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libMXF++ is a C++ wrapper library for libMXF that supports reading and writing the SMPTE ST 377-1 MXF file format.

libMXF++ and libMXF are used in the bmx project.

libMXF++ was originally developed as part of the Ingex Project where it supported MXF transfer, playback and storage applications.


A number of examples can be found in the examples directory. These are not part of the core library and are not required to build bmx.

Build, Test and Install

libMXF++ is developed on Ubuntu Linux but is supported on other Unix-like systems and Windows.

The cmake build system is used, with minimum version 3.12. The build requires the git tool along with the C/C++ compilers.

The build process has been tested on Ubuntu, Debian, MacOS and Windows (Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 v15.9.51 and later versions).


The libMXF library is provided here alongside libMXF++.


A basic commandline process is described here for platforms that default to the Unix Makefiles or Visual Studio cmake generators. See for more detailed build options.

Replace <build type> in the commandlines below with Debug or Release. Note that the Visual Studio generator supports multiple build types for a configuration, which is why the build type is selected after configuration.

The default generator can be overridden using the cmake -G option. The list of available generators is shown at the end of the output of cmake --help.

Start by creating a build directory and change into it. The commandlines below use a out/build build directory in the working tree, which follows the approach taken by Microsoft Visual Studio C++.

Unix-like (Unix Makefiles)

mkdir -p out/build
cd out/build
cmake ../../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<build type>
cmake --build .
make test
sudo make install

If not using macOS, run ldconfig to update the runtime linker cache. This avoids library link errors similar to "error while loading shared libraries".

sudo /sbin/ldconfig

Windows (Visual Studio)

mkdir out\build
cd out\build
cmake ..\..\
cmake --build . --config <build type>
ctest -C <build type>
cmake --build . --config <build type> --target install

Source and Binary Distributions

Source distributions, including dependencies for the Windows build, and Windows binaries are made available as in bmx.


The libMXF++ library is provided under the BSD 3-clause license. See the COPYING file provided with this library for more details.