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Time to complete: 10-15 minutes
In this lab we will:
- Manually edit the /etc/hosts to prepare for the agent install (if not already done)
- Install the Puppet Agent on the agent node
Make sure your agent VM is started, and get logged in.
vagrant up agent
vagrant ssh agent
Again, our /etc/hosts
file should already be setup, as we've used a pre-configured
Vagrant base box that already has the entries we want, but for the sake of completness,
let's double check...
View and/or edit /etc/hosts
and make sure it looks exactly like this (delete any other lines):
(This should be the exact same hosts file as we created on the puppet master node) localhost puppet.example.com puppet agent.example.com agent gitlab.example.com gitlab
In a later lab we will write the puppet code to maintain the /etc/hosts entries, but for now we add them manually.
To install the puppet agent on the agent node, we can take advantage of a feature of the PE Master: The PE Master makes available the agent installer behind its own web server. You can use wget or curl to download the installer script and then pipe it through bash.
- To use wget
wget --no-check-certificate --secure-protocol=TLSv1 -O - https://puppet:8140/packages/current/install.bash | bash -s main:certname=agent.example.com
- To use curl
curl -k --tlsv1 https://puppet:8140/packages/current/install.bash | bash -s main:certname=agent.example.com
If you'd like to browse what else is accessible via that web server, try opening https://localhost:22140/packages in your workstation's web browser.
(Remember we port-forwarded 8140 <--> 22140 on our hosting workstation)
Go ahead an install the agent if you haven't already done so, and then try running the puppet agent...
- Puppet Install Output: 04-Puppet-Agent-Install-Output.md
Run the puppet agent manually. This will cause an SSL certificate request to be generated and sent to the puppetmaster (if it hasn't already happened in the background.)
[root@agent ~]# puppet agent -t
Info: Creating a new SSL key for agent.example.com
Info: Caching certificate for ca
Info: Caching certificate_request for agent.example.com
Info: Caching certificate for ca
Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled
Note: the puppet agent is also running in the background, so it may have already generated the SSL key, so you may not see that in your output. In that case, you would see just this:
[root@agent ~]# puppet agent -t
Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled
Next, We need to sign the agent's cert on the master, so switch to your puppet window/terminal and issue the following commands on the puppet master as root:
puppet cert list
puppet cert sign agent.example.com
The puppet cert list command shows any outstanding certificate signing requests. You should see the one that was just generated by your agent run.
[root@puppet ~]# puppet cert list
"agent.example.com" (SHA256) 31:EA:4D:60:DE:44:E8:E1:A1:1A:2E:48:1E:81:CA:40:43:4A:A7:39:E8:B9:61:63:F3:0F:CF:2E:B7:CC:98:22
The puppet cert sign agent.example.com command signs the cert, and removes the signing request.
[root@puppet ~]# puppet cert sign agent.example.com
Notice: Signed certificate request for agent.example.com
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest agent.example.com at '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/agent.example.com.pem'
Now, back on the agent node: Let's run puppet again (be sure you're running as root)
puppet agent -t
You should see a lot of output to the screen showing the changes that are being applied. (Puppet is installing and configuring MCollective on the agent.) However, because puppet runs automatically in the background every 5 minutes prior to its certificate being signed, there is a small chance that the first puppet run will occur before you're able to do a manual run. In that case, you should see a little output as in the second puppet run (no changes made.)
Run puppet a second time, and you should get a clean run with no changes.
puppet agent -t
For brevity, I've not included the output on this page, but it's available for viewing here:
- Puppet Run Output: 04-Puppet-Agent-Run-Output.md
The certname is the name assigned to the puppet agent. It's how the puppet master identifies each node. Most of the time, the certname will be the same as the host's FQDN, but it could be anything you choose. Best practice is to use the FQDN.
You may have noticed that when we installed the puppet agent, we passed in
an additional parameter using the bash -s <key:value>
construct. If you've
had any exposure to Puppet before, you may be asking yourself "Way did we have
to do that?" The answer lies in how puppet determines the certname if you
dont provide one. By default, puppet will take the hostname, and append the
domain name as configured in the /etc/resolv.conf. We've not configured
the /etc/resolv.conf at all, and Vagrant automatically configures it to when
the VM is started up each time. It will inherit the DNS config from the host
system. The inherited config will be different for everyone, and since the
agent installer would normally attempt to determine the certname from the
hostname and DNS domain, we don't want to rely on it here as we'd get
unpredictable results. By manually specifying the certname, we guarantee we
will always get the name we want, rather than letting puppet try and pick
it for us.
There are other params we may wish to pass in to the install script as well.
You can pass in any config item that makes sense. Just run puppet config print
to see the possibilities.
Also, to read more about passing parameters to the agent installer, see: https://docs.puppet.com/pe/latest/install_agents.html#passing-configuration-parameters-to-the-install-script
At this point we have:
- a Puppet Master node (hostname puppet.example.com) that also runs an agent to configure itself
- a Puppet Agent node (hostnamne agent.example.com) that runs an agent, and where we will test code and learn more about PE
If you login to the PE Console, you should see these two agents on the 'Nodes' page
Continue to Lab #5 --> Get familiar with puppet config files, and puppet code, and CLI
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Copyright © 2016 by Mark Bentley