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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 7, 2021. It is now read-only.

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executable file
270 lines (146 loc) · 6.03 KB


File metadata and controls

executable file
270 lines (146 loc) · 6.03 KB



  • Rails 4.1 compatibility


  • Swapped TinyMCE for CKEditor


  • Start implementing a decent admin backend using ActiveAdmin



  • Upgraded to Bootstrap 3


  • Upgraded to Font Awesome 4


  • Upgraded to Configatron 4


  • Various bug fixes


  • Merged in the jquery-bootstrap branch

  • Removed old prototype.js code


  • Upgraded to TinyMCE 4.0.2; made fix to mce_options to make it work.

    Polar Humenn

  • Removed curblyadvimage from tinymce plugins (not working)

    Polar Humenn

  • Made fix for Users params when nothing is modified.

    Polar Humenn


  • Moved forms and links to unobtrusive javascript. Still using Prototype.

    Polar Humenn

  • Addressed almost all 4.0/4.1 deprecation issues

    Polar Humenn

  • Migrated to ActiveRecord Query syntax.

    Polar Humenn

  • Replaced :method => :put with :method => :patch

    Polar Humenn

  • Removed attr_accessible and attr_protected in favor of StrongParameters

    Polar Humenn

  • Replaced some 2.3 style plugins with bona fide gems, removed, or moved to lib

    • activity_tracker ---> lib
    • acts_as_list ---> gem acts_as_list
    • acts_as_commentable ---> gem acts_as_commentable, requires db:migrate
    • acts_as_publishable ---> lib
    • auto_complete ---> lib
    • bborn-acts-as-taggable-on ---> gem acts_as_taggable-on
    • enumerations_mixin ---> gem power_num
    • prototype_legacy_helper ---> lib (about to be removed)
    • resource_feeder ---> lib
    • responds_to_parent ---> removed
    • white_list ---> lib

    Polar Humenn

  • Replaced or Upgraded gems

    • gem ransak replaces gem meta_search
    • gem friendly_id upgrade requires a db:migrate and syntactical changes

    Polar Humenn

  • Added gems as per directions supporting caching in Rails 4

    • actionpack-action_caching
    • actionpack-page_caching
    • rails-observers

    Polar Humenn


  • Remove automatic loading of omniauth middleware, in favor of letting users load it themselves as specified in the README

    • This was causing bugs with duplicate inits of omniauth-facebook middleware
  • Add spam comment moderation

    • Comments identified as spam as held in 'pending status'


  • Upgrade omniauth to 1.1


  • Replace white_list plugin with Sanitize gem (white_list.rb initizlizer format has changed)

  • Upgrade to Rails 3.2

  • Use act_as_taggable_on

  • Fix photo cropping

  • Remove theme controller (no more theming functionality)


  • Rails 3.1.0.beta1 compatibility


  • Rails 3.1 compatibility

  • Ruby 1.9.2 compatibility

  • Use Paperclip instead of attachment_fu

  • Add Omniauth

  • Remove lots of old, unused featured (contests, skills, offerings, etc.)


  • Anonymous forum replies

  • Turn comment notifications on or off by post

  • Allow admins/mods to edit comments (they can already delete them)

  • Fix security vulnerability in AuthenticatedSystem


  • Threaded private messages

  • Clear cache link in admin dashboard

  • Add support for using rakismet gem to check comments for spam (see README for instructions)


  • Fixed time_ago formatting problem on user/index

  • User Authlogic's perishable token for doing password resets (instead of sending them a password)

  • Rails 2.3.4 compatibility (all tests pass)


  • Add searchlogic gem dependency

    • searchlogic is awesome, will be using it more in the future, currently just using on admin_controller#comments
  • Add searchlogic to manage tags page, add taggings_count to tags (new migration)


  • Changes to Japanese language translations

  • Use authlogic instead of restful_authentication.

    • Augthlogic gem now required, new migrations required


  • Big overhaul of i18n, more international-friendly translation tokens. en is now the default locale (instead of en-US)



  • Complete private messages integration, allow sending messages to multiple recipients

  • Upgrades to Event functionality, including RSVPs


  • Photo albums, Static pages and messages controller tests

    juafrlo, eksatx

  • calendar_date_select, icalendar gems now required

  • Added ability to unsubscribe from comment notifications for anonymous comments

  • ical format output for Events to allow subscriptions


  • Rails 2.3 compatibility

  • RedCloth no longer required

  • Fixed swfupload to work with 2.3 and use Rack middleware

  • Use Desert plugin for code mixing and plugin migrations instead of Engines

  • Allow moderators/activity owners to delete activities

  • Only track login activity once per day

  • Allow anonymous commenters to choose whether they want to receive follow-up comment notices by e-mail

  • Refactor views to use 'box' helper for logical content modules, allowing better flexibility when trying to customize layouts


  • Fixed error when cropping photos using file system storage

  • Fixed error on messages#delete


  • Postgres compatibility


  • Some SEO improvements to page titles and urls for showing tags

  • Fixed a security vulnerability

  • Updated to newest attachment_fu plugin

    • Note new cropping in geometry strings for photo in application.yml
    • This attachment fu requires ImageMagick 6.4 or greater
  • Updated swfupload to fix flash 10 compatibility

  • Added ability to crop profile photo to better fit dimensions (/username/crop_profile_photo)

  • Updated TinyMCE scripts

  • Updated to newest Prototype and scriptaculous, and removed unused javascript files


  • Updating CE for Rails 2.2.2 compatibility

  • Removed Globalite in favor of Rails' native I18n API. Ce localization should work without modification

  • Renamed dozens of files to use Rails 2.0 conventions (ie. .html.haml)

  • Updated truncate calls to use new options hash format


  • Updating CE to be compatible with Rails 2.1.2

  • Lots of il8n refactoring, mainly using symbol tokens instead of string for localization in views.