Help on package denonavr:
NAME denonavr - Automation Library for Denon AVR receivers.
DESCRIPTION :copyright: (c) 2016 by Oliver Goetz. :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
PACKAGE CONTENTS denonavr ssdp
FUNCTIONS discover() Discover all Denon AVR devices in LAN zone.
Returns a list of dictionaries which includes all discovered Denon AVR
devices with keys "host", "modelName", "friendlyName", "presentationURL".
By default SSDP broadcasts are sent up to 3 times with a 2 seconds timeout.
Initialize all discovered Denon AVR receivers in LAN zone.
Returns a list of created Denon AVR instances.
By default SSDP broadcasts are sent up to 3 times with a 2 seconds timeout.
DATA title = 'denonavr'
Help on module denonavr.denonavr in denonavr:
NAME denonavr.denonavr - This module implements the interface to Denon AVR receivers.
DESCRIPTION :copyright: (c) 2016 by Oliver Goetz. :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
CLASSES builtins.object DenonAVR DenonAVRZones builtins.tuple(builtins.object) ReceiverType ReceiverURLs
class DenonAVR(builtins.object)
| Representing a Denon AVR Device.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, host, name=None, show_all_inputs=False, timeout=2.0, add_zones=None)
| Initialize MainZone of DenonAVR.
| :param host: IP or HOSTNAME.
| :type host: str
| :param name: Device name, if None FriendlyName of device is used.
| :type name: str or None
| :param show_all_inputs: If True deleted input functions are also shown
| :type show_all_inputs: bool
| :param add_zones: Additional Zones for which an instance are created
| :type add_zones: dict [str, str] or None
| construct_sm_match_dict(self)
| Construct the sm_match_dict.
| Reverse the key value structure. The sm_match_dict is bigger,
| but allows for direct matching using a dictionary key access.
| The sound_mode_dict is uses externally to set this dictionary
| because that has a nicer syntax.
| create_zones(self, add_zones)
| Create instances of additional zones for the receiver.
| exec_appcommand_post(self, attribute_list)
| Prepare and execute a HTTP POST call to AppCommand.xml end point.
| Returns XML ElementTree on success and None on fail.
| get_status_xml(self, command, suppress_errors=False)
| Get status XML via HTTP and return it as XML ElementTree.
| match_sound_mode(self, sound_mode_raw)
| Match the raw_sound_mode to its corresponding sound_mode.
| mute(self, mute)
| Mute receiver via HTTP get command.
| next_track(self)
| Send next track command to receiver command via HTTP post.
| power_off(self)
| Turn off receiver via HTTP get command.
| power_on(self)
| Turn off receiver via HTTP get command.
| previous_track(self)
| Send previous track command to receiver command via HTTP post.
| send_get_command(self, command)
| Send command via HTTP get to receiver.
| send_post_command(self, command, body)
| Send command via HTTP post to receiver.
| set_input_func(self, input_func)
| Set input_func of device.
| Valid values depend on the device and should be taken from
| "input_func_list".
| Return "True" on success and "False" on fail.
| set_sound_mode(self, sound_mode)
| Set sound_mode of device.
| Valid values depend on the device and should be taken from
| "sound_mode_list".
| Return "True" on success and "False" on fail.
| set_sound_mode_dict(self, sound_mode_dict)
| Set the matching dictionary used to match the raw sound mode.
| set_volume(self, volume)
| Set receiver volume via HTTP get command.
| Volume is send in a format like -50.0.
| Minimum is -80.0, maximum at 18.0
| toggle_play_pause(self)
| Toggle play pause media player.
| update(self)
| Get the latest status information from device.
| Method executes the update method for the current receiver type.
| volume_down(self)
| Volume down receiver via HTTP get command.
| volume_up(self)
| Volume up receiver via HTTP get command.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| album
| Return album name of current playing media as string.
| artist
| Return artist of current playing media as string.
| band
| Return band of current radio station as string.
| frequency
| Return frequency of current radio station as string.
| host
| Return the host of the device as string.
| image_url
| Return image URL of current playing media when powered on.
| input_func
| Return the current input source as string.
| input_func_list
| Return a list of available input sources as string.
| muted
| Boolean if volume is currently muted.
| Return "True" if muted and "False" if not muted.
| name
| Return the name of the device as string.
| netaudio_func_list
| Return list of network audio devices.
| Those devices should react to play, pause, next and previous
| track commands.
| playing_func_list
| Return list of playing devices.
| Those devices offer additional information about what they are playing
| (e.g. title, artist, album, band, frequency, station, image_url).
| power
| Return the power state of the device.
| Possible values are: "ON", "STANDBY" and "OFF"
| sm_match_dict
| Return a dict to map each sound_mode_raw to matching sound_mode.
| support_sound_mode
| Return True if sound mode supported.
| sound_mode
| Return the matched current sound mode as a string.
| sound_mode_dict
| Return a dict of available sound modes with their mapping values.
| sound_mode_list
| Return a list of available sound modes as string.
| sound_mode_raw
| Return the current sound mode as string as received from the AVR.
| state
| Return the state of the device.
| Possible values are: "on", "off", "playing", "paused"
| "playing" and "paused" are only available for input functions
| station
| Return current radio station as string.
| title
| Return title of current playing media as string.
| volume
| Return volume of Denon AVR as float.
| Volume is send in a format like -50.0.
| Minimum is -80.0, maximum at 18.0
| zone
| Return Zone of this instance.
| zones
| Return all Zone instances of the device.
class DenonAVRZones(DenonAVR)
| Representing an additional zone of a Denon AVR Device.
| Method resolution order:
| DenonAVRZones
| DenonAVR
| builtins.object
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, parent_avr, zone, name)
| Initialize additional zones of DenonAVR.
| :param parent_avr: Instance of parent DenonAVR.
| :type parent_avr: denonavr.DenonAVR
| :param zone: Zone name of this instance
| :type zone: str
| :param name: Device name, if None FriendlyName of device is used.
| :type name: str
| create_zones(self, add_zones)
| Only call this method from parent AVR (Main Zone).
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from DenonAVR:
| construct_sm_match_dict(self)
| Construct the sm_match_dict.
| Reverse the key value structure. The sm_match_dict is bigger,
| but allows for direct matching using a dictionary key access.
| The sound_mode_dict is uses externally to set this dictionary
| because that has a nicer syntax.
| exec_appcommand_post(self, attribute_list)
| Prepare and execute a HTTP POST call to AppCommand.xml end point.
| Returns XML ElementTree on success and None on fail.
| get_status_xml(self, command, suppress_errors=False)
| Get status XML via HTTP and return it as XML ElementTree.
| match_sound_mode(self, sound_mode_raw)
| Match the raw_sound_mode to its corresponding sound_mode.
| mute(self, mute)
| Mute receiver via HTTP get command.
| next_track(self)
| Send next track command to receiver command via HTTP post.
| power_off(self)
| Turn off receiver via HTTP get command.
| power_on(self)
| Turn off receiver via HTTP get command.
| previous_track(self)
| Send previous track command to receiver command via HTTP post.
| send_get_command(self, command)
| Send command via HTTP get to receiver.
| send_post_command(self, command, body)
| Send command via HTTP post to receiver.
| set_input_func(self, input_func)
| Set input_func of device.
| Valid values depend on the device and should be taken from
| "input_func_list".
| Return "True" on success and "False" on fail.
| set_sound_mode(self, sound_mode)
| Set sound_mode of device.
| Valid values depend on the device and should be taken from
| "sound_mode_list".
| Return "True" on success and "False" on fail.
| set_sound_mode_dict(self, sound_mode_dict)
| Set the matching dictionary used to match the raw sound mode.
| set_volume(self, volume)
| Set receiver volume via HTTP get command.
| Volume is send in a format like -50.0.
| Minimum is -80.0, maximum at 18.0
| toggle_play_pause(self)
| Toggle play pause media player.
| update(self)
| Get the latest status information from device.
| Method executes the update method for the current receiver type.
| volume_down(self)
| Volume down receiver via HTTP get command.
| volume_up(self)
| Volume up receiver via HTTP get command.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from DenonAVR:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| album
| Return album name of current playing media as string.
| artist
| Return artist of current playing media as string.
| band
| Return band of current radio station as string.
| frequency
| Return frequency of current radio station as string.
| host
| Return the host of the device as string.
| image_url
| Return image URL of current playing media when powered on.
| input_func
| Return the current input source as string.
| input_func_list
| Return a list of available input sources as string.
| muted
| Boolean if volume is currently muted.
| Return "True" if muted and "False" if not muted.
| name
| Return the name of the device as string.
| netaudio_func_list
| Return list of network audio devices.
| Those devices should react to play, pause, next and previous
| track commands.
| playing_func_list
| Return list of playing devices.
| Those devices offer additional information about what they are playing
| (e.g. title, artist, album, band, frequency, station, image_url).
| power
| Return the power state of the device.
| Possible values are: "ON", "STANDBY" and "OFF"
| sm_match_dict
| Return a dict to map each sound_mode_raw to matching sound_mode.
| sound_mode
| Return the matched current sound mode as a string.
| sound_mode_dict
| Return a dict of available sound modes with their mapping values.
| sound_mode_list
| Return a list of available sound modes as string.
| sound_mode_raw
| Return the current sound mode as string as received from the AVR.
| state
| Return the state of the device.
| Possible values are: "on", "off", "playing", "paused"
| "playing" and "paused" are only available for input functions
| station
| Return current radio station as string.
| title
| Return title of current playing media as string.
| volume
| Return volume of Denon AVR as float.
| Volume is send in a format like -50.0.
| Minimum is -80.0, maximum at 18.0
| zone
| Return Zone of this instance.
| zones
| Return all Zone instances of the device.
Help on module denonavr.ssdp in denonavr:
NAME denonavr.ssdp - This module implements a discovery function for Denon AVR receivers.
DESCRIPTION :copyright: (c) 2016 by Oliver Goetz. :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
FUNCTIONS evaluate_scpd_xml(url) Get and evaluate SCPD XML to identified URLs.
Returns dictionary with keys "host", "modelName", "friendlyName" and
"presentationURL" if a Denon AVR device was found and "False" if not.
Identify DenonAVR using SSDP and SCPD queries.
Returns a list of dictionaries which includes all discovered Denon AVR
devices with keys "host", "modelName", "friendlyName", "presentationURL".
Send SSDP broadcast message to discover UPnP devices.
Returns a list of dictionaries with "address" (IP, PORT) and "URL"
of SCPD XML for all discovered devices.