- #9301 HOTFIX: Do not require FidryAliceDataFixturesBundle in shared kernel (@pamil)
- #9298 Define conflicts with incompatible dependencies versions (@pamil)
- #9287 Fix wrong CustomerInterface type in PHPDoc (@teohhanhui)
- #9266 Update ApiTestCase to ^3.0 (@Zales0123)
- #9281 [Behat] Handle multiple notifications in NotificationChecker (@Zales0123)
- #9264 [Documentation][CookBook] Specific SyliusBundles extension (@Zales0123, @Adraesh)
- #9267 Add PaymentMethod::instructions option to fixtures (@stefandoorn)
- #9269 Fix wrong Balrog of Morgoth name (@Zales0123)
- #9265 Run PHPStan in Travis CI (@pamil)
- #9260 Remove "incenteev/composer-parameter-handler" from packages dependencies (@pamil)
- #9259 Various composer.json enhancements (@pamil)
- #9256 PHPUnit ^6.5 for packages (@pamil)
- #9248 Update to PHPUnit ^6.5 (@pamil)
- #9247 Update to ApiTestCase ^2.0 and PHPUnit ^6.0 (@pamil)
- #9244 Remove composer.lock (@pamil)
- #9246 Mention the need of applying migrations when upgrading 1.0 -> 1.1 (@stefandoorn)
- #9135 Fixed Customer API docs with invalid "groups" parameter (@gorkalaucirica)
- #9176 [Documentation] Customizing Factory (@GitProdEnv)
- #9237 Fix select province in checkout address (@serieznyi)
- #9233 [AttributeBundle] Fixing composer.json for ramsey/uuid (@David-Crty)
- #9235 [ResourceBundle] make controller public by default (@bendavies)
- #9236 [ResourceBundle] make sylius.translatable_entity_locale_assigner public (@bendavies)
- #9238 Make tests green again (@pamil)
- #9219 Improve flags support (@shadypierre)
- #9194 [Documentation][Cookbook]Adding validation for image uploads (@Mipme)
- #9211 Bring extra care for the documentation! (@pamil)
- #9181 Remove surprising redundant x sign from docblock (@damonsson)
- #9195 [Documentation][GridBundle]Wrong definition of sortable attribute (@Mipme)
- #9145 Run Travis with readonly project directories (@pamil)
- #9206 [Documentation] Translatable model - Fix titles and add template support (@shadypierre)
- #9204 Fix invalid use of count by checking for an array (@venyii)
- #9189 [Documentation] Add more rules to the contribution guide + Fix CMS cookbook (@CoderMaggie)
- #9192 [Documentation] Add 1.1 branch to Contribution guides (@CoderMaggie)
- #9188 [Behat] Remove some unused methods in Behat pages (@Zales0123)
- #9155 [Documentation] Add CMS integration cookbook (@bitbager)
- #9165 Make accordion in select attribute values great again (@Zales0123)
- #9163 Product reviews API semantic fix (@Zales0123)
- #9158 Update KnpGaufretteBundle to ^0.5 (@pamil)
- #9129 Add symfony/thanks Composer plugin (@pamil)
- #9084 Minor enhancements to product review API pull request (@pamil)
- #9013 Restrict scanning for composer.json in themes to certain directory depth (optional) (@stefandoorn)
- #8772 Product reviews API (@paulstoica)
- #9082 Remove strict declaration on migration (@stefandoorn)
- #9081 Add index on Channel::hostname to prevent table scan on each request (@stefandoorn)
- #9070 Extend Travis build matrix & setup extra jobs running nightly (1.1) (@pamil)
- #9040 Try to auto-detect a bundle's model namespace by default (@mbabker)
- #9063 Require Symfony ^3.4 in components & bundles (@pamil)
- #9061 Require Symfony ^3.4 (@pamil)
- #8940 Change bulk action implementation and remove the need for a BC break (@pamil)
- #8491 [Admin] Mass deletion on admin grid (fixes #93) (@GSadee, @stefandoorn)
- #8874 [Order][OrderItem] Immutable product/variant names (@GSadee, @johnrisby)
- #8766 [ProductAttribute] Make select attribute translatable (@GSadee, @Lowlo)
- #8680 add sylius version to the footer in admin (@gabiudrescu)
- #8843 Allow to use environmental variables to populate parameters (@pamil)
- #8817 Change master branch version to 1.1.0-DEV (@pamil)
- #8798 [Installation] Add setting a username during installation (@GSadee)
- #8714 Set up upgrade file for 1.1 (@pamil)
- #8682 Gitignore webserver pid files (@gabiudrescu)
- #8675 Treat
as 1.1 (@pamil) - #8662 fix link to BitBager PayUPlugin (@kochen)