This module contains tracing filters and exception handlers for SparkJava The filters extract trace state from incoming requests. Then, they reports Zipkin how long each request takes, along with relevant tags like the http url. The exception handler ensures any errors are also sent to Zipkin.
To enable tracing you need to add before
, exception
and afterAfter
sparkTracing = SparkTracing.create(tracing);
Spark.exception(Exception.class, sparkTracing.exception(new ExceptionHandlerImpl()));
// any routes you add are now traced, such as the below
Spark.get("/foo", (req, res) -> "bar");
SparkJava can run with embedded Jetty or as a Servlet Filter.
Servlet filter deployment allows you to run SparkJava in a war file, or
anything that provides a servlet layer (such as Spring Boot). When using
the filter approach, use our TracingFilter, not