Considerable changes made to the rmoo package:
- All the algorithms implemented in rmoo will now be called through the rmoo() function, passing the strategy to be used as a parameter.
- New s4 methods created, the functions scatter(), pcp(), heatmap() and polar() will be called by the plot method and passing the object and plot type.
- s4 methods: summary() and print() for brief verification of returned results.
- Summary() function deprecated: Now it is executed by the s4 method progress(), the method is used within the execution.
- Other s4 methods created are getFitness(), getPopulation(), getDummyFitness(), getCrowdingDistance(), getMetrics(), they were created so that the user does not need to directly access the object slots.
- the structure of classes and inheritance were improved, following the rules of object-oriented programming.
Bugs Fixed:
- The non-dominance process was solved, an error was generated when the first front was only made up of one individual.
- ecr, cdata, dplyr, reshape2 packages are now suggested and not imported. Only the packages that are exactly necessary or that generate errors if they are not imported are found in import.
- Minor inconvenient the documentation fixed.
- The structure of the non-dominated in the main functions modified: They did not evaluate fronts with one individual.
- Condition on validation into the main functions deleted: It was not necessary.
- Dataset: Add KRO dataset from TSPLIB to permutation operation in data and inst.
- Change donttest to dontrun at the documentation.
- Scatter Plotting: scatter() functions for plotting points in 2-D, 3-D and N-D planes, where the dimensions represent the objectives.
- Parallel Coordinate Plots: pcp() functions show a fitness set of points in an objectives n-dimensional space.
- Heat Map: head_map() function to show a set of fitness values as colors in two dimensions.
- rgl packages change to suggests in DESCRIPTION.
- The first CRAN version release.