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Developer's Guide for building applications on the Media Insights Engine

This guide explains how to build applications on the Media Insights Engine framework.

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1. Overview

2. Prerequisites

3. Building the MIE framework from source code

4. Implementing a new operator

5. Implementing a new data stream consumer

6. API Documentation

7. Troubleshooting

8. Glossary

1. Overview

This guide describes how to build MIE from source code and how to build applications that use MIE as a back-end for executing multimedia workflows. This guide is intended for software developers who have experience working with the AWS Cloud.

2. Prerequisites

You must have the following build tools in order to build MIE:

  • AWS CLI - configured
  • Docker - installed and running

3. Building the MIE framework from source code

Run the following commands to build and deploy MIE Cloud Formation templates from scratch. Be sure to define values for MIE_STACK_NAME and REGION first.

git clone
cd aws-media-insights-engine (
git checkout development_merge_isolated ( 
cd deployment
DATETIME=$(date '+%s')
aws s3 mb s3://$DIST_OUTPUT_BUCKET-$REGION --region $REGION
./ --template-bucket $TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_BUCKET --code-bucket $DIST_OUTPUT_BUCKET --version $VERSION --region $REGION | tee >( grep TEMPLATE >template )
TEMPLATE=$(cat template | cut -f 2 -d "'")
rm -f template 
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name $MIE_STACK_NAME --template-url $TEMPLATE --region $REGION --parameters ParameterKey=DeployTestResources,ParameterValue=true ParameterKey=EnableXrayTrace,ParameterValue=true ParameterKey=MaxConcurrentWorkflows,ParameterValue=10 ParameterKey=DeployAnalyticsPipeline,ParameterValue=true --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND --profile default --disable-rollback

After the stack deploys then remove the temporary build bucket like this:

aws s3 rb s3://$DIST_OUTPUT_BUCKET-$REGION --region $REGION --profile default --force

4. Implementing a new Operator in MIE

Operators are Lambda functions that:

  • derive new media objects from input media and/or
  • generate metadata by analyzing input media.

Operators run as part of an MIE workflow. Workflows are AWS Step Functions that define the order in which operators run.

Operators can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous operators start an analysis (or transformation) job and get its result in a single Lambda function. Asynchronous operators use separate Lambda functions to start jobs and get their results. Typically, asynchronous operators run for several minutes.

Operator inputs can include a list of media, metadata and the user-defined workflow and/or operator configurations.

Operator outputs include the run status, and S3 locations for the newly derived media and metadata objects saved in S3. These outputs get passed to other operators in downstream workflow stages.

Operators should interact with the MIE data persistence layer via the MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper, which is located under source/lib/MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper/.

Step 1: Write operator Lambda functions

(Time to complete: >1 hour)

Operators live under source/operators. Create a new folder there for your new operator. Copy source/operators/rekognition/ to a new directory and change it to do what you want.

The MIE Helper library must be used inside an operator to interact with the control plane and data plane. This library lives under lib/MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper/.

Using the MIE Helper library

Instantiate the helper like this:

from MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper import OutputHelper
output_object = OutputHelper("<OPERATOR_NAME>")

Get Asset and Workflow IDs

In order to make it easier to find results and know the provenance of data, operators should save the files that they generate to a directory path that is unique to the workflow execution ID and asset ID (e.g. ‘s3//’ + dataplane_bucket + ’/private/assets/' + asset_id + "/workflows/" + workflow_id + "/"). The workflow and asset IDs can be obtained from the Lambda's entry point event object, like this:

# Lambda function entrypoint:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    workflow_id = str(event["WorkflowExecutionId"])
    asset_id = event['AssetId']

Get input Media Objects

Media objects are passed using their location in S3. Use the boto3 S3 client access them from S3 using the locations specified in the Lambda's entrypoint event object:

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    if "Video" in event["Input"]["Media"]:
        s3bucket = event["Input"]["Media"]["Video"]["S3Bucket"]
        s3key = event["Input"]["Media"]["Video"]["S3Key"]
    elif "Image" in event["Input"]["Media"]:
        s3bucket = event["Input"]["Media"]["Image"]["S3Bucket"]
        s3key = event["Input"]["Media"]["Image"]["S3Key"]

Get operator configuration input

Operator configurations can be accessed from the "Configuration" attribute in the Lambda's entrypoint event object. For example, here's how the face search operator gets the user-specified face collection id:

collection_id = event["Configuration"]["CollectionId"]

Write data to downstream operators

Metadata derived by an operator can be passed as input to the next stage in a workflow by adding specified data to the operator's output_object. Do this with the add_workflow_metadata function in the OutputHelper, as shown below:

The values for attributes must be strings. The values for attributes must not be empty strings.

from MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper import OutputHelper
output_object = OutputHelper(<OPERATOR_NAME>)

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Passing MyData objects to downstream operators 
    # Multiple key value pairs can also be specified as a list, like this:
    output_object.add_workflow_metadata(MyData3=my_data_3, MyData4=my_data_4)
    return output_object.return_output_object()

Read data from upstream operators

Metadata that was output by upstream operators can be accessed from the Lambda's entrypoint event object, like this:

my_data_1 = event["Input"]["MetaData"]["MyData1"]

Store media metadata to the data plane

Use store_asset_metadata() to store results. For paged results, call that function for each page.

from MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper import DataPlane
dataplane = DataPlane()
metadata_upload = dataplane.store_asset_metadata(asset_id, operator_name, workflow_id, response)

Store media objects to the data plane

Operators can derive new media objects. For example, the Transcribe operator derives a new text object from an input audio object. Save new media objects with add_media_object(), like this:

from MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper import MediaInsightsOperationHelper
operator_object = MediaInsightsOperationHelper(event)
operator_object.add_media_object(my_media_type, bucket, key)

The my_media_type variable should be "Video", "Audio", or "Text".

Retrieve media objects from the data plane

from MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper import MediaInsightsOperationHelper
operator_object = MediaInsightsOperationHelper(event)
bucket = operator_object.input["Media"][my_media_type]["S3Bucket"]
key = operator_object.input["Media"][my_media_type]["S3Key"]
s3_response = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)

Again, the my_media_type variable should be "Video", "Audio", or "Text".

Step 2: Add your operator to the MIE operator library

(Time to complete: 30 minutes)

This step involves editing the CloudFormation script for deploying the MIE operator library, located at source/operators/operator-library.yaml. You need to add new entries for your operator under the following sections:

  • Lambda Functions
  • IAM Roles
  • Register as operators in the control plane
  • Export operator names as outputs

This step involves editing the CloudFormation script for deploying the MIE operator library, located at source/operators/operator-library.yaml.

Create the IAM Role resource

Create a CloudFormation IAM resource that will be used to give your Lambda function the appropriate permissions. MIE operators need AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole plus policies for any other AWS resource and services accessed by the Lambda function.

Create Lambda Function resource

Create a CloudFormation Lambda::Function resource for your Operator Lambda function. If your Operator is asynchronous, make sure to also register your monitoring Lambda function.

Create the MIE Operator resource using your Lambda function(s)

The MIE Operator custom resource has the following attributes:

Type: Custom:CustomResource
  ServiceToken: !Ref WorkflowCustomResourceArn
  StateMachineExecutionRoleArn: !GetAtt StepFunctionRole.Arn


  • Specify the type of resource: "Operator", "Workflow", or "Stage"


  • Specify the name of your Operator


  • Specify whether your operator is Sync or Async


  • Specify the MediaType and Enabled fields and add any other configurations needed


  • Specify the ARN of the Lambda function to start your Operator


  • If your operator is asynchronous, specify the ARN of the monitoring Lambda function

Export your Operator name as an output

Export your operator as an output like this:

    Description: "Operation name of MyOperation"
    Value: !GetAtt MyOperation.Name
      Name: !Join [":", [!Ref "AWS::StackName", MyOperation]]

Step 3: Add your operator to a workflow

(Time to complete: 10 minutes)

It's easiest to create a new workflow by copying end editing one of the existing workflows in the cloudformation/ directory. Edit cloudformation/aws-content-analysis-video-workflow.yaml and add your operator under Resources --> defaultVideoStage --> Operations*

A workflow consists of one or more stages. Operators in the same stage will run at the same time. Stages will run sequentially, one at a time. The workflow defines the order in which stages sequentially run.

Step 4: Update the build script to deploy your operator to AWS Lambda

(Time to complete: 5 minutes)

Update the "Make lambda package" section in to zip your operator's Lambda function(s) into the regional distribution directory, like this:

# Add operator code to a zip package for AWS Lambda
# Copy that zip to the regional distribution directory.
cp "./dist/" "$regional_dist_dir/ "

Step 5: Deploy your custom build

Run the build script to generate cloud formation templates then deploy them as described in the README

Step 6: Test your new workflow and operator

To test workflows and operators, you will submit requests to the workflow API endpoint using AWS_IAM authorization. Tools like Postman (described in the README) and awscurl simplify AWS_IAM authorization. The following examples assume your AWS access key and secret key are set up as required by awscurl:

Sample command to list all available workflows:

awscurl "$WORKFLOW_API_ENDPOINT"/workflow | cut -f 2 -d "'" | jq '.[].Name'

Sample command to list all stages in a workflow:

awscurl "$WORKFLOW_API_ENDPOINT"/workflow/"$WORKFLOW_NAME" | cut -f 2 -d "'" | jq -c '.Stages | .[].Name'

Sample command to get the workflow configuration for a stage:

awscurl "$WORKFLOW_API_ENDPOINT"/workflow/"$WORKFLOW_NAME" | cut -f 2 -d "'" | jq -c '.Stages."$STAGE_NAME".Configuration'

Sample command to run a workflow with the default configuration:

aws s3 cp test_image.jpg s3://"$DATAPLANE_BUCKET"/ 
awscurl -X POST --data '{"Name":"$WORKFLOW_NAME", "Input":{"Media":{"Image":{"S3Bucket":"'$DATAPLANE_BUCKET'","S3Key":"test_image.jpg"}}}}' $WORKFLOW_API_ENDPOINT/workflow/execution 

Sample command to run a workflow with a non-default configuration:

aws s3 cp test_image.jpg s3://"$DATAPLANE_BUCKET"/ 
awscurl -X POST --data '{"Name":"'$WORKFLOW_NAME'", "Configuration":'$CONFIGURATION', "Input":{"Media":{"Image":{"S3Bucket":"'$DATAPLANE_BUCKET'","S3Key":"test_image.jpg"}}}}' $WORKFLOW_API_ENDPOINT/workflow/execution

Monitor your test

You can monitor workflows with the following logs:

  • Your operator lambda. To find this log, search the Lambda functions for your operator name.
  • The data plane API lambda. To find this log, search Lambda functions for "MediaInsightsDataplaneApiStack".

Validate metadata in the data plane

When your operator finishes successfully, then you can refer to data saved from the Dataplane.store_asset_metadata() function in the DataplaneTable in Amazon DynamoDB.

5. Implementing a new data stream consumer

The data plane stores each item as an object in Amazon S3 and stores their S3 object identifier in DynamoDB. However, many application scenarios involve data access patterns that require capabilities beyond those provided by DynamoDB and S3. For example, you might need Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) to support interactive analytics, Amazon SNS may be needed to provide real-time messaging and notifications, or Amazon Quicksight to support analytical reporting over big datasets.

The data plane provides a change-data-capture (CDC) stream from DynamoDB to communicate media analysis data to stream consumers where ETL tasks can transform and load raw data to the downstream data stores that support end-user applications. This CDC stream is provided as a Kinesis Data Stream. The ARN for this is provided as an output called AnalyticsStreamArn in the base MIE CloudFormation stack, as shown below:

For more information about how to implement Kinesis Data Stream consumers in MIE, refer to the MIE demo application, which includes a data stream consumer that feeds Amazon ES.

6. API Documentation


  • Data plane API
    • GET /
    • POST /create
    • POST /download
    • GET /mediapath/{asset_id}/{workflow_id}
    • GET /metadata
    • DELETE /metadata/{asset_id}
    • DELETE /metadata/{asset_id}/{operator_name}
    • POST /upload
  • Workflow (control plane) API
    • GET /
    • POST /system/configuration
    • POST /workflow
    • GET /workflow/configuration/{Name}
    • POST /workflow/execution
    • GET /workflow/execution/asset/{AssetId}
    • GET /workflow/execution/status/{Status}
    • DELETE /workflow/execution/{Id}
    • GET /workflow/execution/{Id}
    • POST /workflow/operation
    • DELETE /workflow/operation/{Name}
    • POST /workflow/stage
    • DELETE /workflow/stage/{Name}
    • DELETE /workflow/{Name}

Data plane API

  • Create an asset in the data plane from a json input composed of the input key and bucket of the object:

    POST /create


      "Input": {
        "S3Bucket": "{somenbucket}",
        "S3Key": "{somekey}"


    • A dictionary mapping of the asset id and the new location of the media object
  • Retrieve metadata for an asset:

    GET /metadata/{asset_id}


    • All asset metadata. If the result provides a cursor then you can get the next page by specifying the cursor like this:

    GET /metadata/{asset_id}?cursor={cursor}

  • Add operation metadata for an asset:

    POST /metadata/{asset_id}


      "OperatorName": "{some_operator}",
      "Results": "{json_formatted_results}"
  • Retrieve the metadata that a specific operator created from an asset:

    GET /metadata/{asset_id}/{operator_name}

  • Get version information:

    GET /version


    • A dictionary containing the version of the MIE framework and the version of the dataplane API. Since it is possible for the MIE framework to be released without any API changes, these two versions can be different. The MIE framework and its APIs are versioned according to Semantic Versioning rules. Under this scheme, version numbers and the way they change convey meaning about backwards compatibility.

      For example, if the MIE framework was version v2.0.4 and the workflow API was version 2.0.0, then this would return the following response:


Workflow API

  • Add a new system configuration parameter or update an existing MIE system configuration parameter:

    POST /system/configuration


      "Name": "ParameterName",
      "Value": "ParameterValue"

    Supported parameters:

    • MaxConcurrentWorkflows - Sets the maximum number of workflows that are allowed to run concurrently. Any new workflows that are added after MaxConcurrentWorkflows is reached are placed on a queue until capacity is freed by completing workflows. Use this to help avoid throttling in service API calls from workflow operators. This setting is checked each time the WorkflowSchedulerLambda is run and may take up to 60 seconds to take effect.


    • Nothing


    • 200: The system configuration was set successfully
    • 400: Bad Request
    • 500: Internal server error - an input value is not valid
  • Get the current MIE system configuration:

    GET /system/configuration


    • A list of dictionary containing the current MIE system configuration key-value pairs.


    • 200: The system configuration was returned successfully
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Create a workflow from a list of existing stages:

    A workflow is a pipeline of stages that are started sequentially to transform and extract metadata for a set of MediaType objects. Each stage must contain either a “Next” key indicating the next stage to run or and “End” key indicating it is the last stage.

    POST /workflow


      "Name": string,
      "StartAt": string - name of starting stage,
      "Stages": {
        "stage-name": {
            "Next": "string - name of next stage"
        "stage-name": {
            "End": true


    • A dictionary mapping keys to the corresponding workflow created including the AWS resources used to run each stage.


    • 200: The workflow was created successfully
    • 400: Bad Request - one of the input stages was not found or was invalid
    • 500: Internal server error
  • List all workflow definitions:

    GET /workflow


    • A list of workflow definitions.


    • 200: All workflows returned successfully
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Get a workflow configuration object by name

    GET /workflow/configuration/{Name}


    • A dictionary containing the workflow configuration.


    • 200: All workflows returned successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Run a workflow:

    The Body contains the name of the workflow to run, at least one input media type within the media object. A dictionary of stage configuration objects can be passed in to override the default configuration of the operations within the stages.

    POST /workflow/execution


    "Input": media-object
    "Configuration": {
      "stage-name": {
        "Operations": {
          "SplitAudio": {
            "Enabled": True,
            "MediaTypes": {
              "Video": True/False,
              "Audio": True/False,
              "Frame": True/False


    • A dictionary describing the workflow execution properties and the WorkflowExecutionId that can be used as the Id in /workflow/execution/{Id} API requests.


    • 200: The workflow run was created successfully
    • 400: Bad Request - the input workflow was not found or was not valid
    • 500: Internal server error
  • List all workflow executions:

    GET /workflow/execution


    • A list of workflow runs


    • 200: List returned successfully
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Get workflow executions by AssetId:

    GET /workflow/execution/asset/{AssetId}


    • A list of dictionaries containing the workflow runs matching the AssetId


    • 200: List returned successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Get all workflow executions with the specified status:

    GET /workflow/execution/status/{Status}


    • A list of dictionaries containing the workflow executions with the requested status


    • 200: All workflows returned successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Delete a workflow execution:

    DELETE /workflow/execution/{Id}


    • Nothing


    • 200: Workflow execution deleted successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Get a workflow execution by id:

    GET /workflow/execution/{Id}


    • A dictionary containing the workflow execution


    • 200: The workflow execution details returned successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Create a new operation:

    POST /workflow/operation

    Generates an operation state machine using the operation lambda(s) provided.

    Creates a singleton operator stage that can be used to run the operator as a single-operator stage in a workflow.

    Operators can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous operators complete before returning control to the invoker, while asynchronous operators return control to the invoker immediately after the operation is successfully initiated. Asynchronous operators require an additional monitoring task to check the status of the operation.

    For more information on how to implement lambdas to be used in MIE operators, refer to 4. Implementing a new Operator in MIE


      "Type": ["Async"|"Sync"],
      "Configuration" : {
        "MediaType": "Video",
        "Enabled:": True,
        "configuration1": "value1",
        "configuration2": "value2",
      "SfnExecutionRole": arn


    • A dictionary mapping keys to the corresponding operation
      "Name": string,
      "Type": ["Async"|"Sync"],
      "Configuration" : {
          "MediaType": "Video|Frame|Audio|Text|...",
          "Enabled:": boolean,
          "configuration1": "value1",
          "configuration2": "value2",
      "StateMachineExecutionRoleArn": arn,
      "StateMachineAsl": ASL-string
      "StageName": string


    • 200: The operation and stage was created successfully
    • 400: Bad Request
      • one of the input lambdas was not found
      • one or more of the required input keys is missing
      • an input value is not valid
    • 409: Conflict
    • 500: Internal server error

    IMPORTANT: Do not try to create more than 35 new operators via /workflow/operation. The IAM inline policy used in media-insights-stack.yaml to grant InvokeFunction permission to the StepFunctionRole for new operators will exceed the maximum length allowed by IAM if users create more than 35 operators (+/- 1).

    For more information, refer to the comments in this commit: awslabs/aws-media-insights-engine@451ec2e

    Sample command that shows how to create an operator from /workflow/operation on the command line:

    awscurl --region ${REGION} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"StartLambdaArn": "'${START_ARN}'", "Configuration": {"MediaType": "Video", "Enabled": true}, "Type": "Async", "Name": "'${OPERATOR_NAME}'", "MonitorLambdaArn": "'${MONITOR_ARN}}'"' ${WORKFLOW_API_ENDPOINT}workflow/operation;
  • List all defined operators:

    GET /workflow/operation


    • A list of operation definitions


    • 200: All operations returned successfully
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Delete an operation:

    DELETE /workflow/operation/{Name}


    • 200: Operation deleted successfully
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Get an operation definition by name:

    GET /workflow/operation/{Name}


    • A dictionary containing the operation definition


    • 200: All operations returned successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Create a stage state machine from a list of existing operations:

    A stage is a set of operations that are grouped so they can be run in parallel. When the stage is run as part of a workflow, operations within a stage are run as branches in a parallel Step Functions state. The generated state machines status is tracked by the workflow engine control plane during the run.

    An optional Configuration for each operator in the stage can be input to override the default configuration for the stage.

    POST /workflow/stage


      "Operations": ["operation-name1", "operation-name2", ...]


    • A dictionary mapping keys to the corresponding stage created including the ARN of the state machine created
      “Name”: string, 
      “Operations”: [“operation-name1”, “operation-name2”, ...], 
      “Configuration”: {
        “operation-name1”: operation-configuration-object1, “operation-name2”: operation-configuration-object1, ...
      “StateMachineArn”: ARN-string,    
      “Name”: “TestStage”, 
      “Operations”: [“TestOperator”], 
      “Configuration”: {
        “TestOperator”: {
        “MediaType”: “Video”, 
        “Enabled”: true
      “StateMachineArn”: “arn:aws:states:us-west-2:__redacted__:stateMachine:TestStage”


    • 200: The stage was created successfully
    • 400: Bad Request - one of the input state machines was not found or was not valid
    • 409: Conflict
    • 500: Internal server error
  • List all stage definitions:

    GET /workflow/stage


    • A list of operation definitions


    • 200: All operations returned successfully
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Delete a stage:

    DELETE /workflow/stage/{Name}


    • Nothing


    • 200: Stage deleted successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Get a stage definition by name:

    GET /workflow/stage/{Name}


    • A dictionary containing the stage definition


    • 200: Stage definition was returned successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Delete a workflow:

    DELETE /workflow/{Name}


    • Nothing


    • 200: Workflow deleted successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Get a workflow definition by name:

    GET /workflow/{Name}


    • A dictionary containing the workflow definition


    • 200: Workflow definition returned successfully
    • 404: Not found
    • 500: Internal server error
  • Get version information :

    GET /version


    • A dictionary containing the version of the MIE framework and the version of the workflow API. Since it is possible for the MIE framework to be released without any API changes, these two versions can be different. The MIE framework and its APIs are versioned according to Semantic Versioning rules. Under this scheme, version numbers and the way they change convey meaning about backwards compatibility.

    For example, if the MIE framework was version v2.0.4 and the workflow API was version 2.0.0, then this would return the following response:


7. Troubleshooting

How to activate AWS X-Ray request tracing for MIE

AWS X-Ray traces requests through the AWS platform. It is especially useful for performance debugging, but also helps with other types of debugging by making it easy to follow what happened with a request end to end across AWS services, even when the invoked request runs across multiple AWS accounts.

The AWS X-Ray service has a perpetual free tier. When free tier limits are exceeded X-Ray tracing incurs charges as outlined by the X-Ray pricing page.

Activate tracing from Lambda entry points

By default, tracing for MIE is deactivated. You can activate AWS X-Ray tracing for MIE requests by updating the MIE stack with the EnableXrayTrace CloudFormation parameter to true . When tracing is activated, all supported services that are invoked for the request will be traced starting from MIE Lambda entry points. These entry point Lambdas are as follows:

  • WorkflowAPIHandler
  • WorkflowCustomResource
  • WorkflowScheduler
  • DataplaneAPIHandler

Activate tracing from API Gateway entry points

Additionally, you can activate tracing for API Gateway requests in the AWS Management Console by checking the Enable tracing option for the deployed API Gateway stages for both the Workflow API and the Data plane API. For details, refer to "Amazon API Gateway active tracing support for AWS X-Ray" section in the AWS X-Ray Developer Guide.

Developing custom tracing in MIE lambda functions

MIE Lambdas import the X-Ray Python packages and patch any supported libraries at runtime. MIE Lambdas are ready for future instrumentation by developers using the X-Ray Python packages.

The MIE Lambda Layer contains all the packages dependencies needed to support X-Ray, so they are available to any new Lambdas that use the Layer.

MIE workflow error handling

When you create MIE workflows, MIE automatically creates state machines for you with built-in error handling.

There are two levels of error handling in MIE workflows state machines: Operator error handling and Workflow error handling.

Operator error handling

Operator lambda code

Operator lambdas can use the MasExecutionError property from the MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper python library to consistently handle errors that occur within the lambda code of MIE Operators.

The following is an example of lambda function error handling used in the ENTITIES (Comprehend) operator:

from MediaInsightsEngineLambdaHelper import MasExecutionError

except Exception as e:
    operator_object.add_workflow_metadata(comprehend_entity_job_id=job_id, comprehend_error="comprehend returned as failed: {e}".format(e=response["EntitiesDetectionJobPropertiesList"][0]["Message"]))
    raise MasExecutionError(operator_object.return_output_object())

This code updates the outputs of the operator within the workflow_execution results with the error status, specific error information for this failure then raises an exception. The exception will invoke the Catch and Retry error handling within the state machine (refer to the next section).

Operator state machine ASL error handling

Operators use Catch and Retry to handle errors that occur in the steps of the operator state machine tasks. If a step returns an error, the operator is retried. If retry attempts fail, then the OperatorFailed lambda resource is invoked to handle the error by making sure the workflow_execution object contains the error status, specific information about the failure and the workflow run error status is propagated to the control plane. The following is an example of the Catch and Retry states using Amazon States Language (ASL) for MIE state machine error handling:

    "Retry": [ {
        "ErrorEquals": ["Lambda.ServiceException", "Lambda.AWSLambdaException", "Lambda.SdkClientException", "Lambda.Unknown", "MasExecutionError"],
        "IntervalSeconds": 2,
        "MaxAttempts": 2,
        "BackoffRate": 2
    "Catch": [{
        "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"],
        "Next": "<OPERATION_NAME> Failed (<STAGE_NAME>)",
        "ResultPath": "$.Outputs"

Workflow state machine error handling

If you need to perform certain actions in response to workflow errors, then edit the WorkflowErrorHandlerLambda: lambda function. This function is invoked when the Step Functions service emits Step Functions Execution Status Change EventBridge events that have an error status (FAILED, TIMED_OUT, ABORTED). The error handler propagates the error to the MIE control plane if the workflow is not already completed.

If an error occurs in the Step Function service that causes the state machine for an MIE workflow to be terminated immediately, then the Catch and Retry and OperatorFailed lambda will not be able to handle the error. These types of errors can occur in a number of circumstances, such as when the Step Function history limit is exceeded, or the step function has been manually stopped. Failure to handle these errors will put the workflow in a perpetually Started status in the MIE control plane. If this happens then you will need to manually remove the workflow from the WorkflowExecution DynamoDB table.

8. Glossary

Workflow API

Provides a REST interface to start workflow, create, update and delete workflows and operators, and check the status of executed workflows.

Control plane

Runs the AWS Step Functions state machine for the workflow against the provided input. Workflow state machines are generated from MIE operators. As operators within the state machine are executed, they interact with the MIE data plane to store and retrieve media objects and data files.


Generated state machines that perform media analysis or transformation operation.


Generated state machines that run a number of operators in sequence.

Data plane

Stores media assets and their associated metadata that are generated by workflows.

Data plane API

A REST interface to create, update, delete and retrieve media assets and their associated metadata.

Data plane pipeline

Stores metadata for an asset that can be retrieved as a single block or pages of data using the objects AssetId and Metadata type. Writing data to the pipeline causes a copy of the data to be stored in a Kinesis Stream.

Data plane pipeline consumer

A lambda function that consumes data from the data plane pipeline and stores it (or acts on it) in another downstream data store. Data can be stored in different kinds of data stores to fit the data management and query needs of the application.