Respect over all.
- people
- voices
- space
- physical space
- air space
- sonic space
- time
Honesty. Say what you mean (but don't say it meanly)
Judgement and Discrimination free.
Gentle Rise
- the class does start that extra half an hour early; is there any way to help each other energize?
- Use initial part of class to bring up relevant info and catch up with one another?
- We are here to be in class; so the idea of a "slow start" or "gentle rise" does not mean that time is wasted. You must be ready for class at 830.
- Normal Issues.
- Sleepy/Lose Focus
- how to help keep each other energized?
- take breaks
- staying focused might mean different things to different people or have different requirements
- People at end get less complete/energized/thoughtful feedback
- mix up order of crits week to week
- point out to each other that energy or quality of feedback is falling
- allow for pushing some things to next class and using classtime differently some days to keep mental exhaustion under control
- Critique.
- Honesty.
- Say what you mean (but don't say it meanly)
- we want to be able to be honest about and with our own work too...
- No "I like" statements. Talk about what you see in clear, constructive ways.
- Questioning Process
- (I don't recall what this was supposed to mean?)
- Different ways of communicating
- written
- spoken
- small groups
- everyone together
- ??
- Justification/Explanation of feeback
- What does development look like?
- we need project/professorial clarity on what "done" means and what "progress" means week to week.
- What to do next?
- Maximize perspectives (@ least in the small groups make sure each person is from a different discipline when possible; don't meat with same groups back to back)
- first and second weeks are checkins in small groups. then a work week and talk with professor; then final delivery
- Try to use time equally
- but if a conversation is done; move onto the next thing or take a good break.
- Acknowledge priviledge/bias in your work(s) re: content/context
- Ask questions for clarification (don't assume or stereotype, etc.)
- we don't all have the same contexts
- Approach each other as human beings
- Critique others the way you want to be critiqued
- Abandon Scorn / Make case for change
- Make an Argument
- do not assume your position is/should be self evident. How can we carefully make our arguments and explain ourselves (both as work maker and work viewer)
- Stay Calm.
- if excitement/anger/discomfort/conflict rises then we'll pause, come back later with even keels and restart. Create buffers of time/space/other content.
- Never abandon; but come back when parties are calm again
- Ask Questions
- understand where someone else is coming from
- let each other know we're hearing each other
- Don't Assume Bad Intent
- try to assume neutral/good intent.
- then questions/discussion to try and figure out why an outcome is what it is if the person has good intent...
- Unacceptable Behaviors
- generalizing/jumpin to conclusions
- shouting/yelling
- do not shout/yell at each other as part of conversation/dialogue. If you are getting frustrated we need to all take a breath, maybe take a break, and then return to the discussion.
- IF the shouting/yelling is an integral part of a performance it is acceptable.
- Stay off phones/computers
- you can look things up at breaks or when/if we decide through class consensus that we need some piece of information
- Sleeping
- Talking over People
- Disruptive food
- leaving the room in disarray when we leave.
Unanimously Communicate amongst ourselves (non-verbal)
Integrated communication: speaking and listening to everyone
Allowing there to be difference without letting the difference become a source of conflict
Perfect Classroom:
- respect diff. visions and ideas
- dialogue
- respeciting each others:
- time (arrive on time; trying to give people equivalent time to talk)
Don't generalize or jump to conclusions.
Ask questions if you are confused instead of assuming
be honest
justify why you like or dislike something
be patient with each other
no shouting or telling - figure out how to deescalate
respect each other's backgrounds and be open minded of other's customs and/or experiences
eveyrone should participate and contribute - advice - ideas - critique
clearly state prompts and assignments.
- talking over each other
- bad communications
- being on phones
- making fun/judging others
- feeling sleepy/losing focus
- not understadngin terms/text
- getting others to understand
- the right to have different opinions
- the right to be respected
- the right to be listened to
- the right to be curious
- good communication?
- Engaging conversations
- Comfortable Environment
- not afraid to fail/experiment
- like an individual
- like a peer
- Respectfully tlak w/ each other
- Consider all sides
- discuss options, solutions, compromises
be respectful of time
open and empathise to different perspectives
clear communication
clear expectations
listening giving back to class during critique
being aware of wider context of issues; personal priveledge; those who don't have a voice
not filling empty time with usy work
everyone gets chance and opportunity to speak
everyone needs to participate - engaged? - speak up?
Justify why something does or doesn't work - how can we help each other understand what the symbolism and audience are and then how those work to gether to define "goodness" or "badness" of a work. - cleary stated prompts and assignments
Meet in small groups frequently to better work through ideas - 2 groups of 4, 2 groups of 3, - 1 group of 2 + KB, 4 groups of 3 - (theses were from when there were 14 students enrolled)
don't talk over others, instead wait for everyone to express ideas/opinions then respectfully answer
a general share of climate change articles; art, etc. @ beginning or end of each class?
a good classroom fosters discussion, and feels casual. I like when there are small tables so that smaller discussions are possible. but also allows for walking to different tables for different ways of thinking. Sometimes where there is one large table OR all individual desks there is a tendency NOT to talk. lisen to lectures or presentations and then discuss amongst the table. small dry erase boards; ask a question and work/answer as a group?
there will be so many big topics in terms of scale, impact, concept, addtiontioall ywe are all coming from differnt backgrounds it would be interesting to have a runnin document/spreadsheet to list our inspirations research materials etc.
not sure how crit/project sharing will o. but if we do weekly checkins to help with maintaining progress that would be ideal. perhaps at each in progress checkin we talk about how readings or things people have discovered show up in works? how its informed the making? how it informs out practice? And it could go the other way -- the works we are making might inform class directions find readings, etc. to support new directions we take our selves?
Respect Above All.
- people
- time
- space
- etc.
Acknowledge your priveledge, be open to learning from other's experiences, inclduing those who don't have a seat at the table.
Judgement and discrimination free learnin environment.
Space for talking.
- Small Groups then come togeter?
- designate a speaker for the group?
- crit:
- how to join many disciplines?
- how to join many crit styles?
- How to let people know they are not letting others share/participate?
how to deal with conflicting opinions?
A good classroom is a talkative one.
Account for different levels of participation - small vs. large groups? - interactive where possible - written ways of critiquing? - how else? - running document/blog of knowledge surrounding climate change stuff?
What are good ways of setting up the room for conversation and presentation success? freedom to rearrange as needed.