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File metadata and controls

206 lines (184 loc) · 8.08 KB


Since the EuraliOS file system is the main way to provide and control access to resources, we’re going to need plenty of user-space servers to handle messages as the RAMdisk server does. To avoid repeating code, we’ll generalise the RAMdisk code and turn the message handling code into a standard library module. It’s also a good excuse to learn about Rust traits.

FileLike trait

The functions to handle messages for files currently allows reading and writing data, and writing is simplified to just appending. A third function is to truncate (empty) a file in the open function. The interface to something that is like a file is therefore defined (in euralios_std::server) as

pub trait FileLike {
    /// Number of bytes in the file
    fn len(&self) -> usize;
    /// Read data starting at a given offset, storing in pre-allocated slice
    fn read(&self, start: usize, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, syscalls::SyscallError>;
    /// Write data starting at given offset
    fn write(&mut self, start: usize, buffer: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, syscalls::SyscallError>;
    /// Delete contents
    fn clear(&mut self) -> Result<(), syscalls::SyscallError>;

The read function takes a pre-allocated mutable slice as input, so that the caller can control memory allocation. In our case we are allocating memory chunks for sending in messages.

Not all files may implement all of these functions, so read, write and clear have default implementations that return Err(syscalls::SYSCALL_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED). Errors should be handled by the standard library code, and returned as an ERROR message to the caller. The len function in most cases is simple, but less clear for streams where the length isn’t known. Perhaps that should also return a Result (or Option) to indicate where length isn’t known. The clear function should probably also be generalised at some point to truncate(length:usize) but that isn’t needed yet.

DirLike trait

Directories need to look up files and subdirectories, and list their contents. Both files and directories could implement a common trait and be treated the same by directories, and my C++ instinct was to create more complicated types and use inheritance. Rust, or perhaps my lack of experience with it, seems to discourage this, with all my attempts at adding abstraction leading to more code and more complicated code. On balance I think a simpler approach is better for now, so files and directories are looked up separately:

pub trait DirLike {
    /// Lookup and return shared reference to a directory
    fn get_dir(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<dyn DirLike + Sync + Send>>, syscalls::SyscallError>;
    /// Lookup and return shared reference to a file
    fn get_file(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<dyn FileLike + Sync + Send>>, syscalls::SyscallError>;
    /// Return a JSON string describing the directory and its contents
    fn query(&self) -> String;

PCI devices as a filesystem

The pci program handles messages and behaves a bit like a file server. We can simplify it by removing most of the message handling code for pci-specific functions like reading device BAR registers, and replacing them with file read/writes.

The root directory of the pci server represents a collection of devices:

struct DeviceCollection {
    devices: BTreeMap<String, Arc<RwLock<Device>>>
impl DirLike for DeviceCollection {
    /// Each subdirectory is a PCI Device
    fn get_dir(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<dyn DirLike + Send + Sync>>, syscalls::SyscallError> {
        match self.devices.get(name) {
            Some(device) => Ok(device.clone()),
            None => Err(syscalls::SYSCALL_ERROR_NOTFOUND)
    /// No files; always returns not found error
    fn get_file(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<dyn FileLike + Send + Sync>>, syscalls::SyscallError> {
    fn query(&self) -> String {
        // Create JSON description of devices

For this to work the Device struct should also implement the DirLike trait:

impl DirLike for Device {
    fn get_dir(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<dyn DirLike + Send + Sync>>, syscalls::SyscallError> {
    fn get_file(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<dyn FileLike + Send + Sync>>, syscalls::SyscallError> {
    fn query(&self) -> String {
        // Put device information into JSON string

We don’t yet have any files under each PCI device directory, but we can add those later to provide ways to access and configure devices.

Multi-threaded ports

Since pci is now multi-threaded, we need to make sure that the different threads can’t interfere with each other. Unfortunately all access to PCI data involves writing to the CONFIG_ADDRESS port 0xCF8 and then reading or writing port CONFIG_DATA, 0xCFC.

To control access we will use a mutex and the lazy_static crate that was used in parts of the kernel.

Putting the functions to read and write data to the PCI configuration address and data ports into a struct implementation:

struct PciPorts {}

impl PciPorts {
    const CONFIG_ADDRESS: u16 = 0xCF8;
    const CONFIG_DATA: u16 = 0xCFC;
    /// Write to Address and Data ports
    fn write(&mut self, address: u32, value: u32) {
        unsafe {
            asm!("out dx, eax",
                 in("dx") Self::CONFIG_ADDRESS,
                 in("eax") address,
                 options(nomem, nostack));

            asm!("out dx, eax",
                 in("dx") Self::CONFIG_DATA,
                 in("eax") value,
                 options(nomem, nostack));

    /// Write to Address port, read from Data port
    /// Note: Mutates ports values so needs mut self
    fn read(&mut self, address: u32) -> u32 {
        let value: u32;
        unsafe {
            asm!("out dx, eax",
                 in("dx") Self::CONFIG_ADDRESS,
                 in("eax") address,
                 options(nomem, nostack));

            asm!("in eax, dx",
                 in("dx") Self::CONFIG_DATA,
                 lateout("eax") value,
                 options(nomem, nostack));

we can then put one of these behind a mutex:

lazy_static! {
    static ref PORTS: Mutex<PciPorts> = Mutex::new(PciPorts{});

There’s nothing to prevent us from modifying the ports in another part of the code but if all access is through this then we should avoid many problems. Race conditions can still occur however if a caller releases the mutex lock between reading and writing values to device registers e.g. to set or clear a bit.

Appendix: Locking and if let clauses

In the open function there was a chain of else if clauses, including one like:

} else if let Ok(file) = { // <- Locked
  // Opening an existing file
} else if path_iter.peek().is_some() {
  // Missing a directory
} else if (flags & message::O_CREATE) == message::O_CREATE {
  // Create a file
  let new_file = dir.write().make_file(key)?; // <- Hangs

This code locked up because the lock created by was not released by the time dir.write() is called. A solution is to define an intermediate variable:

} else {
  let result_file =; // <- Locks and releases
  if let Ok(file) = result_file {
      // Opening an existing file
  } else if path_iter.peek().is_some() {
      // Missing a directory
  } else if (flags & message::O_CREATE) == message::O_CREATE {
    // Create a file
    let new_file = dir.write().make_file(key)?;