This package defines the tool to secure updates using The Update Framework.
Set up. The Tuf tool requires you to set up
- Google Cloud Storage
- Key Management Service
Generate Secrets. The first step of securing your updates is to generate you public-private key pairs. The tuf tool supports generating Elliptical Curve DSA. You can generate your secrets as follows.
bazel run tuf:tuf -- generate-secret --file /tmp/secret_key.json
Please do not upload to github or share raw secret key.json file. If you wish to use your own secrets, Please create a json file with following fields:
{"PrivateKey":"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMHcCAQEEIH4gyo6eaWqnwO+YsurNXFfe0Rqh5mozLIvI4lXz/YVdoAoGCCqGSM49\nAwEHoUQDQgAExBEiFrsujWB8x++q2VtV25IpAIcp/Vx7r3FuFeUU9C1i+EL8QAWl\nY99L3oaODeTMqcDaf4MMD8Iodr6bMI7Mvw==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "PublicKey":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAExBEiFrsujWB8x++q2VtV25IpAIcp\n/Vx7r3FuFeUU9C1i+EL8QAWlY99L3oaODeTMqcDaf4MMD8Iodr6bMI7Mvw==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", "KeyType":"ECDSA256"}
Upload Secrets. Once you have generated a public-private key pair, you can use the
command to encrypt this secret and upload them to a private Google Cloud Storage bucket.In future, the
command will also generate the Tuf Metadata files and upload them to a public Google Cloud Storage Bucket.bazel run tuf:tuf -- upload-secrets --root-file /tmp/secret_key.json