This module contains a tracing filter and span customizing interceptors for Spring WebMVC
initializes our tracing filter
from the application context. SpanCustomizingAsyncHandlerInterceptor
layer over that adding controller tags
and route information to servlet-originated spans.
If using Spring Boot, spring-cloud-sleuth fully
configures tracing components in this module automatically. Servlet
based applications require configuration of HttpTracing
and SpanCustomizingAsyncHandlerInterceptor
Full example setup are available in XML and Java.
Tracing always needs a bean of type HttpTracing
in application scope.
Make sure it is in place before proceeding.
goes in web.xml, making the application context
visible to filters.
does the same for Servlet 3.0 initializers:
public class Initializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer {
@Override protected Class<?>[] getRootConfigClasses() {
return new Class[] {TracingConfiguration.class, AppConfiguration.class};
sets the base layer of tracing, for example
starting spans per-request. All you have to do is install it in web.xml
or an initializer:
Here's the change to web.xml:
or the same for Servlet 3.0 initializers:
public class Initializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer {
/** Ensures tracing is setup for all HTTP requests. */
@Override protected Filter[] getServletFilters() {
return new Filter[] {new DelegatingTracingFilter()};
(and the non async counterpart
for Spring WebMVC 2.5) add controller information to your spans.
Here's an example of using the synchronous handler, which works with Spring 2.5+
<bean class="brave.spring.webmvc.SpanCustomizingHandlerInterceptor"/>
Here's an example of the asynchronous-capable handler, which works with Spring 3+
class TracingConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private SpanCustomizingAsyncHandlerInterceptor tracingInterceptor;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
decides which controller-specific (data beyond normal
http tags) end up on the span. You can override this to change what's
parsed, or use NOOP
to disable controller-specific data.
Ex. If you want less tags, you can disable the WebMVC controller ones.
@Bean handlerParser() {
return HandlerParser.NOOP;