference flag is true, repeat previous tone %!l(MISSING)d times."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] FaultCheck: UserDefaults sim mode enabled."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] failed to reset noise counter"
+ "v40@0:8@16@24@32"
+ "^{_NSZone=}16@0:8"
+ "allFrequencies"
+ "noiseSimInProgressTimer"
+ "insufficient measurement"
+ "peripheral:didModifyServices:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Deleted tone freq %!f(MISSING), level %!f(MISSING), response %!{(MISSING)bool}d, ch %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] disableANCHearingTestMode (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "workQueue"
+ "v40@0:8@\"CBCentralManager\"16@\"CBPeripheral\"24@\"NSError\"32"
+ "HTAudiogramLoggingEnable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Done %!s(MISSING) audio routing arbitration blocking mode"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Repeat Tone Flag %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HT_MODE lost, forcing fit test π"
+ "close"
+ "T@\"NSString\",R,C"
+ "Tuning"
+ "A4120002-95C5-4D6F-9098-0F0B41457E0A"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: insufficient measurements"
+ "Detected active category change interruption that does not require checks. { activeCategory=%!s(MISSING) }"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HID payload size not available"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault: calibrationFault"
+ "primaryPlacement"
+ "v40@0:8@\"CBPeripheral\"16@\"CBService\"24@\"NSError\"32"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Error %!@(MISSING) in %!s(MISSING) audio routing arbitration blocking mode"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral readCharacteristic %!@(MISSING)."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] switched to wired headphone"
+ "hidEnvNoiseData"
+ "portName"
+ "Attempting to start audio session (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "Failed to cast NSError."
+ "NTMinStateDuration"
+ "Buffer"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Noise Status not available (envNoiseStatus)"
+ "attributeForKey:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Deinitializing AHPS mgr"
+ "waitingForFaultCheckResult"
+ "requirementStatusManager"
+ "Detected active category change interruption that requires checks. { activeCategory=%!s(MISSING) } (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Notifying 'discovery' observer of previously found device"
+ "peripheralDidUpdateRSSI:error:"
+ "Fault check data more than 1 year old"
+ "Negative value is not representable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] AuditoryBand tone_level in dBFS %!f(MISSING), tone_level_corr %!f(MISSING), tone_freq %!f(MISSING), SNR %!s(MISSING), SNR_flags %!s(MISSING)"
+ "fail on subsequent attempt"
+ "Swift/UnsafeRawBufferPointer.swift"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged deviceIdentifier missing"
+ "currentCheck1A"
+ "NTAuditoryBandSNRBufSz"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] User response is nil"
+ "setDeviceAddress:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] dBA_Stationary_NoiseHighPct %!f(MISSING), dBA_Stationary_Flags %!s(MISSING), dBA_Instant_NoiseHighPct %!f(MISSING), dBA_Instant_Flags %!s(MISSING), dBA_Stationary_NoiseHighPct2 %!f(MISSING), dBA_Stationary_Flags2 %!s(MISSING), dBA_Instant_NoiseHighPct2 %!f(MISSING), dBA_Instant_Flags2 %!s(MISSING)"
+ "isMemberOfClass:"
+ "setMode:"
+ "_TtC11HearingTest23HTNSNotificationManager"
+ "removeObserver:name:object:"
+ "Detected interruption of phone call type."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] current session inst noise mean %!f(MISSING), noise meta data inst %!f(MISSING), stat %!f(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] observers after add are %!s(MISSING)"
+ "requestLock"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Sending enable ANC hearing test mode message (%!l(MISSING)d)."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UUID %!s(MISSING) data %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Update device placement %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "HTLastSessionTimestamp"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Fault check read OK: calibration fault"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] before reset count %!f(MISSING), mean %!f(MISSING)"
+ "discoverServices:"
+ "setDeviceFoundHandler:"
+ "valueForKey:"
+ "@40@0:8:16@24@32"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HID Manager cannot be cancelled."
+ "_TtC11HearingTest15HTNoiseMetadata"
+ "metricsLock"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Deinit tone player (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Samples: %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "interrupted"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Central state poweredOff."
+ "cancelPeripheralConnection:"
+ "pass with occlusion gain table updated on right"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] timer done!"
+ "loggedDevices"
+ "portType"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Right result more than one year old."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Test tone info - not for read/ack"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] getBoundedPoints using idx 1"
+ "MaxInputReportSize"
+ "Test ended"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged ignoring non HT device: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "maxSampleCount"
+ "performSelector:"
+ "NSObject"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: fail on subsequent attempt"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral writeCharacteristic %!s(MISSING) for %!s(MISSING) to %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Init tone player (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] start noise sim"
+ "statusProviderV2"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Disable hidListening"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Evaluation paused, already rolled back samples"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HID payload size unexpected"
+ "notificationManager"
+ "setOutputID:"
+ "NTdBAInstSNRBufSz"
+ "UUIDString"
+ "fitMatrix"
+ "invalidate"
+ "@32@0:8:16@24"
+ "Starting current session timestamp"
+ "centralManager:didUpdateANCSAuthorizationForPeripheral:"
+ "CBPeripheralDelegate"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral didUpdateValueFor Fault Check: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "v52@0:8@16@24d32B40@44"
+ "setDeviceMatching:"
+ "Voice mic status failed"
+ "calibrationUnavailable, reasons "
+ "requests"
+ "lastLoggedStatus"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] V3 Result more than one year old."
+ "channel"
+ "characteristics"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager notifyLostWaitTask didDisconnectPeripheral %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] fetch occlusion return pass"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] hearing test stop π΄"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] reset noise counter at session init"
+ "UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.copyMemory source has too many elements"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Replacing old observer %!s(MISSING) (type: %!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager end didConnect peripheral %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Detected interruption that requires checks."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost cleaning up"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost ignored: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] observers before add are %!s(MISSING)"
+ "noiseMetadata"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Fault Check incomplete, requesting again from %!s(MISSING) (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "discoveryActivated"
+ "v52@0:8@\"CBCentralManager\"16@\"CBPeripheral\"24d32B40@\"NSError\"44"
+ "curNumRepeat"
+ "noiseSimulator"
+ "respondsToSelector:"
+ "setFrequency:"
+ "?"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault: invalid"
+ "stimulus"
+ "heartBeatTimerState"
+ "self"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged no observers to notify device placement outEar %!s(MISSING)"
+ "$__lazy_storage_$_accessoryManager"
+ "HTLastSessionProcess"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: pass with both side gain updated"
+ "connectedCBDevice"
+ "setDeviceNotificationHandler:"
+ "NTAuditoryBandNoiseHighPctTh2"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration Overall Fault Check result for %!s(MISSING): %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] ReqMgr not setup for HID device handler"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] discovery events for %!s(MISSING) will resume logging π‘"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged Device %!s(MISSING) identifier %!s(MISSING), p %!d(MISSING), pp %!d(MISSING), s %!d(MISSING), ps %!d(MISSING), lost %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "count_coreAnalyticsMetricsStat"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] FaultCheck: Cannot get connected device uuid"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] readHearingTestStatus from %!s(MISSING) failed"
+ "dictionaryRepresentation"
+ "peripheral:didUpdateValueForDescriptor:error:"
+ "NTdBAInstNoiseHighPctTh2"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Fault check read OK: no fault"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged complete Fault Check never arrived, giving up on %!s(MISSING)"
+ "_TtC11HearingTest26HTRequirementStatusManager"
+ "v40@0:8@\"CBCentralManager\"16q24@\"CBPeripheral\"32"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] NoiseInterruption %!l(MISSING)d, drum_OctBand_sm %!s(MISSING) , dBA_Stationary_NoiseHighPct %!f(MISSING), dBA_Instant_NoiseHighPct %!f(MISSING)"
+ "noiseMetaData"
+ "Vv16@0:8"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Evaluation resumed"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] fetch occlusion return fail"
+ "v8@?0"
+ "HearingTest.HTAccessoryAHPSManager"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HID Manager cannot be closed"
+ "v48@0:8@16@24@32@40"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault: calibrationUnavailable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged no observers to notify device incompatible %!s(MISSING)"
+ "hash"
+ "Attempting to stop audio session (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "NTdBAInstSNRThPct"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] User response is %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "CaliCharacteristic"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeCharacteristic requested"
+ "kernelLength"
+ "Audio session route was changed. { error=%!@(MISSING) }"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] check 1A %!{(MISSING)bool}d, 1B %!{(MISSING)bool}d, 2A %!{(MISSING)bool}d, 2B %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] getCurrentCalibrationResultWithReason for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] hearing test start π’"
+ "@16@0:8"
+ "accessoryManager"
+ "peripheral:didWriteValueForCharacteristic:error:"
+ "NTMinTimeForNoiseClassification"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HT session received playback confirmation for Tone freq %!f(MISSING), level %!f(MISSING), duration %!f(MISSING), ch %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Sending HT_HEARTBEAT message (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "currentEnvironmentalNoiseStatus"
+ "mockEvents"
+ "v40@0:8@\"CBPeripheral\"16@\"NSNumber\"24@\"NSError\"32"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged device placement inEar %!s(MISSING)"
+ "isHTModeDisabledByTonePlayer"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration UserDefaults AirPods fault check override"
+ "centralManagerDidUpdateState:"
+ "stateLock"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: unknown"
+ "connectPeripheral:options:"
+ "notifyLostWaitTask"
+ "stateHistory"
+ "HTPeripheralLoggingEnable"
+ "hearingTestSupport"
+ "kHIDPrimaryUsagePage"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration data %!s(MISSING)"
+ "clientID"
+ "faultCheckStatusWithReason"
+ "pauseDuration"
+ "responseLock"
+ "UnsafeMutablePointer.moveInitialize with negative count"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] V2 Result more than one year old."
+ "isRightUseOccludedCalibrationTable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Test completed, result %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Unable to get discovery activation status"
+ "isAudioSessionActivatedByTonePlayer"
+ "UnsafeMutableBufferPointer with negative count"
+ "setDuration:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] audio device expired, resetting"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager didConnect begin peripheral %!s(MISSING)"
+ "peripheral:didReadRSSI:error:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Noise Status not available (environmentalNoiseStatus)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Starting hearingTestFaultCheckStatusWithReasonFetchOnDemand"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Central state unsupported."
+ "v24@0:8@\"CBCentralManager\"16"
+ "defaultObserverQueue"
+ "mode"
+ "placementDisabled"
+ "doubleForKey:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration unknown version %!h(MISSING)hu"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] otherHearingTestAlreadyActive: %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] remembering as ineligible peripheral: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "autorelease"
+ "isFastTap"
+ "setupAudioSessionForHearingTestWithStatus:success:"
+ "Swift/NativeDictionary.swift"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged no AHPS queue"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode initial status is not expected from %!s(MISSING)"
+ "lock"
+ "peripheral:didOpenL2CAPChannel:error:"
+ "setNumberOfPulses:"
+ "statusProvider"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] No audio device available"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] [Noise Tuning] %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager cancelling lost peripheral notification for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "Successful non harmonic measurement"
+ "hearingTestStatusWithAverageNoise(for:)"
+ "v16@0:8"
+ "defaultCenter"
+ "Test ended due to max tone reached"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost no accessory manager!"
+ "connectedDiscoveryCount"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeCharacteristic complete"
+ "debugDescription"
+ "deleted"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged device %!s(MISSING) not ready (waiting for fault check result)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged headset: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "isLeftUseOccludedCalibrationTable"
+ "CBCentralManagerDelegate"
+ "NoiseCheck status: high, NOT acceptable (default)"
+ "retain"
+ "v40@0:8@16q24@32"
+ "<1 year out-of-factory (might not have measurement data available)"
+ "HearingTestMode"
+ "No status available"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged looking for device"
+ "providerLock"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Discovery Activated"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Failed to send HT_START Command (%!l(MISSING)d)."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] current channel %!l(MISSING)d, use rear vent occluded calibration table"
+ "loggedDeviceLock"
+ "Updating current session timestamp (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] drum_OctBand %!s(MISSING), drum_AuditoryBand %!f(MISSING), drum_dBA %!f(MISSING), drum_dBA_Inst %!f(MISSING)"
+ "hidListening"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Init status mgr"
+ "bundleIdentifier"
+ "Yes"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Central state unauthorized."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Device Lost, cannot read characteristic"
+ "Request, freq %!f(MISSING), lvl %!f(MISSING)"
+ "release"
+ "onDemandTones"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Buffer is empty #1"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HT session progress %!f(MISSING)"
+ "_TtC11HearingTest12HTAudiometry"
+ "observer"
+ "peripheral:didDiscoverIncludedServicesForService:error:"
+ "v24@0:8@16"
+ "TQ,R"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] readHearingTestStatus requested from %!s(MISSING)"
+ "latest measurement status"
+ "A4120001-95C5-4D6F-9098-0F0B41457E0A"
+ "cancel"
+ "workItem"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] %!s(MISSING) connectPeripheral"
+ "activateArbitrationBlocking"
+ "setRequiresBluetoothOutput:"
+ "hidManager"
+ "readValueForCharacteristic:"
+ "noiseInterruptionLock"
+ "setDiscoveryFlags:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Central state resetting."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Ear completion tone playback requested (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "centralManager:didDisconnectPeripheral:timestamp:isReconnecting:error:"
+ "hearingTestStatus(for:)"
+ "setProcessSequenceAsynchronously:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Fault check %!s(MISSING)"
+ "timerState"
+ "Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value"
+ "Unknown audio session interruption. { error=%!@(MISSING) }"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Deinit status mgr"
+ "stopPlayback"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Test completed"
+ "code"
+ "pendingInvalidDevice"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] no observers to notify noise status changed (2)"
+ "description"
+ "isKindOfClass:"
+ "com.apple.HearingTest.test.started"
+ "Error mic status failed"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode return status is not expected from %!s(MISSING)"
+ "audioDeviceStatus"
+ "temporaryTime"
+ "theta"
+ "#16@0:8"
+ "Swift/ContiguousArrayBuffer.swift"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Accessory manager not found"
+ "results"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Cannot find a matching UUID for data"
+ "initWithInteger:"
+ "peripheralDidUpdateName:"
+ "timestamp"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Err %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] available hearing test device count : %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "retrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers:"
+ "setOutputMode:"
+ "totalTime"
+ "Failed to access shared AVSystemController."
+ "ineligibleAirPods"
+ "connectedDiscovery"
+ "integerForKey:"
+ "@24@0:8:16"
+ "NTAuditoryBandSNRThPct"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] cleanup and preparing for next discovery."
+ "Swift/UnsafeRawPointer.swift"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration Right rear vent occluded, update Calibration table"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] will read Hearing Test"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged ignore known bad device: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "com.apple.HearingTest"
+ "initWithSuiteName:"
+ "_TtC11HearingTest12HTNoiseSynth"
+ "NTAuditoryBandSNRThToneHeard"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] startAudioSession enable arbitration blocking mode (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "activateWithCompletion:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Version %!h(MISSING)hu, Last measurement timestamp left %!l(MISSING)lu, right %!l(MISSING)lu, last measurement result left %!u(MISSING), right %!u(MISSING), vce mic occlusion left %!h(MISSING)hu, right %!h(MISSING)hu, ref mic left %!h(MISSING)hu, right %!h(MISSING)hu, front vent occlusion left %!h(MISSING)hu, right %!h(MISSING)hu, rear vent occlusion left %!h(MISSING)hu, right %!h(MISSING)hu"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged device supports hearing test: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode HTMode initial status %!h(MISSING)hu from %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] readHearingTestStatus complete from %!s(MISSING), mode is %!h(MISSING)hu"
+ "currentRoute"
+ "v32@0:8@\"CBPeripheral\"16@\"NSError\"24"
+ "Temperature abort"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Failed to get peripheral for readCharacteristic"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager didDisconnectPeripheral ignoring unknown peripheral %!s(MISSING)"
+ "sharedInstance"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Left result more than one year old."
+ "count"
+ "floatForKey:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults sim mode enabled."
+ "ySample"
+ "NTAuditoryBandBufSz"
+ "Swift/UnsafePointer.swift"
+ "timerLock"
+ "centralManager:connectionEventDidOccur:forPeripheral:"
+ "Front vent status failed"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged device incompatible: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Failed to get device address"
+ "centralManager:didConnectPeripheral:"
+ "centralMgrPoweredOn"
+ "pass with occlusion gain table updated on both sides"
+ "services"
+ "Response, heard: %!s(MISSING), freq %!f(MISSING), lvl %!f(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager didDisconnectPeripheral notifyLostWaitTask no deviceLostHandler!"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode complete for %!s(MISSING) β
+ "performSelector:withObject:withObject:"
+ "Interrupted by device lost"
+ "arrayForKey:"
+ "deviceType"
+ "metricsV2"
+ "setInputReportHandler:"
+ "v40@0:8@\"CBPeripheral\"16@\"CBDescriptor\"24@\"NSError\"32"
+ "Failed to stop audio session. { error=%!@(MISSING) }"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Fault check failed, no calibration data read"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged has no device"
+ "calibrationFault, reasons "
+ "audioDeviceTest"
+ "centralManager:willRestoreState:"
+ "setArbitrationBlockingModeWithCompletion:completion:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] On demand tones should have 4 parameters: frequency, soundLevel, channel(L:0, R:1) and toneDuration. Ex: '(1000, 50, 0, 1)' '(2000, 40, 1, 1)'"
+ "noFault, reasons "
+ "NTdBAInstSNRBufSzEff"
+ "Swift/StringTesting.swift"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] client fetchOcclusionResult %!d(MISSING) "
+ "heartbeatTimer"
+ "outputs"
+ "UnsafeMutableRawPointer.initializeMemory overlapping range"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged no accessory manager!"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] readHearingTestStatus from %!s(MISSING) eached time out period"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged microphone: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "logger"
+ "HTDiscoveryLoggingEnable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Noise Status not available (enviNoiseStatus)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager didDisconnectPeripheral doesn't have a peripheral yet"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] parseCurrentCalibrationResult"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral %!s(MISSING) didUpdateValueFor Hearing Aid Mode: was %!s(MISSING) now %!s(MISSING) disabled %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode check initial state before write to %!s(MISSING)"
+ "HTOverrideAirPodsFaultCheck"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] %!s(MISSING) no peripherals with identifier %!s(MISSING), peripherals %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] no observers to notify noise status changed (1)"
+ "v24@?0@\"NSArray\"8@\"NSError\"16"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault with reason: unknown value"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] fetch occlusion return failOnSubsequentAttempt"
+ "isProxy"
+ "faultCheckNoFault"
+ "initialSampleEnded"
+ "noiseTransitTime"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Noise Status not available (noiseStatus)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] central manger created"
+ "enforceStrictQueues"
+ "currentNoiseStatus"
+ "retainCount"
+ "NTMinStateDurationFrames"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HT_HEARTBEAT timer resumed (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "centralManager:didDiscoverPeripheral:advertisementData:RSSI:"
+ "peripheral"
+ "timerDone"
+ "NTAuditoryBandSNRBufSzEff"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] V2 right result more than one year old."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceLost candidate %!s(MISSING)"
+ "mean_drum_dBA_Inst"
+ "response"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] fetch occlusion return passWithGainTableUpdateLeft"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged ignore closed lid device: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged waitingForFaultCheckResult failsafe expired for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "addObserver:selector:name:object:"
+ "UUID"
+ "centralMgr"
+ "Can't construct Array with count < 0"
+ "Output"
+ "System abort (ICC timeout or enter ULP)"
+ "centralManager:didFailToConnectPeripheral:error:"
+ "HearingTest.HTAudiometry"
+ "_TtC11HearingTest12HTTonePlayer"
+ "accessoryStatusFlags"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] NoiseAnalysis OctBand_dB %!s(MISSING), OctBand_16 %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Tone freq %!f(MISSING), dBHL %!f(MISSING), dBFS %!f(MISSING) is louder than the current combination of calibration table, system volume and headphones are capable of playing (dbFS > 4)"
+ "faultCheckStatus"
+ "initInProcess:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] disableANCHearingTestMode disable arbitration blocking mode (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged deviceIdentifier switching to in-ear %!s(MISSING)π"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Found characteristics - %!@(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Starting noise classification timer"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] faultCheckStatusWithReasons"
+ "setRampDuration:"
+ "statusManager"
+ "v32@0:8@\"CBCentralManager\"16@\"NSDictionary\"24"
+ "NoiseCheck status: low, acceptable"
+ "Swift/StringUTF8View.swift"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration Overall Fault Check result for for %!s(MISSING): %!s(MISSING)"
+ "maskedSample"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] WARNING: Attempting fault check before reading!"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged no observers to notify device placement inEar %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] writeHearingTestMode readHearingTestStatus from %!s(MISSING) (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Current Tone interferenceFlag %!{(MISSING)bool}d, repeat the previous tone for up to %!l(MISSING)d times"
+ "transitTime"
+ "hearingTestActive"
+ "open"
+ "secondaryPlacement"
+ "class"
+ "peripheral:didWriteValueForDescriptor:error:"
+ "setupAudioSessionForHearingTest:"
+ "@\"NSString\"16@0:8"
+ "No UTP connection"
+ "Rear vent status failed"
+ "pass with occlusion gain table updated on left"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING) %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Current Tone freq %!f(MISSING) lv %!f(MISSING) dur %!f(MISSING) ch %!l(MISSING)d Response %!{(MISSING)bool}d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] peripheral didUpdateValueFor Fault Check, parsing"
+ "deviceFlags"
+ "handleRouteChangeWithNotification:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults sim mode disabled."
+ "interferenceFlagDisabled"
+ "writeValue:forCharacteristic:type:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] disableANCHearingTestMode HT_HEARTBEAT timer suspended (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "unlock"
+ "v32@0:8@16@24"
+ "Detected active category change interruption that requires checks. { activeCategory=%!s(MISSING) }"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration %!s(MISSING) rear vent occluded, update Calibration table"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] NoiseCheck request %!s(MISSING) in queue"
+ "maskingMatrix"
+ "NoiseCheck status: high, NOT acceptable"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] framework timestamp expired from %!s(MISSING), ok to continue"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged new device %!s(MISSING) not bluetooth route: %!@(MISSING)"
+ "registerDefaults:"
+ "stringForKey:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration Left rear vent occluded, update Calibration table"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults noiseMode %!l(MISSING)d total time %!f(MISSING), transit time %!f(MISSING), temporary time %!f(MISSING)"
+ "initialSamplingTermination"
+ "NTAuditoryBandNoiseHighPctTh1"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Noise data %!s(MISSING)"
+ "deviceInEar"
+ "kHIDPrimaryUsage"
+ "noiseTemporaryTime"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Enable hidListening"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] discovering Services from %!s(MISSING)..."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] readHearingTestStatus mode from %!s(MISSING) is nil, wait for 1 second "
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Continue test, next stimulus freq %!f(MISSING), level %!f(MISSING), duration %!f(MISSING), ch %!l(MISSING)d"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Device address %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] centralManager didDisconnectPeripheral notifyLostWaitTask notify lostHandler for %!s(MISSING)."
+ "v48@?0@\"HIDDevice\"8Q16q24q32@\"NSData\"40"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Calibration %!s(MISSING) L %!s(MISSING) R %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged central manager powered on, connecting peripheral"
+ "processInfo"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] hearingTestProcessName: %!s(MISSING)"
+ "maxLevel"
+ "setDelegate:"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] startHTAudioSession enable arbitration blocking mode "
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Tone freq %!f(MISSING), dBHL %!f(MISSING), dBFS %!f(MISSING) may be louder than the current combination of calibration table, system volume and headphones are capable of playing (dbFS > 0)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] UserDefaults check fault: calibration fault"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] observers after remove are %!s(MISSING)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] Tone stop requested (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged deviceIdentifier locked %!s(MISSING) for %!s(MISSING) for test session π"
+ "queue"
+ "Successful non-harmonic measurement"
+ "Swift/UnsafeBufferPointer.swift"
+ "performSelector:withObject:"
+ "proximityPairingPrimaryPlacement"
+ "v20@?0i8@\"NSError\"12"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HT_HEARTBEAT timer not setup (%!l(MISSING)d)"
+ "count_drum_dBA_Inst"
+ "maxProgress"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] %!s(MISSING) deviceIdentifier missing"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] handleDeviceChanged waitingForFaultCheckResult starts now for %!s(MISSING)"
+ "state"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] HID Manager cannot be activated."
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] hearingTestFaultCheckStatusWithReason"
+ "[%!{(MISSING)public}s] will read Fault Check"