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File metadata and controls

1030 lines (809 loc) · 32.4 KB

EasMe Library

This library provides various classes and methods that will help you save time and avoid repetitive tasks among different projects. This is a work in progress and will be updated frequently.

Table of Contents


You can install the package via Nuget:

Install-Package EasMe
Install-Package EasMe.Logging
Install-Package EasMe.Result
Install-Package EasMe.System


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details



String Extensions

var str = "Hello World";
var removedText = str.RemoveText("World"); // Hello
var before = str.GetBefore("World"); // Hello 
var after = str.GetAfter("Wo"); // rld
var between = str.GetBetween("Hell", "orld"); // o W
var isNullOrEmpty = str.IsNullOrEmpty(); // false
var isNullOrWhiteSpace = str.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(); // false
var isNotNullOrEmpty = str.IsNotNullOrEmpty(); // true
var isNotNullOrWhiteSpace = str.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(); // true
var bytes = str.GetBytes(); // byte[]

var number = "1231";
var converted = number.ConvertTo<int>(); // 1231
var convertedNullable = number.ConvertTo<int?>(); // 1231

var formatText = "Hello {0}".Format("World"); // Hello World

var whiteSpaceRemoved = "Hello World".RemoveWhiteSpace(); // HelloWorld

var boolean = "true".ToBoolean(); // true
var boolean2 = "false".ToBoolean(); // false
var boolean3 = "0".ToBoolean(); // false
var boolean4 = "1".ToBoolean(); // true
var boolean5 = "asd".ToBoolean(); // true
var boolean6 = "".ToBoolean(); // false

var firstToUpper = "hello world".FirstToUpper(); // Hello world
var firstToUpperRestLower = "hello world".FirstToUpperRestLower(); // Hello world
var lastToUpper = "hello world".LastToUpper(); // hello WorlD
var lastToLower = "hello worLD".LastToLower(); // hello worLd

var longString = "Hello World,Hello World,Hello World";
var truncatedString = longString.Truncate(10); // Hello Worl...

var removedLineEndings = "Hello World\nHello World".RemoveLineEndings(); // Hello WorldHello World

var toHexString = "Hello World".ToHexString(); // 48656C6C6F20576F726C64
var fromHexString = "48656C6C6F20576F726C64".FromHexString(); // Hello World
var toBase64String = "Hello World".ToBase64String(); // SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=
var fromBase64String = "SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=".FromBase64String(); // Hello World

var replaceReverse = "Hello World, oldValue".Replace_Reverse("newValue", "oldValue"); // Hello World, 

var secureString1 = "Hello World".ToSecureString(); // System.Security.SecureString
var secureString2 = secureString1.ToInsecureString(); // Hello World

var secureStringsEqual = secureString1.SecureStringsEqual(secureString1); // true

var dateString = "2021-01-01";
var isValidDateTime = dateString.IsValidDateTime(); // true

Byte Extensions

var bytes = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var hexString = bytes.ToHexString(); // 0102030405
var base64String = bytes.ToBase64String(); // AQIDBAU=

var compared = bytes.Compare(bytes); // true

Claims Extensions

var claims = new List<Claim>
    new Claim("name", "John"),
    new Claim("surname", "Doe")
var asDictionary = claims.ToDictionary(); // Dictionary<string, string>

var user = new
    Name = "John",
    Surname = "Doe"
var claimsIdentity = user.ToClaimsIdentity(); // System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity
var claimsIdentity2 = user.ToClaimsIdentity(out List<Exception> exceptions); // System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity

DateTime extensions

var dateTime = new DateTime(2021, 01, 01);
var nullableDateTime = (DateTime?)dateTime;
var inFuture = dateTime.InFuture(); // false
var inPast = dateTime.InPast(); // true

var notNullableDatetime = nullableDateTime.GetValueOrDefault(); // DateTime

var unixTime = dateTime.ToUnixTime(); //  1609459200
var isDayOlder = dateTime.IsDayOlder(dateTime, 1); // true
var isMinutesOlder = dateTime.IsMinutesOlder(dateTime, 1); // true
var isSecondsOlder = dateTime.IsSecondsOlder(dateTime, 1); // true
var isHoursOlder = dateTime.IsHoursOlder(dateTime, 1); // true
var isMonthsOlder = dateTime.IsMonthsOlder(dateTime, 1); // true
var isYearsOlder = dateTime.IsYearsOlder(dateTime, 1); // true

var readableDateString = dateTime.ToReadableDateString(); // 2 years and 1 month ago

Object Extensions

var user = new
    Name = "John",
    Surname = "Doe"
var userDto = user.As<UserDto>(x => {
    x.Name = user.Name;
    x.Surname = user.Surname;

var isValidModel = user.IsValidModel(); // true
var isNull = user.IsNull(); // false
var isNotNull = user.IsNotNull(); // true
var isDefault = user.IsDefault(); // false

Bool Extensions

var nullableBool = (bool?)true;
var notNullableBool = nullableBool.GetValueOrDefault(); // true

Dictionary Extensions

var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "name", "John" },
    { "surname", "Doe" }
var asQueryString = dictionary.ToQueryString(); // ?name=John&surname=Doe
var asObject = dictionary.ToObject<User>(); // User object with name and surname properties

HttpContext Extensions

var httpContext = new HttpContextAccessor().HttpContext; // Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext
var headerValuesAsDictionary = httpContext.Request.GetHeaderValues(); // Dictionary<string, string>
var xForwardedForOrRemoteIp = httpContext.Request.GetXForwardedForOrRemoteIp(); //
var headerIpAddressList = httpContext.Request.GetHeaderIpAddressList(); // string[]
var remoteIpAddress = httpContext.Request.GetRemoteIpAddress(); // string
var userAgent = httpContext.Request.GetUserAgent(); // string
var isLocal = httpContext.Request.IsLocal(); // true
var query = httpContext.Request.GetQuery(); // Dictionary<string, string>
var queryValue = httpContext.Request.GetQueryValue("name"); // John
var queryAsDictionary = httpContext.Request.GetQueryAsDictionary(); // Dictionary<string, string>

List Extensions

var list = new List<string> { "John", "Jane" };
list.AddIfNotExists("John"); // false
list.AddIfNotExists("Doe"); // true
list.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x)); // John, Doe
var joinString = list.JoinString(","); // John, Doe
var foreachResult = list.ForEachResult<bool>(x => {
    var isJohn = x == "John";
    return isJohn;
}); // List<bool>

var dataTable = list.ToDataTable(); // System.Data.DataTable
var selectRandom = list.SelectRandom(); // John or Doe
var shuffle = list.Shuffle(); // List<string>
var asObjectList = list.ToObjectList(); // List<object>

list.UpdateAll(x => {
    x += " Doe";
}); // John Doe, Jane Doe

list.UpdateAllWhere(x => x.EndsWith("n")), x => {
    x += " Doe";
}); // John Doe, Jane Doe

Number Extensions

var dateTime = 1609459200.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(); // 2021-01-01 00:00:00
var dateTime2 = 1609459200.TicksToDateTime(); // 2021-01-01 00:00:00

var isBetween = 5.IsBetween(1, 10); // true
var isBetweenOrEqual = 5.IsBetweenOrEqual(1, 10); // true
var isInRange = 5.IsInRange(1, 10); // true

var nullableInt = (int?)5;
var notNullableInt = nullableInt.GetValueOrDefault(); // 5

var nullableLong = (long?)5;
var notNullableLong = nullableLong.GetValueOrDefault(); // 5

Json Extensions

var user = new User
    Name = "John",
    Surname = "Doe"
var json = user.ToJsonString(); // {"Name":"John","Surname":"Doe"}
var user2 = json.FromJsonString<User>(); // User object with name and surname properties

Xml Extensions

var xElement = new XElement("User", new XElement("Name", "John"), new XElement("Surname", "Doe"));
var xElementList = new List<XElement>(){

 xmlDeserialize = xElement.XmlDeserialize<User>(); // User object with name and surname properties

var xmlDeserializeList = xElementList.XmlDeserialize<List<User>>(); // List<User> object with name and surname properties

var userObject = new User
    Name = "John",
    Surname = "Doe"
var asXml = userObject.ToXmlString(); // <User><Name>John</Name><Surname>Doe</Surname></User>
var cleanXmlString = asXml.ToCleanXmlString(); // <User><Name>John</Name><Surname>Doe</Surname></User>
var asXElement = userObject.ToXElement(); // <User><Name>John</Name><Surname>Doe</Surname></User>
var asXElementPropertiesAsAttributes = userObject.ToXElement(true); // <User Name="John" Surname="Doe" />
var asXElementPropertiesAsElement = userObject.ToXElement(false); // <User><Name>John</Name><Surname>Doe</Surname></User>

Hash Extensions

var md5Byte = "text".MD5Hash(); // byte[]
var md5ByteSalted = "text".MD5Hash("salt"); // byte[]
var sha256Byte = "text".SHA256Hash(); // byte[]
var sha256ByteSalted = "text".SHA256Hash("salt"); // byte[]
var sha512Byte = "text".SHA512Hash(); // byte[]
var sha512ByteSalted = "text".SHA512Hash("salt"); // byte[]
var xxHashByte = "text".XXHash(); // byte[]

var filePath = "C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop\\test.txt";
var md5File = filePath.FileMD5Hash(); // byte[]
var xxFile = filePath.FileXXHash(); // byte[]

Validation Extensions

var isValidEmail = "[email protected]".IsValidEmail(); //true
var isValidIp = "".IsValidIpAddress(); //false
var isValidIp2 = "".IsValidIpAddress(out IpAddress ipAddress); //true

//Validates full file path with extension. If given file path is relative path it will be false
var isValidFilePath = "\\Test.txt".IsValidFilePath(); //false

var isValidMacAddress = "00-00-00-00-00-00".IsValidMacAddress(); //true
var isValidPort = 8080.IsValidPort(); //true
var hasSpecialCharacters = "Test".ContainsSpecialChars(); //false
var isStrongPassword = "Test123!".IsStrongPassword(
                                    "!+'-", //Allowed special characters
                                    4, //Minimum length
                                    32, //Maximum length
                                    1, //Minimum number of uppercase letters
                                    1, //Minimum number of lowercase letters
                                    1, //Minimum number of digits
                                    1 //Minimum number of special characters
var isUrlImage = "".IsUrlImage(); //true     
var isValidUrl = "".IsValidUrl(); //true
var isValidConnectionString = "Server=.;Database=Test;Trusted_Connection=True;".IsValidConnectionString(); //true
var isValidCreditCard = "1111-1111-1111-1111".IsValidCreditCard("01/01",999); //true         


Every method has a token and timeout parameter as optional. Depending on the http request method a body is required.

var dummyUrl = "";
var dummyAuthorizationToken = "123123213";
var get = EasAPI.Get(dummyUrl); // HttpResponseMessage
var getWithAuthorization = EasAPI.Get(dummyUrl,dummyAuthorizationToken); // HttpResponseMessage
var getWithAuthorizationAndTimeOut = EasAPI.Get(dummyUrl,dummyAuthorizationToken,10); // HttpResponseMessage
var getAndReadJson = EasAPI.GetAndReadJson(dummyUrl); // JObject
var postAsJsonAndReadJson = EasAPI.PostAsJsonAndReadJson(dummyUrl, new { Name = "John" }); // JObject 
var postAsJson = EasAPI.PostAsJson(dummyUrl, new { Name = "John" }); // HttpResponseMessage
var delete = EasAPI.Delete(dummyUrl); // HttpResponseMessage
var putAsJson = EasAPI.PutAsJson(dummyUrl, new { Name = "John" }); // HttpResponseMessage
var send = EasAPI.Send(dummyUrl, new HttpRequestMessage(),dummyAuthorizationToken, 10); // HttpResponseMessage


Simple memory caching

List<User> GetUsersFromDb(){ /* db access */}

var easCache = new EasCache<List<User>>(GetUsersFromDb, 10); // 10 minutes
var users = easCache.Get(); // List<User>

Caching with key and value

User GetUserFromDb(int userId){ /* db access */}

var easCache = new EasCache<int ,List<User> >(GetUserFromDb, 10); // 10 minutes
var user = easCache.Get(231); // Nullable<User>


var password = "123123";
var passwordScore = EasCheck.CheckPasswordStrength(password); // PasswordScore Enum

PasswordScore enum

public enum PasswordScore
    Blank = 0,
    VeryWeak = 1,
    Weak = 2,
    Medium = 3,
    Strong = 4,
    VeryStrong = 5


Easily access app.config or web.config

var connString = EasConfig.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); // string
var someValue = EasConfig.GetValue("someValue"); // string
var someIntValue = EasConfig.GetValue<int>("someIntValue"); // int


Get known folder paths

var downloadsPath = EasDirectory.GetPath(KnownFolder.Downloads); // string
var contactsPath = EasDirectory.GetPath(KnownFolder.Contacts); // string
var favoritesPath = EasDirectory.GetPath(KnownFolder.Favorites); // string
var linksPath = EasDirectory.GetPath(KnownFolder.Links); // string
var savedGamesPath = EasDirectory.GetPath(KnownFolder.SavedGames); // string
var savedSearchesPath = EasDirectory.GetPath(KnownFolder.SavedSearches); // string

KnownFolder enum

public enum KnownFolder


Encryption and decryption with Aes algorithm

Startup.cs configuration


//Only if you want to use time seeding, see below

//Only if debug build


var encryptor = EasEncrypt.Create();
var encrypted = encryptor.Encrypt("123123"); // encrypted string
var decrypted = encryptor.Decrypt(encrypted); // 123123

Time seeding

Time seeding creates a salt key based on the time the instance is created. You can set the sensitivity of the time seeding when enabling time seeding with EasEncrypt.UseTimeSeeding method. If sensitivity set to seconds, the salt key will change every second. Meaning the encrypted text will also change. Created salt key will be stored inside of the instance. You can use same instance to decrypt the encrypted text, even after the time has changed.

WARNING: If you want to store the encrypted text in a database and decrypt it later, be aware that the salt key might change and you may not be able to recover the original text.

Static seed

Static seed is used to alter the time seeded salt key. You can set the static seed with EasEncrypt.UseTimeSeeding method. This mostly set to project build number so every build will have a different salt key. Default value is set to 0, if you have not set it, it will not be used.


var sourcePath = @"C:\Users\John\Desktop\test.txt";
var destinationPath = @"C:\Users\John\Desktop\test2.txt";
var sourceDirectoryPath = @"C:\Users\John\Desktop\test";

EasFile.DeleteAll(destinationPath); // Deletes all files and directories inside of the destination path
EasFile.CopyAll(sourcePath, destinationPath); // Copies the file or directory from source to destination
EasFile.MoveAll(sourcePath, destinationPath); // Moves the file or directory from source to destination

// Deletes all files and directories inside of the source path where the name contains "test"
EasFile.DeleteDirectoryWhere(sourceDirectoryPath,x => x.Name.Contains("test"), true); 

// Deletes all files inside of the source path where the name contains "test"
EasFile.DeleteFileWhere(sourceDirectoryPath,x => x.Name.Contains("test")); 

var fileInfo1 = new FileInfo(sourcePath); // FileInfo
var fileInfo2 = new FileInfo(destinationPath); // FileInfo

//Reads 64 bytes on each loop till the end of the file to compare
var filesAreEqual = EasFile.FilesAreEqual(fileInfo1, fileInfo2); // bool

//Reads 1 byte on each loop till the end of the file to compare
var filesAreEqualOneByte = EasFile.FilesAreEqual_OneByte(fileInfo1, fileInfo2); // bool

//Reads all bytes at once and hashes them with MD5 to compare
var filesAreEqualMD5Hash = EasFile.FilesAreEqual_MD5Hash(fileInfo1, fileInfo2); // bool

//Reads all bytes at once and hashes them with xxHash to compare
var filesAreEqualXXHash = EasFile.FilesAreEqual_XXHash(fileInfo1, fileInfo2); // bool


const string DefaultCharacters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"; //Hardcoded
var randomString = EasGenerate.RandomString(10); // Random string with 10 characters
var randomInt = EasGenerate.RandomInt(100, 200); // Random int between 100 and 200
var randomNumber = EasGenerate.RandomNumber(100); // Random number with 100 digits
var randomString1 = EasGenerate.RandomString(10, true); // Random string without digits
var randomString1 = EasGenerate.RandomString(10, true, "'^%!"); // Random string without digits and with custom characters


var statusCodeShortMessage = EasHttp.GetStatusCodeShortMessage(200); // OK
var statusCodeLongMessage = EasHttp.GetStatusCodeLongMessage(500); // Internal Server Error


You can read and write to .ini files with EasINI class. Also you can parse the .ini file to IniFile model.

var iniFile = EasINI.Parse("C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop\\test.ini"); 

var easIni = new EasINI(iniFile);
easIni.Write("Section", "Key", "Value");
var value  = easIni.Read("Section", "Key");

var iniFile = EasINI.ParseByPath(iniFile);
var str = iniFile.WriteToString();

IniFile models

public class IniSection
    public string? Name { get; set; }
    public List<IniData> Data { get; set; } = new();
    public List<IniComment> Comments { get; set; } = new();

public class IniData
    public string? Key { get; set; }
    public string? Value { get; set; }

public class IniComment
    public int LineNo { get; set; } = -1;
    public string? Comment { get; set; }


var easJwt = new EasJWT("Secret","Issuer","Audience");// or new EasJWT("Secret");
var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[]
    new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "John"),
    new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin"),
    new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "User"),
var token = easJwt.GenerateToken(claimsIdentity,60); // Generates token with claims for 60 minutes

var claimsDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {"Name", "John"},
    {"Role", "Admin"},
    {"Role", "User"},
var token2 = easJwt.GenerateToken(claimsDictionary,60); // Generates token with claims for 60 minutes

// Validates token and returns ClaimsPrincipal, if token is expired or is not valid it throws exception.
var claimsPrincipal = easJwt.ValidateToken(token); 


//Create EasMail instance with smtp server, mail address, password, port and ssl
var easEmail = new EasMail("", "mailAddress", "password", 57, true);

easEmail.Send("Subject","Body","mailAddress", true); // Sends mail to mailAddress with html body
easEmail.Send("Subject","Body","mailAddress", false); // Sends mail to mailAddress 


Improved caching from EasCache. Both are viable and working the way how caching and receiving data is different. This is a singleton class without any service or injection required.

EasMemoryCache.This.Set("Key", "Value", 60); // Sets cache for 60 seconds
var value = EasMemoryCache.This.Get("Key"); // Gets cache value
var valueStr = EasMemoryCache.This.Get<string>("Key"); // Gets cache value as string

var keyExists = EasMemoryCache.This.Exists("Key"); // Checks if cache exists
EasMemoryCache.This.Remove("Key"); // Removes cache
EasMemoryCache.This.Clear(); // Clears all cache

// Gets cache value or sets it if it doesn't exist and then returns it
var value = EasMemoryCache.This.GetOrSet("Key", () => "Value", 60); 


Simple and easy to use SQL database access. This is not related to EntityFrameworkCore it uses Microsoft.Data.SqlClient. You can use static methods or create an instance of EasQL class and pass connection string. Here is an example of creating instance. When using static methods connection string must be passes everytime.

var easQL = new EasQL("Server=.;Database=Test;Trusted_Connection=True;");
var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM TestTable");
var result = easQL.GetTable(command); //DataTable
var result2 = easQL.ExecNonQuery(command); //int
var result3 = easQL.ExecNonQueryAsync(command); //Task<int>
var result4 = easQL.ExecScalar(command); //object
var result5 = easQL.ExecScalarAsync(command); //Task<object>

easQL.BackupDatabase("C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop\\Test.bak", "DbName"); // Backups database
easQL.BackupDatabaseAsync("C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop\\Test.bak", "DbName"); // Backups database and returns Task

easQL.TruncateTableAsync("TableName"); // Returns Task
easQL.DropTableAsync("TableName"); // Returns Task
var tables = easQL.GetAllTableNames();


//validates google captcha 
var secret = "Secret";
var captchaResponse = "Response";
var result = EasReCaptcha.Validate(secret, captchaResponse);

Captcha validation result model

public class CaptchaResponseModel
    public bool Success { get; set; } = false;
    public DateTime ChallengeTS { get; set; }
    public string ApkPackageName { get; set; }
    public string ErrorCodes { get; set; }


A task manager that can run tasks in background in a queue.

var easTask = new EasTask();
easTask.AddTask(() => Console.WriteLine("Task 1"));
easTask.AddTask(() => Console.WriteLine("Task 2"));
easTask.AddTask(() => Console.WriteLine("Task 3"));

//On Application Exit or wait all tasks to finish

//Disposes easTask and all the related tasks and threads
//This method will not wait for tasks to be ended 


var fileList = new List<string>();
var zipFile = "C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop\\";
EasZip.MakeZip(fileList, zipFile); // Makes zip file from fileList
EasZip.UnZip(zipFile, "C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop\\Test"); // Unzips zipFile to destination


Using logger

_logger.Trace("Hello World!");
_logger.Debug("Hello World!");
_logger.Info("Hello World!");
_logger.Warn("Hello World!");
_logger.Error("Hello World!");
_logger.Fatal("Hello World!");
_logger.Fatal(new Exception(),"Hello World!");
_logger.Exception(new Exception(),"Hello World!");

Accessing static logger

EasLogFactory.StaticLogger.Trace("Hello World!");

On application exit



Static class for logging to console with colors

EasLogConsole.Log("Hello World!",ConsoleColor.White);
EasLogConsole.Log(EasLogLevel.Warning,"Hello World!");
EasLogConsole.Trace("Hello World!");
EasLogConsole.Debug("Hello World!");
EasLogConsole.Info("Hello World!");
EasLogConsole.Warn("Hello World!");
EasLogConsole.Error("Hello World!");
EasLogConsole.Fatal("Hello World!");

Log Configuration

Configure logger in startup

EasLogFactory.Configure(x =>
    x.WebInfoLogging = true;
    x.MinimumLogLevel = EasLogLevel.Information;
    x.LogFileName = "Log_";
    x.ExceptionHideSensitiveInfo = false;

Configuration class properties

/// <summary>
///     Gets or sets a value indicating whether to log the request body.
/// </summary>
public EasLogLevel MinimumLogLevel { get; set; } = EasLogLevel.Information;

/// <summary>
///     Set logs folder path to be stored. Defualt is current directory, adds folder named Logs.
/// </summary>
public string LogFolderPath { get; set; } = ".\\Logs";

/// <summary>
///     Formatting DateTime in log file name, default value is "MM.dd.yyyy".
///     This is added after LogFileName variable.
/// </summary>
public string DateFormatString { get; set; } = "MM.dd.yyyy";

/// <summary>
///     Set log file name, default value is "Log_".
///     This will what value to write before datetime.
/// </summary>
public string LogFileName { get; set; } = "Log_";

/// <summary>
///     Set log file extension default value is ".json".
/// </summary>
public string LogFileExtension { get; set; } = ".json";

/// <summary>
///     Whether to enable logging to console, writes json logs in console as well as saving logs to a file.
///     Default value is true.
/// </summary>
public bool ConsoleAppender { get; set; } = true;

/// <summary>
///     Whether to log incoming web request information to log file, default value is false.
///     If your app running on server this should be set to true.
///     Also you need to Configure EasMe.HttpContext in order to log request data.
/// </summary>
public bool WebInfoLogging { get; set; } = false;

/// <summary>
///     Whether to hide sensitive information from being logged.
///     Default value is true.
///     If set to false, it will log sensitive information.
///     Otherwise it will only print the exception message.
/// </summary>
public bool ExceptionHideSensitiveInfo { get; set; } = true;

public bool SeparateLogLevelToFolder { get; set; } = false;


Reading logs from log files

//Create instance
var logReader = new EasLogReader();
//Read all logs
var logs = logReader.GetLogs(); //IEnumerable<LogModel>

LogModel properties

public DateTime Date { get; } = DateTime.Now;
public EasLogLevel Level { get; set; }
public string? Source { get; set; }
public object? Log { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
public CleanException? Exception { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
public WebInfo? WebInfo { get; set; }


EasMe.Result is a simple library for creating result objects. It is a lightweight library with no dependencies. It offers a simple way to create result objects with data, error messages, exceptions, validation errors and severity.

Why would you use it?

Throwing exceptions and handling them later is not a good practice. Exceptions are not performance friendly and should be used only when absolutely necessary. Result objects are a good way to handle errors without throwing any exceptions.


Creating result

Result.Create(isSuccess: true, 
              severity: ResultSeverity.Success
              errorCode: "UserNotExists", 
              errors: new List<string>(), 
              validationErrors: new List<ValidationError>());
//Using error codes
///Using ErrorCode as messages
Result.Success("User updated successfully");

//Various severities

//Built-in errors

//Creating result with multiple errors
Result.Error("Error",new List<string> { "Error1", "Error2" });

//Converting exceptions to result
Result.Exception(new Exception("Error"));

//Creating validation errors
Result.ValidationError(new ValidationError("Username length must be at least 3 characters"))
new ValidationError("Username length must be at least 3 characters"),
new ValidationError("Password length must be at least 3 characters","Password"),//Password is property name
new ValidationError("Password must contain at least one number","Password","PasswordIsShort")); //PasswordIsShort is error code

Method example

public Result UpdateUser(User user){
    //Validate user
    var isValid = user.Validate();
        return Result.ValidationError(user.ValidationErrors);
    var isUserNameShort = user.Username.Length < 3;
        return Result.ValidationError(new ValidationError("Username length must be at least 3 characters"));
        return Result.Warn("Username length must be at least 3 characters");
    var dbRowsAffected = _db.Save();
    if(dbRowsAffected == 0){
        return Result.Error("Error saving user");
    return Result.Success("User updated successfully");

Result with data

ResultData<{T}> is a result object with data property. If data is null result status will be false. There is no create methods for ResultData<{T}>. You can create it by using Result.Warn() method for creating failed results. And implicit operators are implemented for ResultData<{T}>. So you can return {T} from methods and it will automatically converted to ResultData<{T}>.

If you try to convert a Result.Success() with implicit operator ResultData<{T}> it will throw an exception.

Using ResultData<{T}>

public ResultData<User> GetUser(int id){
var exists = _db.Users.Any(x => x.Id == id);
    return Result.Warn("User not found");
    //or creating with errorCode and errorMessages
    //in this example we are using errorMessages as parameters to errorCode
    //later we can create and show error messages based on errorCode in localization file
    return Result.NotFound("NotFound", "User");
    //or creating as validation error
    return Result.ValidationError("User not found", "User", "NotFound");
var user = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
//User automatically converted to ResultData<User> with data property
//If use is not null result status will be success
//And Severity will be information
//If user is null result status will be error
//And error code will automatically will be set to NullValue
return user;

Converting ResultData to Result

ResultData<User> resultData = Result.Warn("NotFound"); //ResultData<User>
var result = resultData.ToResult(); //Result

Converting Result or ResultData to ActionResult

If result status is success it will return OkObjectResult. If result status is error and FailStatusCode is not set it will return BadRequestObjectResult

ResultData<User> resultData = Result.Warn("NotFound"); //ResultData<User>
var result = resultData.ToActionResult(); //ActionResult
var result2 = resultData.ToActionResult(400); //ActionResult with 400 status code
var result3 = Result.Warn("NotFound").ToActionResult(): //ActionResult

Mapping ResultData

var getUserResult = GetUser(1); //ResultData<User>
var user = getUserResult.Map<UserDto>(x => {
    return new UserDto{
        Id = x.Id,
        Username = x.Username

Result Severity Enum

public enum ResultSeverity


Getting device information

Creating unique id

Adding application to windows startup


This Console Application project is for testing newly added functionality. Not a unit test project.