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fluent-plugin-slack Build Status


$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-slack

Usage (Incoming Webhook)

<match slack>
  @type slack
  channel general
  username sowasowa
  icon_emoji :ghost:
  flush_interval 60s
</match>'slack', {
  :message  => 'Hello<br>World!'

Usage (Slackbot)

<match slack>
  @type slack
  channel general
  flush_interval 60s
</match>'slack', {
  :message  => 'Hello<br>World!'

Usage (Web API a.k.a. Bots)

<match slack>
  @type slack
  channel C061EG9SL
  username sowasowa
  icon_emoji :ghost:
  flush_interval 60s
</match>'slack', {
  :message  => 'Hello<br>World!'


parameter description default
webhook_url Incoming Webhook URI (Required for Incoming Webhook mode). See
slackbot_url Slackbot URI (Required for Slackbot mode). See NOTE: most of optional parameters such as username, color, icon_emoji, icon_url, and title are not available for this mode, but Desktop Notification via Highlight Words works with only this mode
token Token for Web API (Required for Web API mode). See
as_user post messages as a bot user. See NOTE: This parameter is only enabled if you use the Web API with your bot token. You cannot use both of username and icon_emoji(icon_url) when you set this parameter to true. nil
username name of bot nil
color color to use such as good or bad. See Color section of NOTE: This parameter must not be specified to receive Desktop Notification via Mentions in cases of Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API nil
icon_emoji emoji to use as the icon. either of icon_emoji or icon_url can be specified nil
icon_url url to an image to use as the icon. either of icon_emoji or icon_url can be specified nil
mrkdwn enable formatting. see true
link_names find and link channel names and usernames. NOTE: This parameter must be true to receive Desktop Notification via Mentions in cases of Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API true
parse change how messages are treated. none or full can be specified. See Parsing mode section of nil
channel Channel name or id to send messages (without first '#'). Channel ID is recommended because it is unchanged even if a channel is renamed
channel_keys keys used to format channel. %s will be replaced with value specified by channel_keys if this option is used nil
title title format. %s will be replaced with value specified by title_keys. title is created from the first appeared record on each tag. NOTE: This parameter must not be specified to receive Desktop Notification via Mentions in cases of Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API nil
title_keys keys used to format the title nil
message message format. %s will be replaced with value specified by message_keys %s
message_keys keys used to format messages message
auto_channels_create Create channels if not exist. Not available for Incoming Webhook mode (since Incoming Webhook is specific to a channel). A web api token for Normal User is required (Bot User can not create channels. See false
https_proxy https proxy url such as nil
verbose_fallback Originally, only title is used for the fallback which is the message shown on popup if title is given. If this option is set to be true, messages are also included to the fallback attribute false

fluent-plugin-slack uses SetTimeKeyMixin and SetTagKeyMixin, so you can also use:

parameter description default
timezone timezone such as Asia/Tokyo
localtime use localtime as timezone true
utc use utc as timezone
time_key key name for time used in xxx_keys time
time_format time format. This will be formatted with Time#strftime. %H:%M:%S
tag_key key name for tag used in xxx_keys tag

fluent-plugin-slack is a kind of BufferedOutput plugin, so you can also use Buffer Parameters.


Desktop Notification seems not working?

Currently, has following limitations:

  1. Desktop Notification via both Highlight Words and Mentions works only with Slackbot Remote Control
  2. Desktop Notification via Mentions works for the text field if link_names parameter is specified in cases of Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API, that is,
  • Desktop Notification does not work for the attachments filed (used in color and title)
  • Desktop Notification via Highlight Words does not work for Incoming Webhook and Slack Web API anyway


See for details.



  • Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014- Keisuke SOGAWA
  • License:: Apache License, Version 2.0