Note: The use of the scripts requires the PowerShell VMware.PowerCLI
Copies a virtual hard disk to another destination
Copies the specified VDisk object to the specified datastore
Retrieves the virtual hard disks available on a vCenter Server system
Retrieves VDisk objects
Retrieves the virtual SCSI controller assigned to the specified HardDisk, VirtualMachine, Template, or Snapshot object
Moves a hard disk from one location to another
Moves the VDisk object to the datastore
Creates a new hard disk on the specified location
Creates a managed VDisk object
Creates a new SCSI controller
Removes the specified virtual hard disk
Removes VDisk objects and the associated backings from the datastore
Modifies the properties of the specified virtual hard disk
Renames, inflates, or extends the size of the specified VDisk objects
Modifies the specified SCSI controller