This hardware design aims at implementing the CORDIC algorithm to calculate cosine and sine. It is described at an RTL level using a hardware description language. Here VHDL is used to describe the hardware.
The rtl
folder contains all hardware design sources. A tcl script is provided to generate a Vivado project from the sources in the rtl folder.
The test
folder contains testbenches for each design source. Those tesbenches are using the VUnit test framework, which allows for easy CI integration.
Note: This app of the fixed_point folder was used for generating the cordic_pipeline.vhd
file. A code generation approach was chosen over using the VHDL for loop
construct to easily generate CORDIC constants based on the pipeline size requested.
As this design is completely standalone, it can be used in any VHDL capable design suite like Xilinx Vivado or Intel Quartus Prime.
Although to run the testbenches any VUnit compatible VHDL Simulator can be used, this project was built with using GHDL in mind. In addition, using GHDL in its gcc backend configuration allows creating a gcov testbenches coverage report.
The VUnit testing framework can be simply installed with the command:
pip3 install vunit_hdl
GHDL can be installed following these instructions from the official project.
- Avoid using official Ubuntu/Debian packages of GHDL older than version 1.0.0, as they may ship with the openieee vhdl libraries instead of the ieee vhdl libraries. Openieee libraries are not suitable for use in this project.
- GHDL needs to be more recent than version 0.33 for VUnit to work correctly with it.
If you are not willing to install dependencies on your computers, this docker image provided by the GHDL project can also be used: ghdl/vunit:gcc.
To get ready simply run from this folder:
vivado -source generate_project.tcl
Note: You need to source Vivado settings in your environment first, on linux it can be done by sourcing the
In this folder, run:
python3 -o build
Note: Values used in testbenches have been pre-computed using this app of the fixed_point folder.