- A framework for event stream processing
- Basic components: Algorithm, Tool
- What is the TES?
- How is Gaudi configured? -> Python options
- What is CMake and how do I use it?
- What is DaVinci and what does it add on top of Gaudi?
- Hands-on
- (I think we should teach
on lx+ during days 1/2 so we can rely on it here) - Running DaVinci with a simple option file to print TES contents
- We provide an MC file on public afs and hard-code the path into the options
- How to read the output of Gaudi in case something goes wrong
- (I think we should teach
- How do I dump my data to a ROOT file? -> DecayTreeTuple
- How do I need to change my options file (from before) to run DecayTreeTuple?
- What is a TupleTool and how do I add one?
- Hands-on
- We can use the previous MC file and adjust the options file
- Just run this locally on lx+ (just over a few events)
- Look at the output with TBrowser
- Why do we want to use the grid?
- hands-on: Running a hello world job on the grid using the Dirac API
- We don't need to use the Dirac API manually -> ganga
- hands-on: Creating a hello world job with ganga
- Running DaVinci on the grid using ganga
- How to make set DaVinci as the application and configure it
- How to use BKQuery
- How to split your jobs (and decide how many files to use per job)
- hands-on: Creating a "real" DecayTreeTuple using everything we've learned so far
- What is EOS and how do I access it?
- How do I grab some of those LFNs for local testing?
- hands-on: using dirac-dms-getfile
- What is a stripping line?
- How do I look up the stripping selection for my line? -> stripping web page
- How do I calculate the stripping efficiency using signal MC? -> TupleToolStripping
- How do I extend a stripping line to build my candidates of choice and run it?
- TisTos intro for users
- TupleTools you can use
- Interpreting the result
- Possible caveats (Tis correlations, etc.)
- What does DecayTreeFitter do and why would I want to use it?
- Repeating our previous tuple with a mass-constrained fit
- Mailing lists
- Finding out where your problem is
- GaudiPython is your friend
- Debug builds and gdb (this one might be too much)