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Releases: bcdev/zappend


26 Jan 16:02
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New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0

New in Version 0.3.0 (from 2024-01-26)


  • Allow for passing custom slice sources via the configuration.
    The new configuration setting slice_source is the name of a class
    derived from zappend.api.SliceSource or a function that creates an instance
    of zappend.api.SliceSource. If slice_source is given, slices passed to
    the zappend function or CLI command will be interpreted as parameter(s)
    passed to the constructor of the specified class or the factory function.

  • It is now possible to configure runtime profiling of the zappend
    processing using the new configuration setting profiling. [#39]

  • Added --version option to CLI. [#42]

  • Using sizes instead of dims attribute of xarray.Dataset in
    implementation code. [#25]

  • Enhanced documentation including docstrings of several Python API objects.


  • Fixed a problem where the underlying i/o stream of a persistent slice dataset
    was closed immediately after opening the dataset. [#31]

  • Now logging ignored encodings on level DEBUG instead of WARNING because they
    occur very likely when processing NetCDF files.


18 Jan 11:50
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Version 0.2.0 (2024-18-01)


  • Introduced slice factories

    • Allow passing slice object factories to the zappend() function.
      Main use case is to return instances of a custom zappend.api.SliceSource
      implemented by users. [#13]

    • The utility functions to_slice_factories and to_slice_factory
      exported by zappend.api ease passing inputs specific for a custom
      SliceSource or other callables that can produce a slice object. [#22]

  • Introduced new configuration flag persist_mem_slices.
    If set, in-memory xr.Dataset instances will be first persisted to a
    temporary Zarr, then reopened, and then appended to the target dataset. [#11]

  • Added initial documentation. [#17]

  • Improved readability of generated configuration documentation.

  • Using requirements-dev.txt for development package dependencies.


  • Fixed problem when passing slices opened from NetCDF files. The error was
    TypeError: VariableEncoding.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'chunksizes'.

  • Fixed problem where info about closing slice was logged twice. [#9]

Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.2.0


10 Jan 16:18
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Metadata fixes in setup.cfg. No actual code changes.


10 Jan 15:49
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Initial version.