Vagrant is an open-source tool used for building and managing virtual development environments. It enables developers to easily set up and configure virtual machines, - providing a consistent development environment across multiple platforms.
- install vagrant on your local machine
- navigate to the vagrant website vagrant and choose your operating system.
- for windows user download the msi file and install
- once it installed, open git bash to confirm, type
vagrant -v
you shoud see the varant version information
now lets launch a virtual machine with centos7 operatine system
cd Documents
mkdir local_deployment
cd local_deployment
vagrant init
now you should recieved a response that its successful
now type ls
to see the new contents of the directory
vi Vagrantfile
to make changes to our file in order to configure the file
goto vagrant boxes vagrant_box select a base image for cecntos7 linux operating system
choose any one you preffer, we are going for "geerlingguy/centos7" now replace is with the base
remember the private ip we assigned to our vm, this will be the ip through which we will access our website
we gave our machine name vm01
remove the # symbol to uncomment the desired line -such as private ip address and specified
bring up our machine with vagrant up
now you will see this
now let us login to our vm and install our website on the server
vagrant ssh vm01
although you can do this without specifiying the vm name as vm01 it is only necesary when we have created multiple virtual machine on the server
sudo -i
yum update && yum install httpd wget unzip -y
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
mkdir temp
cd temp
cp -r 2129_crispy_kitchen/* /var/www/html/
systemctl restart httpd