// const input = document.querySelector('pre > code').textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
const input = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
let increments = 0
input.map(Number).reduce((previous, current) => {
if (current > previous) {
return current
}, Number.MAX_VALUE)
// const input = document.querySelector('pre > code').textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
const input = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
const triSums = input.map(Number).reduce((result, current, i, arr) => {
const third = arr[i + 2]
if (!third) {
return result
result.push(current + arr[i + 1] + third)
return result
}, [])
// console.log(triSums)
let increments = 0
triSums.reduce((previous, current) => {
if (current > previous) {
return current
}, Number.MAX_VALUE)
// const input = document.querySelector('pre > code').textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
const input = document.body.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
// const pos = input.reduce(
// (pos, action) => {
// const [dir, amount] = action.split(' ')
// switch (dir) {
// case 'forward':
// pos.h += Number(amount)
// break
// case 'down':
// pos.d += Number(amount)
// break
// case 'up':
// pos.d -= Number(amount)
// break
// }
// return pos
// },
// { h: 0, d: 0 }
// )
const pos = input.reduce(
(pos, action) => {
const [dir, num] = action.split(' ')
const amount = Number(num)
switch (dir) {
case 'forward':
pos.h += amount
pos.d += amount * pos.aim
case 'down':
pos.aim += amount
case 'up':
pos.aim -= amount
return pos
{ h: 0, d: 0, aim: 0 }
console.log(pos.h * pos.d)
* PART 1
// const input = document.querySelector('pre > code').textContent
const input = document.body.textContent
const size = input.indexOf('\n')
const columns = input
.reduce((acc, line) => {
// iterate over the columns
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (acc[i] === undefined) {
acc[i] = { 0: 0, 1: 0 } // build an object that will count the number of zeros and ones in a column
} else {
acc[i][line[i]]++ // update the count of zeros and ones of this column
return acc
}, [])
const gammaRate = columns.reduce(
(acc, col) => (acc += Object.keys(col).reduce((zero, one) => (col[zero] > col[one] ? zero : one))),
const epsilonRate = gammaRate
.map(bit => (1 - bit).toString())
console.log(parseInt(gammaRate, 2) * parseInt(epsilonRate, 2))
* PART 2 π₯
var input = document.documentURI.includes('input') ? document.body : document.querySelector('pre > code')
input = input.textContent.trimRight().split('\n')
function pickRating(data, criteria) {
var oneMatches = []
var zeroMatches = []
for (let i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) {
if (data.length === 1) {
data.forEach(bits => {
if (bits[i] === '1') {
} else {
if (criteria(oneMatches.length, zeroMatches.length)) {
data = [...oneMatches]
} else {
data = [...zeroMatches]
oneMatches = []
zeroMatches = []
return data
var o2 = pickRating(input, (a, b) => a >= b)
var co2 = pickRating(input, (a, b) => a < b)
console.log(parseInt(o2, 2) * parseInt(co2, 2))
class Game {
constructor(nums, boards) {
this.nums = nums
this.picks = 0
this.boards = boards
this.winners = []
this.winNums = []
advance() {
const num = this.nums.shift()
console.log(`num: ${num}, picks: ${this.picks}`)
this.boards.forEach(board => {
if (this.picks > 4) {
while (this.checkWinners(num) > -1) {} // there can be multiple winners for the same number!
checkWinners(num) {
const found = this.boards.findIndex(board => board.isBingo())
console.log(`is bingo: ${JSON.stringify(this.boards[found])}, boards size: ${this.boards.length}`)
if (found !== -1) {
this.boards.splice(found, 1) // remove the winning board from the others
console.log(`new winner! board winners size: ${this.winners.length}, called num: ${num}`)
} else {
console.log('still no winners')
return found
class Board {
constructor(data) {
this.rows = this._buildRows(data)
this.size = this.rows[0].length
mark(num) {
this.rows.forEach((row, i) => {
const found = row.findIndex(cell => !cell.marked && cell.num === num)
if (found !== -1) {
console.log(`this board have ${num} here: [${i}][${found}]!`)
this.rows[i][found] = { num, marked: true }
isBingo() {
let bingo = false
bingo = this.rows.findIndex(row => row.every(cell => cell.marked)) > -1
if (!bingo) {
// check vertical bingo
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
const col = this.rows.map(row => row[i])
if (col.every(cell => cell.marked)) {
bingo = true
return bingo
_buildRows(data) {
return data.split('\n').map(row => {
const r = row.trim().split(/\s+/)
return r.map(num => ({ num, marked: false }))
let input = document.documentURI.includes('input') ? document.body : document.querySelector('pre > code')
input = input.textContent.trimRight().split('\n\n')
const [_numbers, ..._boards] = input
const numbers = _numbers.split(',')
const boards = _boards.map(b => new Board(b))
const game = new Game([...numbers], [...boards])
while (game.boards.length > 0 && game.picks < 85) {
// `(game.winners.length < 1)` for part 1
const winner = game.winners[game.winners.length - 1] // `[0]` for part 1
const winNum = game.winNums[game.winNums.length - 1] // `[0]` for part 1
const sumOfUnmarked = winner.rows
.flatMap(row => row.filter(cell => !cell.marked))
.reduce((sum, cell) => {
sum += Number(cell.num)
return sum
}, 0)
console.log(sumOfUnmarked * winNum)
var input = document.documentURI.includes("input")
? document.body
: document.querySelector("pre > code");
input = input.textContent.split(",").map(Number);
function runSimulation(t, state) {
for (i = 0; i < t; i++) {
let newborns = 0;
state = state.map((f) => {
if (f > 0) {
return f - 1;
} else {
return 6;
if (newborns > 0) {
state.push(...new Array(newborns).fill(8));
return state;
console.log(runSimulation(80, input).length); // part 1