Description of changes are grouped as follows:
- Added: new features
- Changed: changes to existing functionality
- Deprecated: a once-stable feature that has been removed
- Removed: a deprecated feature that has been removed
- Fixed: a bug fix
- Misc: some miscellaneous other change
- Added "Unpublished" to patterns for 'doiType' (simple type) and 'pmid' and 'pmcid' (elements) to support the specification that a publication is not available for a tool (as required by the information standard (
- 'summary->identifier' added "A unique identifier of the software assigned by an ID-assignment authority, the software developer or service provider." 2.1 'summary->identifier->value' (1 only) is the value of the identifier (with appropriate regexs as per type, see below) 2.2 'summary->identifier->type' (1 only) is enum of the identifier type (biotools, doi, rrid, cpe) 2.3 'summary->identifier->version' (0...1) (moved from 'identifier->version')
- 'labels->license' enum extended with "Unlicensed" value
- 'link->type' enum extended: 4.1 "Scientfic benchmark" ("Information about the scientific performance of a tool." 4.2 "Technical monitoring" ("Information about the technical status of a tool."
- 'urlftpType' simple type (as used by 'link->url', 'download-url' and 'documentation->url') regex extended with "Not available" (as required by the information standard (
- 'function->cmd' added ("Relevant command, command-line fragment or option for executing this function / running the tool in this mode.") 6.1 Type is xs:token 6.2 'minLen' facet of 1 6.3 'maxLen' facet of 100
- 'publication->type' enum, mulitple modifications: 1.1 "Primary" (no change) The principal publication about the software itself; the article to cite when acknowledging use of the software. 1.2 "Deployment" (new!) A publication describing a deployment of the software in some usable form, including for example a webserver providing the tool functions, or the inclusion of the tool in a larger package or suite. 1.3 "Method" (new!) A publication describing a scientific method or algorithm implemented by the software. 1.4 "Usage" (new!) A publication describing the application of the software to scientific research, a particular task or dataset. 1.5 "Comparison" (was "Benchmark") A publication which assessed the performance of the software relative to other tools. 1.6 "Review" (no change) A publication where the software was reviewed. 1.7 "Other" (removed!)
- 'summary->doi' removed (use instead 'summary->identifier->value' and set 'summary->identifier->type' = doi)
- 'summary->versionID' removed (this no longer supported by
- 'nameType' simple type removed (facets are defined on individual elements now - this is clearer / more usable). Elements refactored are: 3.1 'summary->name' element (now xs:token) 3.2 'summary->version' element (now xs:token) 3.3 'contact->name' element (now xs:token) 3.4 'credit->name' element (now xs:token)
- 'contact' element grouping removed (the refactored 'credit' should be used instead)
- 'summary->version' moved to 'identifier->version' (and still optional, i.e. 0 or 1)
- 'name' element 'maxlen' facet set to 50.
- 'version' element 'maxlen' facet set to 50.
- Various elements of type string are now type xs:token: 4.1 'summary->shortDescription' 4.2 'contact->tel'
- 'contact->tel' 'minlen' facet set to 5 and 'maxlen' facet set to 50
- Elements that were mandatory are now optional: 6.1 'function' (now 0...many) 6.2 'labels->toolType' (now 0...many) 6.3 'labels->topic' (now 0...many) 6.4 'labels' (now 0...1)
- 'summary->shortDescription' 'maxlen' facet reduced to 100 from 200 (enforcing that the short desriptions really must be short)
- 'credit' element group refactored: 8.1 Annotation chaned to "An individual or organisation that should be credited, or may be contacted about the software." 8.2 'credit->name' is now optional 8.3 'credit->elixirPlatform' and 'credit->elixirNode' added (moved from 'elixirInfo'). In a credit one must specify either an ELIXIR platform or node name or a credit with an optional name, a mandatory ID/means of contact and optional type and role (see the schema docs) 8.4 'credit->tel' (telephone number) added 8.5 At least one of 'credit->name', 'credit->email', 'credit->url', 'credit->orcidId', 'credit->gridId' and 'credit->tel' must be specified. More than 1 of each of these may be specified. 8.6 'credit->typeRole' cardinality changed from 0...many from 0...1 8.7 'credit->typeRole' enum extended with "Primary contact" to indicate this credit is a primary contact for the software.
- 'summary->description' 'maxlen' facet reduced to 500 from 1000.
- 'biotoolsIdType' (as used now only by 'relation->biotoolsId') refactored: 10.1 'maxLen' facet removed 10.2 regex now mandates biotools CURIE, e.g. "biotools:signalp"
- 'relation->biotoolsId' type changed from
simple type. - 'linkType->comment' type set to textType (consistent with other free-text comments) ('linkType' is complex type used by 'link->comment' and 'documentation->comment' elements)
- 'credit->orcidId' changed to 'credit->orcidid'
- 'credit->gridId' changed to 'credit->gridid'
- 'download->cmd` changed to xs:token (was 'textType' simple type) 15.1 'minLen' facet set to 1 15.2 'maxLen' facet set to 100
- 'biotoolsUrlType' simpleType pattern facet updated to reflect new (simpler) API scheme, i.e. "", rather than using "/tool", "/t", "/version" and "/v".
duplicate pattern restriction removed
Sorry, no bandwidth to provide summary of changes : please see the schema documentation. changelog will be maintained properly henceforth!
Sorry, no bandwidth to provide summary of changes : please see the schema documentation.
Sorry, no bandwidth to provide summary of changes : please see the schema documentation.
October 22, 2016 biotoolsXSD officially renamed to biotoolsSchema, biotoolsSchema-2.0-beta02.xsd released
Sorry, no bandwidth to provide summary of changes : please see the schema documentation.
A complete revision of the schema. Too many changes to list, therefore the highlights only are summarised below. For more information please read the schema documentation.
- 'summary': "Basic information about the software."
- 'function': "Details of the function(s) that this software provides, expressed in terms from the EDAM ontology."
- 'labels': "Miscellaneous scientific, technical and administrative details of the software, expressed in terms from controlled vocabularies."
- 'relation': "Details of a relationship this software shares with other software registered in"
- 'commandLineSpec': "Details of the command-line interface to a tool, if appropriate."
- 'apiSpec': "Details of the API to a service, if appropriate, including service endpoints."
- 'image': "Details for a virtual machine image or container for the software."
- 'download': "Link to a miscellaneous download for the software, e.g. source code." A controlled vocabulary for download types is defined.
- 'documentation': "A link to documentation about the software including training materials." A controlled vocabulary for documentation types is defined.
- 'publication': "A publications about the software.". A controlled vocabulary for publication types is defined.
- 'contact': "Details of a contact for the software, e.g. developer or helpdesk." A controlled vocabulary for contact types/roles is defined.
- 'credit': "An individual or organisation that should be credited for the software."
- 'biotoolsID': "Unique ID that is assigned upon registration of the software in"
- 'doi': "Canonical Digital Object Identifier of the software assigned by the software developer or service provider."
- 'shortDescription': "Short and concise textual description of the software function."
- 'repository': "Repository where source code, data and other files may be downloaded."
- 'socialMedia': "A website used by the software community including social networking sites, discussion and support fora, WIKIs etc."
- 'function->comment': " Concise textual description of the function(s), if this is not already obvious from the resource description."
- 'goTermID': "Gene function including molecular function, cellular component and biological process. Miscellaneous ontology annotation. The ID of Gene Ontology (GO) concept(s) are specified."
- 'soTermID': Features which can be located on a biological sequence. The ID of Sequence Ontology (SO) concept(s) are specified.
- 'taxId': NCBI taxonomy ID of taxonomic group the software (particularly database portals) caters for.
- 'status': Label describing miscellaneous status of the software." A controlled vocabulary is defined.
- 'credit->orcidId' : "Unique identifier (ORCID iD) of a person that is credited."
- 'credit->gridId' : "Unique identifier (GRID ID) of an organisation that is credited."
New values to enum: "Other" "Proprietary" "Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL-1.0)"
New values to enum: "AWK" "MATLAB" "JSP" "PyMOL"
- 'resources' -> 'tools'
- 'resource' -> 'tool'
- 'functionName' -> 'operation'
- 'resourceType' -> 'toolType'
- 'platform' -> 'operatingSystem'
- 'operation', 'data', 'format' and 'topic' elements now include 'uri' and 'term' elements.
- 'collection' : now restricted to accept a ID of a software collection, rather than free-text.
- 'publications' element group replaced by 'publication' with new structure.
- 'uses' element group replaced by 'relation'.
- 'interface' element group removed, now handled by 'download' and 'documentation'. Note that 'interfaceType' is removed completely (now subsumed in 'toolType').
- 'elixirInfo' element group, 'maturity' and 'cost' removed, now handled by 'status'.
- 'docs' element group replaced by 'documentation'.
- 'credits' element group replaced by 'credit'.
- 'canonicalID' replaced by 'doi'.
- 'accessibility' now handled via 'status'.
- 'tag' removed: annotations are now restricted to controlled vocabulary terms defined in 'labels'.
- 'functionHandle' and 'dataHandle' removed, now handed by 'commandLineSpec'.
- 'functionDescription' and 'dataDescription' removed, now handled by 'function->comment'.
- 'sourceRegistry' removed, now handled by 'collection'.
- New 'docs->docsDownloadSource' optional element : "Source code downloads page (URL)"
- New 'docs->docsDownloadBinaries' optional element : "Software binaries downloads page (URL)"
- New 'docs->docsGithub optional' element : "Github page (URL)"
- "Maintainer" added to 'contactRole' enum
- "Other" added to 'resourceType" enum
- 'publications' is now optional
- 'functionHandle' element 'maxLen' facet increased to 300 (via 'maxLen' facet on 'name' simpleType; also set to 300)
- Parentheses added to 'pattern' restriction on 'name' element, which is now [\p{Zs}A-Za-z0-9+.,-_:;()]*
- docsDownload purpose changed from "Software or data downloads page (URL)" to "General downloads page (URL)"
- "Artistic License 2.0" added to 'license' enum
- "Icarus" added to 'language' enum
- 'id' attribute added to 'resource' element. This is the unique ID (URI) of the resource.
- Default value of "None" added to publicationsPrimaryID and publicationsOtherID
safe changes:
- 'name' element 'maxLen' facet restriction increased to 200 characters
- '+' added to 'name' simpleType pattern restriction, which is now [\p{Zs}A-Za-z0-9+.,-_:;]*
potentially breaking change:
'maturity' element enum values changed to:
- "Early" (was "Nascent" or "Young" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
- "Stable" (was "Established" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
- "Deprecated" (was "Retiring" or "Extinct" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
'platform' enum value "Unix" removed (use "Linux" instead)
'resourceType' element enum values removed: "Dataset", "Tool (query and retrieval), "Tool (analysis)", "Tool (deposition)", "Tool (visualiser)", "Tool (utility)", "Suite", "Framework", "Virtual machine", "Widget" and "Other"
New 'resourceType' enum values are as follows:
- "Database" (was "Database" or "Dataset" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
- "Tool" (was "Tool", "Tool (query and retrieval), "Tool (analysis)", "Tool (deposition)", "Tool (visualiser)", "Tool (utility)" or "Workflow" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
- "Service" (new in biotoolsXSD 1.3)
- "Workflow" (no change)
- "Platform" (new in biotoolsXSD 1.3, was "Framework" or "Suite" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
- "Container" (new in biotoolsXSD 1.3, was "Virtual machine" in biotoolsXSD 1.2
- "Library" (was "Library" or "Widget" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
The definition of these resource types are:
- "Database" - A collection of data, datasets, a registry etc.
- "Tool" - Software which you can download, install, configure and run yourself.
- "Service" - Software provided as a service and available for immediate use, e.g. on the Web.
- "Workflow" - A definition of a collection of tools, services etc. for running in a workflow system.
- "Platform" - An integrated environment, including suites, workbenches, workflow systems, frameworks etc.
- "Container" - A collection of data, tools, services etc. in a portable environment, e.g. VMs, Docker.
- "Library" - A package of code for building/extending tools, including widgets, plug-ins, toolkits etc.
'interfaceType' element enum values removed: "REST API", "URL", "SQL" and "SPARQL"
New 'interfaceType' enum values are as follows:
- "Command-line" (no change)
- "Web UI" (no change)
- "Desktop GUI" (no change)
- "SOAP WS" (no change)
- "HTTP WS" (new in biotoolsXSD 1.3, was "REST API" or "URL" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
- "API" (no change)
- "QL" (new in biotoolsXSD 1.3, was "SQL" or "SPARQL" in biotoolsXSD 1.2)
The definition of these interface types are:
- "Command line" - Text-based interface to a tool or service.
- "Web UI" - Graphical user interface available on the Web.
- "Desktop GUI" - Graphical user interface that runs on your own machine.
- "SOAP WS" - Programmatic access provided via SOAP and WSDL file.
- "HTTP WS" - Access provided via HTTP, including simple URLs, RESTful APIs etc.
- "API" - Application programmers interface to a programming library. " "QL" - Query language interface to a database, e.g. SQL, SPARQL etc.
- Use of the 'tag' element is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- Bash added to enum of 'language' element
- tag maxlen facet set to 50
- maxLen facet restriction on all elements of type 'Text' removed (was 512), such that the length restriction of 1000 (defined on 'Text') applies
- Single space added to 'Name' simpleType pattern restriction, which is now [\p{Zs}A-Za-z0-9.,-_:;]*
- The following elements (all simpleType) changed type to simpleType 'Name':
- 'collection'
- 'usesName'
- 'function->input/output->dataHandle'
- 'elxirInfo->elixirStatus'
- 'elxirInfo->elixirNode'
- 'function->functionHandle'
potentially breaking change:
- 'tag' element (was complexType ontologyTerm) also changed to simpleType "Name"
- "accessibility" (optional) added: whether resource is accessible to all or not: enum of "Public" or "Private"
- New simple type URLFTP which is URL supporting FTP URLs
- 'publications' (1 max.) is now mandatory, 'publications->publicationsPrimaryID' is now mandatory (1 max.)
- "None" value added to valid patterns for 'CitationID' simpleType, i.e. 'publications->publicationsPrimaryID' may have a value of "None" if PMID, PMCID or DOI is not available.
- 'Name' element pattern restriction added: [A-Za-z0-9.,-_:;]*
- 'Name' element maxLen facet restriction reduced from 100 to 50 characters
- "Dataset" value added to enum of resourceType
- 'docs->docsDownload' type changed to URLFTP from URL
- 'docs->docsCitationInstructions' changed to URLFTP from URL
- 'docs->docsTermsOfUse' changed to URLFTP from URL
- 'interface->interfaceDocs' changed to URLFTP from URL
- 'resourceType' type changed to 'Name' simpleType (enum of permitted values preserved)
- 'interfaceType' type changed to 'Name' simpleType (enum of permitted values preserved)
- 'maturity' type changed to 'Name' simpleType (enum of permitted values preserved)
- 'platform' type changed to 'Name' simpleType (enum of permitted values preserved)
- 'language' type changed to 'Name' simpleType (enum of permitted values preserved)
- 'license' type changed to 'Name' simpleType (enum of permitted values preserved)
- 'cost' type changed to 'Name' simpleType (enum of permitted values preserved)
- 'description' maxLen facet restriction reduced from 1000 to 512 characters
- 'function->functionDescription' maxLen facet restriction reduced from 1000 to 512 characters
- 'function->input/output->dataDescription' maxLen facet restriction reduced from 1000 to 512 characters
- 'language' enum value of "C Shapr" changed to "C#"
- 'language' enum value of "Assembly" changed to "Assembly language"
- 'language' enum value of "Methematica" changed to "Mathematica"
- 'language' enum value of "R changed to "R"