- __TEXT.__text: 0x1fa634
- __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x17e0
+ __TEXT.__text: 0x1fd770
+ __TEXT.__auth_stubs: 0x1810
__TEXT.__objc_methlist: 0x5778
- __TEXT.__const: 0xd840
- __TEXT.__cstring: 0x22457
- __TEXT.__constg_swiftt: 0x284c
- __TEXT.__swift5_typeref: 0x3f10
+ __TEXT.__const: 0xdeb0
+ __TEXT.__cstring: 0x21c67
+ __TEXT.__constg_swiftt: 0x28d8
+ __TEXT.__swift5_typeref: 0x3ef4
__TEXT.__swift5_builtin: 0x294
- __TEXT.__swift5_reflstr: 0x1839
- __TEXT.__swift5_fieldmd: 0x384c
+ __TEXT.__swift5_reflstr: 0x1879
+ __TEXT.__swift5_fieldmd: 0x3890
__TEXT.__swift5_assocty: 0x688
- __TEXT.__swift5_capture: 0x4300
- __TEXT.__swift5_proto: 0xee8
- __TEXT.__swift5_types: 0x444
+ __TEXT.__swift5_capture: 0x4310
+ __TEXT.__swift5_proto: 0xedc
+ __TEXT.__swift5_types: 0x458
__TEXT.__swift5_mpenum: 0x5c
__TEXT.__oslogstring: 0x767
- __TEXT.__swift5_protos: 0x2c
+ __TEXT.__swift5_protos: 0x20
__TEXT.__gcc_except_tab: 0x2a4
__TEXT.__dlopen_cstrs: 0x56
- __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x4b58
- __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x5128
+ __TEXT.__unwind_info: 0x4ba8
+ __TEXT.__eh_frame: 0x51c8
__TEXT.__objc_classname: 0xb4f
- __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0xd3bb
+ __TEXT.__objc_methname: 0xd3cd
__TEXT.__objc_methtype: 0x1677
- __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x5de0
+ __TEXT.__objc_stubs: 0x5e20
__DATA_CONST.__got: 0x838
__DATA_CONST.__const: 0xcc0
__DATA_CONST.__objc_classlist: 0x360
__DATA_CONST.__objc_catlist: 0x50
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protolist: 0x70
__DATA_CONST.__objc_imageinfo: 0x8
- __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x2160
+ __DATA_CONST.__objc_selrefs: 0x2168
__DATA_CONST.__objc_protorefs: 0x18
__DATA_CONST.__objc_superrefs: 0x320
- __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0xc00
- __AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x758
- __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x26f10
+ __AUTH_CONST.__auth_got: 0xc18
+ __AUTH_CONST.__auth_ptr: 0x6f8
+ __AUTH_CONST.__const: 0x27018
__AUTH_CONST.__cfstring: 0x4c40
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_const: 0xaba8
__AUTH_CONST.__objc_intobj: 0x528
__AUTH.__objc_data: 0x750
__AUTH.__data: 0x240
__DATA.__objc_ivar: 0x510
- __DATA.__data: 0x2350
+ __DATA.__data: 0x2390
__DATA.__bss: 0x10320
__DATA.__common: 0x18
__DATA_DIRTY.__objc_data: 0x1b30
- __DATA_DIRTY.__data: 0x3238
+ __DATA_DIRTY.__data: 0x3208
__DATA_DIRTY.__bss: 0xd7d8
__DATA_DIRTY.__common: 0x18
- /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsimd.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftsys_time.dylib
- /usr/lib/swift/libswiftunistd.dylib
- Functions: 7934
- Symbols: 3187
- CStrings: 5522
+ Functions: 7946
+ Symbols: 3188
+ CStrings: 5453
+ "Searches for text in the documents."
+ "Bring up the essay file"
+ "Opens a selected file or folder."
+ "Creates a new bookmark for a given URL."
+ "Toggles between front and back camera."
+ "Adds comment to sheet."
+ "Renames a board."
+ "Opens the specified files in Reader."
+ "Switch to an existing tab."
+ "Board item to update"
+ "Opens the app into an existing spreadsheet."
+ "Adds audio to slide."
+ "Creates a new slide in a presentation document."
+ "Board to add photos to"
+ "Inserts pages from the specified files."
+ "Updates the font size for a book."
+ "Adds comment to slide."
+ "Enhances a given photo."
+ "Adds an audio to a page."
+ "Deletes journal entries."
+ "Put the idea on the page"
+ "Adds an item to a board."
+ "Rotates a given photo."
+ "Renames an existing file or folder."
+ "Opens an editor document page."
+ "Adds image to sheet."
+ "Creates an album."
+ "Renames the provided album."
+ "Updates the provided person with new properties."
+ "Creates a new sheet in a spreadsheet."
+ "Add a circle to the last board I edited"
+ "Applies a filter to a given photo."
+ "Renames an existing presentation."
+ "FavoriteMediaAssetIntent"
+ "Duplicates the selected photos."
+ "Plays an audiobook."
+ "Opens an existing board."
+ "Add a square to the last board I edited"
+ "Stops the currently playing presentation."
+ "Deletes one or more boards."
+ "Adds a web link to a board."
+ "Adds text to sheet."
+ "Adds web video to sheet."
+ "One or more boards to delete"
+ "CreateCanvasURLItemIntent"
+ "Adds video to sheet."
+ "Creates a new folder."
+ "Adds text box to slide."
+ "Favorites an existing photo."
+ "Add google to the last board I edited"
+ "Searches journal entries."
+ "Closes the selected tabs."
+ "Enhances the documents."
+ "Renames an existing spreadsheet."
+ "Creates a new board."
+ "Copies edits from the provided photo."
+ "Updates journal entry."
+ "Shared Album to post to."
+ "Name for the new board (optional)"
+ "Deletes the specified pages."
+ "HideMediaAssetIntent"
+ "Updates an existing sheet."
+ "Board to add a text box to"
+ "Whether depth effect is enabled"
+ "Adds audio to sheet."
+ "Add a line to the last board I edited"
+ "Configures the exposure for a photo."
+ "Add google.com to the last board I edited"
+ "Deletes existing spreadsheets."
+ "Changes the camera to the specified position."
+ "Text in the text box (optional)"
+ "Clears edits from a photo."
+ "Edit the name for sheet two to expenses and move it to the third position"
+ "Insert a song about profit on the Thursday sheet"
+ "CreateCanvasShapeItemIntent"
+ "Crops a given photo."
+ "Create a new page in an editor document."
+ "Clears history, and related cookies and other website data."
+ "Straightens a given photo."
+ "Adds a shape to a board (empty or with text in it)."
+ "Adds one or more photos to a board."
+ "Opens the specified bookmark."
+ "Add apple to the last board I edited"
+ "Adds a video to a page."
+ "Rotates the documents in the specified direction."
+ "Opens the app into a book."
+ "Add a link to apple to the last board I edited"
+ "Updates the line spacing for a book."
+ "Adds the provided photos to the provided album."
+ "Removes the provided photos from the provided album."
+ "Deletes existing files and/or folders."
+ "Template to use for the new page (optional)."
+ "Searches photos with the provided query string."
+ "Updates the word spacing for a book."
+ "Add a link to google to the last board I edited"
+ "Creates a new tab with an optional name and URL loaded, or blank if omitted."
+ "Deletes the provided albums."
+ "Updates the character spacing for a book."
+ "Text in the shape (optional)"
+ "Adds web video to slide."
+ "Whether to flag the emails"
+ "CreateCanvasTextItemIntent"
+ "Opens the app to the specified document page."
+ "Add apple.com to the last board I edited"
+ "Opens the camera in the specified mode."
+ "Mail thread to reply to"
+ "Hides an existing photo."
+ "Navigates a tab to the given URL."
+ "Deletes the provided photos."
+ "Adds an image to a page."
+ "Creates a new browser window."
+ "Performs a search for the given string on the active tab."
+ "Adds image to slide."
+ "Opens the app into an existing presentation."
+ "Update the December sheet with a new name of Holiday schedule and move it to the twelfth position"
+ "Toggles depth effect for a given photo."
+ "Adds a textbox to a page."
+ "Sets the title of the slide."
+ "New name for the board"
+ "Creates a new journal entry."
+ "Pastes edits to the provided photo."
+ "Closes the selected windows."
+ "Opens the app for composing a new text document."
+ "Opens the provided album."
+ "Configures the warmth for a photo."
+ "Turn depth effect "
+ "Creates a new bookmark for this tab."
+ "Opens the app to a editor."
+ "Bring up December in my spreadsheet"
+ "One or more photos to add to the board"
+ "Updates an existing photo's properties."
+ "Adds a text box to a board (empty or with text in it)."
+ "Opens the app for composing a new spreadsheet."
+ "Sets the depth value of a photo."
+ "Rotates the pages in the specified direction."
+ "Searches for the given string on the web."
+ "Deletes the selected canvas items."
+ "Board items to delete"
+ "Opens an email composer to draft a message."
+ "Stops a recording in progress."
+ "URL for the link to add to the board"
+ "Adds a web video to a page."
+ "Opens the app into a given photo."
+ "Shape to add to the board"
+ "CreateCanvasPhotosItemIntent"
+ "Adds video to slide."
+ "Plays the presentation from the start or selected slide."
+ "Creates a new audio journal entry."
+ "Add a rectangle to the last board I edited"
+ "Navigates to the next or previous page."
+ "setObject:forKey:"
+ "Starts a capture or opens the camera in a specified mode with a timer setting."
+ "In the tab called coworkers, add a note that says grab coffee"
+ "Updates the settings for a book."
+ "Resizes the documents to a particular width and height."
+ "Configures the saturation for a photo."
+ "Deletes the selected bookmarks."
+ "Creates photos from the provided files."
+ "Add a star to the last board I edited"
+ "Opens the app for composing a new presentation."
+ "Create a new spreadsheat in Numbers"
+ "Deletes sheets in a spreadsheet."
+ "Deletes slides in a presentation."
+ "Updates a canvas item."
- "Deletes sheets in a spreadsheet"
- "Opens a selected file or folder"
- "UpdatePresentation"
- "Creates a new board"
- "Resizes the documents to a particular width and height"
- "Hides an existing photo"
- "Name for the new board"
- "RemoveMediaAssetsFromAlbum"
- "Adds a shape item to a board"
- "Creates a new journal entry"
- "Boards to delete"
- "Opens the app for composing a new spreadsheet"
- "SearchReaderDocuments"
- "Rotates the pages in the specified direction"
- "Canvas item to update"
- "Pastes edits to the provided photo"
- "Updates an existing photo's properties"
- "OpenWordProcessorPage"
- "Switch to an existing tab"
- "ReaderRotateDocuments"
- "ReaderResizeDocuments"
- "Duplicates the selected photos"
- "ShowInAppSearchResults"
- "Updates the line spacing for a book"
- "Deletes the specified pages"
- "SetMediaSaturation"
- "CreateWordProcessorPage"
- "Open an editor document page"
- "Favorites an existing photo"
- "Closes the selected tabs"
- "Adds photos to a canvas board"
- "AddTextBoxToWordProcessorPage"
- "Deletes the provided photos"
- "UpdateCharacterSpacing"
- "Opens the app into an existing spreadsheet"
- "ReaderOpenDocuments"
- "SetMediaExposure"
- "FavoriteMediaAsset"
- "CreateWordProcessorDocument"
- "Renames the provided album"
- "AddWebVideoToSheet"
- "Canvas items to delete"
- "UpdatePresentationSlide"
- "Renames an existing spreadsheet"
- "Sets the depth value of a photo"
- "Enhances the documents"
- "Opens the provided album"
- "Creates a new tab with an optional name and URL loaded, or blank if omitted"
- "Insert a song about profit on the thursday sheet"
- "Opens the specified bookmark"
- "AddAudioToPresentationSlide"
- "Opens the specified files in Reader"
- "SetMediaAperture"
- "Adds a text item to a canvas board"
- "CreateCanvasBoard"
- "Creates a new folder"
- "CreatePresentation"
- "AddTextBoxToPresentationSlide"
- "ApplyMediaFilter"
- "Updates the provided person with new properties"
- "Searches photos with the provided query string"
- "Add a audio to a page"
- "UpdateBookSettings"
- "Adds audio to sheet"
- "CreateSpreadsheet"
- "Configures the saturation for a photo"
- "AddCommentToPresentationSlide"
- "Bring up december in my spreadsheet"
- "Updates journal entry"
- "Renames an existing file or folder"
- "Add apple.com to the last board I editted"
- "AddMediaAssetsToAlbum"
- "Deletes the provided albums"
- "Toggle depth for "
- "Add a textbox to a page"
- "Type of shape to add"
- "Plays the presentation from the start or selected slide"
- "In the tab called coworkes, add a note that says grab coffee"
- "CreateMediaAlbum"
- "Add a rectangle to the last board I editted"
- "Shared Album to post to"
- "AddWebVideoToWordProcessorPage"
- "Placement is after"
- "Opens an email composer to draft a message"
- "Changes the camera to the specified position"
- "Add a circle to the last board I editted"
- "AddCommentToSheet"
- "AddAudioToWordProcessorPage"
- "Creates a new bookmark for this tab"
- "Put the ideo on the page"
- "Creates a new audio journal entry"
- "Deletes existing spreadsheets"
- "PostToSharedAlbum"
- "Renames an existing presentation"
- "Edit the name for sheet two to expenzes and move it to the third position"
- "Deletes journal entries"
- "Deletes the selected bookmarks"
- "UpdateWordSpacing"
- "DeleteCanvasBoard"
- "UpdateBookFontSize"
- "Inserts pages from the specified files"
- "AddVideoToPresentationSlide"
- "Rotates the documents in the specified direction"
- "SearchJournalEntries"
- "ReaderRotatePages"
- "Adds comment to sheet"
- "AddTextboxToSheet"
- "Adds web video to sheet"
- "Deletes slides in a presentation"
- "Updates the character spacing for a book"
- "DuplicateMediaAssets"
- "DeleteSpreadsheet"
- "Adds video to sheet"
- "Creates an album"
- "Creates a new bookmark for a given URL"
- "CreateCanvasPhotosItem"
- "ReaderEnhanceDocuments"
- "OpenPresentationSlide"
- "StopPlaybackPresentation"
- "UpdateCanvasItem"
- "Adds an item to a board"
- "Add a line to the last board I editted"
- "CreateCanvasShapeItem"
- "Deletes selected canvas boards"
- "Create a new spreadshet in Numbers"
- "UpdateMediaAlbum"
- "Adds audio to slide"
- "CreateCanvasItem"
- "Opens the app into a book"
- "UpdateJournalEntry"
- "Add apple to the last board I editted"
- "DeleteCanvasItem"
- "Adds a URL to a canvas board"
- "Starts a capture or opens the camera in a specified mode with a timer setting"
- "ReaderDeletePages"
- "Toggles between front and back camera"
- "Adds text box to slide"
- "DeletePresentationSlide"
- "Deletes the selected canvas items"
- "NavigateBookPage"
- "Opens the app into an existing presentation"
- "Add a image to a page"
- "StartPlaybackPresentation"
- "Navigates a tab to the given URL"
- "UpdateSpreadsheet"
- "Performs a search for the given string on the active tab"
- "Searches for text in the documents"
- "Set the title of the slide"
- "Adds image to sheet"
- "NavigateToCaptureMode"
- "Navigates to the next or previous page"
- "UpdateBookLineSpacing"
- "Rotates a given photo"
- "Opens the app for composing a new text document"
- "Clears edits from a photo"
- "UpdateMediaAsset"
- "Date to add to the entry."
- "Message to add to the entry."
- "DeleteMediaAssets"
- "Add a video to a page"
- "ReaderInsertPages"
- "CreateCanvasURLItem"
- "CreateJournalAudioEntry"
- "Add a link to apple to the last board I editted"
- "UpdateMediaPerson"
- "Create a new sheet in a spreadsheet"
- "Closes the selected windows"
- "Title to add to the entry."
- "Stop the currently playing presentation"
- "AddImageToPresentationSlide"
- "Add a link to google to the last board I editted"
- "Stops a recording in progress"
- "Toggles portrait mode for a given photo"
- "Renames a canvas board"
- "Adds text to sheet"
- "Adds video to slide"
- "Straightens a given photo"
- "CreateMediaAssets"
- "AddWebVideoToPresentationSlide"
- "AddImageToWordProcessorPage"
- "Opens an existing board"
- "Creates a new browser window"
- "Add a web video to a page"
- "Create a new slide in a presentation document"
- "Applies a filter to a given photo"
- "Copies edits from the provided photo"
- "Searches journal entries"
- "Removes the provided photos from the provided album"
- "Configures the warmth for a photo"
- "Whether the flag the emails"
- "Creates photos from the provided files"
- "Update the december sheet with a new name of Holiday schedule and move it to the twelfth position"
- "Plays an audiobook"
- "CreateCanvasTextItem"
- "Crops a given photo"
- "Enhances a given photo"
- "CreatePresentationSlide"
- "OpenWordProcessorDocument"
- "StartCameraCapture"
- "Deletes existing files and/or folders"
- "Opens the app into a given photo"
- "Opens the app to a editor"
- "AddVideoToWordProcessorPage"
- "Updates the word spacing for a book"
- "CreateJournalEntry"
- "Updates a canvas item"
- "DeleteJournalEntry"
- "Updates the font size for a book"
- "New entry media items."
- "Adds image to slide"
- "Current location to add to the entry."
- "Add google.com to the last board I editted"
- "Bring up the esay file"
- "Updates an existing sheet"
- "UpdateCanvasBoard"
- "Opens the app for composing a new presentation"
- "Adds the provided photos to the provided album"
- "Create a new page in an editor document"
- "Title to update to"
- "Add a star to the last board I editted"
- "DeleteMediaAlbum"
- "Opens the app to the specified document page"
- "Text in the shape to add"
- "Clears history, and related cookies and other website data"
- "Searches for the given string on the web"
- "Add google to the last board I editted"
- "Configures the exposure for a photo"
- "Adds web video to slide"
- "Add a square to the last board I editted"
- "OpenPresentation"
- "Updates the settings for a book"
- "Adds comment to slide"
- "Opens the camera in the specified mode"