diff --git a/_i18n/cs.yml b/_i18n/cs.yml
index 0c2609369..3932f32fc 100644
--- a/_i18n/cs.yml
+++ b/_i18n/cs.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Informace"
features: "Vlastnosti"
nodes: "Uzly"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Bezpečná"
description: "Nejrobustnější blockchain na světě."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Nejlepší peníze na světě"
features: "Nové vlastnosti"
nodes: "Uzly"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Burzy a Směnárny"
faq: "Často kladené otázky"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash přináší světu skvělou měnu a naplňuje tak původní myšlenku Bitcoinu jakožto Peer-to-Peer digitální měny. Obchodníkům jakož i uživatelům nabízí Bitcoin Cash nízké transakční poplatky a spolehlivá ověření transakcí. Čeká nás zářná budoucnost neomezeného růstu, globální adopce, neomezené inovace a decentralizovaného vývoje.
diff --git a/_i18n/de-ch.yml b/_i18n/de-ch.yml
index 59151ade0..37a72adac 100644
--- a/_i18n/de-ch.yml
+++ b/_i18n/de-ch.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Über"
features: "Features"
nodes: "Nodes"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Sicher"
description: "Die sicherschti Blockchain vodä Wält."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Die bescht Währig vo dä Wält."
features: "Neue Features"
nodes: "Nodes"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Börsä"
faq: "Hüüfig gstellti Frage"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash bütet dä Wält e solidi Währig, wo dä Originalversion vo Bitcoin als „Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash“ entspricht. Dä Nutzä für Händler oder Kundä sind zueverlässigi Transaktionä mit tüüfe Transaktionsköschtä. D Zuekunft für Bitcoin Cash glänzt dank unlimitiertem Wachstum, globale Akzeptanz, Innovation und dezentralisierte Entwicklig.
diff --git a/_i18n/de.yml b/_i18n/de.yml
index 9d28398cc..4617bc814 100644
--- a/_i18n/de.yml
+++ b/_i18n/de.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Über"
features: "Features"
nodes: "Nodes"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Sicher"
description: "Die robusteste Blockchain der Welt."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Die beste Währung der Welt"
features: "Neue Features"
nodes: "Nodes"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Börsen"
faq: "Häufig gestellte Fragen"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin bietet der Welt eine solide Währung, die der Originalvision von Bitcoin als "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash" entspricht. Der Nutzen für Händler oder Kunden sind zuverlässige Transaktionen mit geringen Transaktionskosten. Die Zukunft für Bitcoin Cash glänzt dank unlimitiertem Wachstum, globaler Akzeptanz, Innovation und dezentralisierter Entwicklung.
diff --git a/_i18n/el.yml b/_i18n/el.yml
index c8fa755a0..281f7fcee 100644
--- a/_i18n/el.yml
+++ b/_i18n/el.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "4"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Σχετικά με"
features: "Χαρακτηριστικά"
nodes: "Κόμβοι"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Ασφαλές"
description: "Παγκόσμια αξιοπιστία μεσω της αρχιτεκτονικής ‘Αλυσίδα Κοινοποιήσεων’ (blockchain)"
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Το καλύτερο χρήμα στον κόσμο"
features: "Νέα χαρακτηριστικά"
nodes: "Κόμβοι"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Ανταλλακτήρια"
faq: "Συχνές Ερωτήσεις"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Το Bitcoin Cash φέρνει ένα ισχυρό νόμισμα στο παγκόσμιο προσκήνιο, εκπληρώνοντας την αρχική υπόσχεση του Bitcoin για ένα ψηφιακό νόμισμα αρχιτεκτονικής ομότιμων κόμβων (P2P). Έμποροι και απλοί χρήστες εξουσιοδοτούνται για την χρήση του, πληρώνοντας χαμηλά κόμιστρα σε αξιόπιστες συναλλαγές. Ένα νέο λαμπρό μέλλον με απεριόριστες δυνατότητες επέκτασης, παγκόσμια προσαρμογή, ανεμπόδιστη εφευρετικότητα και αποκεντρωμένη ανάπτυξη και σχεδιασμό.
diff --git a/_i18n/en.yml b/_i18n/en.yml
index 07a258965..ea489fba3 100644
--- a/_i18n/en.yml
+++ b/_i18n/en.yml
@@ -199,7 +199,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "About"
features: "Features"
nodes: "Nodes"
@@ -235,7 +234,6 @@ features:
description: "World's most robust blockchain technology."
about: "The Best Money in the World"
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
developers: "Get Started"
exchanges: "Exchanges"
faq: "Frequently Asked Questions"
@@ -246,9 +244,6 @@ headings:
services: "Services"
wallets: "Wallets"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash brings sound money to the world, fulfilling the original promise of Bitcoin as "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash". Merchants and users are empowered with low fees and reliable confirmations. The future shines brightly with unrestricted growth, global adoption, permissionless innovation, and decentralized development.
diff --git a/_i18n/es.yml b/_i18n/es.yml
index 422c4d5bc..f8f3207e7 100644
--- a/_i18n/es.yml
+++ b/_i18n/es.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Acerca de"
features: "Características"
nodes: "Nodos"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Seguro"
description: "La tecnología blockchain más robusta del mundo."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "El mejor dinero del mundo"
features: "Nuevas características"
nodes: "Nodos"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Casas de cambio"
faq: "Preguntas frecuentes"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash ofrece una moneda fuerte al mundo, cumpliendo con la promesa inicial de Bitcoin como dinero electrónico de usuario a usuario. Usuarios y comerciantes pueden disfrutar de comisiones bajas y confirmaciones fiables. El futuro es prometedor gracias a crecimiento sin restricciones, adopción global, innovación que no necesita permisos y desarrollo descentralizado.
diff --git a/_i18n/fr.yml b/_i18n/fr.yml
index e6d65d763..52f964303 100644
--- a/_i18n/fr.yml
+++ b/_i18n/fr.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "À propos"
features: "Fonctionnalités"
nodes: "Nœuds"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Securisé"
description: "La chaine de blocs la plus robuste."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "La meilleure monnaie du Monde"
features: "Nouvelles fonctionnalités"
nodes: "Nœuds"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
faq: "Foire Aux Questions"
exchanges: "Plateformes d'échange"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash apporte une monnaie saine au monde. Commerçants et utilisateurs bénéficient de frais infimes et de confirmations sûrs. L'avenir brille avec une croissance libre, une adoption mondiale, des innovations sans limites, et un développement décentralisé.
diff --git a/_i18n/hi.yml b/_i18n/hi.yml
index b5660d2d5..29101da69 100644
--- a/_i18n/hi.yml
+++ b/_i18n/hi.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "के बारे में"
features: "विशेषताएं"
nodes: "नोड्स(गांठ)"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "सुरक्षित"
description: "दुनिया का सबसे मजबूत ब्लॉकचैन प्रौद्योगिकी"
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "विश्व में सर्वश्रेष्ठ पैसा"
features: "नए विशेषताएँ"
nodes: "नोड्स(गांठ)"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "एक्सचेंजों"
faq: "सामान्य प्रश्न"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
बिटकॉइन कैश ने दुनिया में लाजवाब पैसा लाया है। व्यापारी और उपयोगकर्ताओं को कम शुल्क और विश्वसनीय पुष्टि के साथ सशक्त हैं। भविष्य में अप्रतिबंधित वृद्धि, वैश्विक अपनाने, अनुमतिहीन नवाचार और विकेन्द्रीकृत विकास के साथ चमकती है
diff --git a/_i18n/id.yml b/_i18n/id.yml
index f23be6cb9..36e8def4e 100644
--- a/_i18n/id.yml
+++ b/_i18n/id.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Tentang Bitcoin Cash"
features: "Fitur"
nodes: "Node"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Aman"
description: "Didukung dengan teknologi Blockchain paling kuat di dunia."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Mata Uang terbaik di dunia"
features: "Fitur Baru"
nodes: "Node"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Tempat Penukaran Uang"
faq: "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash adalah mata uang mendunia terjamin yang berasal dari visi awal Bitcoin untuk menjadi "Mata Uang Elektronik P2P". Bitcoin Cash memberdayakan pedagang dan pengguna untuk bertransaksi dengan biaya rendah dan konfirmasi cepat. Dengan inovasi baru dan pertumbuhan teknologi, Bitcoin Cash memungkinkan adopsi global dan pengembangan moneter yang terdesentralisasi.
diff --git a/_i18n/it.yml b/_i18n/it.yml
index 4bb1e3fee..af385721a 100644
--- a/_i18n/it.yml
+++ b/_i18n/it.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "2"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Info"
features: "Caratteristiche"
nodes: "Nodi"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Sicuro"
description: "La tecnologia blockchain più sicura al mondo."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Il Miglior Denaro del Mondo"
features: "Novità"
nodes: "Nodi"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Borse di scambio"
faq: "Domande Frequenti"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash porta al mondo moneta sonante, realizza l'originale promessa di Bitcoin in quanto "Denaro Elettroinico Peer-to-Peer (da pari a pari)". Commissioni economiche e conferme affidabili vanno a vantaggio di commercianti e clienti. Il futuro sarà luminoso grazie a una crescita senza restrizioni, adozione globale, innovazione libera e sviluppo decentralizzato.
diff --git a/_i18n/ja.yml b/_i18n/ja.yml
index 8612b9b47..3ad77ba8e 100644
--- a/_i18n/ja.yml
+++ b/_i18n/ja.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "4"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "ビットコインキャッシュとは"
features: "特徴"
nodes: "ノード"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "セキュリティ"
description: "世界でもっとも頑健なブロックチェーンテクノロジー。"
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "世界で最も優れた通貨"
features: "新しい特徴"
nodes: "ノード"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "取引所"
faq: "よくある質問"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
ビットコインキャッシュは、"Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash"というビットコインのオリジナルのビジョンを実現し、この世界に信頼できるお金をもたらします。企業もユーザーも、わずかな手数料だけで確実な送金が可能になります。無制限の成長、世界的な採用、規制のないイノベーション、および分散型開発。これらによりビットコインキャッシュの未来は光り輝いています。
diff --git a/_i18n/ko.yml b/_i18n/ko.yml
index ac268e75f..f066c605b 100644
--- a/_i18n/ko.yml
+++ b/_i18n/ko.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "관하여"
features: "기능"
nodes: "노드"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "안전성"
description: "세상에서 가장 견고한 블록체인 기술."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "세계 최고의 화폐"
features: "새로운 기능"
nodes: "노드"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "거래소"
faq: "자주묻는문답"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
"피어-투-피어 전자 현금" 이라는 비트코인의 원래의 목적에 부합하는, 비트코인캐시는 세계에 건전한 화폐를 가능케합니다. 상인들과 사용자들은 낮은 수수료와 신뢰있는 승인의 권한이 주어집니다. 미래는 무제한성장, 세계적 채택, 허가없는 혁신, 탈중앙화된 개발로 밝게 빛납니다.
diff --git a/_i18n/ms.yml b/_i18n/ms.yml
index cef87ea4f..b7a3ad3f5 100644
--- a/_i18n/ms.yml
+++ b/_i18n/ms.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "4"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Maklumat"
features: "Ciri-ciri"
nodes: "Nod"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Selamat"
description: "Teknologi blockchain yang terkukuh di dunia."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Wang terbaik di dunia ini."
features: "Ciri-ciri baru"
nodes: "Nodes"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Penukar-penukar Wang"
faq: "Soalan Lazim"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash memperkenalkan wang yang kukuh ke dunia ini, memenuhi janji asal Bitcoin iaitu: "Wang Electronik P2P". Peniaga dan juga pembeli boleh berurus niaga dengan caj yang amat rendah dan juga pengesahan yang dipercayai. Masa depan sangat bersinar dengan pertumbuhan tanpa batasan, penggunaan antarabangsa, inovasi tanpa had, dan pembangunan terdesentralisasi.
diff --git a/_i18n/nl.yml b/_i18n/nl.yml
index 1d38e01f6..efd99fc5e 100644
--- a/_i18n/nl.yml
+++ b/_i18n/nl.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Over"
features: "Features"
nodes: "Nodes"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Betrouwbaar"
description: "'s Werelds meest robuuste blockchain-technologie."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Het beste geld ter wereld"
features: "Nieuwe Features"
nodes: "Nodes"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Exchanges"
faq: "Veelgestelde vragen"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash brengt betrouwbaar geld naar de wereld en vervult de oorspronkelijke belofte van Bitcoin als "Peer-to-Peer Digitaal Geld". Verkopers en gebruikers zijn verzekerd van lage transactiekosten en betrouwbare bevestigingen. De toekomst ziet er veelbelovend uit door onbeperkte groei, wereldwijde adoptie, vrije innovatie en decentrale ontwikkeling.
diff --git a/_i18n/pl.yml b/_i18n/pl.yml
index 8501ad20e..b39478cf6 100644
--- a/_i18n/pl.yml
+++ b/_i18n/pl.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Opis"
features: "Co jest nowego"
nodes: "Węzły sieci"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Bezpieczny"
description: "Wykorzystuje najbezpieczniejszą na świecie technologię blockchain."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Najlepsza waluta na świecie"
features: "Co jest nowego"
nodes: "Węzły"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Giełdy"
faq: "Często zadawane pytania"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash wypełnia oryginalną wizję Bitcoin'a jako elektroniczna waluta peer-to-peer - tj. "elektroniczna gotówka". Dzięki niej handlowcy i klienci mogą dokonywać transakcji za dosłownie grosik - niezależnie od kwoty. Przyszłość rysuje się w świetlanych barwach dzięki globalnej adopcji, rosnącej wartości waluty, nieograniczonemu i zdecentralizowanemu rozwojowi.
diff --git a/_i18n/pt-BR.yml b/_i18n/pt-BR.yml
index f76827814..b52a392ad 100644
--- a/_i18n/pt-BR.yml
+++ b/_i18n/pt-BR.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Sobre"
features: "Funcionalidades"
nodes: "Nodos"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Seguro"
description: "A tecnologia blockchain mais robusta do mundo."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "O melhor dinheiro do mundo"
features: "Novas funcionalidades"
nodes: "Nodos"
@@ -117,9 +115,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Corretoras"
faq: "Perguntas Frequentes"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash introduz uma moeda robusta para o mundo, satisfazendo a promessa inicial do Bitcoin como uma "Moeda eletrônica de pessoa para pessoa". Comerciantes e usuários são premiados com taxas baixas e transações confiáveis. O futuro será brilhante com crescimento irrestrito, adoção mundial, inovações independentes e desenvolvimento descentralizado.
diff --git a/_i18n/pt-PT.yml b/_i18n/pt-PT.yml
index 5052280b3..bceef70c3 100644
--- a/_i18n/pt-PT.yml
+++ b/_i18n/pt-PT.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Sobre"
features: "Funcionalidades"
nodes: "Nós"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Seguro"
description: "A tecnologia blockchain mais robusta do mundo."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "O melhor dinheiro do mundo"
features: "Novas Funcionalidades"
nodes: "Nós"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Casas de Câmbios"
faq: "Preguntas Frequentes"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
O Bitcoin Cash traz dinheiro forte para o mundo cumprindo a promessa original do Bitcoin como moeda electrónica de pessoa para pessoa. Comerciantes e utilizadores são equipados com taxas baixas e confirmações fiáveis. O futuro é promissor com crescimento sem barreiras, inovação sem permissões e desenvolvimento descentralizado.
diff --git a/_i18n/ru.yml b/_i18n/ru.yml
index a5c478dc8..39e300f4b 100644
--- a/_i18n/ru.yml
+++ b/_i18n/ru.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "2"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "О"
features: "Функции"
nodes: "Узлы"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Безопасно"
description: "Самая прочная в мире технология блокчейн."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Лучшая Валюта в Мире"
features: "Новые Функции"
nodes: "Узлы"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Биржи"
faq: "Часто Задаваемые Вопросы"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash предоставляет миру прочную валюту, выполняя изначальное предназначение Bitcoin как "Пиринговая Цифровая Валюта". Предприниматели и пользователи извлекают низкие комиссии и надежные подтверждения. Будущее за неограниченным ростом, глобальным признанием, бесконфликтными инновациями и децентрализованой разработкой.
diff --git a/_i18n/sk.yml b/_i18n/sk.yml
index 003dca21c..21ec59465 100644
--- a/_i18n/sk.yml
+++ b/_i18n/sk.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "2"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Informácie"
features: "Vlastnosti"
nodes: "Uzly"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Bezpečná"
description: "Nejrobustnejší blockchain na svete."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Nejlepšie peniaze na svete"
features: "Vlastnosti"
nodes: "Uzly"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Burzy a Zmenárne"
faq: "Často položené otázky"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Obchodníkom a uživateľom Bitcoin Cash ponúka nízke transakčné poplatky a spolahlivé overenie transakcií. Čaká nás žiarivá budúcnosť neobmedzeného rastu, globálnej adopcie, neobmedzenej inovácie a decentralizovaného vývoja.
diff --git a/_i18n/tr.yml b/_i18n/tr.yml
index 13d6cb7e5..3d3e80345 100644
--- a/_i18n/tr.yml
+++ b/_i18n/tr.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "2"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Hakkında"
features: "Özellikler"
nodes: "Ağ Noktaları"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Emniyetli"
description: "Dünyanın en sağlam blokzinciri teknolojisi."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Dünyanın En İyi Parası"
features: "Yeni Özellikler"
nodes: "Ağ Noktaları"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Takas Merkezleri"
faq: "Sıkça Sorulan Sorular"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin'in esas amacı olan "Kişiler Arası Elektronik Nakit" niteliğini koruyarak dünyaya sağlam parayı sunuyor. Düşük işlem ücretleri ve güvenilir onaylama sayesinde satıcıların ve alıcıların gücünü arttırıyor. Sınırsız büyüme, küresel benimseme, yetki gerektirmeyen yenilikler, ve merkezi olmayan gelişimle daha parlak bir gelecek sunuyor.
diff --git a/_i18n/vi.yml b/_i18n/vi.yml
index e1af0c1f5..dbbe9035b 100644
--- a/_i18n/vi.yml
+++ b/_i18n/vi.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "2"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "Về chúng tôi"
features: "Tính năng"
nodes: "Mạng lưới Node"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "Bảo mật"
description: "Công nghệ Blockchain mạnh nhất thế giới."
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "Là đồng tiền điện tử tốt nhất thế giới"
features: "Tính năng mới"
nodes: "Mạng lưới Node"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "Sàn giao dịch"
faq: "Những câu hỏi thường gặp"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
Bitcoin Cash mang đến hơi thở mới cho thế giới tiền điện tử, hoàn thành sứ mệnh ban đầu của Bitcoin là "Đồng tiền Điện tử Peer-to-Peer". Thương gia và người dùng được trao quyền với mức phí thấp và xác nhận đáng tin cậy. Tương lai tỏa sáng với sự tăng trưởng không hạn chế, áp dụng toàn cầu, đổi mới không ngừng và phát triển phi tập trung.
diff --git a/_i18n/zh-CN.yml b/_i18n/zh-CN.yml
index cf94b4cc3..2d12a88a5 100644
--- a/_i18n/zh-CN.yml
+++ b/_i18n/zh-CN.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "关于"
features: "功能"
nodes: "节点"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "安全"
description: "世界上最健壮的区块链技术。"
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "世界上最好的钱"
features: "新功能"
nodes: "节点"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "交易所"
faq: "常见问题"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
比特币现金 (Bitcoin Cash) 为世界带来一种可靠的钱,履行最初的比特币作为「点对点数字现金」的承诺,商家和用户拥有了具备低廉费用和可靠确认的支付方式。因其不受限制的增长、全球采用、无需许可的创新,以及去中心化的开发,将有光明的未来。
diff --git a/_i18n/zh-TW.yml b/_i18n/zh-TW.yml
index a955d5e90..fbda1f662 100644
--- a/_i18n/zh-TW.yml
+++ b/_i18n/zh-TW.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ misc:
dropdown_md_width: "3"
dropdown_sm_width: "3"
- announcement: "Announcement"
about: "關於"
features: "功能"
nodes: "節點"
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ features:
- title: "安全"
description: "世上最強大的區塊鏈科技。"
- announcement: "May 2018 Network Upgrade"
about: "世上最佳的貨幣"
features: "最新功能"
nodes: "節點"
@@ -116,9 +114,6 @@ headings:
exchanges: "交易所"
faq: "常見問題"
- announcement:
- - |
- The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a protocol upgrade on May 15th 2018. Businesses and individuals who use the Bitcoin Cash network should check to ensure that their software is compatible with the upgrade. A specification is available, and the upgrade is being tested on testnet. This upgrade is the first of planned series of protocol upgrades announced late 2017 by severaldevelopergroups.
- |
比特幣現金 (Bitcoin Cash) 為世界帶來一種可靠的貨幣,滿足原先比特幣身為「點對點數位現金」的承諾,並提供商家與使用者低手續費且可靠的交易確認。它,因其不受限制的成長、全世界的普及、無須允許的創新,以及去中心化的開發,有著極為光明的未來。
diff --git a/_includes/home/announcement.html b/_includes/home/announcement.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c93cb3374..000000000
--- a/_includes/home/announcement.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
{% t 'headings.announcement' %}
- {% for c in site.translations[site.lang]["content"]["announcement"] %}
{{ c }}
- {% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index efa01983b..3a53f3e5b 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
{% include main-menu.html %}
{% include home/header.html %}
{% include home/about.html %}
-{% include home/announcement.html %}
{% include home/features.html %}
{% include home/nodes.html %}
{% include home/wallets.html %}