note: this is the initial design document of Biscuit, explaining the project's intentions and the solutions that were evaluated. It is not up to date with the current format of the token. For a complete description of the current format, see For a usage explanation, see
Distributed authorization is traditionally done through centralized systems like OAuth, where any new authorization will be delivered by a server, and validated by that same server. This is fine when working with a monolithic system, or a small set of microservices.
However, in microservice architectures, a single request coming from a user agent could result in hundreds of internal requests between microservices, each requiring a verification of authorization, making it inpractical to delegate it to a centralized server.
This system draws ideas from X509 certificates, JWT, Macaroons and Vanadium.
JSON Web Tokens were designed in part to handle distributed authorization, and in part to provide a stateless authentication token. While it has been shown that state management cannot be avoided (it is the only way to have correct revocation), distributed authorization has proven useful. JSON Web Tokens are JSON objects that carry data about their principal, expiration dates and a serie of claims, all signed by the authorization server's public key. Any service that knows and trusts that public key will be able to validate the token. JWTs are also quite large and often cannot fit in a cookie, so they are often stored in localstorage, where they are easily stolen via XSS.
Macaroons provide a token that can be delegated: the holder can create a new, valid token from the first one, by attenuating its rights. They are built from a secret known to the authorization server. A token can be created from a caveat and the HMAC of the secret and the caveat. To build a new token, we add a caveat, remove the previous HMAC signature, and add a HMAC of the previous signature and the new caveat (so from an attenuated token we cannot go back to a more general one). This allows use to build tokens with very limited access, that wan can hand over to an external service, or build unique restricted tokens per requests. Building macaroons on a secret means that any service that wants to validate the token must know that secret.
Vanadium builds a distributed authorization and delegation system based on public keys, by binding a token to a public key with a certificate, and a blessing (a name with an optional prefix). Attenuating the token means generating a new blessing by appending a name, and signing a list of caveats and the public key of the new holder. The token is then validated first by validating the certificate, then validating the caveats, then applying ACLs based on patterns in the blessings.
Here is what we want:
- distributed authorization: any node could validate the token only with public information
- delegation: a new, valid token can be created from another one by attenuating its rights
- avoiding identity and impersonation: in a distributed system, not all services need to know about the token holder's identity. Instead, they care about specific authorizations
- capabilities: a request carries a token that contains a set of rights that will be used for authorization, instead of deploying ACLs on every node
A biscuit is structured as a cryptographic, append-only list; its elements are called caveats, and describe authorization properties. As with Macaroons, an operation must comply with all caveats in order to be allowed by the biscuit.
Caveats are written as queries defined in a flavor of Datalog that supports constraints on some data types ( ), without support for negation. This simplifies its implementation and makes the caveat more precise.
A Biscuit Datalog program contains facts and rules, which are made of predicates
over the following types: symbol, variable, integer, string, byte array and date.
While Biscuit does not use a textual representation for storage, we will use
one for this specification and for pretty printing of caveats.
A predicate has the form Predicate(v0, v1, ..., vn)
A fact is a predicate that does not contain any variable.
A rule has the form:
Pr(r0, r1, ..., rk) <- P0(t1_1, t1_2, ..., t1_m1), ..., Pn(tn_1, tn_2, ..., tn_mn), C0(v0, ..., vi), ..., Cx(vx, ..., vy)
The part of the left of the arrow is called the head and on the right, the body.
In a rule, each of the ri
or ti_j
terms can be of any type. A rule is safe
if all of the variables in the head appear somewhere in the body.
We also define an expression Cx
over the variables vx
to vy
. Expressions
define a check of variable values when applying the rule. If the expression returns
, the rule application fails.
A query is a type of rule that has no head. It has the following form:
?- P0(t1_1, t1_2, ..., t1_m1), ..., Pn(tn_1, tn_2, ..., tn_mn), C0(v0), ..., Cx(vx)
When applying a rule, if there is a combination of facts that matches the body's
predicates, we generate a new fact corresponding to the head (with the variables
bound to the corresponding values).
We will represent the various types as follows:
- symbol:
- variable:
- integer:
- string:
- byte array:
- date in RFC 3339 format:
As an example, assuming we have the following facts: parent(#a, #b)
, parent(#b, #c)
, #parent(#c, #d)
If we apply the rule grandparent(x?, z?) <- parent(x?, y?), parent(y? z?)
, we will
try to replace the predicates in the body by matching facts. We will get the following combinations:
grandparent(#a, #c) <- parent(#a, #b), parent(#b, #c)
grandparent(#b, #d) <- parent(#b, #c), parent(#c, #d)
The system will now contain the two new facts grandparent(#a, #c)
and grandparent(#b, #d)
Whenever we generate new facts, we have to reapply all of the system's rules on the facts,
because some rules might give a new result. Once rules application does not generate any new facts,
we can stop.
A symbol indicates a value that supports equality, set inclusion and set exclusion checks. Its internal representation has no specific meaning.
An integer is a signed 64 bits integer. It supports the following operations: lower, larger, lower or equal, larger or equal, equal, set inclusion and set exclusion.
A string is a suite of UTF-8 characters. It supports the following operations: prefix, suffix, equal, set inclusion, set exclusion, regular expression.
A byte array is a suite of bytes. It supports the following operations: equal, set inclusion, set exclusion.
A date is a 64 bit unsigned integer representing a TAI64. It supports the following operations: before, after.
A boolean is true
or false
A set is a deduplicated list of terms of the same type. It cannot contain variables or other sets.
A biscuit token defines some scopes for facts and rules. The authority scope is defined in the first
block of the token. It provides a set of facts and rules indicating the starting rights of the token.
An authority fact will be defined as predicate(#authority, t0, t1, ..., tn)
. Authority facts can
only be defined by authority rules.
The ambient scope is provided by the verifier. It contains facts corresponding to the query, like
which resource we try to access, with which operation (read, write, etc), the current time, the source IP, etc.
Ambient facts can only be defined by the verifier.
The local scope contains facts specific to one block of the token. Between each block evaluation,
we do not keep the local facts, instead restarting from the authority and ambient facts.
Each block can contain caveats, which are queries that must all succeed for the token to be valid.
Additionally, the verifier can have its own set of queries that must succeed to validate the token.
This first token defines a list of authority facts giving read
and write
rights on file1
, read
on file2
. The first caveat checks that the operation is read
(and will not allow any other operation
and then that we have the read
right over the resource.
The second caveat checks that the resource is file1
authority=[right(#authority, #file1, #read), right(#authority, #file2, #read), right(#authority, #file1, #write)]
caveat1 = resource(#ambient, X?), operation(#ambient, #read), right(#authority, X?, #read) // restrict to read operations
caveat2 = resource(#ambient, #file1) // restrict to file1 resource
In this example, we have a token with very large rights, that will be attenuated before giving to a user:
authority_rules = [
right(#authority, X?, #read) <- resource(#ambient, X?), owner(#ambient, Y?, X?), // if there is an ambient resource and we own it, we can read it
right(#authority, X?, #write) <- resource(#ambient, X?), owner(#ambient, Y?, X?) // if there is an ambient resource and we own it, we can write to it
caveat1 = right(#authority, X?, Y?), resource(#ambient, X?), operation(#ambient, Y?)
caveat2 = resource(#ambient, X?), owner(#alice, X?) // defines a token only usable by alice
These rules will define authority facts depending on ambient data.
If we had the ambient facts resource(#ambient, #file1)
and owner(#ambient, #alice, #file1)
the authority rules will define right(#authority, #file1, #read)
and right(#authority, #file1, #write)
which will allow caveat 1 and caveat 2 to succeed.
If the owner ambient fact does not match the restriction in caveat2, the token check will fail.
We can define queries or rules with expressions on some predicate values, and restrict usage based on ambient values:
authority=[right(#authority, "/folder/file1", #read), right(#authority, "/folder/file2", #read),
right(#authority, "/folder2/file3", #read)]
caveat1 = resource(#ambient, X?), right(#authority, X?, Y?)
caveat2 = time(#ambient, T?), T? < 2019-02-05T23:00:00Z // expiration date
caveat3 = source_IP(#ambient, X?) | X? in ["", ""] // set membership
caveat4 = resource(#ambient, X?) | prefix(X?, "/folder/") // prefix or suffix match
A biscuit token has the following operations:
Token {
create(rng: Rng, root: PrivateKey, authority: Block) -> Token
append(&self, rng: Rng, key: PrivateKey, block: Block) -> Token
deserialize(data: [u8], root: PublicKey) -> Result<Token, Error>
deserialize_sealed(data: [u8], secret: SymmetricKey) -> Result<Token, Error>
serialize(&self) -> [u8]
serialize_sealed(&self, secret: SymmetricKey) -> [u8]
Verifier {
add_fact(&mut self, fact: Fact)
add_rule(&mut self, rule: Rule)
add_caveat(&mut self, caveat: Rule)
verify(&self, token: Token) -> Result<(), Vec<String>> // errors are aggregated strings indicating which caveats failed
Block {
create(index: u32, base_symbols: SymbolTable) -> Block
add_symbol(&mut self, s: string) -> Symbol
add_fact(&mut self, fact: Fact)
add_rule(&mut self, caveat: Rule)
Rights and attenuation could be written directly as datalog rules, but it would be useful to provide a high level API that defines some usual facts and rules without errors.
Token {
builder() -> BiscuitBuilder
create_block(&self) -> BlockBuilder
BiscuitBuilder {
create(rng: Rng, root: PrivateKey, base_symbols: SymbolTable) -> Result<Biscuit, Error>
add_authority_fact(&mut self, fact: Fact)
add_authority_rule(&mut self, caveat: Rule)
add_right(&mut self, resource: string, right: string)
BlockBuilder {
create(index: u32, base_symbols: SymbolTable) -> Block
add_fact(&mut self, fact: Fact)
add_caveat(&mut self, caveat: Rule)
check_right(&mut self, right: string)
resource_prefix(&mut self, prefix: string)
resource_suffix(&mut self, suffix: string)
expiration_date(&mut self, expires_on: date)
revocation_id(&mut self, id: i64)
add_right(&mut self, resource: string, right: string)
will generate the fact:right(#authority, resource, right)
check_right(&mut self, right: string)
will generate the caveat:check_right(X?) <- resource(#ambient, Y?), operation(#ambient, X?), right(#authority, Y?, X?)
resource_prefix(&mut self, prefix: string)
will generate the caveat: `prefix(X?) <- resource(#ambient, X?) | prefix_constraint(X?, prefix)resource_suffix(&mut self, suffix: string)
will generate the caveat: `suffix(X?) <- resource(#ambient, X?) | suffix_constraint(X?, prefix)expiration_date(&mut self, expires_on: date)
will generate the caveat: `expiration(X?) <- time(#ambient, X?) | before_constraint(X?, expires_on)revocation_id(&mut self, id: i64)
will generate the fact:revocation_id(id)
Verifier {
resource(&mut self, resource: string)
operation(&mut self, operation: string)
time(&mut self)
revocation_check(&mut self, set: [i64])
resource(&mut self, resource: string)
will generate the fact:resource(#ambient, resource)
operation(&mut self, operation: string)
will generate the fact:operation(#ambient, operation)
time(&mut self)
will calculate the current timenow
and generate the fact:time(#ambient, now)
revocation_check(&mut self, set: [i64])
will add the verifier specific caveat as follows:revocation_check(X?) <- revocation_id(X?) | X? not in set
A Biscuit token relies on Protocol Buffers encoding as base format. The current version of the schema is in schema.proto
Basic elements:
- u8: 8 bits unsigned integer
- u32: 32 bits unsigned integer
: byte array of unspecified lengthstring
: UTF-8 string of unspecified lengthdate
: TAI64 label, as specified in
: 64 bits unsigned integer. Index of a string inside the symbol table
Here is the "on the wire" format:
Biscuit {
authority: [u8],
blocks: [[u8]], // array of byte arrays
The signature
field can contain the aggregated public key signatures
in the case of the main token, or the symmetric signature data, in the
case of the sealed token.
The signature
applies to the content of the authority
block, and
the content of each element of blocks
Once the signature is verified, the authority
and blocks
can be further deserialized. They represent a Block
structure in Protobuf
Block {
index: u32,
symbols: SymbolTable,
facts: [Fact],
rules: [Rule],
caveats: [Rule]
Each Block
has a unique index field, to check their order of appearance.
The authority
block always has index 0.
The symbol table contains an array of UTF-8 strings. It indicates a mapping
index -> string to avoid repeating some strings in the token:
SymbolTable {
symbols: [string]
When deserializing the token, the token's symbol table is created as follows:
- start from the default symbol table, which contains the common symbols:
- append the symbol table of the
block - append the symbol table of each block of
, in order
The datalog implementation relies on the ID
and Predicate
basic types:
ID = Symbol | Variable | Integer | Str | Date
Variable = u32
Integer = i64
Str = string
Bytes = [u8]
Date = date
Predicate {
name: Symbol,
ids: [ID]
Datalog facts are specified as follows:
Fact = Predicate
a Fact
cannot contain a Variable
Datalog rules are specified as follows:
Rule {
head: Predicate,
body: [Predicate],
expressions: [Expression],
any Variable
appearing in the head
of a Rule
must also appear
in one of the predicates of its body
Expressions express some restrictions on the rules, without having to implement negation in the datalog engine.
They are encoded as bytecode for a stack machine with unary and binary operations.
For the rule to succeed, an expression must have all of its variables bound to a
value of the expected type (depending on the operations) and it must evaluate to
Expression {
ops: [Op],
Op = Value | Unary | Binary
Value = ID
Unary = Negate
Binary = LessThan | GreaterThan | LessOrEqual | GreaterOrEqual | Equal | In | NotIn | Prefix | Suffix | Regex | Add | Sub | Mul | Div | And | Or
The id
field of a constraint must match a Variable
in the rule.
Integer values can be used with the following operations: Negate, Lower, Larger, LowerOrEqual, LargerOrEqual, Equal, In, NotIn, Add, Sub, Mul, Div
The set
parameter of In
and NotIn
constraints is an array of unique values.
String values can be used with the following operations: Prefix, Suffix, Equl In, NotIn, Regex
Byte array values can be used with the following operations: Equal, In, NotIn
Date values can be used with the following operations: LessOrEqual, GreaterOrEqual
Symbol values can be used with the following operations: In, NotIn
A new block will have an index that increments on the last block's index. It reuses the token's symbol table. If new symbols must be added to the table when adding facts and rules, the new block will only hold the new symbols. When serializing the new token, the new block must first be serialized to a byte array via Protobuf encoding. Then a new signature is created from the previous blocks, and the next key pair is generated. The new serialized token will have the same authority block as the previous one, its blocks field will have the previous one's blocks with the new block appended, and the new signature.
This design requires a signature scheme that can be extended without interaction with the origin token creator, so that delegation can be done "offline", without talking to the initial authorization system, or any of the other participants in the delegation chain.
Biscuit tokens are based on public key cryptography, with a chain of Ed25519 signatures. Each block contains the serialized Datalog, the next public key, and the signature by the previous key. The token also contains the private key corresponding to the last public key, to sign a new block and attenuate the token, or a signature of the last block by the last private key, to seal the token.
(pk_0, sk_0)
the root public and private Ed25519 keysdata_0
the serialized Datalog(pk_1, sk_1)
the next key pair, generated at randomsig_0 = sign(sk_0, data_0 + pk_1)
The token will contain:
Token {
root_key_id: <optional number indicating the root key to use for verification>
authority: Block {
blocks: [],
proof: Proof {
nextSecret: sk_1,
#### Signature (appending)
With a token containing blocks 0 to n:
Block n contains:
- `data_n`
- `pk_n+1`
- `sig_n`
The token also contains `sk_n+1`
We generate at random `(pk_n+2, sk_n+2)` and the signature `sig_n+1 = sign(sk_n+1, data_n+1 + pk_n+2)`
The token will contain:
Token { root_key_id: authority: Block_0, blocks: [Block_1, .., Block_n, Block_n+1 { data_n+1, pk_n+2, sig_n+1, }] proof: Proof { nextSecret: sk_n+2, }, }```
For each block i from 0 to n:
- verify(pk_i, sig_i, data_i+pk_i+1)
If all signatures are verified, extract pk_n+1 from the last block and sk_n+1 from the proof field, and check that they are from the same key pair.
With a token containing blocks 0 to n:
Block n contains:
The token also contains sk_n+1
We generate the signature sig_n+1 = sign(sk_n+1, data_n + pk_n+1 + sig_n)
(we sign
the last block with the last private key).
The token will contain:
Token {
root_key_id: <optional number indicating the root key to use for verification>
authority: Block_0,
blocks: [Block_1, .., Block_n]
proof: Proof {
finalSignature: sig_n+1
For each block i from 0 to n:
- verify(pk_i, sig_i, data_i+pk_i+1)
If all signatures are verified, extract pk_n+1 from the last block and
sig from the proof field, and check verify(pk_n+1, sig_n+1, data_n+pk_n+1+sig_n)