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- Quantitative MRI: appendices/qmri.md
- Arterial Spin Labeling: appendices/arterial-spin-labeling.md
- Cross modality correspondence: appendices/cross-modality-correspondence.md
+ - Spherical Harmonics: appendices/spherical-harmonics.md
- Changelog: CHANGES.md
- The BIDS Starter Kit:
- Website: https://bids-standard.github.io/bids-starter-kit/
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+# Spherical Harmonics
+Spherical Harmonics (SH) are continuous functions defined on the surface of the sphere.
+They may be used to encode directionally dependent information;
+for instance, the distribution of white matter fibre orientations within an image voxel.
+This page provides the requisite information on the different basis sets that may be used,
+and how coefficients of such functions may be encoded within a data file.
+## SH functions
+![SH functions](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)&space;=&space;\sqrt{\frac{(2l+1)}{4\pi}\frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!}}&space;P_l^m(\cos&space;\theta)&space;e^{im\phi})
+for integer *order* *l*, *phase* *m*, associated Legendre polynomials *P*.
+## Truncated basis coefficients
+![SH basis coefficients](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?f(\theta,\phi)&space;=&space;\sum_{l=0}^{l_\text{max}}&space;\sum_{m=-l}^{l}&space;c_l^m&space;Y_l^m(\theta,\phi))
+for *maximum* spherical harmonic order *lmax*.
+## Real-valuedness
+All functions represented using a spherical harmonics basis are assumed to be real.
+This implies conjugate symmetry;
+that is: *Y*(*l*,-*m*) = *Y*(*l*,*m*)\*,
+where \* denotes the complex conjugate.
+## Antipodal symmetry
+All functions represented using a spherical harmonics based are assumed to be antipodally symmetric.
+This implies that all basis functions with odd degree are zero.
+## Bases
+### `mrtrix3`
+![MRtrix3 SH basis](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)=\begin{Bmatrix}&space;0&\text{if&space;}l\text{&space;is&space;odd},\\&space;\sqrt{2}\times\text{Im}\left[Y_l^{-m}(\theta,\phi)\right]&\text{if&space;}m<0,\\&space;Y_l^0(\theta,\phi)&\text{if&space;}m=0,\\&space;\sqrt{2}\times\text{Re}\left[Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)\right]&\text{if&space;}m>0\\&space;\end{Bmatrix})
+### `descoteaux`
+![Descoteaux SH basis functions](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)=\begin{Bmatrix}&space;0&\text{if&space;}l\text{&space;is&space;odd},\\&space;\sqrt{2}\times\text{Re}\left[Y_l^{-m}(\theta,\phi)\right]&\text{if&space;}m<0,\\&space;Y_l^0(\theta,\phi)&\text{if&space;}m=0,\\&space;\sqrt{2}\times\text{Im}\left[Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)\right]&\text{if&space;}m>0\\&space;\end{Bmatrix})
+## Zonal Spherical Harmonics
+*Zonal* Spherical Harmonics (ZSH) refer to spherical harmonic functions for which all coefficients
+of non-zero order *m* are zero.
+These functions are therefore invariant under rotation about some zenith axis.
+## Serialization and deserialization
+This is used to, for instance,
+store coefficients in a spherical harmonic basis within volumes of a 4D NIfTI image.
+### SH serialiszation and deserialization
+For coefficient index *n* and spherical harmonic basis function coefficient *Yl,m*:
+*nl,m* = (*l*(*l*+1) / 2) + *m*
+| ***n*** | **Coefficient** |
+| ------- | ------------------ |
+| 0 | *Y0,0* |
+| 1 | *Y2,-2* |
+| 2 | *Y2,-1* |
+| 3 | *Y2,0* |
+| 4 | *Y2,1* |
+| 5 | *Y2,2* |
+| 6 | *Y4,-4* |
+| 7 | *Y4,-3* |
+| ... | ... |
+Relationship between maximal spherical harmonic degree *lmax*
+and total number of coefficients *N*:
+*N* = ((*lmax*+1) x (*lmax*+2)) / 2
+| ***lmax*** | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | ... |
+| --------------------- |--:|--:|--: |--: |--: |--: | :--: |
+| ***N*** | 1 | 6 | 15 | 28 | 45 | 66 | ... |
+### ZSH serialization and deserialization
+For coefficient index *n* and zonal spherical harmonic basis function coefficient *Zl*:
+*nl* = *l* / 2
+| ***n*** | **Coefficient** |
+| ------- | ---------------- |
+| 0 | *Z0* |
+| 1 | *Z2* |
+| 2 | *Z4* |
+| 3 | *Z6* |
+| 4 | *Z8* |
+| 5 | *Z10* |
+| ... | ... |
+Relationship between maximal zonal spherical harmonic degree *lmax*
+and total number of coefficients *N*:
+*N* = 1 + *l*/2
+| ***lmax*** | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | ... |
+| --------------------- |--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--: | :--: |
+| ***N*** | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ... |
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@@ -187,9 +187,8 @@ see [parameter metadata](#parameter-metadata).
a continuous function spanning the 2-sphere
using coefficients within a spherical harmonics basis.
- Number of image volumes depends on the spherical harmonic basis employed,
- and the maximal spherical harmonic degree *lmax*
- (see [spherical harmonics bases](#spherical-harmonics-bases)).
+ Number of image volumes depends on the maximal spherical harmonic degree *lmax*
+ (see [spherical harmonics serialization](../../appendices/spherical-harmonics.md#sh-serialization-and-deserialization)).
1. *Amplitudes*:
@@ -256,12 +255,12 @@ The following table defines reserved fields within the `"Model"` sub-dictionary.
Dictionary `"Model["Parameters"]"` has the following reserved keywords that may be applicable to a broad range of models:
-| **Key name** | **Description** |
-| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Key name** | **Description** |
+| ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| FitMethod | OPTIONAL. String. The optimization procedure used to fit the intrinsic model parameters to the empirical diffusion-weighted signal. Reserved values are: "`ols`" (Ordinary Least Squares); "`wls`" (Weighted Least Squares); "`iwls`" (Iterative Weighted Least Squares); "`nlls`" (Non-Linear Least Squares). |
-| Iterations | OPTIONAL. Integer. The number of iterations used for any form of model fitting procedure where the number of iterations is a fixed input parameter. |
-| OutlierRejectionMethod | OPTIONAL. String. Text describing any form of rejection of outlier values that was performed during fitting of the model. |
-| Samples | OPTIONAL. Integer. The number of realisations of a diffusion model from which statistical summaries (such as mean, standard deviation) of those parameters were computed. |
+| Iterations | OPTIONAL. Integer. The number of iterations used for any form of model fitting procedure where the number of iterations is a fixed input parameter. |
+| OutlierRejectionMethod | OPTIONAL. String. Text describing any form of rejection of outlier values that was performed during fitting of the model. |
+| Samples | OPTIONAL. Integer. The number of realisations of a diffusion model from which statistical summaries (such as mean, standard deviation) of those parameters were computed. |
#### Parameter metadata
@@ -293,8 +292,8 @@ Dictionary `"OrientationEncoding"` has the following reserved keywords:
| EncodingAxis | All except [scalar](#encoding-scalar) | REQUIRED. Integer. Indicates the image axis (indexed from zero) along which image intensities should be interpreted as corresponding to orientation encoding. |
| FillValue | [Scalar](#encoding-scalar), [spherical coordinates](#encoding-spherical), [3-vectors](#encoding-3vector) | OPTIONAL. Float; allowed values: { 0.0, NaN }. Value stored in image when the number of discrete orientations in a given voxel is fewer than the maximal number for that image. |
| Reference | All except [scalar](#encoding-scalar) | REQUIRED. String; allowed values: { `ijk`, `xyz` }. Indicates whether the NIfTI image axes, or scanner-space axes, are used as reference axes for orientation information. |
-| SphericalHarmonicBasis | [Spherical harmonics](#encoding-sh) | REQUIRED for `"Type": "sh"`; MUST NOT be specified otherwise. String. Options are: { `mrtrix3`, `descoteaux` }. Details are provided in the [spherical harmonics bases](#spherical-harmonics-bases) section. |
-| SphericalHarmonicDegree | [Spherical harmonics](#encoding-sh) | OPTIONAL for `"Type": "sh"`; MUST NOT be specified otherwise. Integer. The maximal spherical harmonic order *lmax*; the number of volumes in the associated NIfTI image must correspond to this value as per the relationship described in [spherical harmonics bases](#spherical-harmonics-bases) section. |
+| SphericalHarmonicBasis | [Spherical harmonics](#encoding-sh) | REQUIRED for `"Type": "sh"`; MUST NOT be specified otherwise. String. Options are: { `mrtrix3`, `descoteaux` }. Details are provided in the [appendix on Spherical Harmonics](../../appendices/spherical-harmonics.md#bases). |
+| SphericalHarmonicDegree | [Spherical harmonics](#encoding-sh) | OPTIONAL for `"Type": "sh"`; MUST NOT be specified otherwise. Integer. The maximal spherical harmonic order *lmax*; the number of volumes in the associated NIfTI image must correspond to this value as per the relationship described in the [appendix on Spherical Harmonics](../../appendices/spherical-harmonics.md#sh-serialization-and-deserialization). |
| TensorRank | [Tensor](#encoding-tensor) | REQUIRED for `"Type": "tensor"; MUST NOT be specified otherwise. Integer. Rank of tensor reporesentation. Specification currently only supports a value of 2. |
| Type | Any | REQUIRED. String. Specifies the type of orientation information (if any) encoded in the NIfTI image. Permitted values: { `scalar`, `dec`, `unitspherical`, `spherical`, `unit3vector`, `3vector`, `tensor`, `sh`, `amplitudes` }. |
@@ -314,13 +313,16 @@ Dictionary `"ResponseFunction"` has the following reserved keywords:
then the values provided can be one of the following:
- List of floating-point values.
- Values correspond to the response function coefficient for each consecutive even zonal spherical harmonic degree starting from zero.
+ Values correspond to [serialized zonal spherical harmonic coefficients](../../appendices/spherical-harmonics.md#zsh-serialization-and-deserialization)
+ in the nominated spherical harmonics basis.
- List of lists of floating-point values.
One list per unique *b*-value.
- Each individual list contains a coefficient per even zonal spherical harmonic degree starting from zero.
+ Each individual list contains [serialized zonal spherical harmonic coefficients](../../appendices/spherical-harmonics.md#zsh-serialization-and-deserialization).
+ in the nominated spherical harmonics basis.
If the response function utilized has a different number of non-zero zonal spherical harmonic coefficients for different *b*-values,
- these must be padded with zeroes such that all lists contain the same number of floating-point values.
+ these must be padded with zeroes such that all lists contain the same number of floating-point values
+ (that is, a regular matrix is formed).
### Demonstrative examples
@@ -838,74 +840,3 @@ Dictionary `"ResponseFunction"` has the following reserved keywords:
given that in the more general case there may be multiple scalar parameters
individually attributed to each component.
-### Appendix
-#### Spherical Harmonics
-- Concepts shared across all spherical harmonics bases:
- - Basis functions:
- ![SH basis functions](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)&space;=&space;\sqrt{\frac{(2l+1)}{4\pi}\frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!}}&space;P_l^m(\cos&space;\theta)&space;e^{im\phi}")
- for integer *order* *l*, *phase* *m*, associated Legendre polynomials *P*.
- - (Truncated) basis coefficients:
- ![SH basis coefficients](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?f(\theta,\phi)&space;=&space;\sum_{l=0}^{l_\text{max}}&space;\sum_{m=-l}^{l}&space;c_l^m&space;Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)")
- for *maximum* spherical harmonic order *lmax*.
- - Functions assumed to be real: conjugate symmetry is assumed, that is,
- *Y*(*l*,-*m*) = *Y*(*l*,*m*)\*, where \* denotes the complex
- conjugate.
- - Antipodally symmetric: all basis functions with odd degree are
- assumed zero; `AntipodalSymmetry` MUST NOT be set to `False`.
- - Utilized basis functions:
- - `mrtrix3`
- ![MRtrix3 SH basis functions](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)=\begin{Bmatrix}&space;0&\text{if&space;}l\text{&space;is&space;odd},\\&space;\sqrt{2}\times\text{Im}\left[Y_l^{-m}(\theta,\phi)\right]&\text{if&space;}m<0,\\&space;Y_l^0(\theta,\phi)&\text{if&space;}m=0,\\&space;\sqrt{2}\times\text{Re}\left[Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)\right]&\text{if&space;}m>0\\&space;\end{Bmatrix})
- - `descoteaux`
- ![Descoteaux SH basis functions](https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?Y_{lm}(\theta,\phi)=\begin{Bmatrix}&space;0&\text{if&space;}l\text{&space;is&space;odd},\\&space;\sqrt{2}\times\text{Re}\left[Y_l^{-m}(\theta,\phi)\right]&\text{if&space;}m<0,\\&space;Y_l^0(\theta,\phi)&\text{if&space;}m=0,\\&space;\sqrt{2}\times\text{Im}\left[Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)\right]&\text{if&space;}m>0\\&space;\end{Bmatrix})
- - Mapping between image volume *V* and spherical harmonic basis
- function coefficient *Yl,m*:
- *Vl,m* = (*l*(*l*+1) / 2) + *m*
- | ***V*** | **Coefficient** |
- | ------- | ------------------ |
- | 0 | *Y0,0* |
- | 1 | *Y2,-2* |
- | 2 | *Y2,-1* |
- | 3 | *Y2,0* |
- | 4 | *Y2,1* |
- | 5 | *Y2,2* |
- | 6 | *Y4,-4* |
- | 7 | *Y4,-3* |
- | ... | ... |
- - Relationship between maximal spherical harmonic degree *lmax*
- and number of image volumes *N*:
- *N* = ((*lmax*+1) x (*lmax*+2)) / 2
- | ***lmax*** | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | ... |
- | --------------------- |--:|--:|--: |--: |--: |--: | :--: |
- | ***N*** | 1 | 6 | 15 | 28 | 45 | 66 | ... |
- - Relationship between maximal degree of *zonal* spherical harmonic
- function (spherical harmonics function where all *m* != 0 terms are
- assumed to be zero; used for response function definition and similar) and
- number of coefficients *N*:
- *N* = 1 + (*lmax* / 2)
- | ***lmax*** | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | ... |
- | --------------------- |--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--: | :--: |
- | ***N*** | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ... |