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72 lines (49 loc) · 2.34 KB
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This is a Terraform module that allows you to set up a scheduled start/stop time for your RDS instances and clusters. Depending on your schedule and the size of your RDS resources, this could save you some serious money.

You'd generally want to use this in dev/staging environments where the RDS isn't always in use.


Use version ~> 1.1.0 for Terraform versions <= 0.11.x Use version ~> 2.0.0 for Terraform versions >= 0.12.x


For Terraform versions <= 0.11.x

module "rds_schedule" {
  source  = ""
  version = "~> 1.1.0"

  /* Don't stop RDS in production! */
  skip_execution = "${var.environment == "prod"}"
  identifier     = "${var.product_name}-${var.environment}"

  /* Start the RDS cluster at 6:50am EDT Monday - Friday */
  up_schedule    = "cron(50 10 ? * MON-FRI *)"
  /* Stop the RDS cluster at 9pm EDT every night */
  down_schedule  = "cron(0 1 * * ? *)"

  rds_identifier = "${data.aws_rds_cluster.rds.cluster_identifier}"
  is_cluster     = true

For Terraform versions >= 0.12.x

module "rds_schedule" {
  source  = ""
  version = "~> 2.0.0"

  /* Don't stop RDS in production! */
  skip_execution = var.environment == "prod"
  identifier     = "${var.product_name}-${var.environment}"

  /* Start the RDS cluster at 6:50am EDT Monday - Friday */
  up_schedule    = "cron(50 10 ? * MON-FRI *)"
  /* Stop the RDS cluster at 9pm EDT every night */
  down_schedule  = "cron(0 1 * * ? *)"

  rds_identifier = data.aws_rds_cluster.rds.cluster_identifier
  is_cluster     = true

This example would stop RDS every night at 9pm EDT and start it every weekday morning at 6:50am EDT.

If you'd like to disable this module for certain cases, you can pass in an expression that evaluates to true for skip_execution

NOTE The cron schedules are specified in UTC.


This module is licensed under the MIT license: