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75 lines (52 loc) · 3.11 KB

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75 lines (52 loc) · 3.11 KB


Extracts keywords from texts using a stoplist and some magic. This is forked from the original gem rake_text and has some added improvements.

  • Multi-language support.
  • Better split word support, handles - and ' characters better.
  • Stop word is not removed if deemed important.


Install Keyphrase via RubyGem:

gem install keyphrase


Import the library and create an instance:

require 'keyphrase'
keyphrase =

Use a custom stopword list:

keyphrase.analyse "your text", stopwords: %w{words to remove here}
# → {"compatibility"=>1.0, "systems"=>1.0, "linear constraints"=>4.5, "set"=>2.0, "natural numbers"=>4.0, "criteria"=>1.0, "system"=>1.0, "linear diophantine equations"=>8.5, "strict inequations"=>4.0, "nonstrict inequations"=>4.0, "considered"=>1.5, "upper bounds"=>4.0, "components"=>1.0, "minimal set"=>4.666666666666666, "solutions"=>1.0, "algorithms"=>1.0, "construction"=>1.0, "minimal generating sets"=>8.666666666666666, "types"=>1.6666666666666667, "constructing"=>1.0, "minimal supporting set"=>7.666666666666666, "solving"=>1.0, "considered types"=>3.166666666666667, "mixed types"=>3.666666666666667}

Use a stopword list for a language:

keyphrase.analyse "your text", lang: :kor

See lib/keyphrase/stoplist for all supported languages.

Shorthand usage:

Keyphrase.analyse "your text"

Show sorted results:

keyphrase.analyse "your text", verbose: true
# 8.67 - minimal generating sets
# 8.50 - linear diophantine equations
# 7.67 - minimal supporting set
# 4.67 - minimal set
# 4.50 - linear constraints
# 4.00 - upper bounds
# 4.00 - strict inequations
# [...]
# → {"compatibility"=>1.0, "systems"=>1.0, "linear constraints"=>4.5, "set"=>2.0, "natural numbers"=>4.0, "criteria"=>1.0, "system"=>1.0, "linear diophantine equations"=>8.5, "strict inequations"=>4.0, "nonstrict inequations"=>4.0, "considered"=>1.5, "upper bounds"=>4.0, "components"=>1.0, "minimal set"=>4.666666666666666, "solutions"=>1.0, "algorithms"=>1.0, "construction"=>1.0, "minimal generating sets"=>8.666666666666666, "types"=>1.6666666666666667, "constructing"=>1.0, "minimal supporting set"=>7.666666666666666, "solving"=>1.0, "considered types"=>3.166666666666667, "mixed types"=>3.666666666666667}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.