This is a new firmware for the DSO 150/DSO shell cheap oscilloscope. It is using the framework provided by the (very nice) STM32duino project, R Clarck version. Please note that it is using cmake-arduino-stm32 as a build system.
Features :
- Screen support for both ST7789 and ILI9341, autodetected
- Support both STM32F103 and GD32F303 (the latter is ~ 2 times faster)
- Supports vanilla hardware and usb+enhanced rotary encoder mod through compiliation switch
- Zero level and fine voltage calibration
- Smart use of ADC & gain stages to provide maximum accuracy
- Trigger : Rising, Falling, both
- Auto setup : Press "OK" for 3 seconds
- Settable test signal. Press the rotary encoder for 3 sec to enter the menu.
- Single shot or repeat mode
- USB support (not really used as of today)
- Multithreaded so that it should be relatively responsive
- Using ADC in DMA or Timer mode depending on the time scale
- Frequency down to 5us / division using dual ADC capture mode
NB: Recent versions are using PB14 and PB15 for the rotary encoder hack!
The code is using parts derived from pig-o-scope and other projects for the ADC management Open DSO150 was used as documentation for the circuit.