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How to install the dust mod's api

billythegoat101 edited this page Mar 4, 2013 · 1 revision

For right now, my API is just built straight into the mod, sometime soon I will get around to gathering up all the necessary source files to help make the API a separate download, but for now, here's what you do. It's not that hard this way anyway.

  • Set up a new MCP folder with the recommended forge setup installed.
  • Download the source for this mod on the download tab of this github repo and just extract somewhere like /dustmodsrc/.
  • Copy everything from /dustmodsrc/common/ to /mcp/forge/common/
  • Copy everything from /dustmodsrc/minecraft/ into /mcp/forge/client/
  • Start the forge install
  • Copy the folder /dustmodsrc/resource/dust/ into /mcp/bin/minecraft/

If you've followed these steps, recompiling and starting the client should run minecraft with the dust mod pre-installed and ready for modding. It will even have a couple example runes for you to reference.

That should be it! Good luck!

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