diff --git a/.github/workflows/scheduled_tests.yml b/.github/workflows/scheduled_tests.yml index 370afc1..d5d9ec5 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/scheduled_tests.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/scheduled_tests.yml @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ jobs: env: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} # AWS Access Key ID. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} # AWS Secret Access Key. - AWS_REGION: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }} # AWS Default Region. + AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }} # AWS Default Region. AWS_S3_BUCKET: "biothings-codebuild" # The S3 bucket name for storing application metadata. SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }} # The Slack webhook URL for sending notifications. SLACK_CHANNEL: "#observability-test" # The Slack channel where notifications will be posted. APPLICATION_NAME: "mygeneset.info" # The name of the application being tested. It will be displayed in the Slack message. - APPLICATION_METADATA_PATH: "https://mygeneset.info/metadata" # Path to the application metadata, typically a URL. + APPLICATION_METADATA_URL: "https://mygeneset.info/metadata" # Path to the application metadata, typically a URL. APPLICATION_METADATA_FIELD: "build_date" # Notation to the build version field. Ex.: "metadata.build_version" PYTEST_PATH: "src/tests/test_remote.py" # Path to the Pytest test files.