main control script:
$ bash run_reverse.sh # Run the script with # $ bash run_reverse.sh [-h] [-d <directory>] [-f <file>] [-l <file>] # -h Show help # -d The directory with binaries to be reversed # -f The file to be reversed # -l The file with a list of files to be reversed
Var Desc Option MAIN_SCRIPT location to the main reversing script LOG_DIR directory to save logs CFG_DIR directory to save cfg files MODE debugging level debug, info, warning, error, critical WORKERS maximum number of processes TIMEOUT timeout in seconds STATE_LIST list of finish paths and their states SKIP skip analyzed files 0) do not skip
1) skip allSHUFFLE analyze in random order 0) in sorted order
1) in random order -
<file path>,<state>
State Desc 0 Success 1 Error while reversing 124 Timeout (SIGTERM) 137 Killed (SIGKILL), only when Timeout failed
- start run
# terminal 1 bash run_reverse.sh -d mybinaries/ > /tmp/run.log
- monitor progress
# terminal 2 tail -f run.log
- terminate
# terminal 1 <CTRL + C> # and wait for the running processes to finish
- start run
main control script:
$ bash run_summarize.sh # Run the script with # $ bash run_summarize.sh [-d <directory>] [-f <file>] [-l <file>] # -d The directory to CFG pickle files # -f The file to be summarized # -l The file with a list of files to be summarized
Var Desc Option MAIN_SCRIPT location to the main summarizing script METHOD summarizing method to be proceeded summary, sequences, opcode_blocks SAVE_DIR directory to save the extracted summary WORKERS maximum number of processes -
summary: Get summary of one binary including
- file name
- number of nodes
- lengths of each node
- unigram counts
- bigram counts
- trigram counts
sequences: Generate opcode sequences pairs
- To set these variables, type
export BPTT=<number>
in shell.
Var Desc Option BPTT Back Propagation Through Time <number>, default: 10 DROP_NO_FIT drop blocks with length less than BPTT True, False - To set these variables, type
opcode_blocks: fundamental method, to parser opcode of each block
- start run
bash run_summarize.sh -d CFGs/
- terminate
<CTRL + C> # and wait for the running processes to finish
- start run