is a client API to the web services provided by Dicoogle, the open-source PACS archive, for use in JavaScript applications.
This library is compatible with Dicoogle versions 2 and 3.
Documentation was built from our TypeScript definitions, and should be automatically considered by the TypeScript compiler (version 4+).
is a function for retrieving a Dicoogle access object.DicoogleAccess
is a singleton comprising all methods for interacting with the Dicoogle instance. Enter theDicoogleAccess
documentation page for a list of all methods and namespaces within.
Install dicoogle-client
with npm
import the default export or the named export dicoogleClient
This works both in JavaScript and in TypeScript.
import dicoogleClient from 'dicoogle-client';
When not using ECMAScript modules (e.g. using CommonJS), you need to use an interoperability layer such as Babel. Otherwise, the module will need to be imported dynamically:
.then(m => {
const dicoogleClient = m.default;
Install and use dicoogle-client
like in Node.js.
The library includes a few uses of process.env.NODE_ENV
which will need to be replaced in a browser environment.
See an example of this using webpack here.
Once dicoogleClient
is fetched, invoke it as a function with the Dicoogle server's endpoint to obtain an access object. The object is a singleton that can be used multiple times.
Calling the module function again will change the Dicoogle base URL of that object, or retain the address if no argument is passed.
This object provides a Promise-based API. You can write the following code inside an async function:
const dicoogle = dicoogleClient("localhost:8080");
// if required, login to the system before using
await dicoogle.login('admin', 'mysecretpassword');
// Ok! Start using Dicoogle!
let {elapsedTime, results} = await dicoogle.search("PatientName:Pinho^Eduardo", {provider: 'lucene'});
// use outcome
const {elapsedTime, results} = outcome;
for (const r of result) {
console.log(`> ${r.uri}`);
Alternatively, the same methods work when passing a callback as the last parameter.
const dicoogle = dicoogleClient("localhost:8080");
// if required, login to the system before using
dicoogle.login('admin', 'mysecretpassword', function(error, outcome) {
if (error) {
// Ok! Start using Dicoogle!
dicoogle.search("PatientName:Pinho^Eduardo", {provider: 'lucene'}, (error, outcome) => {
if (error) {
// use outcome
const {elapsedTime, results} = outcome;
// ...
- "bin/dicoogle-query-cli.js" is a complete stand-alone Node.js application for querying Dicoogle.
This is the source code of the