diff --git a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings index 893c92fa..a20f8163 100644 --- a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -1,160 +1,160 @@ -"About" = "About"; -"Add" = "Add"; -"AnErrorHasOccurred" = "An error has occurred."; -"Cancel" = "Cancel"; -"Copy" = "Copy"; -"Delete" = "Delete"; -"DoYouReallyWantToDelete" = "Do you really want to delete? This cannot be undone."; -"Edit" = "Edit"; -"Favorites" = "Favorites"; -"InternetConnectionRequiredMessage" = "Please connect to the internet before continuing."; -"InternetConnectionRequiredTitle" = "Internet connection required"; -"Name" = "Name"; -"No" = "No"; -"Ok" = "Ok"; -"Save" = "Save"; -"Saving" = "Saving..."; -"Settings" = "Settings"; -"ItemDeleted" = "Item deleted"; -"Submit" = "Submit"; -"UseFingerprintToUnlock" = "Use fingerprint to unlock"; -"Username" = "Username"; -"ValidationFieldRequired" = "The %1$@ field is required."; -"ValueHasBeenCopied" = "%1$@ copied"; -"Version" = "Version"; -"Yes" = "Yes"; -"Close" = "Close"; -"Continue" = "Continue"; -"EditItem" = "Edit item"; -"Favorite" = "Favorite"; -"ImportItems" = "Import items"; -"OneMinute" = "1 minute"; -"Never" = "Never"; -"Options" = "Options"; -"Security" = "Security"; -"ItemInformation" = "Item information"; +"About" = "حول"; +"Add" = "أضِف"; +"AnErrorHasOccurred" = "لقد حدث خطأ."; +"Cancel" = "إلغاء"; +"Copy" = "نسخ"; +"Delete" = "حذف"; +"DoYouReallyWantToDelete" = "هل تريد حقا أن تحذف؟ هذا لا يمكن التراجع عنه."; +"Edit" = "تعديل"; +"Favorites" = "المفضلات"; +"InternetConnectionRequiredMessage" = "الرجاء الاتصال بالإنترنت قبل المتابعة."; +"InternetConnectionRequiredTitle" = "الاتصال بالإنترنت مطلوب"; +"Name" = "الاسم"; +"No" = "لا"; +"Ok" = "موافق"; +"Save" = "حفظ"; +"Saving" = "جاري الحفظ..."; +"Settings" = "الإعدادات"; +"ItemDeleted" = "تم حذف العنصر"; +"Submit" = "إرسال"; +"UseFingerprintToUnlock" = "استخدام بصمة إصبعك لإلغاء القفل"; +"Username" = "اسم المستخدم"; +"ValidationFieldRequired" = "حقل %1$@ مطلوب."; +"ValueHasBeenCopied" = "%1$@ تم نسخه"; +"Version" = "الإصدار"; +"Yes" = "نعم"; +"Close" = "إغلاق"; +"Continue" = "متابعة"; +"EditItem" = "تعديل العنصر"; +"Favorite" = "المفضلة"; +"ImportItems" = "استيراد العناصر"; +"OneMinute" = "دقيقة واحدة"; +"Never" = "مطلقاً"; +"Options" = "الخيارات"; +"Security" = "الأمان"; +"ItemInformation" = "معلومات العنصر"; "TouchID" = "Touch ID"; -"UnlockWith" = "Unlock with %1$@"; -"UnlockWithPIN" = "Unlock with PIN code"; -"VerificationCode" = "Verification code"; -"Search" = "Search"; -"PointYourCameraAtTheQRCode" = "Point your camera at the QR Code.\nScanning will happen automatically."; -"ScanQrTitle" = "Scan QR Code"; -"LearnMore" = "Learn more"; +"UnlockWith" = "فتح مع %1$@"; +"UnlockWithPIN" = "إلغاء القفل باستخدام رقم التعريف الشخصي"; +"VerificationCode" = "رمز التحقق"; +"Search" = "بحث"; +"PointYourCameraAtTheQRCode" = "حدد الكاميرا الخاصة بك على رمز QR.\nسيتم الفحص تلقائيا."; +"ScanQrTitle" = "مسح رمز QR"; +"LearnMore" = "اعرف المزيد"; "FaceID" = "Face ID"; -"UseFaceIDToUnlock" = "Use Face ID To Unlock"; -"Default" = "Default"; -"TryAgain" = "Try again"; -"Dark" = "Dark"; -"Light" = "Light"; -"FiveMinutes" = "5 minutes"; -"TenSeconds" = "10 seconds"; -"ThirtySeconds" = "30 seconds"; -"TwentySeconds" = "20 seconds"; -"SixtySeconds" = "60 seconds"; -"NinetySeconds" = "90 seconds"; -"TwoMinutes" = "2 minutes"; -"Theme" = "Theme"; -"ThemeDescription" = "Change the application's color theme."; -"UseBiometricsToUnlock" = "Use biometrics to unlock"; -"FileFormat" = "File format"; -"Warning" = "Warning"; -"PrivacyPolicy" = "Privacy Policy"; -"PasswordIsVisibleTapToHide" = "Password is visible, tap to hide."; -"PasswordIsNotVisibleTapToShow" = "Password is not visible, tap to show."; +"UseFaceIDToUnlock" = "استخدم Face ID لفتح القفل"; +"Default" = "الافتراضي"; +"TryAgain" = "حاول مجددًا"; +"Dark" = "داكن"; +"Light" = "فاتح"; +"FiveMinutes" = "5 دقائق"; +"TenSeconds" = "10 ثوانِ"; +"ThirtySeconds" = "30 ثانية"; +"TwentySeconds" = "20 ثانية"; +"SixtySeconds" = "60 ثانية"; +"NinetySeconds" = "90 ثانية"; +"TwoMinutes" = "دقيقتان"; +"Theme" = "السمة"; +"ThemeDescription" = "تغيير سمة لون التطبيق."; +"UseBiometricsToUnlock" = "استخدام القياسات الحيوية للفتح"; +"FileFormat" = "صيغة الملف"; +"Warning" = "تحذير"; +"PrivacyPolicy" = "سياسة الخصوصية"; +"PasswordIsVisibleTapToHide" = "كلمة المرور مرئية، انقر للإخفاء."; +"PasswordIsNotVisibleTapToShow" = "كلمة المرور مخفية، انقر للإظهار."; "Totp" = "TOTP"; -"GenericErrorMessage" = "We were unable to process your request. Please try again or contact us."; -"VerificationCodes" = "Verification codes"; -"ScanQRCode" = "Scan QR Code"; -"CannotScanQRCode" = "Cannot scan QR Code?"; -"EnterKeyManually" = "Enter key manually"; -"Service" = "Service"; -"Language" = "Language"; -"LanguageChangeXDescription" = "The language has been changed to %1$@. Please restart the app to see the change"; -"LanguageChangeRequiresAppRestart" = "Language change requires app restart"; -"DefaultSystem" = "Default (System)"; -"Important" = "Important"; -"YourMasterPasswordCannotBeRecoveredIfYouForgetItXCharactersMinimum" = "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it! %1$@ characters minimum."; -"ThereAreNoItemsThatMatchTheSearch" = "There are no items that match the search"; -"Appearance" = "Appearance"; -"BitwardenHelpCenter" = "Bitwarden Help Center"; -"ContinueToWebApp" = "Continue to web app?"; -"ContinueToPrivacyPolicy" = "Continue to privacy policy?"; -"ContinueToAppStore" = "Continue to app store?"; -"PrivacyPolicyDescriptionLong" = "Check out our privacy policy on bitwarden.com."; -"AppInfo" = "App info"; -"SelectLanguage" = "Select language"; -"Advanced" = "Advanced"; -"NoCodes" = "You don’t have any codes to display"; -"AddANewCodeToSecure" = "Add a new code to secure your accounts."; -"AddCode" = "Add code"; -"AccountName" = "Account name"; -"Algorithm" = "Algorithm"; -"RefreshPeriod" = "Refresh period"; -"NumberOfDigits" = "Number of digits"; -"BitwardenAuthenticator" = "Bitwarden Authenticator"; -"Skip" = "Skip"; -"SecureYourAssetsWithBitwardenAuthenticator" = "Secure your accounts with Bitwarden Authenticator"; -"GetVerificationCodesForAllYourAccounts" = "Get verification codes for all your accounts using 2-step verification."; -"UseYourDeviceCameraToScanCodes" = "Use your device camera to scan codes"; -"ScanTheQRCodeInYourSettings" = "Scan the QR code in your 2-step verification settings for any account."; -"SignInUsingUniqueCodes" = "Sign in using unique codes"; -"WhenUsingTwoStepVerification" = "When using 2-step verification, you’ll enter your username and password and a code generated in this app."; -"GetStarted" = "Get started"; -"LaunchTutorial" = "Launch tutorial"; -"Help" = "Help"; -"ExportItemsConfirmationTitle" = "Confirm items export"; -"ExportItems" = "Export items"; -"ExportItemsWarning" = "This export contains your item data in an unencrypted format. You should not store or send the exported file over unsecure channels (such as email). Delete it immediately after you are done using it."; -"Export" = "Export"; -"Key" = "Key"; -"KeyReadError" = "Cannot read key."; -"CannotAddAuthenticatorKey" = "Cannot add authenticator key?"; -"Import" = "Import"; -"Steam" = "Steam"; -"OtpType" = "OTP Type"; -"CreateVerificationCode" = "Create verification code"; -"ItemsExported" = "Verification codes exported"; -"ItemsImported" = "Vertification codes imported"; -"VerificationCodeAdded" = "Verification code added"; -"Data" = "Data"; -"Backup" = "Backup"; -"BitwardenAuthenticatorDataIsBackedUpAndCanBeRestored" = "Bitwarden Authenticator data is backed up and can be restored with your regularly scheduled device backups."; -"ImportingFromTwoFasPasswordProtectedNotSupported" = "Importing from 2FAS password protected files is not supported. Try again with an exported file that is not password protected."; -"StoreAllOfYourLoginsAndSyncVerificationCodesDirectlyWithTheAuthenticatorApp" = "Store all of your logins and sync verification codes directly with the Authenticator app."; -"DownloadTheBitwardenApp" = "Download the Bitwarden app"; -"AllowAuthenticatorAppSyncingInSettingsToViewAllYourVerificationCodesHere" = "Allow Authenticator app syncing in settings to view all your verification codes here."; -"TakeMeToTheAppSettings" = "Take me to the app settings"; -"SyncWithTheBitwardenApp" = "Sync with the Bitwarden app"; -"SyncWithBitwardenApp" = "Sync with Bitwarden app"; -"LocalCodes" = "Local codes"; -"AccountsSyncedFromBitwardenApp" = "Accounts synced from Bitwarden app"; -"CopyToBitwarden" = "Copy to Bitwarden"; -"ScanComplete" = "Scan complete"; -"SaveThisAuthenticatorKeyHereOrAddItToALoginInYourBitwardenApp" = "Save this authenticator key here, or add it to a login in your Bitwarden app."; -"SaveHere" = "Save here"; -"SetSaveToBitwardenAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "Set \"Save to Bitwarden\" as your default save option?"; -"SetSaveLocallyAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "Set \"Save locally\" as your default save option?"; -"YouCanUpdateYourDefaultAnytimeInSettings" = "You can update your default anytime in settings."; -"YesSetDefault" = "Yes, set default"; -"NoAskMe" = "No, ask me"; -"DefaultSaveOption" = "Default save option"; -"SaveToBitwarden" = "Save to Bitwarden"; -"None" = "None"; -"UnableToSyncCodesFromTheBitwardenApp" = "Unable to sync codes from the Bitwarden app. Make sure both apps are up-to-date. You can still access your existing codes in the Bitwarden app."; -"FifteenMinutes" = "15 minutes"; -"OneHour" = "1 hour"; -"OneMinute" = "1 minute"; -"FourHours" = "4 hours"; -"Immediately" = "Immediately"; -"VaultTimeout" = "Vault timeout"; -"ThirtyMinutes" = "30 minutes"; -"OnRestart" = "On app restart"; -"SessionTimeout" = "Session timeout"; -"FileCouldNotBeProcessed" = "File could not be processed"; -"EnsureItsValidJsonAndTryAgain" = "Ensure it’s valid JSON and try again."; -"RequiredInformationMissing" = "Required Information Missing"; -"RequiredInformationIsMissing" = "Required information is missing at %1$@. Please review the field and try again."; -"NeedHelpVisitOurHelpCenterForGuidance" = "Need help? Visit our Help Center for guidance."; -"UnexpectedDataFormat" = "Unexpected Data Format"; -"TheDataFormatProvidedDoesntMatchWhatsExpected" = "The data format provided doesn’t match what’s expected. Please check your file and ensure the correct data types are used."; +"GenericErrorMessage" = "لم نتمكن من معالجة طلبك. الرجاء المحاولة مرة أخرى أو الاتصال بنا."; +"VerificationCodes" = "رموز التحقق"; +"ScanQRCode" = "مسح رمز QR"; +"CannotScanQRCode" = "لا يمكن مسح رمز QR؟"; +"EnterKeyManually" = "أدخل المفتاح يدوياً"; +"Service" = "الخدمة"; +"Language" = "اللّغة"; +"LanguageChangeXDescription" = "تم تغيير اللغة إلى %1$@. الرجاء إعادة تشغيل التطبيق لرؤية التغيير"; +"LanguageChangeRequiresAppRestart" = "تغيير اللّغة يتطلب إعادة تشغيل التطبيق"; +"DefaultSystem" = "الافتراضي (النظام)"; +"Important" = "مهم"; +"YourMasterPasswordCannotBeRecoveredIfYouForgetItXCharactersMinimum" = "لا يمكن استعادة كلمة المرور الرئيسية الخاصة بك إذا نسيت ذلك! %1$@ أحرف الحد الأدنى."; +"ThereAreNoItemsThatMatchTheSearch" = "لا توجد عناصر تطابق البحث"; +"Appearance" = "المظهر"; +"BitwardenHelpCenter" = "مركز المساعدة Bitwarden"; +"ContinueToWebApp" = "هل تريد المتابعة إلى تطبيق الويب؟"; +"ContinueToPrivacyPolicy" = "هل تريد المتابعة إلى سياسة الخصوصية؟"; +"ContinueToAppStore" = "هل تريد المتابعة إلى متجر التطبيقات؟"; +"PrivacyPolicyDescriptionLong" = "اطلع على سياستنا للخصوصية على bitwarden.com."; +"AppInfo" = "معلومات التطبيق"; +"SelectLanguage" = "اختار اللغة"; +"Advanced" = "متقدم"; +"NoCodes" = "ليس لديك أي رموز لعرضها"; +"AddANewCodeToSecure" = "أضف رمزا جديدا لتأمين حساباتك."; +"AddCode" = "أضف رمزا"; +"AccountName" = "اسم الحساب"; +"Algorithm" = "الخوارزمية"; +"RefreshPeriod" = "فترة التحديث"; +"NumberOfDigits" = "عدد الأرقام"; +"BitwardenAuthenticator" = "مصادق Bitwarden"; +"Skip" = "تخطي"; +"SecureYourAssetsWithBitwardenAuthenticator" = "تأمين حساباتك مع مصادق Bitwarden"; +"GetVerificationCodesForAllYourAccounts" = "احصل على رموز التحقق لجميع حساباتك باستخدام التحقق بخطوتين."; +"UseYourDeviceCameraToScanCodes" = "استخدم كاميرا جهازك لمسح الرموز"; +"ScanTheQRCodeInYourSettings" = "امسح رمز QR في إعدادات التحقق من خطوتين لأي حساب."; +"SignInUsingUniqueCodes" = "تسجيل الدخول باستخدام الرموز الفريدة"; +"WhenUsingTwoStepVerification" = "عند استخدام التحقق بخطوتين، ستدخل اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور الخاصة بك وكلمة المرور التي أنشئت في هذا التطبيق."; +"GetStarted" = "ابدأ الآن"; +"LaunchTutorial" = "تشغيل البرنامج التعليمي"; +"Help" = "المساعدة"; +"ExportItemsConfirmationTitle" = "تأكيد تصدير العناصر"; +"ExportItems" = "تصدير العناصر"; +"ExportItemsWarning" = "يحتوي هذا التصدير على بيانات عنصرك بتنسيق غير مشفر. لا يجب عليك تخزين أو إرسال الملف الذي صُدِّر عبر قنوات غير آمنة (مثل البريد الإلكتروني). احذفه مباشرة بعد انتهائك من استخدامه."; +"Export" = "تصدير"; +"Key" = "مفتاح"; +"KeyReadError" = "لا يمكن قراءة المفتاح."; +"CannotAddAuthenticatorKey" = "لا يمكن إضافة مفتاح المصادقة؟"; +"Import" = "استيراد"; +"Steam" = "ستيم"; +"OtpType" = "نوع OTP"; +"CreateVerificationCode" = "إنشاء رمز التحقق"; +"ItemsExported" = "أُنشئَ رمز التحقق"; +"ItemsImported" = "تم استيراد رموز التحقق"; +"VerificationCodeAdded" = "أضيف رمز التحقق"; +"Data" = "البيانات"; +"Backup" = "النسخ الاحتياطي"; +"BitwardenAuthenticatorDataIsBackedUpAndCanBeRestored" = "يتم النسخ الاحتياطي لبيانات مصادقة Bitwarden ويمكن استعادتها مع النسخ الاحتياطية لجهازك المجدولة بانتظام."; +"ImportingFromTwoFasPasswordProtectedNotSupported" = "الاستيراد من الملفات المحمية بكلمة مرور 2FAS غير مدعوم. حاول مرة أخرى مع ملف مصدَّر غير محمي بكلمة المرور."; +"StoreAllOfYourLoginsAndSyncVerificationCodesDirectlyWithTheAuthenticatorApp" = "تخزين جميع تسجيلات الدخول الخاصة بك ومزامنة رموز التحقق مباشرة مع تطبيق المصادقة."; +"DownloadTheBitwardenApp" = "تحميل تطبيق Bitwarden"; +"AllowAuthenticatorAppSyncingInSettingsToViewAllYourVerificationCodesHere" = "السماح لمزامنة تطبيق المصادقة في الإعدادات لعرض جميع رموز التحقق الخاصة بك هنا."; +"TakeMeToTheAppSettings" = "خذني إلى إعدادات التطبيق"; +"SyncWithTheBitwardenApp" = "المزامنة مع تطبيق Bitwarden"; +"SyncWithBitwardenApp" = "المزامنة مع تطبيق Bitwarden"; +"LocalCodes" = "الرموز المحلية"; +"AccountsSyncedFromBitwardenApp" = "تمت مزامنة الحسابات من تطبيق Bitwarden"; +"CopyToBitwarden" = "نسخ إلى Bitwarden"; +"ScanComplete" = "اكتمل الفحص"; +"SaveThisAuthenticatorKeyHereOrAddItToALoginInYourBitwardenApp" = "احفظ مفتاح المصادقة هذا هنا، أو أضفه إلى تسجيل الدخول في تطبيق Bitwarden الخاص بك."; +"SaveHere" = "حفظ هنا"; +"SetSaveToBitwardenAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "تعيين \"حفظ إلى Bitwarden\" كخيار حفظ افتراضي؟"; +"SetSaveLocallyAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "تعيين \"حفظ محليا\" كخيار حفظ افتراضي؟"; +"YouCanUpdateYourDefaultAnytimeInSettings" = "يمكنك تحديث الافتراضي الخاص بك في أي وقت في الإعدادات."; +"YesSetDefault" = "نعم، تعيينه افتراضيا"; +"NoAskMe" = "لا، اسألني"; +"DefaultSaveOption" = "خيار الحفظ الافتراضي"; +"SaveToBitwarden" = "حفظ إلى Bitwarden"; +"None" = "لا شَيْء"; +"UnableToSyncCodesFromTheBitwardenApp" = "غير قادر على مزامنة الرموز من تطبيق Bitwarden. تأكد من تحديث كلا التطبيقين. لا يزال بإمكانك الوصول إلى الرموز الموجودة في تطبيق Bitwarden."; +"FifteenMinutes" = "15 دقيقة"; +"OneHour" = "ساعة واحدة"; +"OneMinute" = "دقيقة واحدة"; +"FourHours" = "4 ساعات"; +"Immediately" = "فورًا"; +"VaultTimeout" = "مهلة الخزنة"; +"ThirtyMinutes" = "30 دقيقة"; +"OnRestart" = "عند إعادة تشغيل التطبيق"; +"SessionTimeout" = "مهلة الجَلسة"; +"FileCouldNotBeProcessed" = "تعذر معالجة الملف"; +"EnsureItsValidJsonAndTryAgain" = "تأكد من صلاحيتها لـ JSON وحاول مرة أخرى."; +"RequiredInformationMissing" = "المعلومات المطلوبة مفقودة"; +"RequiredInformationIsMissing" = "المعلومات المطلوبة مفقودة في %1$@. يرجى مراجعة الحقل والمحاولة مرة أخرى."; +"NeedHelpVisitOurHelpCenterForGuidance" = "بحاجة إلى مساعدة؟ زر مركز المساعدة للحصول على التوجيه."; +"UnexpectedDataFormat" = "تنسيق غير متوقع للبيانات"; +"TheDataFormatProvidedDoesntMatchWhatsExpected" = "تنسيق البيانات المقدم لا يتطابق مع ما هو متوقع. الرجاء التحقق من الملف الخاص بك والتأكد من استخدام أنواع البيانات الصحيحة."; diff --git a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings index 153583ae..9b116c2f 100644 --- a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ "Export" = "エクスポート"; "Key" = "キー"; "KeyReadError" = "キーが読み込めません。"; -"CannotAddAuthenticatorKey" = "Cannot add authenticator key?"; +"CannotAddAuthenticatorKey" = "認証キーを追加できませんか?"; "Import" = "インポート"; "Steam" = "Steam"; "OtpType" = "OTPの種類"; @@ -121,40 +121,40 @@ "Backup" = "バックアップ"; "BitwardenAuthenticatorDataIsBackedUpAndCanBeRestored" = "Bitwarden Authenticator のデータは、端末の定期バックアップによってバックアップ・復元されます。"; "ImportingFromTwoFasPasswordProtectedNotSupported" = "2FASのパスワードで保護されたファイルからのインポートには対応しておりません。パスワード保護されていないエクスポートファイルでもう一度お試しください。"; -"StoreAllOfYourLoginsAndSyncVerificationCodesDirectlyWithTheAuthenticatorApp" = "Store all of your logins and sync verification codes directly with the Authenticator app."; -"DownloadTheBitwardenApp" = "Download the Bitwarden app"; -"AllowAuthenticatorAppSyncingInSettingsToViewAllYourVerificationCodesHere" = "Allow Authenticator app syncing in settings to view all your verification codes here."; -"TakeMeToTheAppSettings" = "Take me to the app settings"; -"SyncWithTheBitwardenApp" = "Sync with the Bitwarden app"; -"SyncWithBitwardenApp" = "Sync with Bitwarden app"; -"LocalCodes" = "Local codes"; -"AccountsSyncedFromBitwardenApp" = "Accounts synced from Bitwarden app"; -"CopyToBitwarden" = "Copy to Bitwarden"; -"ScanComplete" = "Scan complete"; -"SaveThisAuthenticatorKeyHereOrAddItToALoginInYourBitwardenApp" = "Save this authenticator key here, or add it to a login in your Bitwarden app."; -"SaveHere" = "Save here"; -"SetSaveToBitwardenAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "Set \"Save to Bitwarden\" as your default save option?"; -"SetSaveLocallyAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "Set \"Save locally\" as your default save option?"; -"YouCanUpdateYourDefaultAnytimeInSettings" = "You can update your default anytime in settings."; -"YesSetDefault" = "Yes, set default"; -"NoAskMe" = "No, ask me"; -"DefaultSaveOption" = "Default save option"; -"SaveToBitwarden" = "Save to Bitwarden"; -"None" = "None"; -"UnableToSyncCodesFromTheBitwardenApp" = "Unable to sync codes from the Bitwarden app. Make sure both apps are up-to-date. You can still access your existing codes in the Bitwarden app."; -"FifteenMinutes" = "15 minutes"; -"OneHour" = "1 hour"; +"StoreAllOfYourLoginsAndSyncVerificationCodesDirectlyWithTheAuthenticatorApp" = "すべてのログイン情報を格納し、認証アプリに認証コードを直接同期します。"; +"DownloadTheBitwardenApp" = "Bitwarden アプリをダウンロード"; +"AllowAuthenticatorAppSyncingInSettingsToViewAllYourVerificationCodesHere" = "ここにすべての認証コードを表示するためには、認証アプリの同期を許可してください。"; +"TakeMeToTheAppSettings" = "アプリの設定に移動"; +"SyncWithTheBitwardenApp" = "Bitwarden アプリと同期"; +"SyncWithBitwardenApp" = "Bitwarden アプリと同期"; +"LocalCodes" = "ローカルのコード"; +"AccountsSyncedFromBitwardenApp" = "Bitwarden アプリからアカウントが同期されました"; +"CopyToBitwarden" = "Bitwarden にコピー"; +"ScanComplete" = "スキャン完了"; +"SaveThisAuthenticatorKeyHereOrAddItToALoginInYourBitwardenApp" = "この認証キーをここに保存するか、Bitwarden アプリでログイン情報に追加してください。"; +"SaveHere" = "ここに保存"; +"SetSaveToBitwardenAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "「Bitwarden に保存」をデフォルトの保存オプションに設定しますか?"; +"SetSaveLocallyAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "「ローカルに保存」をデフォルトの保存オプションに設定しますか?"; +"YouCanUpdateYourDefaultAnytimeInSettings" = "設定からいつでもデフォルトを変更できます。"; +"YesSetDefault" = "はい、デフォルトに設定します"; +"NoAskMe" = "いいえ、毎回確認します"; +"DefaultSaveOption" = "デフォルトの保存オプション"; +"SaveToBitwarden" = "Bitwarden に保存"; +"None" = "なし"; +"UnableToSyncCodesFromTheBitwardenApp" = "Bitwarden アプリからコードを同期できません。両方のアプリが最新であることを確認してください。既存のコードには Bitwarden アプリでアクセスできます。"; +"FifteenMinutes" = "15分"; +"OneHour" = "1時間"; "OneMinute" = "1分"; -"FourHours" = "4 hours"; -"Immediately" = "Immediately"; -"VaultTimeout" = "Vault timeout"; -"ThirtyMinutes" = "30 minutes"; -"OnRestart" = "On app restart"; -"SessionTimeout" = "Session timeout"; -"FileCouldNotBeProcessed" = "File could not be processed"; -"EnsureItsValidJsonAndTryAgain" = "Ensure it’s valid JSON and try again."; -"RequiredInformationMissing" = "Required Information Missing"; -"RequiredInformationIsMissing" = "Required information is missing at %1$@. Please review the field and try again."; -"NeedHelpVisitOurHelpCenterForGuidance" = "Need help? Visit our Help Center for guidance."; -"UnexpectedDataFormat" = "Unexpected Data Format"; -"TheDataFormatProvidedDoesntMatchWhatsExpected" = "The data format provided doesn’t match what’s expected. Please check your file and ensure the correct data types are used."; +"FourHours" = "4時間"; +"Immediately" = "すぐに"; +"VaultTimeout" = "保管庫のタイムアウト"; +"ThirtyMinutes" = "30分"; +"OnRestart" = "アプリの再起動時"; +"SessionTimeout" = "セッションのタイムアウト"; +"FileCouldNotBeProcessed" = "ファイルを処理できませんでした"; +"EnsureItsValidJsonAndTryAgain" = "有効なJSONであることを確認し、もう一度やり直してください。"; +"RequiredInformationMissing" = "必須の情報がありません"; +"RequiredInformationIsMissing" = "「%1$@」に必須の情報がありません。入力欄を確認して再度お試しください。"; +"NeedHelpVisitOurHelpCenterForGuidance" = "助けが必要ですか?ヘルプセンターのガイドをご覧ください。"; +"UnexpectedDataFormat" = "想定されていないデータフォーマット"; +"TheDataFormatProvidedDoesntMatchWhatsExpected" = "提供されたデータ形式が想定と一致しません。ファイルを確認し、正しいデータ型が使用されているか確かめてください。"; diff --git a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings index 893c92fa..e5438fcd 100644 --- a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -1,160 +1,160 @@ -"About" = "About"; -"Add" = "Add"; -"AnErrorHasOccurred" = "An error has occurred."; -"Cancel" = "Cancel"; -"Copy" = "Copy"; -"Delete" = "Delete"; -"DoYouReallyWantToDelete" = "Do you really want to delete? This cannot be undone."; -"Edit" = "Edit"; -"Favorites" = "Favorites"; -"InternetConnectionRequiredMessage" = "Please connect to the internet before continuing."; -"InternetConnectionRequiredTitle" = "Internet connection required"; -"Name" = "Name"; -"No" = "No"; -"Ok" = "Ok"; -"Save" = "Save"; -"Saving" = "Saving..."; -"Settings" = "Settings"; -"ItemDeleted" = "Item deleted"; -"Submit" = "Submit"; -"UseFingerprintToUnlock" = "Use fingerprint to unlock"; -"Username" = "Username"; -"ValidationFieldRequired" = "The %1$@ field is required."; -"ValueHasBeenCopied" = "%1$@ copied"; -"Version" = "Version"; -"Yes" = "Yes"; -"Close" = "Close"; -"Continue" = "Continue"; -"EditItem" = "Edit item"; -"Favorite" = "Favorite"; -"ImportItems" = "Import items"; -"OneMinute" = "1 minute"; -"Never" = "Never"; -"Options" = "Options"; -"Security" = "Security"; -"ItemInformation" = "Item information"; +"About" = "Over"; +"Add" = "Toevoegen"; +"AnErrorHasOccurred" = "Er is een fout opgetreden."; +"Cancel" = "Annuleren"; +"Copy" = "Kopiëren"; +"Delete" = "Verwijderen"; +"DoYouReallyWantToDelete" = "Wil je echt verwijderen? Dit kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt."; +"Edit" = "Bewerken"; +"Favorites" = "Favorieten"; +"InternetConnectionRequiredMessage" = "Maak verbinding met internet voordat je verder gaat."; +"InternetConnectionRequiredTitle" = "Internetverbinding vereist"; +"Name" = "Naam"; +"No" = "Nee"; +"Ok" = "Oké"; +"Save" = "Opslaan"; +"Saving" = "Opslaan…"; +"Settings" = "Instellingen"; +"ItemDeleted" = "Item verwijderd"; +"Submit" = "Verzenden"; +"UseFingerprintToUnlock" = "Gebruik vingerafdruk om te ontgrendelen"; +"Username" = "Gebruikersnaam"; +"ValidationFieldRequired" = "Het %1$@ veld is verplicht."; +"ValueHasBeenCopied" = "%1$@ gekopieerd"; +"Version" = "Versie"; +"Yes" = "Ja"; +"Close" = "Sluiten"; +"Continue" = "Doorgaan"; +"EditItem" = "Item bewerken"; +"Favorite" = "Favoriet"; +"ImportItems" = "Items importeren"; +"OneMinute" = "1 minuut"; +"Never" = "Nooit"; +"Options" = "Opties"; +"Security" = "Beveiliging"; +"ItemInformation" = "Item informatie"; "TouchID" = "Touch ID"; -"UnlockWith" = "Unlock with %1$@"; -"UnlockWithPIN" = "Unlock with PIN code"; -"VerificationCode" = "Verification code"; -"Search" = "Search"; -"PointYourCameraAtTheQRCode" = "Point your camera at the QR Code.\nScanning will happen automatically."; -"ScanQrTitle" = "Scan QR Code"; -"LearnMore" = "Learn more"; +"UnlockWith" = "Ontgrendelen met %1$@"; +"UnlockWithPIN" = "Ontgrendelen met PIN-code"; +"VerificationCode" = "Verificatiecode"; +"Search" = "Zoeken"; +"PointYourCameraAtTheQRCode" = "Richt je camera op de QR-code en het scannen gebeurt automatisch."; +"ScanQrTitle" = "QR-code scannen"; +"LearnMore" = "Leer meer"; "FaceID" = "Face ID"; -"UseFaceIDToUnlock" = "Use Face ID To Unlock"; -"Default" = "Default"; -"TryAgain" = "Try again"; -"Dark" = "Dark"; +"UseFaceIDToUnlock" = "Face ID gebruiken om te ontgrendelen"; +"Default" = "Standaard"; +"TryAgain" = "Probeer opnieuw"; +"Dark" = "Donker"; "Light" = "Light"; -"FiveMinutes" = "5 minutes"; -"TenSeconds" = "10 seconds"; -"ThirtySeconds" = "30 seconds"; -"TwentySeconds" = "20 seconds"; -"SixtySeconds" = "60 seconds"; -"NinetySeconds" = "90 seconds"; -"TwoMinutes" = "2 minutes"; -"Theme" = "Theme"; -"ThemeDescription" = "Change the application's color theme."; -"UseBiometricsToUnlock" = "Use biometrics to unlock"; -"FileFormat" = "File format"; -"Warning" = "Warning"; -"PrivacyPolicy" = "Privacy Policy"; -"PasswordIsVisibleTapToHide" = "Password is visible, tap to hide."; -"PasswordIsNotVisibleTapToShow" = "Password is not visible, tap to show."; +"FiveMinutes" = "5 minuten"; +"TenSeconds" = "10 seconden"; +"ThirtySeconds" = "30 seconden"; +"TwentySeconds" = "20 seconden"; +"SixtySeconds" = "60 seconden"; +"NinetySeconds" = "90 seconden"; +"TwoMinutes" = "2 minuten"; +"Theme" = "Thema"; +"ThemeDescription" = "Wijzig het kleurthema van de applicatie."; +"UseBiometricsToUnlock" = "Biometrie gebruiken om te ontgrendelen"; +"FileFormat" = "Bestandsformaat"; +"Warning" = "Waarschuwing"; +"PrivacyPolicy" = "Privacybeleid"; +"PasswordIsVisibleTapToHide" = "Wachtwoord is zichtbaar, tik op om te verbergen."; +"PasswordIsNotVisibleTapToShow" = "Wachtwoord is niet zichtbaar, tik erop om het weer te geven."; "Totp" = "TOTP"; -"GenericErrorMessage" = "We were unable to process your request. Please try again or contact us."; -"VerificationCodes" = "Verification codes"; -"ScanQRCode" = "Scan QR Code"; -"CannotScanQRCode" = "Cannot scan QR Code?"; -"EnterKeyManually" = "Enter key manually"; -"Service" = "Service"; -"Language" = "Language"; -"LanguageChangeXDescription" = "The language has been changed to %1$@. Please restart the app to see the change"; -"LanguageChangeRequiresAppRestart" = "Language change requires app restart"; -"DefaultSystem" = "Default (System)"; -"Important" = "Important"; -"YourMasterPasswordCannotBeRecoveredIfYouForgetItXCharactersMinimum" = "Your master password cannot be recovered if you forget it! %1$@ characters minimum."; -"ThereAreNoItemsThatMatchTheSearch" = "There are no items that match the search"; -"Appearance" = "Appearance"; -"BitwardenHelpCenter" = "Bitwarden Help Center"; -"ContinueToWebApp" = "Continue to web app?"; -"ContinueToPrivacyPolicy" = "Continue to privacy policy?"; -"ContinueToAppStore" = "Continue to app store?"; -"PrivacyPolicyDescriptionLong" = "Check out our privacy policy on bitwarden.com."; +"GenericErrorMessage" = "We hebben je verzoek niet kunnen verwerken. Probeer het opnieuw of neem contact met ons op."; +"VerificationCodes" = "Verificatiecodes"; +"ScanQRCode" = "QR-code scannen"; +"CannotScanQRCode" = "Kan je geen QR-code scannen?"; +"EnterKeyManually" = "Sleutel handmatig invoeren"; +"Service" = "Dienst"; +"Language" = "Taal"; +"LanguageChangeXDescription" = "De taal is gewijzigd in %1$@. Start de app opnieuw op om de wijziging te zien"; +"LanguageChangeRequiresAppRestart" = "Taal veranderen vereist opnieuw opstarten app"; +"DefaultSystem" = "Standaard (systeem)"; +"Important" = "Belangrijk"; +"YourMasterPasswordCannotBeRecoveredIfYouForgetItXCharactersMinimum" = "Je hoofdwachtwoord kan niet worden hersteld als je het vergeet! minimaal %1$@ tekens."; +"ThereAreNoItemsThatMatchTheSearch" = "Er zijn geen items die overeenkomen met de zoekopdracht"; +"Appearance" = "Weergave"; +"BitwardenHelpCenter" = "Bitwarden Helpcentrum"; +"ContinueToWebApp" = "Doorgaan naar webapp?"; +"ContinueToPrivacyPolicy" = "Doorgaan naar privacybeleid?"; +"ContinueToAppStore" = "Doorgaan naar app store?"; +"PrivacyPolicyDescriptionLong" = "Bekijk ons privacybeleid op bitwarden.com."; "AppInfo" = "App info"; -"SelectLanguage" = "Select language"; -"Advanced" = "Advanced"; -"NoCodes" = "You don’t have any codes to display"; -"AddANewCodeToSecure" = "Add a new code to secure your accounts."; -"AddCode" = "Add code"; -"AccountName" = "Account name"; -"Algorithm" = "Algorithm"; -"RefreshPeriod" = "Refresh period"; -"NumberOfDigits" = "Number of digits"; +"SelectLanguage" = "Taal selecteren"; +"Advanced" = "Geavanceerd"; +"NoCodes" = "Je hebt geen codes om weer te geven"; +"AddANewCodeToSecure" = "Voeg een nieuwe code toe om je accounts te beveiligen."; +"AddCode" = "Code toevoegen"; +"AccountName" = "Accountnaam"; +"Algorithm" = "Algoritme"; +"RefreshPeriod" = "Periode verversen"; +"NumberOfDigits" = "Aantal cijfers"; "BitwardenAuthenticator" = "Bitwarden Authenticator"; -"Skip" = "Skip"; -"SecureYourAssetsWithBitwardenAuthenticator" = "Secure your accounts with Bitwarden Authenticator"; -"GetVerificationCodesForAllYourAccounts" = "Get verification codes for all your accounts using 2-step verification."; -"UseYourDeviceCameraToScanCodes" = "Use your device camera to scan codes"; -"ScanTheQRCodeInYourSettings" = "Scan the QR code in your 2-step verification settings for any account."; -"SignInUsingUniqueCodes" = "Sign in using unique codes"; -"WhenUsingTwoStepVerification" = "When using 2-step verification, you’ll enter your username and password and a code generated in this app."; -"GetStarted" = "Get started"; -"LaunchTutorial" = "Launch tutorial"; +"Skip" = "Overslaan"; +"SecureYourAssetsWithBitwardenAuthenticator" = "Beveilig je accounts met Bitwarden Authenticator"; +"GetVerificationCodesForAllYourAccounts" = "Ontvang verificatiecodes voor al je accounts met behulp van tweestapsverificatie."; +"UseYourDeviceCameraToScanCodes" = "Gebruik de camera van je apparaat om codes te scannen"; +"ScanTheQRCodeInYourSettings" = "Scan de QR-code in je instellingen voor tweestapsverificatie voor elk account."; +"SignInUsingUniqueCodes" = "Inloggen met unieke codes"; +"WhenUsingTwoStepVerification" = "Als je tweestapsverificatie gebruikt, voer je je gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in en een code die in deze app wordt gegenereerd."; +"GetStarted" = "Aan de slag"; +"LaunchTutorial" = "Tutorial starten"; "Help" = "Help"; -"ExportItemsConfirmationTitle" = "Confirm items export"; -"ExportItems" = "Export items"; -"ExportItemsWarning" = "This export contains your item data in an unencrypted format. You should not store or send the exported file over unsecure channels (such as email). Delete it immediately after you are done using it."; -"Export" = "Export"; -"Key" = "Key"; -"KeyReadError" = "Cannot read key."; -"CannotAddAuthenticatorKey" = "Cannot add authenticator key?"; -"Import" = "Import"; +"ExportItemsConfirmationTitle" = "Items exporteren bevestigen"; +"ExportItems" = "Items exporteren"; +"ExportItemsWarning" = "Deze export bevat je itemgegevens in een niet-versleutelde indeling. Je moet het geëxporteerde bestand niet opslaan of versturen via onbeveiligde kanalen (zoals e-mail). Verwijder het onmiddellijk nadat je het hebt gebruikt."; +"Export" = "Exporteren"; +"Key" = "Sleutel"; +"KeyReadError" = "Kan sleutel niet lezen."; +"CannotAddAuthenticatorKey" = "Kan authenticatorsleutel niet toevoegen?"; +"Import" = "Importeren"; "Steam" = "Steam"; -"OtpType" = "OTP Type"; -"CreateVerificationCode" = "Create verification code"; -"ItemsExported" = "Verification codes exported"; -"ItemsImported" = "Vertification codes imported"; -"VerificationCodeAdded" = "Verification code added"; -"Data" = "Data"; -"Backup" = "Backup"; -"BitwardenAuthenticatorDataIsBackedUpAndCanBeRestored" = "Bitwarden Authenticator data is backed up and can be restored with your regularly scheduled device backups."; -"ImportingFromTwoFasPasswordProtectedNotSupported" = "Importing from 2FAS password protected files is not supported. Try again with an exported file that is not password protected."; -"StoreAllOfYourLoginsAndSyncVerificationCodesDirectlyWithTheAuthenticatorApp" = "Store all of your logins and sync verification codes directly with the Authenticator app."; -"DownloadTheBitwardenApp" = "Download the Bitwarden app"; -"AllowAuthenticatorAppSyncingInSettingsToViewAllYourVerificationCodesHere" = "Allow Authenticator app syncing in settings to view all your verification codes here."; -"TakeMeToTheAppSettings" = "Take me to the app settings"; -"SyncWithTheBitwardenApp" = "Sync with the Bitwarden app"; -"SyncWithBitwardenApp" = "Sync with Bitwarden app"; -"LocalCodes" = "Local codes"; -"AccountsSyncedFromBitwardenApp" = "Accounts synced from Bitwarden app"; -"CopyToBitwarden" = "Copy to Bitwarden"; -"ScanComplete" = "Scan complete"; -"SaveThisAuthenticatorKeyHereOrAddItToALoginInYourBitwardenApp" = "Save this authenticator key here, or add it to a login in your Bitwarden app."; -"SaveHere" = "Save here"; -"SetSaveToBitwardenAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "Set \"Save to Bitwarden\" as your default save option?"; -"SetSaveLocallyAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "Set \"Save locally\" as your default save option?"; -"YouCanUpdateYourDefaultAnytimeInSettings" = "You can update your default anytime in settings."; -"YesSetDefault" = "Yes, set default"; -"NoAskMe" = "No, ask me"; -"DefaultSaveOption" = "Default save option"; -"SaveToBitwarden" = "Save to Bitwarden"; -"None" = "None"; -"UnableToSyncCodesFromTheBitwardenApp" = "Unable to sync codes from the Bitwarden app. Make sure both apps are up-to-date. You can still access your existing codes in the Bitwarden app."; -"FifteenMinutes" = "15 minutes"; -"OneHour" = "1 hour"; -"OneMinute" = "1 minute"; -"FourHours" = "4 hours"; -"Immediately" = "Immediately"; -"VaultTimeout" = "Vault timeout"; -"ThirtyMinutes" = "30 minutes"; -"OnRestart" = "On app restart"; -"SessionTimeout" = "Session timeout"; -"FileCouldNotBeProcessed" = "File could not be processed"; -"EnsureItsValidJsonAndTryAgain" = "Ensure it’s valid JSON and try again."; -"RequiredInformationMissing" = "Required Information Missing"; -"RequiredInformationIsMissing" = "Required information is missing at %1$@. Please review the field and try again."; -"NeedHelpVisitOurHelpCenterForGuidance" = "Need help? Visit our Help Center for guidance."; -"UnexpectedDataFormat" = "Unexpected Data Format"; -"TheDataFormatProvidedDoesntMatchWhatsExpected" = "The data format provided doesn’t match what’s expected. Please check your file and ensure the correct data types are used."; +"OtpType" = "OTP-type"; +"CreateVerificationCode" = "Verificatiecode aanmaken"; +"ItemsExported" = "Verificatiecodes geëxporteerd"; +"ItemsImported" = "Verticatiecodes geïmporteerd"; +"VerificationCodeAdded" = "Verificatiecode toegevoegd"; +"Data" = "Gegevens"; +"Backup" = "Back-up"; +"BitwardenAuthenticatorDataIsBackedUpAndCanBeRestored" = "Bitwarden Authenticator gegevens worden geback-upt en kunnen worden hersteld met je regelmatig geplande apparaat back-ups."; +"ImportingFromTwoFasPasswordProtectedNotSupported" = "Importeren vanuit 2FAS-bestanden met wachtwoordbeveiliging wordt niet ondersteund. Probeer het opnieuw met een geëxporteerd bestand dat niet met een wachtwoord is beveiligd."; +"StoreAllOfYourLoginsAndSyncVerificationCodesDirectlyWithTheAuthenticatorApp" = "Sla al je logins op en synchroniseer verificatiecodes direct met de Authenticator app."; +"DownloadTheBitwardenApp" = "Download de Bitwarden app"; +"AllowAuthenticatorAppSyncingInSettingsToViewAllYourVerificationCodesHere" = "Authenticator app synchronisatie toestaan in instellingen om hier al je verificatiecodes te bekijken."; +"TakeMeToTheAppSettings" = "Breng me naar de app-instellingen"; +"SyncWithTheBitwardenApp" = "Synchroniseren met de Bitwarden app"; +"SyncWithBitwardenApp" = "Synchroniseren met Bitwarden app"; +"LocalCodes" = "Lokale codes"; +"AccountsSyncedFromBitwardenApp" = "Accounts gesynchroniseerd vanuit Bitwarden app"; +"CopyToBitwarden" = "Kopiëren naar Bitwarden"; +"ScanComplete" = "Scan voltooid"; +"SaveThisAuthenticatorKeyHereOrAddItToALoginInYourBitwardenApp" = "Sla deze authenticatorsleutel hier op of voeg hem toe aan een login in je Bitwarden app."; +"SaveHere" = "Hier opslaan"; +"SetSaveToBitwardenAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "\"Opslaan in Bitwarden\" instellen als je standaard opslaan-optie?"; +"SetSaveLocallyAsYourDefaultSaveOption" = "\"Lokaal opslaan\" instellen als je standaard opslaan-optie?"; +"YouCanUpdateYourDefaultAnytimeInSettings" = "Je kunt je standaardinstellingen op elk moment bijwerken in de instellingen."; +"YesSetDefault" = "Ja, standaard instellen"; +"NoAskMe" = "Nee, vraag het me"; +"DefaultSaveOption" = "Standaard opslaan optie"; +"SaveToBitwarden" = "Opslaan in Bitwarden"; +"None" = "Geen"; +"UnableToSyncCodesFromTheBitwardenApp" = "Kan geen codes synchroniseren vanuit de Bitwarden app. Zorg ervoor dat beide apps up-to-date zijn. Je hebt nog steeds toegang tot je bestaande codes in de Bitwarden app."; +"FifteenMinutes" = "15 minuten"; +"OneHour" = "1 uur"; +"OneMinute" = "1 minuut"; +"FourHours" = "4 uren"; +"Immediately" = "Onmiddelijk"; +"VaultTimeout" = "Kluis time-out"; +"ThirtyMinutes" = "30 minuten"; +"OnRestart" = "Bij het herstarten van de app"; +"SessionTimeout" = "Sessie time-out"; +"FileCouldNotBeProcessed" = "Bestand kon niet worden verwerkt"; +"EnsureItsValidJsonAndTryAgain" = "Zorg ervoor dat het geldige JSON is en probeer het opnieuw."; +"RequiredInformationMissing" = "Verplichte informatie ontbreekt"; +"RequiredInformationIsMissing" = "Vereiste informatie ontbreekt bij %1$@. Controleer het veld en probeer het opnieuw."; +"NeedHelpVisitOurHelpCenterForGuidance" = "Hulp nodig? Bezoek ons Helpcentrum voor hulp."; +"UnexpectedDataFormat" = "Onverwacht gegevensformaat"; +"TheDataFormatProvidedDoesntMatchWhatsExpected" = "Het verstrekte gegevensformaat komt niet overeen met wat wordt verwacht. Controleer je bestand en zorg ervoor dat de juiste gegevenstypen worden gebruikt."; diff --git a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings index 73ddc117..e723d8e6 100644 --- a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ "Close" = "Fechar"; "Continue" = "Continuar"; "EditItem" = "Editar item"; -"Favorite" = "Favorito"; +"Favorite" = "Adicionar aos favoritos"; "ImportItems" = "Importar itens"; "OneMinute" = "1 minuto"; "Never" = "Nunca"; diff --git a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/sr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/sr.lproj/Localizable.strings index ca2c2f16..30b0d2c9 100644 --- a/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/sr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/AuthenticatorShared/UI/Platform/Application/Support/Localizations/sr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ "SyncWithBitwardenApp" = "Синхронизујте са апликацијом Bitwarden"; "LocalCodes" = "Локални кодови"; "AccountsSyncedFromBitwardenApp" = "Налози су синхронизовани из апликације Bitwarden"; -"CopyToBitwarden" = "Copy to Bitwarden"; +"CopyToBitwarden" = "Копирај у Bitwarden"; "ScanComplete" = "Скенирање је завршено"; "SaveThisAuthenticatorKeyHereOrAddItToALoginInYourBitwardenApp" = "Сачувајте овај кључ за аутентификацију овде или га додајте у пријаву у своју Bitwarden апликацију."; "SaveHere" = "Сачувај овде"; @@ -142,19 +142,19 @@ "SaveToBitwarden" = "Сачувај у Bitwarden"; "None" = "Ниједан"; "UnableToSyncCodesFromTheBitwardenApp" = "Није могуће синхронизовати кодове из апликације Bitwarden. Уверите се да су обе апликације ажуриране. И даље можете да приступите својим постојећим кодовима у апликацији Bitwarden."; -"FifteenMinutes" = "15 minutes"; -"OneHour" = "1 hour"; +"FifteenMinutes" = "15 минута"; +"OneHour" = "1 сат"; "OneMinute" = "1 минут"; -"FourHours" = "4 hours"; -"Immediately" = "Immediately"; -"VaultTimeout" = "Vault timeout"; -"ThirtyMinutes" = "30 minutes"; -"OnRestart" = "On app restart"; -"SessionTimeout" = "Session timeout"; -"FileCouldNotBeProcessed" = "File could not be processed"; -"EnsureItsValidJsonAndTryAgain" = "Ensure it’s valid JSON and try again."; -"RequiredInformationMissing" = "Required Information Missing"; -"RequiredInformationIsMissing" = "Required information is missing at %1$@. Please review the field and try again."; -"NeedHelpVisitOurHelpCenterForGuidance" = "Need help? Visit our Help Center for guidance."; -"UnexpectedDataFormat" = "Unexpected Data Format"; -"TheDataFormatProvidedDoesntMatchWhatsExpected" = "The data format provided doesn’t match what’s expected. Please check your file and ensure the correct data types are used."; +"FourHours" = "4 сата"; +"Immediately" = "Одмах"; +"VaultTimeout" = "Тајмаут сефа"; +"ThirtyMinutes" = "30 минута"; +"OnRestart" = "На поновно покретање"; +"SessionTimeout" = "Истек сесије"; +"FileCouldNotBeProcessed" = "Није могуће обрадити датотеку"; +"EnsureItsValidJsonAndTryAgain" = "Уверите се да је JSON важећи и покушајте поново."; +"RequiredInformationMissing" = "Недостају потребне информације"; +"RequiredInformationIsMissing" = "Недостају потребне информације на %1$@. Прегледајте поље и покушајте поново."; +"NeedHelpVisitOurHelpCenterForGuidance" = "Треба ли помоћ? Посетите наш центар за помоћ за упутства."; +"UnexpectedDataFormat" = "Неочекивани формат података"; +"TheDataFormatProvidedDoesntMatchWhatsExpected" = "Наведени формат података не одговара очекиваном. Проверите своју датотеку и уверите се да се користе исправни типови података.";