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minikube setup with prometheus and grafana

Note: Make sure to give enough CPU and Memory to minikube before Creating, I have use 4 cpu and 8 Gig memory. you need to setup the both config before setting up a fresh minikube environment. e.g.

minikube config set cpus 4
minikube config set memory 8192
minikube start

Step 1: Setup zookeeper & kafka

Install zookeeper

kubectl apply -f zookeeper.yml

Go to kafka.yml and kafka-1.yml , replace the MACHINE_IP with your instance or system ip which you can check using

hostname -i (linux)
hostname  (mac)

Now install kafka brokers using

kubectl apply -f kafka.yml
kubectl apply -f kafka-1.yml

#Now expose kafka brokers on host ports in background

nohup kubectl port-forward --address svc/kafka-service 30092:9092 &
nohup kubectl port-forward --address svc/kafka-service-1 30093:9092 &

#To check kafka port are still available 
ps aux | grep "9092"

Step 2: setup kafka lag Exporter

Note: Replace Machine IP in below command as well Install kafka lag Exporter

helm repo add kafka-lag-exporter
helm repo update
helm install kafka-lag-exporter kafka-lag-exporter/kafka-lag-exporter  --set clusters\[0\].name=my-cluster   --set clusters\[0\].bootstrapBrokers="MACHINE_IP:30092\,MACHINE_IP:30093"

Now we need to tell prometheus to include kafka-lag-exporter in target list, To do that we need to edit prometheus config map using

kubectl edit configmap prometheus-server

if it says prometheus-server not found , check configmap correct name using kubectl get configmap

Add the above config in configMap scrape_configs section:

    - job_name: kafka-lag-exporter
      - targets:
        - kafka-lag-exporter-service.default.svc.cluster.local:8000

Post this you need to restart prometheus using

kubectl rollout restart deployment prometheus-server

check the correct name from kubectl get deployment

you can expose prometheus using kubectl port-forward --address svc/prometheus-server 9092:80 to check if the newly added target is healthy and visible

Step 3: Setup keda

helm repo add kedacore
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace keda
helm install keda kedacore/keda --namespace keda

Step 4: keda config

change the deployment name before applying

kubectl apply -f keda-scaledObject.yml

Additional Content:

Sample consumer and Producer code which create 10 event lag each second

For consumer

cd consumer
docker build -t consumer:latest . 
kubectl apply -f consumer.yml

For Producer

cd producer
docker build -t producer:latest . 
kubectl apply -f producer.yml